chapter 3

Story by rainboww wolf1 on SoFurry


My dad jumped up and run down stairs grabbing his phone and called 911 and he ran to me and said don't move okay. next thing I hear is a big scream and everything went black a few weeks later I woke up in a white room with a bright light shinning in my eyes I blinked a few times to get my sight back I tried to move but started to coughed and couldn't breath I looked over and seen my mate sleeping in a chair he looked so beautiful he is like that I moved my mouth and started crying from the pain the next I looked over again and my mate started to stir blinking his eyes then jump and come over to me and hugged me and said I love you I thought I was going to lose you he ran outside and told everyone that I am up I hared a loud cheering from my family my dad was the first to come I asked what happened through my teeth he said you tried to stop a robber that was going after your mate I who was it he. Zed said josh did it to you were is he Zed we don't know I gulped and said watch after Zed and Yana and Rocio and Sir Knight wolf for me Intel I get out of here a few days pasted the day I was waiting for the dr. Came in we got good news sir you are going home to day I said that's great I can't wait in tell I get out the doctor just laughed and said you want to hang out and with your pretty little boyfriend. I said yupp and others the time came for me to get out of the hospital the doctor gave me a Rx of pain meds i went home and my dad grabbed me and told me I need to talk to you son. I said okay. We walked to the backyard I asked what's up dad he looked at with a dead look and said I want you to not go looking for a fight okay dad I hugged him I love you he hugged me back I love you too son. I walked back to my room and jumped on my bed and said to myself it still smells like sir knight wolf and I smiled to myself and fell asleep later that night I had the worst dream ever. I woke up in a cold sweat Why did I have that dream I was wondering to myself i jumped out of my mind when i heard something outside of my window i looked out there and he was looking at me. I blinked he was gone i went to my dad room and told him he was out there my dad said it was just your eyes tricking your mind I calmed down went back to my room and laid back down and picked up my cell phone and called sir knight wolf it ring two times and he picked up in a sleepy voice he said hello?

Hey baby

he asked what's up Hun

Nothing much I can't sleep did i wake u up

Yes you did what's wrong

I think he is outside

he said don't worry about it

if you want you can go back to sleep

he said yeah i do

Okay bye i love you

I love you too Hun get some sleep okay

okay i will try