Midnight Rave CH1

Story by Sarah Dog on SoFurry

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Hi my name is Alex, I'm a white wolf, I'm nineteen at 6'3" and I'm gay. I came out when I was thirteen, my parents hated me for it so I moved in with my uncle who is also gay and thirty, hs name his Thomas but I call him Tom. He's not pushy or bosy so we got along great. So here's my stories at The Midnight Rave.

As I waited for the doors to open I fixed my headfur which had bright blue and purple streeks in it. I could here the music, when it started everybody started cheering, becuase tihs was the first night this place was open. When I walked in it was blasting Du Hast by Rammstein. The only light was from the glow sticks people had on them, and the flashing multicolor light.Pople were doing some of the dumbest, silliest, and yet some were pretty cool. Then I saw my best friend Tony, a white fox, also nineteen at 6'1" and dark brown eyes. He had all bright blue in his head fur.

"Whats up?!" he yelled as he pulled me into a hug

"Not much man! This place seems pretty damn awesome!" I yelled back. After an hour we sat down, the place had an upper room where the wall were sound proof, if wanted any quite. So we went up there.

"This place is pretty awesome." I said after I got my drink and sat next to Tony.

"Love the purple streeks." he said playing with my fur

"You really like it?" I aske blushing just a bit.

"Oh yeah, it really brings out your blue eyes." he said, then he kissed me.

"Hey now, you know I'm taken." I said playfuly

"I know and I love you." he said.

"I know." I said as I returned the kiss. I was still suprised I was going out with my best friend since five years old. He was the first person I came out to, he was with me when I came out to my parents. A few years later he came out to me, I was there when he came to his parent, who didn't really care, they didn't really care for him at all.We spent a good hour on the upper room kissing, every one else was also kissing, luckly we weren't the only gay couple. We went back down around one. It seemed even crazier than wheh we left.

"WOW!" we both said when we saw how crazy it was, it was great. The atmosphere was electric. We danced for abit longer. We met this one fur he was rabbit, his ears were bright pink, and under the black light his ears were even brighter.

"Hi my name is Sam." he said

"Nice to meet you. I'm Tony and this is my boyfriend Alex." Tony said

"He's a cute one." Sam said pointing at me, my face just turned bright pink

"Thank you." I said shaking his hand

"So how old are you?" Tony asked as we walked out of the club

"As of a few hours ago I'm nineteen." Sam said, when we got out side I saw thathis eyes were a dark shade of green

"Congrats." I said

"Yeah, you should hang out with us sometime." Tony said

"Okay, heres my number." he said as we exchanged cell phone numbers.

"Well, we gots to go." I said

"Okay, nice meeting you guys." Sam said.

Then Tony and I went to my place. When we got there there was two cars in of the house, I just smiled because my uncle recently broke up with boyfriend of three years and he must have found someone new.

"They may be up yiffing so get ready." I said, when we walked in my uncle asleep on the coutch with a cute looking tiger. So we tip toed past them. We were careful not to wake my uncle, he didn't care how late I satyed out as long as I didn't wake him when coming in, which I've only done once. When we got to my room we started making out agian, but this time we reaally let go, we were stripping each other. Tony had a great looking six pack, I was kissing his nipples when he stopped me.

"Whats wrong babe?" I asked

"Nothing, I just feel like were rushing this." he said abit worried.

"Alright, we'll slow down, but you have to keep your shirt off." I said as I ran a hand down his six pack.

"Okay, its a deal." he said, then I kissed his muzzle.


When we woke up later that day it was two pm.

"What a night." I said, when I look over at Tony he's still asleep. Then I kiss him to wake him up. When I try to pull away he pulls me right back, our tounges wrestled for some domince. In the end I lost. I gave in to his amazing smell and taste.

"What time is it?" he asked when we stopped kissing

"Two pm." I said

"Sweet, lets go get breakfast." he said

"Babe, breakfast is over." I said laughing.

"I know." he said stupidly. So we went down stairs to find my uncle cooking out on the grill.

"I was wandering when you two were gonna get up. So how was the new club?" he asked

"It was freaking awesome." Tony said

"It was pretty awesome. So is the tiger still here?" I asked

"No, he had to work an nine, but he'll be back." Tom said

"Cool, so when did you start thoose steaks?" I asked almost drooling

"Not even ten minutes ago." he said.

Nice." was all I could say.

"Hey, do you care if I take a shower so I can get out this dye?" Tony asked

"Go head, you know where the bathroom is." I said

When we heard the door shut my uncle asked "Did you guys go "on" last night?"

"No, we just started dating last month, Tony is the type to take his time, and personaly I don't care." I said

"Okay, don't get all defensive." he said laughing. When Alex got out he as wearing a black Miami Ink shirt with khaki colred cargos, his fur seemed to shining from the sun

"I guess I might as well take one to." I said as we finished lunched. I just washed out the from my hair.When I got out Alex was laying on bed. He looked upset, when I saw that I got upset.

"Hey sexy." I said, I startled him because he almost fell off the bed. "Sorry."

"Its okay." he said

"Whats wrong?" I asked him

"My parent want me to move out." he said

"Why don't you just stay here, you have job, so if Tom wants you to help you can help. It will all work out, also my bed is big enough for the both of us." I said as threw on some boxers, then black cargo shorts and a black Slipknot shirt.

"I'll think I may have to take that offer." Tony said.


"It was nice to meet you Dan." Tony and I said as we left for the club.

"I'm so glad your uncle doesn't care if I stay with you guys." Tony said jumping in line.

"I know, all you really have to is buy your own stuff, its awesome." I said, I got so excited that I kissed him. This night my hair was all bright pink and Tony's was bright blue. While we were waiting in line we ran into Sam and he was with grey rabbit that had glow sticks around his neck and writs, he was the same height as Tony but his eyes were blue, but almost grey.

"Hey guys." he said.

"Hey Sam." we both said at the same time

"Guys this is my boy friend Jacob." he said,

"NIce to meet you, I'm Alex and this is my boyfriend Tony." I said

"NIce to meet you guys." he said as we walked into the club we could here it playing, Strait to Video by MSI. So we started dancing., the amount of people seemed to triple since last night, the air was even more electirc. After an hour we went to the upper room to get somthing to drink and do a little making out, after thirty minuets we went back down to join the dancing. We all dance together, it was even funner than last night.

"You guys tomorrow." I said as me and Tony left, when we walked in my uncle was on the coutch, we got a free pass because he was still awake with Dan.

"You guys have fun?" Dan asked

"Yeah, it was the best." Alex said

"Well, we're headed to bed, see you later today." I said as we headed up the stairs.