The Gambit of Eros

Story by ragewolver on SoFurry

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Something I found on my drive that I meant to upload MONTHS ago. If anyone wants to write a continuation of this, go for it.


A handsome, youthful tiger walked down the street, the sun rising over the glass facades of numerous buildings on either side of him. He bathed in the rays of the rising star, reveling in the surge of life and energy he felt as the sun warmed him. Without a doubt, he loved sunrise, watching as Apollo rides his golden chariot across the sky.

Even more, he loved the date. February 14th. Valentine's Day. A day of love and desire and passion and, in the right mood, sensual and passionate sex. The tiger loved this day--it almost felt like a culmination of his hard work in playing matchmaker for so long, for so many millennia.

The tiger paused in his walk, seeing someone else--a black wolf--approaching him. The other was dressed in black, biker leather, his fur coarse and unkempt and his skin visible beneath several scars that the tiger knew he was allowing to be seen. After all, a being such as him did not need to represent any kind of scars like that.

"Well, well, that form again, Ares?" the tiger called.

The wolf looked upward, a smirk pulling at his scarred face. "Naturally. And you seem quite fond of tigers, Eros."

"That I cannot deny," Eros confessed. "But tell me, what brings you down from Olympus on a day like today?"

"A day like today is exactly what brings me down," Ares admitted. "Valentine's Day is always fraught with conflict and violence when love fails. That's what I love to see."

"You're so savage," Eros scoffed, though he was still smiling. "Although, you know, love is stronger than hate. Even at their worst, these mortals will always cherish the love I bring them."

"Cocky as always, Eros."

"And you're still so vulgar."

"Hmm, I wonder if your 'love' is really as powerful as you think," Ares questioned.

"Whatever do you mean, Ares?"

"Could you reunite to lovers if I did all I could to break them up?"

"Naturally, that's what I do. I bring people together unlike you."

"Could you really? I bet that I could separate a pair of lovers you brought together and keep them apart."

"And I bet I could have them back together in less than a day."

"What do I get if I win?"

"That mortal female you've been lusting for. What was her name? Tamara? Such a mundane, bland girl. What do I get if I win?"

"What do you want?"

"Hmm... Let me think on that for a little bit."

The bar was bustling and noisy. The music was loud and pulsing. The strobe lights were frenetic and blinding. There were conversations, laughs, shouts, dancing, kissing. This nightclub was full of life.

From where he sat on the bar, hidden in a corner with his head down, a young fox downed yet another glass of whiskey. He had nothing to be happy about, not anymore. Nothing to leave him joyful or happy, and nothing that made him want to enjoy this night.

The fox had been to this particular club several times in the past few months, the club having become a favored haunt of his and his...What were they now? Where they even still a couple right now or did they finally break up? And being here without that hunky stallion made him feel even lonelier and the liquor wasn't helping. It was only making him feel lower.

The lights suddenly dimmed to a soft pink and the DJ's voice cut through the club's speakers.

"Alright, everybody," the DJ called, "it's time for our first couple's dance. Everybody, grab somebody, and let's see how you all groove together!"

The fox rolled his eyes. Fuck this bar. Fuck this music. Fuck valentine's day!

Fuck my life and fuck Derek too!

The fox let out a whistle and the bartender, a scarred wolf, turned.

"Another refill?" the bartender mused, looking intrigued. "You know, you're going to drink yourself to death like this."

"I hope I do," the fox huffed.

"Aww, come on," a new voice interjected. The fox stiffened as an arm suddenly wrapped around his shoulder. "You're way too cute to be drinking yourself into a stupor like that."

The stench of cigarette smoke and cheap liquor met the fox's nostrils and he suppressed a gag, shrugging off the newcomer's arm. He took a closer look and frowned. At first glance, the fox had assumed that the smell was his ex, coming to tease him or beg for him back. But this newcomer wasn't the same buff, gray stallion who'd left him high and dry and lonely. No, this one was a white-and-black tiger, dressed in a crop top and basketball shorts.

"Say, why don't we dance?" the tiger offered. "I could use a partner."

"Fuck off," the fox said. "Can I get another whiskey, Duke?"

"Hold off on that, Duke," the tiger interrupted.

The bartender, Duke, hesitated and walked off. The fox growled lowly and the tiger sat down beside him.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" the fox snarled.

"Jack. Jack Tate," the tiger said, offering his paw. When he noticed the fox wouldn't take the gesture, he withdrew his paw. "Listen, I'm just trying to talk a bit."

"Why don't we quit pretending that you're not after a quick fuck," the fox insisted. "I'm not in the mood."

"I noticed," Jack replied. "I've seen you here before, but you're normally with a buff stallion. Is he not here with you?"

The fox swallowed. "What's it to you? He's a dick and an ass and I hope I never see him again."

"What happened?" Jack asked suddenly solemn. "You sound hurt."

"I am hurt!" the fox huffed. He sniffed and took out his wallet, dropping several bills on the table. "I gotta go."

"No, you don't," Jack interjected. "Come on, let's talk."

"Why should I talk to a stranger?"

"Because I'm offering to be a friend," Jack said. "I noticed you sitting here, all sad and alone. Let me guess... bad break up?"

The fox suppressed a sob and sank back down onto the stool. "Maybe. Let's just say he and I were into different things."

"I see."

The fox swallowed. "I kind of ran away... We were arguing. Things were said. I didn't mean it." The fox wiped away a forming tear.

"What were you guys fighting about?"

"I said he wasn't giving me enough love," the fox explained. "I figured he'd bring me something for Valentine's Day or that he'd at least bring flowers or candy but he didn't bring me anything. I worked so hard to be the perfect boyfriend, to bring make him the best breakfast, pack him his favorite lunch, and to have the best gift I could for him! And he didn't even take a bite of all that food I worked so hard to make and he didn't even open his--"

"So, you had one sucky Valentine's Day," Jack remarked. "But at least you still had each other, right?"

The fox scoffed indignantly. "It wasn't just that... He waited until this morning to say he thinks we need to take a break! He said I was doing too much for him! Can you believe that?"

"Well, for some people, less is more," Jack explained. "And, correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem kind of... shallow."

The fox's eyes lit with anger. "I'm not shallow!"

"Really?" Jack chortled. "Then why are you so worried about getting this and that?"

"Because that's what you do when you love someone!"

"Really?" Jack asked. "I disagree. Call me crazy, but I figure I can get somebody a nice watch or ring or whatever and still not love them. Hell, the holiday exchanges at my job are basically buying presents for people you don't really care for. That's not love."

"But I put my heart and soul into trying to get him the best--"

"Did you ever consider that maybe all he wanted was you?" Jack questioned. "Derek didn't care about what you could buy him or anything fancy. He just wanted you, as you are. That would've been his perfect Valentine's Day."


"Instead of sitting here, drinking yourself into a stupor, you should go home. Tell him that you're sorry, that you love him and that you'll give him his perfect day, not yours."

"Maybe you're right," the fox murmured. Then, "Why are you helping me so much? You realize if I go back to him, you won't get a night alone with me."

"That's a snarky thing to say," the tiger said with a grin. "But maybe you should trust my judgment. You and he are meant to be together."

"Maybe you're right..." the fox said with a smile and he hopped off his stool once more. He was about to take off but Jack held out his paw, stopping him from going too far. The fox noticed that Jack had taken the money off the counter, holding it out. "I left that to pay for my drinks..."

"I'll pay for your drinks," Jack offered. "Besides, the way you were knocking them back, you ought to take a taxi home."

"I don't know how to thank you for this," the fox said. "I owe you so much more than I can say."

"No worries, Sammy," Jack said kindly. "Just get going."

"Thanks again," the fox, Sammy, said happily, leaning forward to kiss the tiger's cheek before hurrying out of the club.

From where he sat, Jack grinned. He watched as Duke the bartender came over once more, leaning on the countertop with a frown on his face.

"Told you I could get them back together, Duke," Jack remarked. "And really, 'Duke'? You couldn't come up with a better pseudonym, Ares?"

"Don't get cocky, Jack," Duke--Ares--huffed. "You're still nothing more than a manipulative bastard." Duke snorted in indignation. "You got lucky. I did my damnedest to break them up and you get them back together in less than an hour!"

"That's the power of love and it's more powerful than war, Ares," Jack remarked. "And my arrows never misfire."

"You know, you almost gave yourself away, using his real name like that, Eros."

"He's just a silly mortal," Jack--Eros--chortled, "and one who's deeply in love. As long as we kept talking about his boyfriend, he wouldn't have noticed."

"And if he did?"

Eros shrugged. "He didn't notice that I'd poked with an arrow."

"You what?" Ares gasped.

Eros held out his hand and an arrow appeared, glinting dimly in the strobing lights. "One prod and he remembered all the loving times he had with his boyfriend. The love of his life."

"That's underhanded for you, Eros," Ares noted. "Quite frankly, I'm surprised."

"Don't forget that I still won our little gamble, Ares," Eros stated. "I'll be collecting your debt soon."

"You haven't won yet. His partner still needs to take him back," Ares huffed, turning away. "I think I'll watch from Olympus. This place bores me."

"Not just yet," Jack replied. "Why don't you pour me a glass of what that mortal was drinking? I'm so curious to know why he was so interested in drinking so much of it."

"DEREK!" Sammy said, bursting into the apartment. He tripped over his own feet and fell face forward over the threshold. When he picked himself up from the floor, he rubbed his head and looked around desperately. Derek, a large, dark-gray stallion, was hurrying over, picking him up from the floor. "Thanks."

"What's going on?" Derek wondered. "Why're you screaming like that? And what's so important that you have to--?"

"I'm so sorry about what happened between us!" Sammy insisted, nearly in tears.

"You smell like you've been drinking heavily," Derek said in audible disapproval. "Did you just go out to a bar? I've been sitting here worried sick about you and you're off getting wasted?!"

"Please, Derek, I'm so sorry. I was being immature and--Are you packing?" Sammy wondered, looking around the apartment. Boxes were stacked around the living room and Sammy felt his heart sink. "Please don't tell me you're leaving."

"Well, since you don't want me around..."

"I didn't mean it!" Sammy said desperately. "Derek, I'm sorry about what I did and what I said and that I hurt you and--Please don't go! I can't lose you!" Sammy forced himself into Derek's arms. "I promise I'll make it up to you! And that we can do whatever you want to tomorrow! Just you and me! No big gifts or anything like that! We can just kick back and watch that crappy movie you love."

Derek pulled back, studying Sammy in curiosity. "Are you sure? I mean, that doesn't seem like you at all..."

"It's not about me! It's about you. It's what you would want, right?"

"...But what do you want?"

"I want you! I want you to stay with me! I don't want to lose you!" Sammy sniffled. "I can't lose you!"

Derek grinned. "I don't want to lose you either. I overreacted this morning. It really was very sweet what you did for me. Even if it was overkill."

Sammy smiled wide. "You're worth it."

"You're worth even more," Derek said, pulling him closer for a deep kiss. "I'm so glad you're back."

"I'll never leave you again," Sammy promised. "I love you."

"I love you more."

"I told you I'd win," Eros said.

"Yeah, yeah, you got lucky. I wasn't even trying as hard as I could have been," Ares huffed. "So, what do you want for winning?"

"Hmm... Let me ask you something," Eros said, moving closer to Ares. He reached down lower, cupping Ares's crotch lustily. "Do you like it rough?"

Ares grinned darkly. "Are you a screamer?"