Inner Struggle-chapter 6.5-second time is the charm

Story by furcenary on SoFurry

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#13 of Inner Struggle

_ Warning: this story contains love between fictional anthropomorphic characters._

Chapter 6.5- second time is the charm.

Dear diary,

It must be the season of love. After I got done yelling at mum, I decided I needed to break the air a little bit, so I went to a random metal concert. At first some chick got mad at me for knocking her over but then she recognized who I was and then her whole personality shifted. We used to date out of school awhile ago until I cheated on her with Rachel. It was an honest mistake which I regret knowing the monster that Raych really is. However the Collie at the concert has decided to give me a 2nd chance. I'm just not sure how to tell her that I've gotten in trouble with the law, or that me and Rachel slept with each other when we were 10 on the first day of school. Colleen is just too perfect to lose again, I hope she can leave the past behind us.