Pitch Episode 33: Outside

Story by ElevenKeys on SoFurry

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#40 of Pitch

I could have slept in for once. I finally had a Saturday all to myself. Dad was at work. Mom was off doing something I'd likely have to worry about later. Even Danger was spending the Weekend away with Beth at some sort of Magician meet and greet. I never understood how he managed to convince Dad to let him work with Beth again. I suspected magic was involved somehow, but I couldn't prove it.

As I was saying, I could have slept in for once, but I didn't.

"Pitch I'm glad we're talking again, but what are we doing in the middle of nowhere," Wes asked as we walked through the woods.

"I got another request from The Ring," I answered.

"So, this isn't a date?"

"We can go to Mabel's after," I said

I might have gone alone, but ever since my run-in with the living trees, I tried to avoid visiting The Dead Woods on my own.

"So who is this guy," Wes asked.

"His name is Matthew Knight. He bought a house, and all he wants is a little help unpacking boxes."

"You're sure that's all he wants," Wes debated softly.

"I hope so," I said.