Furr: The Inner Shadow Chapter 2
#2 of Furr: The Inner Shadow
chapter 2 is here! and with the appearances of certain streamers. Strawbunneh, MoonlightWolf5, IndieAlpaca, AyalaDeer, and Lumetric. Enjoy!
Chapter 2
As Doni was being dragged through the air he awoke to find himself flying through the clouds and over a big city. With shock he kept himself quiet to not scream in panic as he looks up to see who had captured him. It was a majestic white wolf from what he could see but something was different about her, she had majestic dragon wings as she carried Doni throughout the air.
" So I see that you are awake now huh? you better be lucky i saved your butt before my mother showed her face." the wolf girl said.
"Um.. thanks I guess, you mind if I have some time to talk to my.. ahem, savior if you don't mind?" Doni said with an attitude.
"Ugh fine, let me find a nearby building to land on for you." She sighed as she went to the nearest tallest building and dropped Doni down on his face.
"Ow! Hey not funny!" Doni shouted in anger.
"Shhh, keep your voice down moron." The hybrid whispered as she looked down from the building to see a royal hover car floating in the streets. "Okay, they are gone now, we are free to talk I guess." she said with a slight disappointed tone.
"Ok? Um... so we are skipping introductions then m'lady?" Doni snickered with a smile.
"No, my name is Moonlight, Moon for short, that's all you need to know, and you are lucky before more of the royal guard showed up! That was reckless of you to break into the castle like that!" Moon shouted.
"Hey, Don't you dare blame me, all i did was wake up there in the garden. Before that, I don't remember how I even got there." Doni said with a ponder.
"Wait, so you are telling me.. you don't remember how you even got in there in the first place?" Moon asked in confusion.
"Nope, not a clue. All i remember is my name Doni and how to fight I suppose. As for my purpose.. I have no clue." Doni said while scratching his head.
Moon gave Doni a look that made her facepalm herself. "Ugh, you have got to be kidding me, I can't believe I even saved you from the castle. Well still you now have yourself a bounty on your head for escaping now. The guards won't stop until you are found now." Moon explained.
"Ok? Then what is the plan then to hide from these idiots?" Doni asked.
"Well first things first, you aren't gonna survive in this world with just a garden sycthe that can be bent. So we are gonna need to give you upgrades and a new set of clothes so you aren't too recognizable. Lucky for you I know some people in the lower parts of town that are experts in that type of business." Moon explained with a grin.
"Well then whats the hold up? Lets go pay them a visit shall we?" Doni said with a cocky smile.
"Hey, its rude to rush a lady y'know" Moon said with a wink and flew up and picked up Doni to head to the more calmer part of the city.
"Whatever just make it quick, this is embarrassing," Doni uttered with a blush and angered look.
"Aww don't be such a pup, it won't take long." Moon chuckled with a smirk.
After a long while of flying through the city they make it to the lower and less populated suburbs of the kingdom. They then flown down lower to a small shop of sorts but instead of going through the front door they land in the back.
"Why'd you bring me to this old shack?" Doni asked with confusion.
"Just shut up and deal with it.. also try not to do anything to embarrass me in here okay.." Moon said with an angered tone.
"Aww don't be such a pup, lets just head inside and get things over with." Doni said with a smirk.
Ounce they made their way inside through the back of the shop they took a look around to see if anybody was around. Doni then realized that this small shack was also a weapon shop of sorts. The place had the highest starting gear at the most perfect prices for the area they were sold in, being swords, shields, guns, staffs, and all kinds of armor and clothing for battle.
"So you know the owner of this place right Moonlight?" Doni asked in curiosity.
"Oh I do more then know her, she's also my girlfriend." Moonlight said with a wink.
"Wait a second, you date her?" Doni said in shock.
"Yeah. Babe! where are you! I brought you a customer!" Moonlight shouted as a white colored cat with pink long hair and dressed in smith gear and a hoodie tied around her waist and some grease spots over her fur.
"Babe! Welcome on in, I missed you! How have you been mate!" The cat girl shouted in excitement while hugging the hybrid and giving her a kiss.
"I've been good baby, time at the castle a living hell as usual." Moon said with a wink.
"Great to hear mate, so whose the lucky victim here hun?" The cat girl said with a smirk.
"I should say the same to you lady, whats your name anyway?" Doni asked.
"Oi, I'd watch that tone of yours mate, name is Quicky, whats yours hun?" Quicky asked with her accent.
"Names Doni, and you aren't hiding that accent of yours aren't you." Doni sighed.
"Mate, if you got a problem with my accent you can get right out!" Quicky shouted in anger.
"Babe, babe, babe! calm down.. we need your help anyway, this idiot got himself a bounty on his head by you know who and the royal guard. So we need ourselves some new gear." Moonlight pleaded.
"Oooh a bounty eh? How much is he worth mate?" Quicky said while rubbing her hands together with a smirk.
"Hey! Not funny!" Doni shouted while Moon chuckled a bit.
"Oi i'm just yanking yer chain hun. So you said you both need gear right? Well you've come to the right place then. What would you mates want to modify? And since this is for Moonie you lot can get it free of charge to, consider it on the house!" Quicky said with a smile
"For real? No babe you need the funds, please take whatever I can give you!" Moon insisted with a begging look on her face.
"No need babe, besides I've got someone that I recently hired to help me around the shop. The mate is currently working on something in the workshop. Oi Mate! Let me introduce you to my customers!" Quicky shouted as a small pink furred rabbit came out of the workshop covered in sweat.
"Yeah? Is there something you need Quicky?" The pink rabbit asked out of curiosity.
"Mates, this is my newest hire for the shop. Everyone meet Strawberry." Quicky said with a smile.
"Ehehe, Hi.. it's nice to meet you both. Just call me Straw for short." Straw said with a nervous red blush.
"Awww well aren't you just the cutest thing sweetie!" Moon shouted with a smile.
"Oh um... thanks I guess." Straw said with a nervous tone.
"So what do you mates want to be modified?" Quicky asked.
"Have a crack at this you two." Doni said as he tossed over the garden scythe toward Quicky as she caught it.
"Hmmm, a common gardening scythe huh? What would you lots like to be done with this?" Quicky asked in curiosity.
"Just make it as deadly as possible, that is all." Doni said with a tone of voice.
"Hmmm, I think i got the perfect modifications for it, give me a sec." Straw said as he took the scythe inside the workshop with a smile.
"Well since Straw is working on the mates weapon, would you lot like to be tailored some new clothes?" Quicky asked with a smile.
"Both of us would like some new clothing, it can work." Moon said with a smile.
"That can work for me babe! Let me get some measurements." Quicky said as she got herself a measuring tape.
After hours of work until near sundown the two waited for their orders of weapons to be done as well as their clothing. Soon after they hear a loud ding of a bell while they were about too fall asleep.
"Oi! Wake up you wankers!" Quicky shouted as the two were shocked awake from the loud noise.
"Babe? Are they done?" Moon asked while rubbing her eyes.
"Yup yup yup! Oi Straw, bring em out here!" Quicky shouted with a smile.
"It took a few hours but everything is all done, here it is guys!" Straw said with a smile as he brings out a big cloth and revealed Doni's new weapon in it. It was the same scythe but it seemed like the blades wee sharper, and if looked closely in the middle of the blades there was a double barrel shotgun with a magical barrel that will reload on a cool down.
"Whoa that's actually really cool not gonna lie." Doni said in awe.
"But wait, there is more, check this out!" Straw said with a smile as he brought in a hanger with both of their combat cloths on it. Doni's was a black leather coat with no sleeves and a hood. Moon's outfit was a short skirt dress of some kind and her weapon got a nice new crystal and her lance got sharpened.
"Babe you didn't have too, it looks perfect!" Moon shouted in excitement.
"Oi, it was all for you babe. On the house too mate." Quicky said with a smile.
"Why not go try them on guys." Straw said happily.
"I'll happily give it a try." Doni said happily as both Moon and Doni went into the changing rooms to try them on.
Soon after a slam at the front door could be heard. A blue Alpaca with light blue hair, glasses, and a bass guitar on his back slammed into the wall of the shop.
"O-ow... that... really hurt.." The blue alpaca sighed in a daze.
"Oi, what on earth is wrong with you, bloody wanker. are you alright?" Quicky asked out of concern.
"Y-yeah... but... I need help, someone call the guards, anyone... I need help please!" The blue alpaca pleaded in tears and bruises. Soon after Moon and Doni came out of the changing rooms with their new cloths on.
"Heh, sick duds i must admit." Doni said with a grin.
"You! you are exactly the person I have been looking for!" The Alpaca shouted in excitement.
"Um.. Who are you and what do you mean?" Doni asked out of confusion.
"My.. my name is Indie, i'm the neighborhood bard of this district, and I need someone's help.. anyone's.. please!" Indie shouted in distress.
"Okay, okay calm down and tell us what happened Indie" Moon said in concern.
"What? P-princess Moonlight!? what on earth are you doing here!?" Indie asked in shock.
"That is not the point, just tell us what the hell happened to you already." Doni asked in annoyance.
"Oh yeah, I need someones help cause my girlfriend.. Ayala.. she turned into a shadow somehow.. and is gonna go on a killing spree if she isn't stopped, I was barely able to escape with my life.." Indie explained in tears.
"Where is she being held up hun?" Moon asked out of curiosity.
"She last went to that factory from where I last saw her." Indie explained.
"Perfect, then lets go deal with her, I was itching for a fight anyway."
"W-wait, let me come too, plus I don't want you to kill her of course!" Indie said in confidence
"Wait, how can a bard help us?" Doni asked out of suspicion.
"You'd be surprised, us bards can do some great support." Indie said with confidence.
"If she is going then I am going too! You'll need someone that is good with guns by your side inside there!" Straw shouted with pride.
"Are you sure? this is gonna be dangerous especially since the sun is going down."Moon explained.
"I'll prepare myself with a rifle and some magic magazines. I won't take long." Straw said as he went to go prepare.
Soon after Strawberry prepared with a normal magic assault rifle and Indie was ready with her guitar for support. They were then all on their way to the factory in a party of four. Soon after the sun went down they finally found the old factory where Ayala was being held up inside.
"Um this place is pretty spooky if you ask me.. no turning back now I guess.." Straw said out of fear.
"So just to clarify? What even are shadows to begin with and why were the streets empty while on the way here?" Doni asked out of curiosity.
"Well it's kind of a long story, which is why you need to pay attention in history class. Shadows are dark creatures from a realm of darkness and they roam around at night when they are their most strongest, hence why my father put a curfew so that people are safe at night. But as for people turning into shadows, even that is confusing, this just happened recently too." Moon explained.
"Ayala should be in the heart of the factory, i'm sure shadows will be guarding her on the way through, what kind of shadows we will encounter will be completely random at times but they shouldn't be too strong since it was a recent transformation." Indie explained.
"Well lets go inside and get this over with then." Doni said in annoyance.
"Okay.. i'm just gonna stay in the back...way back behind you guys.." Straw said out of fear.
"Don't worry hun, us bards aren't much fighters either, so stay close to me sweetie." Indie said with a smile and Straw nodded at her and kept his rifle out close behind her.
"I should've brought myself a bayonet for this.." Straw said nervously.
The party of four then head inside the dark and spooky factory. it was already tough to open the front door already, then the party figured out why, the door was completely covered in spider webs behind it.
"Whoa, guess she has been busy huh." Doni said in amazement.
"Lets not get intimidated now, lets push forward." Moon said while readying her lance.
Ounce the party got past the door of webs they slowly and cautious went through the dark and spooky factory. They push and hack through certain webs that get in their way with Straw being afraid behind Indie, checking every angle as possible.
"It's quiet.. to quiet in here.." Indie mentioned out of fear.
"Yeah, hey didn't you use fire magic at the castle? why not use some to light our way here Doni?" Moon asked out of suspicion.
"Yeah, give me a sec." Doni said as he snapped his fingers to create a spark of flame. As he did so a bunch of giant spiders were revealed beyond the darkness awaiting them with thier beating red eyes. The party were shocked and some screamed in fear from the shear amount of them.
"It's an ambush!" Moon shouted as a maniacal laughter could be heard over the intercom of the factory speakers while the spiders hissed while getting closer.
"Well well, look who comes crawling back to me. Glad to see you've come back to me dear Indie." The voice said on the intercom.
"Ayala! Stop this, this isn't you whatsoever!" Indie shouted.
"Who said that I was Ayala now hun. I am now the queen of this place. I am now Hex, and no one can stop the queen of spiders! Hahaha!" Hex shouted with a maniacal laughter.
"Still this isn't you! We will find you and we will stop you!" Moon shouted.
"Try as you like, but dealing with my pretties will be quite a toxic experience." Hex said as she left the intercom. Soon after a shadow spider decided to pounce at Straw to attack him but Doni sliced it clean in half out of the air.
"Your welcome, now get your act together if you wanna survive!" Doni said as he flipped his scythe out and loaded his gun between the blades. "Now lets put this bad boy to the test! Come at me you stupid bugs!" Doni shouted.
"Okay, these things are just creatures from the shadow realm, they aren't actual people! So that means it's easy pickings for our weapons!" Moon explained as a spider started to pounce at her baring its fangs. Moon then slammed its head in midair with the back of her lance and then stabbed its abdomen to make it fade away with black gunk as its blood.
"Whatever that is supposed to mean, lets get going!" Doni shouted while slicing more spiders out of the air.
"From the looks of it the spiders are never ending, which means we gotta push through when we got the chance!" Indie shouted.
"Alright.. whew, okay i'm ready, I can do this. Lets go guys!" Straw shouted as he opened fire on the spiders in front of everyone.
"Heh, okay kid, just don't get trigger happy and accidentally shoot one of us." Doni chuckled as he then shot some incoming spiders with the shotgun, making them fly so far that they hit the wall with a black splatter of ooze. "Damn this thing is cool!" Doni shouted in excitement.
"Guys there's an opening!" Moon shouted as she cast a sheet of ice magic to freeze the spiders.
"Then lets take the opportunity!" Indie shouted as everyone nodded and ran through the frozen creatures of the shadows.
After a while of searching throughout the factory the party decided to check upstairs and then the roof top for Hex. Then they see that the door to the roof was closed off by a massive amount of spider webs. Doni then used his fire magic to ignite the webs and then kick down the door to the roof. The moon shined down on top of the old factory as the party found the roof top covered in like a nest of darkened spider webs with Hex herself sitting on top of the nest.
"Hmph, I was wondering when you'd all would show up eventually, took you all long enough." Hex said with a distorted voice.
"I'd rather shut your trap right now before I slice your maw clean off." Doni said with attitude.
"Tsk tsk tsk, quite an odd one are you hun. And it seems like you and I are quite the same despite the different species you and I hmm?" Hex said with a smile.
"What do you mean?" Doni asked in suspicion.
"Yeah, what does she mean?" Moon asked.
"Aww do you not remember dearie, let me fill you in on a lil something. Your left arm, your eye, and face. You have yourself a dark past to you dear.. and its delicious hehehe." Hex giggled
"Doni what is she talking about?" Indie asked.
"And? So what if I had a dark past! She doesn't know me!" Doni shouted.
"Still, cut from the same cloth you and I darling." Hex chuckled.
"Shut up! No we aren't!" Doni shouted.
"I lost my whole family, my whole clan... everything... but ounce I was reborn as a shadow... I butchered them from head to toe. My families killers made me realize something, I am a killer too, a good one too since I was a little spider-ling." Hex said with a smile.
"What are you saying?" Straw asked.
"This isn't Ayala talking is it? This has to be Hex herself speaking from her soul." Indie said through observation.
"I slaughtered dozens of different species throughout different kingdoms.. It seemed I found my calling in life, but to be honest I found it quite dull... I was without a challenge or purpose in my life of a shadow..but then... I met her." Hex said as a spider came out of nowhere to try and attack Doni but he sliced it away.
"Who are you talking about?" Moon asked.
"She then told me what I have been missing, her drive for a goal gave my life meaning, for revenge against something. What are your plans then hun?" Hex said as she pointed at Doni while petting a baby spider.
"I don't have a drive for anything I guess." Doni said as Hex let her smile down into a frown, she then crushed the baby spider shadow in her hand.
"You're so naive fox boy. it seems we have less in common then I thought hmm?" Hex asked.
"I'll just take that as a compliment." Doni said with an angered tone.
"Then surely you are ready to die for destiny then darling. My children come to me!" Hex shouted as multiple shadow spiders started to merge into Hex's body as she let out a cackle, bearing her fangs as spider arms grown from her backside with red eyes and venom dripping down her teeth.
"Everyone get ready, here she comes!" Moon shouted as Hex used her abdomen to get sticky web whips for her multiple arms and then spikes grown from her two normal hands to use as weapons.
"Come at me darlings~ This is going to rile my appetite, and mamma is hungry~" Hex said with a sly smile while licking her lips. Her remaining spider underlings then started to charge at the party.
"Here you guys go! how about a free buff to defense!" Indie shouted as she strummed a certain tune, making everyone in the party feel stronger then usual with their defense. Hex then charged toward them and striking them with her whips and hitting Straw completely with one whip.
"Ow! that really hurt, and how come I don't feel so good.." Straw said while trying to shoot the spiders while coughing.
"I see why hun.." Indie said while looking closely while Moon and Doni fight off Hex.
"Then what is it?" Straw said while coughing some more.
"Those web whips of hers have toxic spines inside them, best be careful not to be hit by them!" Indie shouted while strumming a refresh and heal spell with her guitar to heal Straw and get ridof the poison.
"Thanks, that is much better." Straw said with a smile while getting back up.
"You're welcome, now get back in the fight!?" Indie shouted as Straw nodded and started to shoot at Hex, using her webbing as a shield to catch the bullets and reflect them back, forcing straw to dodge roll out of the way.
"Heh, impressive trick. But not gonna work against this!" Doni shouted as he snapped his fingers and caused a blast of heat from his finger tips, forcing her webs to break and whilt away.
"Grrr, how dare you!" Hex shouted as she tried to strike Doni with her spiked swords but Doni dodged their strikes, meanwhile Moon hit Hex in the back of her head with her lance and was about to strike her with the sharp end of her weapon but Hex blocked the attack with one of her arms. "Tsk tsk Princess!" Hex shouted as she shot out a string of webs to trap her.
"Hey! let me go!" Moon shouted in anger.
"Now time to feast on some royalty." Hex said as she bared her fangs but then received a magic shotgun blast to the back.
"Best pay attention!" Doni shouted while going to attack her but she then blocked the attack with one sword. She then grabbed Doni with a web and put him into the air.
"Any last words fox boy!" Hex shouted.
"Hey, who said that the fun was over!" Doni shouted as he used the web string to swing back and forth and kicked her really far through the air off the rooftop. Doni then landed and ripped the web off him and cut the webs off of Moon carefully.
"Thanks Doni, nice kick by the way." Moon said with a smile.
"Thanks, now lets get after her!" Doni shouted as they all nodded and jumped after her. Hex landed on a big pipe with a thud. The party of 4 landed on the pipe too as Hex got back up.
"Hmph, i'm starting to enjoy this~ works up quite the appetite for me too" Hex said as she shot more webbing at them but Doni used his fire magic to create a shield and shot Hex with it, making her scream in pain.
"That is it!" Hex shouted as she broke the pipe, making it collapse before them. Doni jumped from the collapsing pipes to the ground as fire started to spread across the ground while Moon flown down with Indie and Straw.
"Ugh, you two are heavy..." Moon said with a huff.
"Don't be worried about that just yet." Doni said as Hex was waiting for them at the ground.
"This ends now!" Hex shouted as her and Doni charged toward each other and clashed blades while the spiders attacked the other party members. the heat increasing as the fire started to spread throughout the factory.
"Doni, you better end this quickly!" Straw shouted while shooting more spiders. Moon then looked around to help the situation and she saw big tanks of Liquid Nitrogen nearby while Doni was fighting Hex.
"Doni! use the tanks over there, lead her there!" Moon Shouted.
"Wait! get Ayala out of that thing first before doing so!" Indie shouted.
"You got it, I got the perfect thing!" Doni shouted while buffing his shotgun with a fire magic round and aimed it straight at her.
"You wouldn't!" Hex shouted
"Sorry not sorry Ayala." Doni said while shooting the shot pointblank at her, making Hex scream in pain and revealing Ayala inside of Hex passed out inside her.
"Get her out of here now!" Doni shouted while Indie jumped through Hex and tackled the orange and green doe out of Hex.
"Grah! Don't mess with me boy!" Hex shouted while chasing Doni, but as she attacked she pushed her sword through the Liquid Nitrogen tank, making it leak all over her.
"Moonlight, now!" Doni shouted greatly while Moon used her ice magic to freeze the shadow spider in place while the tank did its work and froze her completely. Doni then got behind her, unfolded his weapon and pointed the shotgun at Hex's frozen body.
"I hope you like your ice cream melted Hex." Doni said with a smile and shot the gun point blank, causing her to shatter completly with black ooze all over the place.
"Whew, that takes care of that." Straw said with a smile.
"Ayala, baby are you alright?" Indie said in worry while shaking the doe to wake her up but she didn't wake up.
"She must be knocked out, lets get her out of here quickly and alert the fire department before this place burns down." Moon said in worry.
Doni then heard something and looked over at the shatters of ice, seeing the ooze slowly sneak around the corner through the fire. Doni then went to go follow it without anyone in the party notice he was gone. He then turned the corner to see a yellow fox with nine tails using some sort of magic to reform Hex back into her original form.
"It's a disappointment that you lost to him you know that right?" The yellow nine tails said with disappointment.
"Oh shut up, that guy is almost as powerful if not as powerful as you kid!" Hex shouted.
"I'd just keep your voice down too before one of them hears us, not even possessing a warrior such as Ayala worked." The nine tails said with disappointment.
"Oh would you shut your maw you stupid brat!" Hex shouted.
"The boss ain't gonna like this." The nine tails said with a smirk.
"Oh really, what would they not like? and besides, thank you for the compliments." Doni said with a cheeky grin while leaning on the wall.
"Oh shoot, time to scram kid! portal us out!" Hex said in panic as the nine tails sighed and created a portal of darkness with one of his hands.
"Doni, we willl meet again, and trust me.. it won't be so easy next time." The nine tails said while facing Doni with a grin, showing that he also has a yellow eye on his left but his right eye is black and red, the exact opposite of his eyes.
"Hey wait a sec!" Doni shouted as the nine tails jumped through the portal and it disappeared instantly. Doni then heard a shout behind him from where he left the party. He then went back to see what happened to them. Ounce he got back he saw that everyone were tied up and gagged by cloths on the ground. " What the heck happened here!?" Doni asked but soon after he was knocked out by someone right behind him with a tranqulizer dart.
"Nothing personal kid, its just royal business." The voice said as he reloaded his tranq gun while Doni passed out completely.
After a long while of being knocked out Doni started to wake up from being unconcious, he soon realized that he couldn't move his arms and legs very well. Soon after fully waking up he noticed that he was strapped to a chair with his arms and legs handcuffed together.
"Hey! what is going on, where am I!?" Doni shouted as he struggled in his straps.
"Stop struggling criminal!" The familiar shouted as the lights turned on to reveal a throne room of sorts. With them turned on the Queen was revealed sitting on one of the thrones with 2 high level guards next to her with Moonlight, Captain Sinful, and a dragon and cat hybrid wearing a ninja-like outfit.
"What? Am I seriously back at this stupid castle? Let me out of here already!" Doni shouted as he struggled more.
"Oh shut up already scum!" The dragon and cat hybrid shouted.
"Lumi, lets let her highness scold him please." Sinful asked kindly.
"What do you mean, we were doing just fine, why must he be punished!" Moon shouted.
"Silence, you were the one that disobeyed my orders anyway daughter, so shush before I ground you even more!" Vivia shouted while Moon shut up with a grumble. "Now heathen, you are being tried for breaking and entering into the castle, and the punishment for that shall be death!" Vivia said with a giggle.
"Mother, that is not the law, this isn't fair! He has done nothing wrong!" Moon shouted in anger.
"Princess please.." Sinful said with plea.
"She's right, I did nothing wrong! Besides if it wasn't for me then shadow spiders would've taken over your dumb kingdom!" Doni shouted.
"Silence! I can bring it up to torture if need be," Vivia said with a smile as Doni growled in anger. Soon after the door slammed open with Ayala, Straw, and Indie barging through.
"I recommend you don't do that your highness." Ayala said with a serious tone.
"Oh? and why dare defy me little doe?" Vivia said with a smile.
"Why execute my savior, your guards didn't have the guts and courage to go out at night and save me, and besides I could've been killed if they haven't come to rescue me!" Ayala shouted.
"She does have a point your highness," Sinful said.
"But.. But I.. he... grah, fine! I guess you could be quite useful to me." Vivia said in anger.
"Oh? and what would that be?" Doni asked in attitude.
"I've been getting complaints from the sky kingdom about something going on there, your job is to get that problem solved and them out of my hair, agreed?" Vivia asked in annoyance.
"Seriously, I have to do a chore that you don't wanna do..." Doni sighed with annoyance.
"It's either that or death worm, your choice." Vivia chuckled.
"Ugh, fine I guess I can help," Doni sighed.
"Good, your clothes and weapons shall be in your rooms for tonight and only tonight! got it?" Vivia asked as everyone nodded. "Good, now guards, uncuff him and get these filth out of my sight!" Vivia said as she got off her throne. Doni then was uncuffed by Lumetric and Sinful and then headed straight to his room for the night past the two guards.
Once Doni got into his room he was followed inside by Ayala and Indie behind him to get his attention for something.
"Hmm? Is there something you need you two?" Doni asked in confusion.
"Um, Doni right?" Ayala asked.
"Ayala right? Is there something you need?" Doni asked.
"Me and Indie just wanted to thank you for saving me from that shadow in the old factory." Ayala said with a smile.
"And thank you for saving me from being executed I guess." Doni said.
"Once we all wake up, i'd be glad to join you on your quest to the Sky kingdom tomorrow." Ayala said with a smile.
"Um, sure you can join in with us Ayala." Doni said.
"Great! Then let us get a good nights sleep then Doni!" Ayala said with excitement.
"Have a good night Doni, and thank you again." Indie said as both girls left Doni's room to go to their room for the night.
Doni then sat on his bed and pondered outside the window to look at the dark sky and saw a tiny bit of the sky kingdom outside the window in the dark clouds. Soon it then started to thunder and lightning outside from the kingdom.
"I hope that stupid queen is right about them needing help, but yet I still wonder... Who was that Yellow fox with nine tails, he had the opposite set of eyes as me but yet the same. Let's see if we run into him tomorrow though." Doni said in curiosity and cuddled up into the blankets of the bed to sleep for tomorrow.
End of Chapter 2.