This is the Life ~Chapter 1

Story by Trowa Strife on SoFurry

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August 5, 1978, 6:30am

Beep, Beep, Beep. The Alarm clocks buzzer went off as Trowa Strife wriggled beneath his covers to push the snooze, hoping to get a few minutes of sleep.

"Trowa, Get up, its time for school." yelled his mother from downstairs.

"Great, another school year to start and I still can't get used to getting up with early," Smirked Trowa as he struggled to get out from his nice warm bed. He poked his ears out from under the covers, then his face.

Trowa was a young seventeen-year-old hybrid wolf fox, whose parents were a fox and wolf. He set up in his bed and yawned. revealing his glistening gray fur and large bushy tail in the morning sunlight.

"Trowa, are you not up yet," came another yell from below. "your breakfast is getting cold."

Trowa Strife never missed breakfast, its what kept him from falling backwards into dreamland again. He got out of his covers and closed the window emitting the bright sun, and grabbed some cloths from his closet. He walked his way to the bathroom, and ran some running water to take an oh so needed shower.

Trowa looked into his bathroom mirror, looking back at him was a dashing young lad with light green eyes and nicely set hair, covering one of his eyes as it hung down over his face. he smiled and got into o the tub to soak.

"Ahhh, yeah... I needed that," replied Trowa to himself, gently sliding into the warm, soapy water."I wonder how being a Junior is any different than a Sophmore," Trowa said to himself, washing his fur.

Trowa got out of the shower and got dressed. The new school closed his mother picked out were far from comfortable, seeing as how they had not yet been broken in. He looked at himself in the mirror once again, seeing the same lad with a cream colored collared shirt, and red sweater vest over it. His new bell bottom pants, that he instinctually picked out, wire nice and un worn. Trowa smiled and went straight downstairs to his family.

"Son, you could have eaten before your shower, you know," Said his mother, reheating Trowa's eggs and bacon, now cold. "Your schoolbooks and bag are on the sofa, make sure to pay attention and I don't want any fights this year, you understand?"

Trowa remembered last year for a short second, a fight the broke out this time last year, as he helped his friend Adien from being pushed around. "Yeah, I'll behave, I promise." He told his mother, although he knew very well that might not be the case. His mother sat the plate down at his table and he ate quickly as not to miss his ride.

BEEEP, BEEP BEEEEP. The horn from a car outside rang out, signaling Trowa it was time to go. He kissed his mother goodbye and ran out the door, grabbing his satchel and into the warm August air,

"What took you man, I've been sitting here for five minutes, if you cant keep up, I'll make you walk to school this year." Said the one in the vehicle. Trowa hopped into a nice blue camaro, and threw his bag on the floorboard. The driver was a nineteen-year-old white cat with a brown patch in the shape of a clover on his forehead. He looked at Trowa and flipped the car into gear.

"It's not my fault my mom makes breakfast so early, then has to reheat it, Linath." Trowa told the cat. "Plus, I like long baths, you know that." Trowa Smiled and watched as house after house passed by. Riverton was a nice town, if not a little boring, and Trowa had lived there long enough to know that today was going to be a slow, agonizing day at school.

Linath smiled and looked at Trowa,"Boy, I remember my first day of Junior year, I was suspended for bringing a cherry bomb, and lighting it in the girl's locker room." Linath smiled and laughed a bit. "Yeah, I was a trouble maker in the day, guess I still am, eh Trowa?"

Trowa laughed, "Yeah, if Principal Taman found out I was hanging around you, he would watch over me with an iron fist." both Trowa and Linath laughed as they rolled into the school parking lot. The Taman high school wasn't anything great, a brick building, with a green roof, and graffiti on the walls from pranksters over the Summer.

"Well, last stop my friend, Hell." Joked Linath, just stopping to let Trowa out. "Guess I'll cya tomorrow, huh Trowa?"

Trowa got out of the car and turned,"Yeah, see you later Linath." The Cat shut the door and floored it out of the parking lot, making all the other students nearby look and awe at the nice vehicle." Wish I had something like that to impress everyone" Sulked Trowa, knowing well he would never own that nice a car. He trudged up the school steps as the other students began to follow suite. He hated school, but he was glad to see his friends again.

"Trowa, Trowa," Yelled and waved a young rabbit from afar. Trowa looked and noticed his friend Adien Varce. Adien was a young, fifteen-year-old rabbit with light blonde hair and white fur. He had beautiful blue eyes and wore a T-shirt with a flower on it."Trowa, man I've missed you, how are you?"

Trowa gave Adien a hug,"I'm great, how have you been, I haven't heard or seen you since last year."

"I was at camp, my mom and dad sent me to summer camp, they said I needed some fresh air or something" Smiled Adien, glad to be back at school.

Trowa let go of Adien and looked around, kind of embarrassed how long the hug lasted. He started going up the stairs, and Adien followed. The two of them had been best friends since around the seventh grade. And have helped each other through thick and thin ever since. The two walked together until they separated to go to their separate classes.

"Bye Trow' , see you after fourth, all right." Adien waved to Trowa goodbye and went into his classroom. As the two young boys left, the halls became silent and the bell rang for first class to start.

"Well, here we go again, another year, another boring class of...." Trowa set down and noticed the teacher. She was new there at Taman, obviously, because no other teacher was this young and beautiful. She was wolf with brown and silver fur. Trowa stared unknowingly, and stopped himself before she realized.

" Ok class, my name is Ms. Kornax, and I will be your biology teacher this year." She said as she noticed Trowa's eyes glaring, she looked back at him, then wrote her name on the board behind her. " Today is your first day of your Junior year, no?" She asked the class, who's young men were dumbfounded at the sight of her.

"Yes ma'am, this is." Spoke up a young girl from the back, not phased by her beauty as the boys were." May I ask how old you are Ms. Kornax, you seem to be very young for a teacher."

Ms. Kornax looked at her class, and she grabbed a ruler and smacked it against her desk very fast and loud, gaining the attention of all the love struck boys. "Now that I have everyone's attention, I am twenty-two years old, and I graduated this summer." She put the ruler away and sat at her desk. "Now today is very simple, just sit quietly as I get my things in order, if you become a nuisance, ill make sure that you get what's coming to you, understand?" The class nodded in unison.

Trowa leaned over to a young mouse in the class and whispered," They couldn't have chosen a better teach' for biology, huh?" The two laughed amongst themselves when they noticed that she was watching them. Trowa sat back in his seat immediately, and noticed Ms. Kornax's eyes for the first time. Her left eye was brown, yet the other, was a strange silver color. Trowa, now staring out of curiosity other than boyish infatuation, began to ponder about this new teacher, where did she come from, how did she get a teacher's degree so quickly, and other questions along those lines.

"Young man, if you would like to take a picture, it would last longer." Said Ms. Kornax, as the class laughed at Trowa's being caught staring. He slumped down in his seat and took out a piece of paper to write on from in his desk. He began to write to his friend Adien:

Dear Adien,

You have to come see this new Biology

Teacher man, she is HOT, and

I don't think she is from around here

either, wanna investigate,

it'll be like old time's buddy.

What do you say, wanna meet after

school sometime, write back.

Sincerely, Trowa

Trowa waited until the bell rang and he darted out of the classroom to meet up with Adien. He wasn't looking and he slammed into someone, falling to the ground.

"Hey, what gives?" Trowa said, realizing what just happened. He looked up and saw everyone was gathered around. He stood on his feet and tried to see what was happening. Then he saw Adien.

"Adien!" Trowa yelled, as he made his way through the crowd to his friend. "What happened man." Trowa found Adien on the ground, obviously someone had beaten him pretty bad.

"Hey, get out of my way, this doesn't concern you Strife." Said a voice from behind Trowa, e looked up to see Barrlin, a large, dimwitted raccoon with a short temper. " I was just teaching this guy a lesson, so move aside."

Trowa looked at his friend, and got up, he turned fast and landed a punch right in Barrlin's face, knocking him back a few feet. " You touch him again, and I'll make sure you don't have any children Barrlin."

The raccoon checked his face for blood, then rushed Trowa, who was much too quick for him, catching his leg and tripping him just inches from the lockers. Barrlin got back up and stared Trowa down. " What, are you his boyfriend or something," He laughed" That would explain a lot, seeing how this fag needs to put in his place."

The Folf lunged at Barrlin at this remark and punched him in the stomach as hard as he could, and leaned down to kick but the 'coon caught his leg and slammed the boy into the lockers. Trowa tried to get up but Barrlin kicked his side, again and again, not letting up.

"" Said Barrlin, kicking between words."You got..."

"That is enough!" came a yell from the crowd, as Ms. Kornax came into view. "What is the meaning of this Mr. Kiffe." She said, directing her attention to the raccon.

"Umm, nothing ma'am, I was just umm, helping my pal Trowa up." He said, taking Trowa by the arm and lifting him on his feet.

" Ah, oh my god," Ms. Kornax gasped, seeing Adien lying, unconscious. "What did you do!" She ran to Adien, picking him up and rushing off to the nurse's office. Trowa looked up at Barrlin and struggled away, chasing after Ms. Kornax and his friend.

" Please be ok, please be ok," Trowa reassured himself, running towards his friend, beaten pretty badly, all he could think about was why Barrlin could do this..."What are you, boyfriends or something.....That would explain a lot, ...this fag.." Trowa thought about what he had said. HE thought to himself as he opened the nurses clinic door, Adien isn't that way, how could someone say such things about his best friend.