It will be alright

Story by SleepyTbone on SoFurry


It Will Be Alright-by SleepyTbone

I wrote this half of this story playing Megaman Battlenetwork, and the last half listening to music.

Err.......I hope you like it. I tried, I really did and I'm not expecting like a 10 on it, maybe a 2 or something^^ Just something.

As the rain fell from the sky drenching the dark streets of the city, a teenage wolf could be seen sitting on curb with tears of pain running down the sides of his face. The teenage wolf looked at the reflection of himself on the street only to cry even more as he noticed the blood running down a cut on his face.

His gray fur was drenched and the sound of rain hitting the ground made him fall deeper into sorrow. He started to recall what had happened and he stopped in mid-thought.

"I....I'm so useless" He said out loud, lowering his head to the ground. Today things had happened that haven't before, so much that it was all rushing to his mind.

"I could've stopped him or something... I should've been the one who died" The wolf cried some more. He'd have to return home sooner or later, he was a witness to what his father had done, and his father would find him if he ran away, which would make things worse.

The wolf stood up onto the sidewalk. He decided that if he sat there and cried, nothing would change, so he started to walk home to confront his father.

Reaching the corner store, that was halfway to his house, he could smell the thick scent of drugs and beer. Ignoring them for a while the young wolf walked faster down the street. Suddenly he tripped over something and hit the ground ripping his jeans and dirtying his white shirt.

As he lay there wincing in pain he felt himself being grabbed and thrown into an alley. Looking up to see what had grabbed him he shrieked in horror. It was his father, wearing a blood stained shirt and jeans, he stepped toward his son his eyes glowing a dark Red. His fists were clenched ready to hurt him. To even kill him.

"Where were you going Lan? To the police?" Lan just stared as his father paralyzed with fear. "Answer me when I talk to you goddamn it!" Lan screamed out as he felt his father's foot kick him in the side.

"No....sir I wasn't..." Lan answered with a mournful squeak.

"Liar," Lan's father kick him in the side again. Lan cried. I'm going to die, he thought, I'm going to die like my mother.

Grabbing Lan's head his father pulled out a knife and put it to his neck. His father smiled as Lan gasped and began to jerk his head trying to get away from the blade as best he could.

Lan felt with his paws across the wet ground for a rock, anything to hit his father with and get away. As he searched his father began to laugh, applying pressure to the blade.

"Scared Lan? Don't be, you'll join your mother in hell where I put her" Lan's father began to Laugh more crazily as tears flowed from Lan's eyes. Finally his paws hit something.

Not caring what it was, he clenched it and felt it cut him, it was a glass shard. He had found a trump card at the cost of a cut. Using all the energy he could muster he threw the glass shard at his father.

"what the fuck!? You little bastard!" his father screamed as the glass shard flew directly into his eye and the knife he held to Lan's throat dropped.

"That's what you get for what you did to mom!" Using this opportunity, Lan mustered up all the energy he could and ran while his father was occupied with the glass shard.

Running from the alley Lan turned and ran not in any direct path or place, he just ran. Tears streamed down his face as the rain began to pour harder, and the water brushed against Lan, making him feel like he was running through a barrage of small rocks. Lan flew back and hit his head on the cement as he felt the opening of a wound begin to gush out his blood. He quickly stood up looking up at the fur he had bumped into.

It was a Bear. The bear towered over Lan staring at him with cool eyes. Lan felt himself being scanned over by the figure. Looking over the figure himself, Lan uttered a quick sorry.

The figure was wearing a black trench coat and went barefoot. Lan could tell he bumped into a grizzly.

"No problem son....just watch yourself and head home your mother must be worried with the rain and all."

Lan jumped as the Giant Bear spoke in his Deep voice. The voice sounded so much like his father and at the mention of his mother, Lan collapsed onto the ground as began to weep loudly.

"What..What are you doing? Are you hurt son?" The Bear kneeled to Lan as he lifted the small wolf and stood him up looking over him again now that he was closer and noticing the cuts along his face.

Lan continued to cry and wiped some tears onto his dirt-ridden shirt then looked up to the Bear not having anything to say he began to walk past the bear.

"Wait son!" The Bear bellowed out to Lan as he walked away "My house is right here and I caused one of those cuts you have. Let me at least send you away bandaged up" Lan turned around and walked up to the bear and just looked at him.

"" Lan stuttered trying to get out a thanks. The Bear smiled at Lan and fished through a pocket on his large coat for a key and started walking down the street, Lan following him.

After a few minutes of walking the two stepped up the stairs of a brown apartment building and stepped inside. The Bear walked up to the first door on the right and stuck in his key then turned and walked in. Lan followed The bear and looked around. The room was full of boxes and looked like he had just moved in. A Black leather couch was put on the side against the wall, and a T.V had been set up too.

The Bear took off his trench coat and Lan could see what he was wearing underneath it. A tan sweater and a pair of blue jeans.

Looking at Lan, the Bear chuckled "I just moved in but make your self at home." Lan walked slowly over to the couch and sat down staring at the floor.

"Oh.....That was impolite of me. What is your name Son?"

Lan slowly began to speak, trying not to quiver and stutter. " is.....Lan"

The Bear nodded, "Nice to meet you Lan...My name is Beran but please call me Ber. Hold on a sec Lan I must go get my first aid kit for your cuts."

Ber left the room in a hurry into another room which Lan identified as the bathroom. Lan wiped his muzzle along his shirt as he looked around the room and he noticed a Photo album placed on a table, getting up slowly Lan walked over and picked it up glancing through the photo album not really doing anything but glancing at the pictures as one really caught his eye. It was a pic of Ber. He could tell by the feet and 3 other Bears he did not recognize at all, a polar bear, another grizzly and a black bear stood next to Ber smiling.

The door to the bathroom was opened and Ber came out holding a small white box in his big paws.

Turning around Lan looked at the Bear and almost dropped the photo album. Now that there was light inside and not dark like it was outside, Lan could see the face of Ber crystal clear. Lan studied the face and noticed a long scar ran across one of his cheeks down to his sweater and


"Lan are you there?"

Lan snapped out of staring as Ber talked. Ber chuckled and walked over to Lan kneeling down and opening the white box. He pulled out a tube of cream. "Lan can you stand still while I apply this?"

Lan nodded and looked at Ber as he squeezed a little bit of cream onto his paw and began to run it along a cut on Lan's face. Lan stood still and began to think as Ber applied the cream. Where am I to go? what am I to do? He didn't know any relatives and he didn't have any money at all. Thinking more and more about this, a tear slid down his cheek causing

Ber to stop applying the cream.

"What is wrong Lan? Does the cream hurt?" Lan looked into Ber's eyes and shook his head not saying anything. Ber continued with the cream along the cuts on Lan's face and finished. "There you go Lan, now come into the kitchen. I want to talk to you." Ber walked off into the kitchen leaving Lan there standing.

Lan followed Ber into the kitchen and looked around. The wall paper was orange and white and all the dishes and plates were stacked into cabinets. Looking around some more he saw a table put against the wall and Ber sitting in a chair.

"Please sit Lan" said Ber gesturing toward a chair, "I want to ask you some things."

Lan sat into a chair and looked at the table avoiding having to look into Ber eyes.

"Now....." Ber started quietly. "Where do you live? and What is your phone number?"

Lan sighed and tried to hold back tears "I don't live anywhere anymore....." There was an odd amount of silence as Lan finished speaking his words.

"Well I figured that no one would have allowed their child to be in that rain" Ber grunted and slowly began to speak again. "Well for tonight this is your home, I have more questions, but you seem tired and it's getting late. Tomorrow I will take you to a foster home I grew up in. Hopefully they will be able to find a home for you."

Lan looked up at Ber and tears began to shed again from him. "Thank you.."

Ber smiled and got up giving Lan a small hug and walked out of the kitchen. Lan shivered as he was hugged by Ber.

This was the first time he had been hugged by someone other then his mother and a male, It felt warm for a sec, then the warmness left as Ber went out the door. Lan followed Ber and out into the living room again and into another room which was a bedroom.

Ber walked over to a brown wooden dresser and pulled out some PJ's of his tossing them on the black sheeted bed. He left the room and came back with a big pillow and tossed it on the bed. "There are some Pj's on the bed for you and that pillow will get you to sleep faster. I'll be in the living room reading a book if something is wrong ok?" said Ber.

Lan looked at Ber and nodded "I understand.........thank you"

Ber nodded and closed the door of the room leaving.

Lan walked over to the bed and slipped off his white Tee and jeans into the brown Pj's that were on the bed. The shirt was too big for him and the pants were too but Lan was ok with it.

He jumped onto the bed and clenched the pillow thinking about things again. Lan sighed and a tear rolled down as he told himself, "I'll be ok.....thanks to Ber now...." As he thought he began to fall to asleep.

As Ber closed the door he picked up the photo album from earlier and looked at the open page and noticed the pic Lan was looking at. Ber smiled as his own tear rolled down from his cheek, "I found another sad one guys......Don't worry I'll make sure he'll have a nice life now for all your sakes" Ber smiled and closed the photo album smiling ,wiping away his tear and laying down on his couch reading his book till he dozed off.

Ummmmm this story really took me a while to write. I can't believe I even wrote it.........anyway....I thank Mordred and Wolf for me writing this and I hope that you enjoyed it. Ummmm depending what rating I get on this story I consider making this a series since I did leave a lot open...... on purpose. I also thank a very special know who you are..Thanks