Information War: Chapter 1

Story by Skyclaw Eallec on SoFurry

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#2 of The Le Fantome Saga

To continue on from Le Fantome, the spy comes to a city where he meets one of his contacts within the poor section.

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He kept his hood up and muzzle low as he passed through the city's gate. Notoriety is a fickle beast, and his face is notorious indeed.

Dark grey and black fur could be cause for curiosity, but the scar on his left eye is the giveaway.

As Le Fantôme completely passed through the gate, he immediately dove into the nearest alley, seeing the shiny exteriors of the buildings in the main street quickly give way to cheaper huts.

A wolf of a rough sort was leaning against a wall, dirt and grime coated his fur, looked to Le Fantôme. The spy raised his head, even if he didn't need to, just to prove that he truly was Le Fantôme.

"I'm pu'in' m'neck on th' line for ye, Fantôme," the wolf said, his voice having a harshness that the spy was well used to.

"And yet, ye continue, Morion," Le Fantôme responded, smirking and his dark blue eyes shimmering from beneath his hood.

The wolf groaned, a dirty paw running across his grimy muzzle, "Much o' th' people 'ere 'ave 'eard o' yer survival. None o' them believe i'," Morion acquiesced, his shoulders slumping from fatigue, most likely.

Le Fantôme deeply bowed his head, "Many thanks, my friend. Have some rest, ye need it."

"An' wot woul' ye be up t', m'friend?"

Le Fantôme chuckled and spun on his heel to the way he came from, "My job, Morion," he answered, before walking away.

~ ~ ~

As Le Fantôme walked through the pristine main streets of the city, gossip and rumours hung unspoken and spoken both in the air. Traders of various goods of needs and wants tried to continuously shout over each other for patronage. He kept his features hidden as much as possible, his sword and dagger hidden beneath the cloak.

Heralds, garbed in the colours of this city's Earl, were spouting the news, but one piece from each of the heralds caught his attention. Specifically about his death.

'Either the Earl heard about my death from rumours, or the Viscount paid the heralds,' Le Fantôme pondered, moving through the throngs of countless species.

He felt a bump hit his leg, prompting the fox to look down. He saw a little girl, not harmed in the slightest, looking up at him. The two stared each other down, but Le Fantôme had a warm and soft smile creep across his muzzle. A female fur of the same species as the girl came in, a look of horror on her features. When her eyes fell upon the girl, she relaxed and took the hand of the little girl. The woman looked to Le Fantôme, her mouth opening to say her thanks, but the words got caught in her throat when she saw his face.

The fox pulled a paw out of his cloak and placed two fingers across his lips, the fur giving a small curtsey before walking off with her child, presumably.

The fox glided through the crowd, not gaining anything but proving to one that he's alive. However, the lady that did see his face can spread the rumour about.

He disappeared into the alleys yet again, stepping over the splayed out legs of drunkards and beggars whilst never breaking stride.

He came to see Morion walking in front of him, just as planned. Make it all seem like they never saw each other.

Morion cut across Fantôme's path into his hovel, but Le Fantôme continued forwards and made a loop around the alleyways to come back onto the same alley as before, stepping into Morion's hovel.

The wolf already set up the table with salted meats and vegetables. As befitted Morion's true profession, a weapon rack sat in a corner with an armour stand, a morion helm resting atop it all that earned Morion his codename.

"C'vinced a'yone o' yer survival, Fantôme?" Morion asked, sitting onto one of the two stools at the table.

"One fair lady saw my face. She'll spread the rumour more," Fantôme answered, removing his hood and sat down on the other stool.

Morion nodded, "I've tried m' best t' sprea' th' rumour ev'n more, ev'n 'eard fr'm a pries' tha' som'thin's 'anging in a Viscoun's curren' lodgin's."

Le Fantôme nodded once, a paw wrapping around the clay cup, filled with water, and raised it slightly.

"To your fine health, my friend," Le Fantôme said.

Morion made a similar gesture, "T' yer's as 'ell, m'frien'."