The Chronicles of Love:Ch One: Introduction

Story by SexyKaiser on SoFurry

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The Chronicles of Love

By SexyKaiser

No characters may be used without permission.

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Kyle sighed and leaned back in his chair. He supported himself with his right knee and ran his fingers through his short, soft brown hair. The white wolf was listening to his teacher's lecture, but as always, the monotonous male voice droned on and on until he felt ready to close his eyes and sleep. That is of course, always when the teacher calls upon his pupils to force an answer out of them. His teacher had only one rule: sleepers first.

"Ms. Scott!" Mr. G yelled across the room at a dozing cat, resulting in Kyle's chair to hit the ground and the wolf's ears to perk. Kyle grinned as the housecat yipped and came to life.

"Y-yeah?" She answered in a small voice.

"How would I say 'go to the office'?"

"Umm...Allez a le office?"

"Well, that was closer than you've previously guessed at some things, so I guess part of the lecture must have manifested itself into your subconscious. The answer is 'Allez au bureau'."

Kyle glanced over at the cat. Her maw lay agape under her light glare and her ears were hanging off the side of her face. "...Wha...?" the cat mumbled. It was obvious to the entire class the cat had no idea what the two bigger words meant, and had no idea what the teacher had said after.

Kyle shook his head and glanced to his left at the clock on the wall. The best thing about his final class of the day was that time went by so fast.

"I'll let that conclude your lesson today." Mr. G said as the bell rang and a whoosh if bodies created a false wind by Kyle. "And remember to stay fresh!" he called out to the students who had already left the half empty room.

It was then that Kyle grabbed his bag and stood, slinging the thing over his shoulder and walking out of the class, leaving his pencil to dangle in his fingertips as he walked into the crowded hallway and danced through the mass of students, against the flow of the bodies, to the set of doors at the end of the hall.

When he arrived at his destination and stepped outside into the cold winter air, only wearing a thin short-sleeved shirt, he grinned and stalked over to a smaller white wolf who stood alone on the concrete walkway to the science hall.

"Rawr!" he growled into his brother's ear as he raked his claws up the sides of the smaller fur. The young wolf yelped and jumped back while he turned around and wrapped his arms around his big brother.

"One day I'll get you back for that, Kyle!" the younger wolf said with a big grin.

"Whatever, Roy. I've got some money and some gas, so we're not going straight home today."

"You mean we're driving?" Roy complained and whimpered lightly.

"You know about the new no-fly laws." Kyle whispered as he ran his fingertips over Roy's leathery black wings and shuffled his own, one wing muffled by the bag on his back. "I wish I could have just grabbed you and took to the air, but I can't. Not today. Maybe later tonight."

Kyle wrapped an arm around his younger brother's shoulders and walked him to his red car and extended his left wing, blocking Roy's vision. "That's not fair!" Roy growled lightly.

"Oh, shut up and relax. You're not allowed to know where we're going until we get there."
