Rambling reasoning - 61. -
An echo caught my heart once more, the moment enjoyable beyond my being
The hesitation held a breath a moment too long, tears quickly proceeding
It felt like a lifetime ago, like a version of myself that could no longer be
Eyes open only in dreams, it shook my everything surprisingly, even to me
I can't forget that old feeling that quickly turned into doubt
Why now it found me, I haven't a clue, no idea what it's about
Hope is high to hold such emotion once more, the feeling raw, wanted, longed for
It has no name, no honest reason, no true meaning, just something purely that I adore
Those feelings....priceless as time, letting the deaf hear things indescribable, the blind see among the unknown
Words too easy to share, too many ways to care, the feeling numbing to what's been shown
Maybe soon it'll find me once more, of this, I hope to come true
Just as the breeze finds us all, as the waters still run, as the skies are wanted to be clear & blue
Keep dreaming, it's when we let ourselves feel what can't always be while we're awake
Let memories, hopes, & thoughts wander, if not for everyone, for your own sake
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- - Always - - -