Calm chaos...
Short story poem
Rambling reasoning - 42. - (short story poem)
Calm chaos...
A warm feeling running down my arm
Vision blurry, no real focus found, only certain something caused me harm
Cramping just crawling, twisted pieces of parts hang off a bigger mess now lightly holding me
Repetitive pains echo on every part warm with glossy red, dust unsettled makes it hard to clearly see
Sounds of quiet blanket a lack of understanding
Headaches hold thoughts as a wanting to sleep grows rather demanding
Moonlight keeps figures just too far to make out from shadows imagined among the chilling breeze
Out of the bent bulk, a trying to stand leaves wobbly legs in a stagger, longing to instead rest on aching knees
Not a light among the peaceful fields around, most of me wants nothing more than to lightly hug the ground
Fields of gold below, hide among shadows shown slowly swaying above
Alive with whispers, I see many a person I did, & still do love
Atop the hill, I see a sight like a dream
Through the unseen, bright blue shows onto what can now be seen
Pieces of plastic & metal line gravel clear down the path to where I am now
Among the trail of twisted transport, lies still, a rather large sow
Relief overcomes my being, among all the red are tears forming a clear stream
Toward the side of the road story, voices call, though mumbles & shouting are only made out between
The picture becoming clearer in mind, I understand somewhat, somehow
Too much in the moment, my legs give way
I here the voices near, as I fade off, hopefully into another day
Too quick, too soon,to be the end...
I ask time, once again, to be my friend...
Heavy eye lids open to a roof unknown to my being, a constant beep by my side
Next to me, a t.v. playing too loud, that I could only wish someone would hide
A blanket over my legs, I see above me, a red bag & tube attached to my arm
After the fragments of thoughts came together, I came to understand tomorrow came, & I must be in a hospital, getting treated for all the harm
Unsure of the details, my pillow welcomes me to rest just a bit more
To ignore the noise, & look forward to hopefully seeing some of those that I adore
- - Thanks for reading - - -
- - - Always - - -