Dragon Reincarnationn part three.
I danced from paw to paw waiting for my mother. A week has now passed and she has declared I'm ready to try my 'paw' at survival. "Patience. Your father left while you were asleep, so I have to maintain the condition of the cave." She sighed after finishing up, turning to face me. "You can leave now. I expect you to be back by tomorrow and no later."
"Okay!" I leapt out, delighting over the rushing of the wind across my scales. Over the week of continuous practice, my wings had become sturdy enough to carry me properly and automatically moved according to my wishes. I've gone out before, but not on an adventure like this! She doesn't care where or how far I go as long as I make it back tomorrow. I went higher so I could drift on the stronger gusts of winds. I had discovered not long into flying that flying against the wind was a small amount easier than going with it. Since the wind is going to the north, I'll head south. After a long few hours of flying, trees started showing up, dispersed around the area. It's getting really warm. When the trees got closer together and started forming a forest, I noticed small rodents that looked exactly like the ones I knew in my previous life. Curious and a bit homesick, I dived to get closer. Of course, they spread out and hid upon my approach, but their scent still remained. Ah...I never noticed what they smelled like before. Sadly, the scent of animals is making me hungry. Hmmm...comparing myself to the birds and rodents I've seen, I'd be about the size of a dalmation dog from earth. What is this world called anyway? I'll find out eventually. I landed, taking a stroll through the thickening forest, relishing the scenes and smells of everything there. Maybe I can spend the night here...that would be nice. But, after perhaps half an hour or so of walking, I realized the forest was too quiet. I didn't hear anything but my own breathing and movements. Something's definitely wrong. I stopped, listening for any sound. A low growl from behind sent a shiver down my spine. Whatever it is has been concealing its presence until it noticed I knew something was off.
Now it has no reason to hide anymore! When that dawned on me, I felt like an idiot, especially when three wolves stepped out snarling at me. I trespassed on their territory! I ran immediately, finding it impossible to fly with so many trees. I'm not good enough to get through all those branches yet! I was looking back when I slammed head-first into what I thought was a boulder, but turned out to be the side of a cliff that went straight up. How do I get out of this?! Hearing them coming after me, I made an attempt to change direction only to find I was tangled up in the vines growing on the cliff and from the ground. No! I was starting to regret being happy that my horns had been growing in. I struggled to get free in vain, afraid of the snarls directly behind me. I gritted my fangs and turned around to stare them down. If I die, I'll go down fighting! Right as that thought finished giving me the determination to stand my ground, the one in the front yelped. It took me a moment to figure out that something had hit the wolf and sent it flying. Is it mother or father?! A pair of leather-covered feet appeared in front of me and I froze. Is that...! "B-back off! I-I'm n-not a-a-afraid of you!" A human boy with ruffled black hair was standing in front of me, holding a large stick that almost, almost, mind you, qualified as a branch. All I can see is his back...but it's clear to me this is the midevil times or something. His clothes are just tanned pelt. Why is he helping me? The wolves hesitated, their eyes on the unconscious wolf. "Go a-away!" He threatened them with the stick and they submitted, growled one last time, and took off. They left their companion...they don't seem to function as a very good pack. The boy turned to face me and I became enraptured by his eyes. They were a crystal-like version of my father's, but a lighter tone for sure. Pale, icy-blue eyes...I can't look away...! "Are...y-you okay?" He knelt and reached for me. I freaked out from the motion and flinched away, hissing. He bit his bottom lip and tried again. What does he want?! I don't know how the humans in this world think! I hissed again so he used the stick to gently pin me against the flat rock so he could come closer. Ah! Now what?!
I squeezed my eyes shut, expecting the worst...but nothing happened. After a minute, he pulled the stick away without having touched me at all. I peeked open an eye to see that all the vines had been cut away or untangled! Why does he keep helping me?! I watched the boy suspiciously. If I was human right now, I might've thanked him, but I'm not. I don't know what he's planning. "You're free now...are you g-going to go?" He looks and sounds like a nervous wreck. Does he actually know what I am? He tapped a finger on his knee before pulling off his glove and holding out his hand carefully, his palm flat and facing the sky. He's treating me like you would a dog...that's fine. This is the first human contact I've had in so long! I'll take this opportunity to see if I can get closer to him. "I-I'm a friend...are you...?" Abandoning all caution for the moment, I came forward to smell his hand. Smells like wood--a fireplace. Come to think of it, he's really dressed up in very warm clothes. Another scent aroused my curiosity and I slipped closer, my muzzle bumping his hand. He's warm...I like it. Ah, I mean, why am I happy over that? I'm immune to the cold but getting happy over warmth...I'm definitely not normal. The last scent I had a hard time identifying was the smell of animals. I froze up when his hand moved, seeming to be trying to pet me. He's so nervous...I don't think he proposed any real danger so trusting him might be good. That, and I want his warmth. With only that thought in mind, I stepped to the side and climbed into his lap so I could slip between his thick fur coat and his shirt. He was at a loss and fumbled around to find where I'd gone. "A-are y-y-you cold?" He stood up straight and I gripped his shirt tighter, struggling not to fall. "Oh! Sorry!" He wrapped his arms underneath me from outside the coat.
Still avoiding touching me? Alright, I'm okay with that. "I...I'll get you s-something to eat!" He began running, which was bumpier than I liked. I know I'm big because I'm barely small enough to fit in even this huge coat, but he's carrying my weight like it's nothing. He must be stronger than he admits. Where is he taking me? I can always fight back if he intends harm, but I'm not feeling any warnings from my instincts whatsoever. Rather, I want to protect him. It suddenly became much warmer and I smiled. This is very nice. Too curious to stay hidden, I hopped out of his coat to land on a wooden floor. Gazing around, I ended up gaping at my surroundings. I'm in a house! But there's no-one else here! Does he live alone? "Here..." I turned my head to see him grabbing something from the cupboards. He set fried fish in a bowl and set it in front of me. It's fish! I haven't tried that yet! And it's cooked! "I'm sorry it's already cooked...you would want it raw, right...?" He trailed off when I dove at the meat. "You must've been hungrier than I thought!" Is it just me, or has his stutter started to disappear? Eh, I'll deal with it if it becomes bad. Now that I think about it, his clothes aren't in the best condition. He got on his knees and leaned forward to touch me. I watched him closely but didn't respond, even when his hand brushed my scales. Its doesn't feel horrible, just weird. I used to be human, but my behavior is already being influenced by my species. Now that I'm a dragon, is my brain structure different as well? Most likely. He moved his hand down my back, stroking me. Why? I'm not a cat... "You're so smooth...and cold. Was that enough food?" I'm not certain he'll understand me if I try to talk, or how he'll react. His language is the same as the one in my previous life, but a bit different than the one I learned as a dragon. Instead, I just nodded. "You...u-understood me?" I rolled my eyes at him, starting to get tired of speaking to this kid. "So...are you really a dragon? I wasn't sure since you're so small...I thought dragons were bigger." I chirruped at him in my depressingly babyish voice. "Oh...are you a kid? Can't dragons talk?" He knows about that? "Maybe you're too young to speak. My name's Xyon...or Senra. Depends on which parent you want to agree with. I usually go by Senra Xyon, but I don't think anyone know about the name Xyon." His eyes were beginning to be a bit watered. He's trying not to cry right now...let's distract him.
I pushed the bowl away and climbed into his lap, trying to ask where his parents were with my eyes. He watched me carefully before nodding. "Yes, I'm alone. My parents died a few years ago. When my father died, I had to watch my mother fall apart trying to keep me fed. My father was a beastkin, my mother was human. Because too many hate beastkin, they forced my mother to work herself to death on the premise that she was 'filthy' for having a child with one." He blinked and a small tear slowly dripped down his cheek. "No-one in the village wanted me, so I'm living in our old home, where I was born. My father...he'd protected us when we were attacked, but it got him killed." Killed...something wanted him dead then. "I...I wasn't sure if I could approach you...because my father was killed by a dragon." I tensed up and narrowed my eyes, but he didn't seem to notice. "It was...a sickly green dragon with red eyes and dark yellow spikes...so I knew you weren't that dragon..." Hm, I'll have to ask mother about this. She might know what dragon he's talking about. He started sobbing and I remembered he was a kid, one who didn't have much control over their wavering emotions yet. I stood on my hind legs, placed my front paws on his chest, and brought my muzzle close to lick a tear off his cheek. Oh, tastes pretty neat. He became quiet, only sniffling. A child has to be handled differently than a teen or adult, but it's easier than most think. He lifted his arms and hesitated to wrap them around me. I eyed his hands for a moment before leaning closer. He doesn't have anyone to talk to or trust...it's normal for him to want to hug the first ally he finds. I feel bad that I'll be leaving tomorrow. I shouldn't have gotten so close to him. "I...should go to bed. It's been two days since I've slept." I can tell...he's been drooping for a while now.
I started to move to go away, but his grip only tightened. "No...please...let me stay like this for just a little longer..." He stood, walked across the room, and lay down on a wooden bed. "You're heavy..." He closed his eyes and put his head on his straw-filled pillow. It wasn't long until he fell asleep holding me. You know, now that I'm closer, he smells like a fireplace and wolves mixed in with fish and roots. It's strange but not unpleasant. I need to leave as soon as possible, so sleeping now to go back tomorrow would be a good choice. I cuddled closer and was soon lulled to sleep by his breathing and heartbeat. My dreams carried me into the clouds and took me on adventures. It was around midnight that I was startled awake by him tightening his grip by double. I would've started clawing my way free but his whimpering made me pause to see what was wrong. It surprised me to see his human ears had been replaced by big wolf ears on the top of his head. They were pinned down tight and his eyes were squeezed shut, his brows furrowed. He looks...frightened. A nightmare? Ugh...he has to let go...it hurts...I wiggled around to get my tail free. I used my tail to pry one of his hands off me. Woah! I stared at his hand when I noticed his nails had turned into claws with points almost as sharp as my talons. He did say his father was a beastkin...but what even is that? His lips moved like he was saying something, but not a sound came out.
In the dragon language, I said, "Wake up." Talking in another tongue like that is better than him waking up and hearing me speak in his. Giving up on speaking, I sighed and bit his nose. His eyes snapped open and he let go of me, shoving himself off the bed with a yelp. Oh...he has a big fluffy tail too--both ears and the tail are black like his hair. Is that normal? He was breathing very hard, his eyes wide with fear.
When he registered that it was only me, he closed his eyes. "You...it was you." He touched his nose and laughed lightly. "Thank you." The wolf features shrank away and he looked like a human again. So this is why they don't want him in the village. They must think he's a freak...but I believe it's cool. I blinked when he passed out right where he was. Ah...seems he's just fine. As for me, I should start heading home. I hopped off the bed and went to the door. Oh...how do I open it? I looked at my paws and then reached up, grabbing the knob and turning it. Much easier than I thought. The door creaked open, waking him up again. "Ah! You're leaving?" I felt guilty when I looked at him. "I heard that dragons don't remember anything or anyone they met when they grow up...are you going to forget me?" I tilted me head at him. I wouldn't think so, but maybe I should do something to make him feel better. Perhaps I'll visit him when I grow up. I took a moment to search for a loose scale. After finding one, I tore it the rest of the way off. Huh, felt no different than pulling a hair. I tossed it over to him and dashed out the door into the blizzard. This action set many things into motion I didn't understand at that time, but they would definitely eventually catch up to me. I fought the storm, trying to find a sense of direction. Thirty second breaks every half hour helped me change direction, but I knew I was lost, I just didn't want to admit it. At some point, when my wings were stinging and the joints felt like they were on fire, I fell into the snow the way a rock would. I lay there in despair. My life was in a lot of danger right now, danger I had no way of completely comprehending as of yet. Rather than worry too much more, I buried myself underneath the snow so I could tell the four cardinal directions apart.
I made my way home like a worm, refusing to come out of the warm snow. I don't know when I'll get back or how far it is, but this is as much as I can do right now. I went on until I became so exhausted I couldn't move any further. I should be almost there...but I can't tell without being able to see. Just as I was beginning to let myself relax to regain energy, three very long and very sharp talons shoved down from above and grabbed hold of me, yanking me out. It's one of those birds that I saw when father came home for the first time! Its cruel hooked beak pecked at me, but I dodged every attack, pissing it off. It shrieked in rage and went higher with a tighter grip. My scales creaked under the pressure. But that was when I saw my nest about five miles away. I'm so close! Taking a deep breath, I shouted, "Mother! Help me!" No response. The bird's responding laughter made me cringe. It knows what I just tried and failed to do...it's smarter than I thought. With the deepest breath I had ever taken in this life or the other one, I screamed, "Mother! Help me!" Nothing. I lost hope upon the realization that I was too quiet to be heard from so far off. It felt as if my very soul had been ripped out. Maybe because I trusted my mother just that deeply that it hurts so much. Right as I was about to give up, my human and dragon minds completely integrated into one another in acceptance. For all this life I had shoved the dragon part of me aside, thinking it was of no value...but now I found out just how wrong I was. With newfound strength and a terrifying willpower, I took a breath that seemed to gather both the icy cold around me and the heat from me and the bird. With surprisingly great power that would be extremely hard to replicate, I roared, "MOTHER! HELP ME!" Huh?! If I'm capable of that much power, why am I still shouting for help? I realized my body had now become limp and understood.
That's right...I'm a baby. A roar that sounded like a volcano blasted toward me and my attacker, signaling my mother's will to protect. She charged out of the cave and headed right for the bird. It was panicking over two things--the incredibly loud baby it was going to eat and the fire-breathing mother dragon coming to roast it alive to save said baby. In my mother's rage, she disregarded me and blasted her flames at the bird. I was amazed at the destructive power of her attack, even as it swirled like a tornado to entirely encompass it--in other words, it also came at me. I was frightened when I noticed that, but when it touched me, I felt nothing. Nothing. Does my body have an advanced cooling and heating system or something? Because this is insane! As it died, its grip was gone...but as I fell free, the talons sliced my underbelly. Ouch! My mother was there in an instant, scooping me up in her paws and instantly taking me back to the cave. When we got there, she set me in the center of the nest and fussed over me. "Zavi! Why'd you go and get yourself caught?! And now you're hurt! Let me close them..." They aren't even that deep...they're more like those scratches one gets from playing with a kitten. "Stay still so I can heal you." She placed a talon on me and it began to glow with a faint golden light. Was that...magic?! The scratches were healed so well, no trace was left behind. I was lucky. She scooped me up again and held me tight against her chest, her wings curling around us protectively. "You startled me...I was so frightened for you." Her eyes squeezed shut and a tear dripped onto my face. Dragons can cry? "Still though...I'm impressed. You made that loud roar with such a tiny body from so far away. I'm proud of you." She nuzzled me with a crooning sound. "Your father will be simply ecstatic to learn you can already use magic." Huh? That was magic...and I used it?!
"Mother, can you teach me magic?"
"Of course! I'll teach you what I know before your father can! Haha, don't worry, you'll learn healing magic first so as to endure his harsh magic!" That...is terrifying! I don't want to learn from him! "We'll begin tomorrow." Now that the adrenaline had faded away, the fear of what that magic could be made me pass out. I had already been tired, but this was insane!