tales of Mark and Krystal

Story by Mark James FoXx on SoFurry

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Tales of Mark FoXx and Krystal


The wind was soft as the two figures walked down the main road. A couple was walking, holding each other paw. They walked side by side, loving each others company.

The girl was a young fox with blue fur and hair that was short but long enough to touch her shoulders and partly covered her eyes. She was wearing a brown leather jacket that went down to her hips with the hood down.

The other was a fox as well. He had light brown fur. He wore a black leather jacket that went down to the brim of his shoes.

They walked paw in paw, like they had just been married and showing off. They walked to the park and went up on a hill. The air was crisp as they breath in the air and sat. she sat on his lap and his arms wrapped around her. She laid back, placing her head on shoulder. Her paws grabbed his and their fingers intertwined as she closed her eyes. He nuzzled her and squeezed her paws as he thought about the sweet memories of their time together as he closed her eyes. She looked up at his as she smiled. "I love you" she said.

"I love you too." He retorted without hesitation as his heart beat slowly matching hers. He leaned down and kissed her soft lips loving to sensitivity of her lips as he felt her paws squeeze his paws in a reply of thankfulness of his kiss. They broke their kiss and enjoyed the view of the sun setting.

"It's so beautiful, Mark" She said as the sun was saying goodbye.

"Yes, but never as beautiful as you, baby." He said. She smiled and blushes a little.

"How is it that every reply you say make me a little happier?" She asked not knowing.

"Because, I love you." He chuckled a little and gave her a little kiss. She smiled and she snuggled up to him and closed her eyes. She had a bad memory cross her mind and her smile faded. It was an image of her dead parent. Losing them at a young age she thought about them a lot.

She sighed and asked. "How much do love me."

He thought and spoke the same word he said on their very first date. "I love you the way God does. Unconditionally and would do anything to make you happy" she blushed again as her heart pounded with love for him. She kissed him and nuzzled him.

"I love you so much."

"I love you to"

After an hour of sitting up on that hill, they went to the arcade. They walked in and her eyes lit up with excitement. She loved the lights and the sound of games being played as little kids chased each other. Her eyes went up to his. "What game do you wanna play, baby?

He looked around and his eyes were set on a two player shooting game. "Time Crises Three. I love that game." She nodded an ok as they walked over to it. He inserted quarters and started playing.

An hour went by as they went game to game to game, loving the time they were spending together. At a pinball machine, she was playing as he watches her play. He enjoyed her having fun. Suddenly a wolf bumped into him as he was walking by with his buddies. "Sorry."

The wolf turned and spoke arrogantly. "You should be."

"What does that mean?" Mark answer back.

The wolf and his two friends turned and faced Mark, looking smug at him. "It means what ever the heck I want it two mean, punk."

Krystal's ears twitched knowing how it was going to end. She ended her game and grabbed Mark by the arm, nudging him away. "Come on, Mark. Lets go somewhere else." The wolf eyes widen and his eyes ogled her.

"Yo, baby. What's up? Come hang with us. We can go to my place and have a little fun." He smiled and smirked, loving her body.

"Sorry, I do I want to hang with a little pup when I got a fox that has something that you don't." she smirked. As the wolf's friend did there ohhhh snaps. Mark chuckled as he turned with her.

"Ya, whatever. I didn't want a Vix anyways." He laughed

He fur stood on end as she heard this and stopped. Mark knew hell was to be paid. She hated this word above all. She squeezed his paw as she spoke. "Did he just..." Mark nodded, worrying about the wolf's death. She turned back with the scariest face that even made babies cry. "What did you say... you little backward hat, pant sagging punk."

"You heard me you Vix." He laughed at her and pointed. She took swift steps and punched him in the face, knocking him out cold on the floor. She looked at the wolf's friends as the cowered in fear, turning their hats striate and pull up their pants. She turned and walked to me.

She breathed depressingly as she took his paw. "Take me home, please." She looked down not wanting to look at him cause of her shame. I lead her to my car and drove her home.

As we pulled up to her house and out of the car, she went to him and looked at his chest. She laid her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry." He kissed her forehead and looked down at her. I knew what she meant.

Over the years, she had an anger issue. When people make fun by calling her a "Vix", they would suffer her anger. "Vix" isn't a big word to many. It just like stupid, but she cared. She got to a point of putting people in the hospital and she knew she needed to stop. She started seeing a shrink and took kickboxing. But ever time she goes crazy with anger, she gets depressed, thinking all that counseling for nothing.

Tears came to her eyes as she hugged him. He smiled as he lift her chin and kissed her lips so softly it felt like the wind was kissing her. He looked at her and wiped her tears. "I love you." She smiled and nuzzled him. She walked with him leading him inside the house.

He took her jacket off and hanged it up along with his. He looked at her as she laid on her back and smirked seductively. "Hi." She lifted her arms up making her shirt expose her smooth stomach, trying to seduce him. He went to her put one knee on the couch and kissed her deeply making her smile. She placed her hands on the sides of his face and kissed him back. Kissing more and more she reach down to take off his shirt when a hard slap came on the back of his head making him jerk up n hold his head.


"Didn't I tell you! No fun stuff in my house!" An old Vixen said. "Going to give me a heart attack, No thank you." She was a older Vixen with dark fur with white.

"Sorry Grandma." He chuckled as her picked himself up off the couch. She really wasn't his grandma, She was Krystal's. Krystal chuckled.

"You wait until you're married. Until then you don't touch this baby. You hear me?"

"Yes Ma'am." He rubbed his sour head. "Ouch."

"Good. Maybe next time you'll think about my paw upside your head." She goes to her room and Krystal stood up and kissed me.

"Your Grandma hits hard." He whined.

"Aww, My poor Foxxie." She looked at me and wrapped her arms around him n kissed his lips. "Better?"

He thought "I don't know. I think I need another one." She smiled and kissed him again. He kissed her back and more and more. They couldn't get enough kisses. His paws went down to her jeans and about to touch her rump when a voice interrupted them.

"Boy, what did I say!" Krystal's grandmother scolded.

They both laughed and said in sequence. "Yes, Grandma!" Mark went to the door and grabbed his leather jacket.

"I guess I have to go, babe." Mark said.

She whimpered. "Do you have to?"

"Yes, He does. Or I'm going to kick him out." Krystal's Grandmother yelled. Mark and Krystal laughed out loud. Mark opened the door as Krystal held his paws in her.

"Will you come get me tomorrow?"

"Yes." He pulled her paws up and kissed her paws n rubbed his lips on her fingers, as he smelled her sweet scent. His paw traveled up her arm and gently caressed her cheek. His eyes were a soft dark brown that when he looked at her with full attention. Her heart would beat heavily. "I promise." She nuzzled his paw and leaned in to kiss him as one of her legs popped up. He kissed her and smiled. "As the moon raises and the sun sets. I will always be here till I die. Even when the rain and thunder comes. I'll still love you even if you ask why."

She nuzzled him and whispered in his ear. "I love you will all my heart, soul and mind. I'll always be here to love you. Through the rain and the pain. I'll always be true." He held her paws to his chest and kissed her. He didn't want to leave, but he didn't want to get smacked in the back of the head either. He turned and walked out the f..ron..t door to his car. Krystal watched him go in his car and drive away. She stepped out into the cold and watched the car disappear in the distance. She tilt her head up at the stars as snow fell on her face. She closed her eyes as she breath the cold night air and made a wish. A wish that she wanted for the rest of her life, Him