Kerin The Dragoness, Chapter Two: The Overreaction

Story by Seiku on SoFurry

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Yes Yes.. Chapter Two. a bit of drama And This chapter contains no yiff (Sorry guys ^_~)


Two weeks Later

Kai had purchased two tickets for the new opened theme park. He was nervous, hoping he could impress Kerin. "W-- We're here, Kerin.." he said slowly as he lead her to the entrance of the theme park nervously, "What would you like to do first?" He handed the tickets to the man and he allowed them to pass into the theme park.

Kerin smiled sweetly at Kai, "How about we go to the rollercoaster?" She suggested with a cute giggle and a sway from her long, dragon tail brushing Kai's leg. She smiled at him once more before starting a jog towards the rollercoaster.

Kai blushed deeply under his black furred face as he felt her tail touch him. He watched her run towards the rollercoaster before giving chase with a hurried expression, as if he were scared to get lost in the crowd of people. He caught up with her, panting slightly from the run and sighed, "I guess the rollercoaster sounds fun..." he said, nervously, though happily.

Kerin smiled as she and Kai walked to the line to the rollercoaster. The black cat stared at Kerin, and couldn't help but run his eyes down to her crotch, "Kerin.. I-- is it true that you have a..." he started, "Yeah.. Why are you bring it up on our third date...?" Kerin finished, "I thought it didn't matter to you..?" Kai run his eyes to the dragoness' eyes and stared deeply, "It's just... Different.."

Kerin stared the Kai and frowned, "You said it didn't matter.." she said, "You said you loved me and.." she bit her lower lip and growled before slapping Kai, "You... You only want me to fuck me you little asshole!" Kerin snapped.

Kai took the slap, his head snapping to the left, "That's not true..." he said, "I just..." "You just what? You just can't love someone who is like me?!" her eye twitched a bit before tears built in her eyes and slapped him again, his head now snapping to the right. Kerin Stared at Kai, not noticing all the eyes upon them, "You .. You little worm!" She yelled before storming off, refusing to let herself cry in front of everyone.

Kai stared at the ground, "I didn't say that..." He said and turned to all the eyes, "What the hell are you all staring at?!" He snapped with a his before walking off in the opposite direction of the dragon girl. He had embarrassed himself, and caused the embarrassment of the She-male dragon. "I was just curious..." He said to himself as he walked towards a bench and sat down.

Kerin continued walking, unable to hold her tears back as she walked out of the amusement park. "How could he get my hopes up like that and then bring 'that' up?!" she asked herself, "What a... What a worm.." Tears running down her scaly cheeks as she began to run. "Natalie is the only other person besides my parents who don't.. mind.. Perhaps... She would love me.."

The dragoness continued her running towards her house. After a ten minute run, she approached her house with Kai sitting on her front porch. She stared at the cat boy angrily. . "W- What are you doing here?!" she yelled through her sobs. Kai looked up at her and stood up. He walked to her and stared at her, "You embarrassed me in front of a large crowd... You hit me twice... For being curious..." Kai said, and looked to the ground.

Kerin growled, showing her teeth, "G- Go away you.." "Worm..." Kai finished before looking up at Kerin and balling his fist, "I do love you.. But some things can't be forgiven... I am not a pushover..." He said before placing a kiss on Kerin's lips.

Kerin was angered by Kai's words but put into a state of shock at his kiss. She pulled away after a moment of shock and looked at Kai before smacking him again, and walking past him to her front door. Kai growled and grabbed her arm and pulled her back and slapping her back, "Stop hitting me!" He roared, causing a dog to bark from across the street. Kerin's eyes widened at the smack, her white cheek now slightly discolored red. She wanted to yell but when she opened her mouth, nothing came out.

Kerin's father, slammed the door open, "The hell is going on?!" He asked sternly, "What is the--- Kerin?" Kerin didn't look at her father, but kept her eyes on Kai in disbelief, 'How could he... hit me?' she asked herself in thought. "Y- You hit me..." she stammered.

Kai looked at her father and then back to her. "Listen Kerin..... Y-- You need to just stay away from me.." He said before turning and beginning to walk away, but was stopped by the feathered hand of Mr. Snow. "What did you do boy?!" He asked, turning him around to face him. "I'll be taking you home.." He put a firm grip on Kai and started to lead him to the car.

Kerin watched Kai stare at the ground while her father shoved him to the car. She turned around and walked into her house, passing her frowning mother her had been watching from the doorway, and walked upstairs. She walked into her room slamming it shut. Unable to find her voice she just walked over to the mirror and stared at herself.

After an hour or so her father came into the room, along with her mother. The motioned Kerin to sit down, and she did so. "What happened tonight?" David asked, "Why did he hit you, why did you hit him, and so on?"

Kerin sighed deeply and looked at her father, "I-- I overreacted... It's nothing.. He asked me a question and I got mad.." She explained and crossed her legs in a lady-like fashion. "I'm going to apologize tomorrow.."

David glared at his daughter and shook his head, "You will do nothing of the sort, You are not to see that boy, or any other boy.. You're going to stay in this house.. I've already decided to home school you anyways. An embarrassment to you is an embarrassment to me and your mother."

Sharon looked at David and shook her head, "Honey, Don't overreact.. It was probably just a childlike argument that--" She had begun but was cut off by David-

"No, This is final. She isn't to hang around with any boy at all!" He said and walked out of the room.

"That man.... Look sweetie.. Just try and show your father that whatever happened.. Was a misunderstanding, okay?" She said before walking out of the room, closing the door gently behind her.

Kerin sat there in disbelief, more of shock. Her mouth half open and eyes wide. She growled and walked to the door, locking it. She then laid on her bed, closing her eyes.


Three days had passed, Kerin had not left her room. Her parents were worried and didn't know what to do. "Kerin, open the door!" Her father yelled, "Or I'll bust it in!" He growled lightly as his feathers lightly stood, "I said open the door!" no reply. Kerin's father swiftly kicked the door, busting the lock off and the door swung open.

"Kerin...?" Her mother called out, walking into the empty room. "Kerin?!" Mr. and Mrs. Snow looked around the room before spotting the open window and a rope leading down the wall. "Kerin!" The shouted in unison and ran to the window and peered out, but no sign of the dragoness.

David hissed slightly and looked at Sharon, "Call the police.. She ran away.. But.. Why?" Sharon shrugged sadly, "But when did she run away?"

David sighed and examined the rope and looked at it closely, seeing the claw imprints still there, "She left at most. 12 hours ago.." He said before rushing out of the room, Sharon closely behind him.


Kerin awoke in the school's soccer field after being hit with a ball. She held her arm, of which was hit, and sat up, "Ow!" she complained and looked up at the female skunk, who was grinning at her.

"How'd the date go?" Asked Natalie. Kerin sighed as she stood up. She glared at Natalie and looked away, "I don't want to talk about it..."

Natalie had a confused face, "Did he chicken out?" She asked. Kerin shook her head.

"Drop it..." Kerin turned away from Natalie and picked up the bag she had been laying on. "I'm leaving.. Thanks for being my friend, Natalie.."

Natalie stared at Kerin in pure confusion, "Where are you going?" She asked, "Are you moving? Will you come back?" Natalie pouted, "I don't want you to leave..." Kerin sighed at Natalie's words and shook her head.


Kai stared at his computer screen. The monitor already gone into it's screen saver mode. The words that Kerin said still playing through his mind over and over, and the words her father said to him in front of his parents hurt him. He hadn't meant to hit Kerin.

He stood up and walked out of his room and to the living room. His parents were at work, like always. He sat on the couch and laid his head back against it, "I can't.. I can't believe I hit her..." He said and looked at the ceiling. "And I can't even go apologize..." He stood up again and walked into his parent's room and looked around.

He found what he was looking for, a bottle of sleeping pills. He picked up the bottle and walked into his room, closed the door, and locked the door. He walked to his bed and sat down. He opened the bottle and picked up a can of pop. He opened the can and took a drink of it's contents. He poured a handful of sleeping pills onto his palm and placed them in his mouth and took a drink of his pop and swallowed.


Natalie stared at Kerin and walked next to her, and put her arms around her, hugging her close, "Please don't leave..." She begged before her cell phone rang. Her round ears perked up and she lifted her phone and looked at it, It was Kerin's Parents. She sighed in relief and looked at Kerin, "Please.. Just wait.." She said to her and walked out of hearing range and answered the phone.

"Mr. Snow?" She asked, "... Yeah.. Kerin's with me.. She's at the soccer field by the school...... Yeah... Okay, I'll try to keep her here... okay, see you soon..." She shut her cell phone and walked back to Kerin, who was watching Natalie.

Kerin looked at her friend and lifted a brow, "Who was that?" She asked, "It was... Mia, She said that she wanted me to... Come over later.." She lied, but it convinced the dragoness. "So.. Where are you going..?" Kerin shrugged. "Why are you leaving?" Kerin shrugged again.

After a few minutes of questions, Kerin's father and mother, and three police officers walked up to the two girls. "Eeep!" Kerin shrieked before slowly beginning to back away, "I didn't do anything that bad! I didn't even get far!" She pleaded in fear of being arrested.

Sharon glared at her adopted daughter and shook her head sadly, "No.. That's not it.. The first place we checked was Kai's house... and when there was no answer we forced the door open and.." David cut her off.

"We found the boy half dead, over-dosed on sleeping pills..." David said, looking over Natalie and Kerin with a soft, and yet stern face.

Kerin and Natalie both went wide eyed and gasped in unison. "W--What?!" Natalie almost yelled, "Is he okay?!"

"He'll be fine...." One of the officers said. Karin's mother looked at her daughter's half red face and boiling tears.

"Why would he try to kill himself?!" Kerin yelled before attempting to run past them but was stopped by her father.

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?" He asked sternly, keeping a firm grip on Kerin's arm.

The young dragoness looked up at her father, "I have to see him!" She pleaded, struggling to get away from her father's grip.

"I'll take you to see him tomorrow... after your punishment for trying to run away.." He said.

Kerin growled deeply and stared at her father, and did something she had never done, "No!" She yelled, shocking everyone around, "I won't be punished for something you started! You're a jerk, dad! You take everything too seriously, you're a grumpy old man. When was the last time you gave me a decision?!"

David stood there, holding Kerin underneath his feathered hand, "W-- What did you say..?" He asked in a pure unconscious state of shock.

Kerin jerked her arm away from him, "You heard me!" She yelled before storming past them all.

Sharon had her hand over her bill, her eyes half open, holding in a laugh at David's shocked face. "David... I think she's kind of right..." She said, and started a light chuckle.