Angels and Dragons ch3

Story by Angelo Creed on SoFurry

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#2 of Angels and Dragons

Angels and Dragons Ch3

Here is chapter three

Angelo leaned up against the bars of his cage; his once white robe's now dirty and torn. He looked at the dragons surrounding the cage' Jade was to his left she was still teary from her loss and to his right was a carriage being pulled by a dark red dragon in the carriage was a body Ash's body no doubt he thought, the blue dragon Cecil came to his cage and started asking questions about his kind "is it true you eat hatchlings" he asked, Angelo suddenly felt insulted "no that's just sick" he snapped all of a sudden he didn't believe his own words but let it go. The black dragoness approached him "do really expect me to believe you lies for all we know you're a spy" she growled "Believe me or not that's your decision but I am no spy" he said calmly, the dragonesses red eye burned with rage "I say we kill him here to send a message to those other angels" the Old dragon Nikhil stopped his in his track and looked at the black dragoness "that is not your decision Sasha" he sais "Marcus is a great dragon and is of fair judgment" so they began to argue but Angelo wasn't paying attention to them he was focused on Jade " Alright" Jade looked at him with sudden bitterness "oh sure my mate just died but hell it happens" she yelled in tears again, Angelo was chocked by her sudden anger towards him he was only wanting to help but he stayed silent as a silver dragoness tried to comfort her so he just sat down and waited.

They had stopped by nightfall to make camp half of the dragons went to hunt others stayed to set up the green dragon Gargol who had become a friend to Angelo was assigned to guard duty "why aren't all Angels like you" he smiled but Angelo looked confused "what do you mean"

"Well you healed our wounds for a start and came to check up on us everyday not to mention that you submitted willingly"

"Everyone's different I guess"

"Such a shame that"

Angelo laughed with Gargol he didn't mind being in a cage as long as he had some friendly company, he suddenly felt a chill going down his spine "it's cold" he thought he looked at the other dragons sitting around the large fire, all of them were eating, his stomach growled "oh great now I'm hungry". It was almost as if Gargol was reading his mind "I'll see if I can save you something" he said "thank you" replied Angelo, he sat and started to think about what will happen when they took him to the dragon city but his thoughts were interrupted by a voice "Hey Gargol go eat something I'll watch him" both Angelo and Gargol turned to see Jade she seemed to be holding something "oh umm...thanks Jade" Gargol said, he looked at Angelo for a seconded and walked towards the fire. Angelo looked at Jade "how are you feeling?" he asked, Jade didn't reply she threw what she was holding into his cage it was well cooked meat "Eat" she said and without a second thought Angelo began to eat and it wasn't long before he finished "Jade I'm sorry for your loss" he said, Jade just looked away "I will miss him" she whispered "Tell me Angelo have you ever been in love?" she asked suddenly, Angelo looked down and sighed "yes once"

"What Happened?"

"She died"


"She got very sick"

"I'm sorry"

"It's ok"

Angelo looked at Jade "how long did you know Ash?" he asked, Jade sighed and looked up at the night sky "we knew each other since we were only hatchlings at first we were just friends he always got picked one by the other dragons because of he was born smaller than most other dragons. He was one day older than me but we decided to share our hatch days on the same date... I don't think I should continue this" she said, Angelo stood up "I answered all your questions" he said, She looked away "Fair enough....On our 17th hatch day he confessed his love for me and I told him I felt the same way we didn't mate then be cause we thought it would be best to wait and then this damn war started" she looked like she would burst into tears "I loved him with all my heart" she began to whisper again "If I never got captured this never would of happened" Angelo shook his head "don't blame yourself Jade it wasn't your fault" she didn't reply so Angelo decided to change the subject "so what's Dragon city like?" he asked, she seemed pleased with the sudden change "it's absolutely breath taking" she said "wait till you see it for your self we're arriving there in three days" Angelo nodded and sat "so I have to spend three days in this cage?" he said, Jade looked at him "yes" she gave a slight smile "you better get some sleep" Angelo looked at her and nodded, he leaned up towards a side of the cage and slept

Angelo Was woken up by the sound of roaring when he opened hid eyes all he could see was battle, Angels had been found them, he stood up and looked towards his left and saw Jade clawing at two fully armored Angels, all of a sudden his cage was thrown on its side and the roof fell off, he crawled out and grabbed a sword from the body of an Angel and ran towards Jade.

Jade snapped at on of the Angels, he jumped back and stabbed his pike forward the other had a mace and a shield, he hit Jade Across the face knocking he over but not out just dazed the other Angel raised his pike and just as he was about to stab Jade he dropped the pike an looked at his chest to see a blade straight through it, Angelo pulled the blade out and the Angel went limp the other Nagel looked shocked and appalled, he charged at Angelo and brought his mace down, Angelo deflected the mace and cut of the Angels head, he looked at Jade "are you ok?" he nodded and got up "I had it under control" Angelo shook his head and ran towards the fight.

Angelo saw over head a very Familiar Angel "Nelo?!" he said the Angel landed in front of Angelo "I just saw what you did" he said "why have you betrayed use I thought we were friends" Angelo looked at him "we can still be friends just come with me" he put out a hand as if welcoming him, Nelo just hit the hand away his face showed betrayal and hatred he drew his sword and attacked Angelo. Angelo defended himself as best as he could, he locked blades with Nelo but pushed him back quickly and slashed cutting is arm open "GRAAAAA" Nelo Screamed and dropped his sword and held onto his cut "this isn't over" he said "I'LL KILL YOU TRAITOR JUST YOU WAIT" he yelled and took to the air, he took a horn out and blew it signaling a retreat and the rest of the Angels took flight and retreated, Gargol let out a roar of victory and the rest of the Dragons followed but it wasn't a victory for Angelo but a loss he had just lost his best friend, he fell to his knees and looked down the word ringing in his head "Traitor"