The Meeting, the Greeting, and the Heating

Story by qaswed on SoFurry

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I don't own Pokemon and/or Digimon.

The Meeting, the Greeting, and the Heating. (F-side)


The cabin

Veemon awoke to a nice warm breeze in the middle of an old hollowed out tree stump that has been there for generation upon generation of digimon. "Well, time for patrol." Veemon says in a happy voice that can never be turned off, no matter how much you wanted it to. Veemon took the digi egg of courage with him, he never took it with him on patrol, but he had a funny feeling he was going to need it today. He walked and talked with his friends as usual. A scream was heard, and he knew his feeling was right on the money. "Digi armor energize, Veemon Armor digivolve to, Flamedramon, the fire of courage!" Flamedramon runs into the empty field and sees a black figure getting ready to attack a small digimon. "Firer rocket!" Flamedramon yells, releasing a ball of fire upon the black figure, Flamedramon felt something was wrong, very wrong.

The fire ball mad contact and the smoke from the impact acted normal then, it started flowing inward, Flamedramon saw this but, he was to late to react, he started to get sucked into a black portal. Flamedramon tried with all his might to hang on to something, but there was nothing to hang onto. He tried to fight it, but to no avail. The next thing he knows he is free falling through space and time. He sees the portal close above him and one opens below him. He falls through and 'thwack' He hits ground, or so he thought. He hears something yelling and something lands on him. Flamedramon almost passes out from the pain rushing up and down his back. "Well, at least I landed safely." The voice male in nature. "Excuse me, but can you please get your 150 lb. body off of the back of my chest, it's hard to breath." Flamedramon said in a shallow voice, because of the amount of air e had left in his lungs.

"Ahh!" the person jumps off of Flamedramon, "Don't do that to me. Plus, I'm only 139 lb., jeez." Flamedramon gets up of the floor, but can barely see anything. Not enough to make out the figure. "Man, I can't see a thing." Flamedramon says to himself, but a little too loudly as the figure can also here it. "But, I can see just fine." the figure retorts. Flamedramon is glad for that. "Okay, can you see a light switch anywhere?" Flamedramon asks. "OH, yeah, probably should have done that first." The figure answers. The figure walks away for a moment, and then the lights flicked on. Flamedramon is astounded by what he sees. A floating island kitchen with marble top with lights over head, a really elegant fire place, and a huge flat screen TV, and wooden floors not ground as he thought previously. Flamedramon's eyes finely rest on the figure, it was a dog that stood on its hind legs and it looked as if he was wearing blue baggie shorts, Flamedramon freaked out for a moment when he saw a spike in his chest and hands, but realized it was part of him, he had yellow fur on his chest and abdomen, he had 4 black things hanging off the back of his head, 2 on each side, 2 blue ears, look like two black water wings, 1 on each shoulder, blue face with three black stripes, one from the left, one from the right, and one down the middle, that combine to make up the coloring of his muzzle, 2 big ruby red eyes, 2 black legs that lead up to the shorts, looks like a black belt were the yellow fur and the shorts meet, blue arms up to the wrist were the fur turned black.

'Man, he is really, really hot.' Flamedramon thought. "What's your name?" Flamedramon asked. "Lucario and you sir?" "Flamedramon." Flamedramon said. "Whana watch TV?" Flamedramon asked. "I have something better" Lucario said, then Flamedramon is pulled into a deep kiss with Lucario. Flamedramon liked it, a lot, but he was too tired to go any further. "Listen, Lucario, I'm really tired, can we pick this up tomorrow?" "Sure thing." Was Lucario's answer. The two lovers laid on the couch and immediately passed out.

This is my first story, so cut me some slack .^_^