The Chronicles of Love: Chapter Two
The Chronicles of Love: Chapter two: For You...
By SexyKaiser
No characters may be used without Permission.
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"Damnit, Kyle! Where are we going? I have to pee." Roy asked as he tried to look over Kyle's obstructive wing.
"Roy, You've been trying to get me to stop driving for half an hour already, we're almost there." Kyle answered with a bit of cheer in his deep voice.
"As long as we're not going t- HEY!" the sixteen-year-old screeched as his face was forced against his older brother's leathery wing as the car came to a sudden halt.
"We're here." Kyle said as he turned to look at his younger brother. "Just close your eyes. It won't take long."
"Fine, asshole." Roy huffed and folded his arms while scrunching his eyes shut. He heard his brother get out of the car and heard him padding around to the other side of the door. Roy's door opened and he shivered as Kyle's warm paws slid over his thigh to unclasp his seatbelt. With the belt undone his brother's paw moved instead to cover his eyes as he pulled him out of the car and used his strong arms to drag him into a standing position.
Kyle pulled his paw away. "Open your eyes." he whispered into Roy's ear.
Roy opened his eyes and gasped. In front of him sat nothing but a field of grass. The young wolf turned slowly, trying to find a clue as to where he was. The plain was bare, and contained nothing but the wolves and their car. There wasn't even a road under the car's tires.
"Where are we...?" Roy asked his brother.
"I don't know the name of the place. I found it a few weeks ago and thought you'd like to see it."
"It's beautiful, but..."
"There's a reason, Roy. The moon is fucking huge here, and there is nobody around. At all. Not even police. You know what that means?" Kyle asked Roy.
"W-we can fly?"
"Oh yeah, we can fly." Kyle said with a grin as he leapt into the air and flapped his wings hurriedly to get off of the ground. Roy frowned and chased after his brother, who was weaving in a tight spiral.
"I'll get your ass, Kyle!" Roy stated as he straightened out and aimed carefully. He was just a bit faster than his older brother and managed to catch up with him. He reached out and the tips of his fingers brushed against Kyle's bushy tail. He blinked and closed his fingers around...Nothing.
Kyle was gone.
Roy slowed down a bit and turned in a circle. "Kyle?!" he called as his eyes got wide in fear and panic.
"Gotcha." he heard from below and felt two paws on his ass.
"H-hey! Kyle!!" Roy screeched.
"Looks like I'm the one that got your ass, little bro." Kyle cheered as he came to a hover beside his brother and unzipped his pants. Roy heard the sound and looked down in time to see Kyle pulling his sheath out and pulling it down over his purple cocktip.
"What are you doing?" Roy asked as he looked back up to Kyle's face.
"I have to pee." he explained.
"Oh," Roy mumbled as he unzipped himself and removed his smaller sheath and exposed a bit of himself as well. "So...Yours is green?" he asked.
"Yeah. I see that yours is purple." Kyle said as both wolves looked at each other.
"Why is it green though?"
"It's normal for our malehoods to be different than other wolves'. Our dad is a dragon afterall, isn't he?"
"Oh, yeah...I didn't think about that." Roy grinned as he finished up and tucked himself back inside of his warm pants and Kyle followed suit.
"We should get home before the parents get pissed." Kyle stated as he began to descend with Roy on his tail once more.
"We'll be back tomorrow, since it'll be the week-end, okay?" Kyle added.
"Sure, I'd like that."