The New Wolf Chapter 10
#10 of the new wolf
Happy new year everyone. it is time for a new chapter of new wolf
"Sure," Doc exited the room, "Follow me, please."
Elliot left the room and I was about to follow them, but the Alpha spoke up, "Chester a moment please."
"Huh, what is it?"
"Chester, I need you to do something while you help Elliot." She motioned me to get closer.
I leaned over the desk and got close.
"While helping him pack, I want you to see if he has been taking any medication. Also see if you can diagnose if he has any mental illnesses if possible."
"I can't do that."
"Look, Chester, this is just a precaution. It's obvious to me that he suffers from something. Depression, bipolar, PTSD, I need to know what medication he needs and you're the only one who might be able to diagnose him at the moment. I can try and prob his parents for info about any past medications, but we need to know what he is taking now or even if he is taking anything at the moment."
"Look, Hector already told me you are studying to be a therapist. I would like to get him to a professional too. But that takes time, and I want his mental landscape scanned by the time you come back for the meeting today."
Shit I forgot about that. "We are still having that meeting?"
The Alpha scowled at me, "Of course we are. While I am glad he is so gung ho about joining, Claude still has a point about him being possibly too dangerous. If Elliot does pose a threat, the Betas have a right to voice their opinion about it."
"But what would happen to Elliot?"
"We will talk about our options when that happens." the Alpha leaned back into her chair, "Now go, You have to help Elliot move." the Alpha gave me a smirk.
I said nothing as I left the office. Diagnose Elliot. How am I supposed to do that? That's the job of a psychiatrist, not a therapist. I'm still taking the core classes. No, Chester calm down. The Alpha asked me to find any medication, that sounds much easier then try and diagnose him and get it wrong.
Outside the building, I saw Elliot holding some boxes and a tape dispenser. Even without seeing his face, I could tell he was stressed, "Elliot, something wrong?"
He turned around, "I just remembered I don't have my keys or my phone."
Huh? Oh right. "They're probably at my cabin. Head to the parking lot, I'll bring them with me." I jogged off to my cabin. They should be there, right?
I tapped my foot onto the gravel parking lot. My boxes were on top on my car, tape gun laying on top of them. What is taking him so long? I paced around my car, kicking up dirt and gravel on the ground.
The parking was a lot emptier than it was this morning. How did they ever figure out the parking arrangement for here? The parking lot was plain dirt and gravel. There was nothing showing up where you can park. Despite that, it seems like they don't have that problem here. There was a system in place here, or at least I think there was.
Maybe I lost my phone again.
"Elliot," a voice said.
I turned and saw Chester waving at me as he entered the parking lot. "Sorry for the wait."
"It's fine," I said, "Did you find my phone and keys?"
"Yeah," he fished them out of his pocket.
I took them, "Thanks." When I tapped the power button, the screen came to life. A picture of me and Charles appeared on screen. A pang of guilt fills me. Even though it hurt I could never change my lock screen to something less painful. Seeing my brother's face helped me in the day. I miss him.
"Elliot. Hey Elliot."
Chester's voice shocked me. "Huh, sorry what were you saying?"
"I was asking if i can have your number?"
"Why do you need that?"
"So I can keep in contact with you while we drive to your place. Can I have your number?"
"Umm." What should I do? I mean I barely know the guy. Should I really be giving my phone number to him? I mean he helped me a lot today, but still I know nothing about him. Am I overthinking again or do I have a legitimate concern?
"Um, Elliot," Chester spoke up, "if you don't want to give me your number you can just tell me your address."
"Oh, right, I can do that."
"Okay, let's do that."
I told him my address. He showed me his phone to make sure he got it down correctly. He did but I was distracted by the estimated time it would take us to get there . 58 minutes to destination. "Where the hell did you take me from?"
"Huh," Chester pulled the phone away from me, "I thought you would live closer."
"You thought?"
"Well, when we found you, you were only about thirty to thirty-five minutes away."
"Wait, how did you find me anyway?"
"I don't know. I was told to just investigate you by the Alpha. Only she knows why we were able to find you."
"What do you mean?"
"Just as I said. We were told to follow you for a few days, gather evidence to see if you are a werewolf or not. After that we go from there."
"But what if I wasn't a werewolf?"
Chester turned away, "Come on we're burning daylight." He jogged off.
I got in my car and turned the key. The engine roared as life returned to it. I placed my phone onto its holder then adjusted my seat and mirrors. I was glad they took my car with them, but changing everything back to how they were before was a pain. Complaining won't make the journey faster. I got on the road and drove off.
While I drove, I noticed how remote the place felt. I barely saw any buildings alongside the road. It was mostly forests or plains. Maybe that's why the camp was out here. They don't have to worry about being discovered if there is no one around.
After about 15 minutes of driving, I saw signs of civilization. The place had a small-town feel. The roads were narrow. Most of the building had name or brands I never saw before. Cars were parked on the street. Before long the buildings were gone and I was back to emptiness of the road again.
More time passed and I finally got on the highway. Cars surrounded me on all sides.
Soon the scenery around me became more familiar. The building and signs I passed almost everyday were in sight. I glance at my phone's screen. 20 minutes till destination. Almost there. I was starting to feel sore by sitting in this car for so long. A short break couldn't hurt.
I pulled into a convenience store parking lot on the side of the road and turned the car off. I got out of the car and stretched my legs.
My stomach growled_. That reminds me, do I even have food at home?_ I remembered eating the lunch I made yesterday. I had a list started but I just couldn't recall if I did have food there. Not that I planned on feeding Chester while he helped me. Wait, maybe I should get him something since he is helping me move. I mean, that's something a person would do right?
I went into the store and bought a cheese pizza I could make in the oven while we packed everything up. Wait do I have drinks as well? I went back into the store a second time and bought a case of water bottles. Okay, that should be enough. I drove off.
Some time passed and I arrived at the complex. I drove through the open gate of the complex. As I looked for a spot to park in front of my building, I saw Chester standing by what I assume is his car. "Sorry," I said as I pass him. I pulled into an open spot next to him.
Chester approached my car, "Didn't you leave before me?"
"I did," I turned off the car, "Then I remembered I didn't have any food at my apartment, so I made a pit stop to pick some stuff up."
"You didn't need to do that."
"Yes, I do. You're helping me packing everything up. It might not be much, but I should return the favor in some way."
"Well, if you insist." he sounded like he was uncertain about something.
I grabbed the water while he grabbed the pizza and paper plates. My apartment was close by so it wasn't much of a walk, perks on living on the ground floor.
I pulled my keys out and unlocked the door. "It not much but make yourself comfortable."
We entered my one room apartment. The entrance was bare, no furniture or clutter was in the room. It was just an empty room. I put the water bottles on top of the counter.
"Wow," Chester muttered as he walked in.
"What was that about?"
Chester put the pizza on the counter, "Well, I expected...things to be in your apartment."
"That's understandable. I had thought of getting stuff before, but decided against it if i had to move again. I'll go preheat the oven." I grabbed the pizza and moved behind the counter. I set the temp recommended on the box and let it start heating itself.
"Well I did say I would help you move but do you actually have stuff to pack?"
"The air mattress is one thing, some cloths. I also have to do something about the Internet."
"Well, alright, what do you want to start?"
"The clothes first. It should kill a lot of time while the oven preheats." I grabbed a box trash bags from under the sink.
My room was just an air mattress with my laptop on top of it. Off to the side was the hamper full of dirty clothes I haven't washed yet. I opened my closet door. All the clothes I had was on full display.
I pulled out a trash bag and tossed the container onto the mattress. One by one, I start stuffing my clothes into the bag.
"So uh Elliot," Chester spoke up, "I can start on the bathroom if you have some plastic bags.
"That would help. The baggies are over the microwave."
I heard noise from the kitchen then footsteps going into the bathroom. "How long have you been in the area?" he yelled from the bathroom.
"Couple months."
"What did you say?"
"Two months," I yelled back. Despite how small my apartment is, noise traveled poorly here.
I continued stuffing clothes into my bag. Once the first bag was filled, I tied it up and and pulled out a fresh one.
"So what's your, I mean was, your job?"
"I was at a warehouse. Doing all the things you do there. It was a job. Help paid stuff I need with self more of my things."
I heard Chester walked into the room. "So um,"I was hoping we can talk."
"Well, about you."
I stopped what I was doing and turned to him. He was holding some baggies of all the stuff from the bathroom, "Just put them on the bed. Also can you start deflating it while I still work on the clothes." I turned around and stuffed more clothes into the trash bag.
"Sure can we still talk about you though?"
"What is there to talk about?"
"Well lots of things," I heard the sound of air rushing out of the mattress, "Like what you do with your free time."
"I use my parents streaming account and watch shows on my laptop."
"I see. Any recommendations?"
I tied up the second bag, "not really."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I mainly use the videos for noise."
"Okay. So what else do you do?"
"Just that. I really don't have much in the way of entertainment."
I heard a beep from the kitchen, "I'll go put the pizza in." I heard Chester leave the room.
I really am a boring person. I had to sell a lot of my things while I was living on the road. Sleeping in my car. Cleaning myself using pit stops bathrooms. Worrying about where my next meal was or if I would have enough money for it. Hell, I would still be asleep in a car if I hadn't found these apartments. The rent was low enough and having a place to live really helped with finding work.
"Hey, Elliot."
I jumped. I didn't hear Chester return.
"Hey, Elliot, there is something I need to ask you. How did you find out you were a werewolf?"
My heart stopped, "Why do you need to know that?"
"Well," Chester avoided looking me in the face. He scratched the back of his head, "you see. Um." He continued struggling with the words for a whole minute, he would try and say something before cutting himself off. Then he just blurted out, "Look I just want to help."
"What if I don't want to tell you?" I screamed at him.
Chester was taken aback. He took a moment to recompose himself, "Well then, I'll drop it. If you don't want to say anything about it, I'll leave it at that."
"Then drop it!"
"Okay I will." he said calmly. He went quiet.
A wave of exhaustion suddenly came over me and a need to pee. Only one of them I could actually take care of.
I went to the bathroom and closed the door behind me. As I relieved myself, I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like shit. My hair was messy. My skin didn't have a good color. I was practically rail thin due to my eating habits. I locked my gaze with my own reflection and all I saw was exhaustion. Deep bags under my eyes. I stepped closer to my reflection. This is me, i guess. Tired and cranky. A shadow of a person.
As I left the bathroom, I took a moment to look at my apartment. I've been working nonstop once I got the apartment. Every day I wasn't at the warehouse, I was driving for uber. When did I ever just sleep in? Did I ever eat a meal that wasn't from a drive-through or just junk? When was the last time...I was happy?
I felt a hand on my shoulder. I saw Chester beside me, "Huh, you're crying."
I touched my face and felt something wet. Tears? "Guess I was crying."
"You going to be okay?"
"Yeah. I'm sorry I yelled at you."
"It's okay. I'm sorry I upset you so much."
"Hey, Chester, can you help me inflate my mattress?"
He gave me a soft smile and warm eyes, "Sure, do you have an air pump somewhere?"
I tried to return his smile, "Yeah, it's in my closet."
I went back to my room. I pulled out an electric pump out of my closet and start to unravel the cord coiled around it. I handed the plug over to Chester and attached the nuzzle to the bed. The pump made loud noises as it filled the mattress with air.
Chester stood over me, "Did you change your mind?"
"No," I answered, "I just need a few days. I just realized how tired I am."
A ringing sound filled the air, "Sorry." Chester pulled out his phone. He looked at his screen, "Sorry, stepping out for a bit to take it."
I stepped outside. My phone rang loudly in my hand. I answer it, "Hello, Hector."
"Jesus I finally got through to you. I've been trying to contact you for an hour now."
"Well sorry, I was driving the whole time. I was going to call but something came up."
"Fine," I heard him grumble on the phone. "Where are you that had taken you a whole hour to get to?"
"Elliot's apartment."
"Oh ho, I didn't think you would do it so fast. I'm proud of you Chester."
"Ugh, get your mind out of the gutter. I'm just helping him move."
"Yeah. After you left, the Alpha offered Elliot a place to live at camp as well as a job there on the condition he joins the pack."
Hector went quiet.
"Nothing we can do about it then. If he already accepted her offer, then all we have to do is win."
"What do you mean?"
I heard him sigh on the other end of the line. "Did you forget? Regardless rather Elliot decided to join, if he joins is still going to come down to a vote among the Betas."
"But he is already accepted."
"Until he fills out the paperwork, he's not a member. The Betas can still force him out of the pack."
Anger filled me. Elliot needed help, he needed our help, and there was a chance he might not even get it because of a stupid vote, "Isn't there anything the Alpha can do about it? Can't she just allow Elliot to join without the council of Betas?"
"She can, but should not do it."
"Why not?"
"Betas play a strong part in the pack, especially in larger ones like ours. Sure if the Alpha doesn't like the results of a vote, they can just overrule them, but they shouldn't."
"Why not?"
"Look, if the Alpha did whatever they want how do you think the pack would be able to function? Words travel fast among the packs. Opinions of our own Alpha would worsen and this could affect how other packs interact with us."
"Then what can we do?"
"Well for starters you can start losing the pessimist attitude. If you go into battle expecting to lose--"
"Defeat is what you are going to get, I know, I know. How many times have you told me that?"
"Everytime you start complaining about a bad outcome before it happens. I swear you have to stop doing that. We have two options: getting majority rule on the vote or a tie. If its a tie, the Alpha is free to vote for our side."
"But what if they--"
"Goddamn it, Chester, stop being so negative!" I pulled the phone away from my ear. "Elliot is joining the pack, one way or another. We are going to make sure of that! Now get your ass back here so you can help me make that happen." Click.
I lowered my phone. Hector is right. Elliot is going to join our pack. We are making it happen. "Wait, the meeting is at 5, what time is it now?"
I look at my phone screen. 3:58. Well shit.