U.C,O.D: Scorn of The Lost, Chapter 3

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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#4 of U.C.O.D: Scorn of The Lost

It had stopped making noises halfway back to their penthouse. It now only writhed and breathed horridly, its sickening breaths making Eve nauseous.

When they finally reached the balcony, it was none too soon. Kane landed and then quickly leaned over the railing and vomited over the edge, heaving a bit before falling back down and walking inside.

"Ugh...god it smells like rotting fish! What the hell are we gonna do with it? Why did we bring it back here?" Kane said, lying down on the couch as Eve propped the disfigured Behaku against the wall and looked it over.

"Get Cyllea in here Kane, now!" he said sternly. Kane jumped off the couch and ran into Cyllea's bedroom. Eve heard some quiet mutterings, followed by a deep growling sound and finally Kane flew out of the doorway and landed in a heap against the couch!

"She's awake..." Kane muttered. The large silver dragoness stormed out of her dark room, fiery red eyes ablaze with irritation!

"What is it?" she asked Eve angrily, who moved aside slightly and revealed the creature. "Oh my god! What is that thing? Is it hurt?"

"Yes it's hurt, would you make sure it doesn't try to go anywhere while I get in contact with Darrow? He needs to know about this," Eve asked as he necked with Cyllea and kissed her shoulder. Cyllea pushed back against him and nodded.

"I won't be long, just try to keep him in one place ok?" Eve asked her. She nodded again and kissed him. Eve broke the kiss and walked over to his study. He kept all the weird little things in there, all the occult thingies and funky-lookin' jawnskies...they were all there. He closed the door behind him and walked towards the table in the middle.

He pushed some papers aside quickly and searched through the piles.

"Come on, come on where are you little guy?" he asked himself as he pushed things out of the way. Then he stopped and grabbed a small disk-like object. It was the size of his palm, golden, with a symbol in the middle. It was the Omaki seal; it was also a method of contact...

Eve rushed out of the door and back onto the balcony. He looked back at Cyllea, who was hesitantly touching the Behaku, petting it reluctantly.

"Please don't need batteries," Eve silently begged the Seal. He held it in both hands. "By moonlight I call, in hour of darkest need...shine!"

He tossed it up into the air, spinning rapidly and moving at light speeds! It soared up into the clouds and then burst into a blinding light that faded almost instantly, like a crackle of lightning. It would be basically unnoticeable to the normal eyes...but to someone who was looking for it, it might as well have been an atomic explosion...

Eve waited and waited, for what seemed like eternity! He stood on the balcony, hoping Darrow saw the signal...

He listened intently, for the sounds of flapping wings, for anything! But there was nothing...nothing at all...

"Eve!" he heard Cyllea call from inside. "What do I do with it?!"

"Ah dammit!" he said and turned around angrily, thinking of some other way of contacting the Omaki. He had reached Cyllea when he heard a quiet thump behind him. He turned around and looked at the balcony.

There stood Darrow, the tiger's duster blowing in the wind! Eve smiled and rushed over to them.

"Darrow! It's been too long," he laughed.

"Agreed, some of us even thought you were dead..." Darrow said solemnly. Then they both burst out laughing! When their laughter died down, Darrow looked over Eve's shoulder at the Behaku lying on the ground.

"What the...?" he looked at Eve.

"That's the reason why I called...we got a bit of a problem here," Eve said.

"What is it?" Darrow asked, walking closer to it.

"It's a Behaku," Eve said quietly. Cyllea looked up at him, wide-eyed.

"A Behaku?! A Behaku?!? You brought a Behaku in MY home?!" she shrieked angrily.

"He's not one of ours. Where did you find him?" Darrow asked. Cyllea jumped to her paws and rushed over to Eve.

"What do you mean that 'isn't one of yours'?! Darrow, that better be one of yours..." Cyllea looked at him.

"I've never seen him before!" Darrow held up his paws in innocence. Cyllea turned to Eveser.

"What. The. Hell? Were you thinking?! Why would you bring him back here? His friends could be right behind him! They could blame US for the way he is! We might be strong, but even we can't take on the entire Hollowborn!" Cyllea screamed at him. Eve gripped her shoulders lightly and held her.

"Shhhh, I'll take care of it...I'll take care of everything...shhhh," Eve whispered lovingly as he held her. She breathed a little bit and then calmed down, her hyperventilation slowing to a normal rate. She breathed deeply and then finally kissed his cheek.

"Thank you...I'm ok," she said and casually nudged him off of her. Then she turned to Darrow, Kane, and Eve. "Well boys, I think you can handle this from here! You don't need little old me getting in your way, so I shall return to my chambers. Eve, meet me there when it's all over..." she winked.

Kane elbowed Eve playfully and chuckled.

"Alright, alright, gimme a hand here loverboy," Darrow chuckled and motioned to the Behaku.

Eve looked at him funny.

"It weighs like two pounds! How difficult is it to move around?"

"I don't mean lifting it," Darrow said as he picked it up with one paw. "I mean holding it down if needs be...I still feel a lot of power in it."

Eve and Kane quickly moved next to Darrow, who placed the Behaku onto the couch. He looked at it for a little while, looking it over. He peeled its eyelid back and looked at its large yellow sclera, its bright green irises, and the small bloody tears streaming down its cheeks.

He dipped his finger in the tear and then smelled it, looking at it very closely. Then he quickly dabbed it against his tongue! He licked the roof of his mouth as though it were covered in peanut butter and finally made a disgusted face and spat onto the floor! Kane and Eve watched in confusion.

"What's wrong with his blood?"

Darrow coughed a few times and continued to spit out the awful taste.

"It's toxic! His blood's been fucking poisoned!" Darrow finally stopped spitting and stood up, shaking his head.

"Poison?! What kind of poison could do THAT to anything?" Eveser pointed to the Behaku. Darrow shook his head again.

"I don't know...I...its almost unbelievable!" Darrow took a small vial from his duster pocket. "I need to get a sample back to Teya, if anyone knows poisons, it's her."

"New recruit?" Eve asked.

"Sorta...she's a newly rehabilitated Behaku," Darrow grinned. Eve and Kane looked at eachother and then back at Darrow.

"You sure we can trust this...new recruit?" Kane asked.

"Completely!" Darrow said smugly. "You don't trust me?"


The warehouse was alive with life, gears grinding and pistons pounding away. There were people working the machines as well...well, not people to be honest.

"Jaxus!" a menacing voice called over the loudspeaker and rang throughout the building. A Behaku official lifted his head from his clipboard and shook away the remnants of sleep as he looked about.

"Huh? Wha-...hm? Yea? What?" he was a large black demon-looking creature, red eyes, bright yellow teeth, pale beige skin and small goat-like horns that curled around his ears. He wore a white coat and underneath a coat of plated steel armor. He jumped out of his office and ran down the catwalk that overlooked the factory that was being used as cover for the Behaku's plots and attack plots.

"JAXUS!" the voice screamed. Jaxus looked up at the head-office, windows shrouded to keep out the sunlight just as the General liked.

Jaxus looked annoyed and then clapped his claws together, eliciting a loud pop and a puff of black smoke in which he vanished.

Inside the office, Jaxus could see nothing but the bright yellow eyes of the General sitting behind his desk with the lamp turned on. It was rather cliché...

"Yes sir? How can I be of service?" Jaxus bowed slightly in mock courtesy...it was a Megatron-Starscream relationship between the two...

"Jaxus...there's something wrong with this picture," the malevolent voice whispered.

"What...uh...would that be, my lord?" Jaxus looked at him oddly. The yellow eyes closed slowly. They didn't re-open, Jaxus moved closer to the desk.

"General? Sir? Are you alright?" he asked, confused.

"I should ask you the same question," the General's dark voice hissed as a red-furred claw closed around Jaxus's throat!

"Egh!..." Jaxus choked.

"Raptor's entire battalion was killed last night...his ENTIRE battalion!" the claw closed tighter. Jaxus's eyes widened. "One minute they were on their mission, about to attack a patrol of Omaki set to watch the South Side...and in exactly-EXACTLY-1:30 SECONDS....they were decimated! Do you know how this could have happened?"

"I...n-n...ple-pleassssssseee..." he whispered, voice hoarse and strained. The claw released him and shrank back to the shadows. Jaxus dropped to his knees, gasping for air and holding his throat. He looked at the yellow eyes that now circled him like a shark closing on prey. Bitterness and hatred dripped from his every word. "I...I don't *cough* know...how...but...we are *cough*...we ARE Behaku Sir...we have many enemies..."

"You aren't particularly convincing Jaxus..." the voice snarled.

"I only state the obvious my Lord," he smirked.

"Do not test me Jaxus! Or have you forgotten that you are at my side in this war and just as accountable? Do you think the Omaki will spare you for begging at their knees? The others were cowards, they surrendered and begged that pathetic worm Swade to put in a good word for them...miserable dogs, ALL OF THEM!" the voice shrieked.

"You should calm down Sir, anger clouds the mind and hampers judgmental ability," Jaxus coolly remarked. The General chuckled softly.

"Jaxus, you entertain me...ever the collected one...my dearest friend," the General looked at him and walked over to the door, opening it slightly. The light shone through a bit and struck the face of a beautiful young vixen with dark red fur. Her cheeks were slightly blushed. "It has been so long since I felt true happiness...do you think I'll find it at the end of all of this bloodshed, Jaxus?"

"I can't say for certain my Lord...but I can say that happiness is what you make for yourself...to create it is to destroy it, but let it come on its own and it will sprout," Jaxus walked to the door. He looked into the eyes of the vixen. "I'll get right on finding Raptor's killer then, shall I?"

"It would be in YOUR best interests," she retorted. Jaxus smirked and walked onto the catwalk.

"Keep safe Lord Kyasha," he looked over his shoulder and vanished in a burst of blue fire.

"You can be assured," she closed the door behind her and walked back to her desk.

She pulled out a picture from the bottom drawer. It was picture of a family. The majority was foxes, the two parents and their little kit, but one was different. Their son was reptilian, scaly, dark red, with dark blue eyes. She ran her claws gently over the parents, then over the reptilian boy. She brought the picture up to her face and kissed the boy, leaving a lipstick-mark around his scaled face. Then she smiled softly and put the picture back in the bottom drawer.