chapter 2 the good times and the worst times in my life

Story by rainboww wolf1 on SoFurry


I woke up happy I hurried up and change cloths. I got a Icp shirt and a pants with chains on them. I looked at the clock and run out of my house saying to myself shit I'm late getting to my car. I speed off when I got to work my uncle Sparky said why are you late I was getting dress and I was thinking about skw. Sparky said its okay but next time don't be late there my shift ended and I went home and washed up put some axe on and got into my car and drove to Sir Knight wolfs house. when I got there he was waiting on the porch I walked up to him and he come off the porch and hugged me. I said lets go before we are late to the new twilight movie. he ran into the house to get dressed. he come out with the same pair of pants from the party I blushed. When I seen it he grabbed my paw and pulled me to my car. when we got there I opened the door for him again. he got into it and I closed the door. Got in also and drove for 10 minuets in we arrived to the drive in he looked at me and kissed me. I kissed him back licking a little at his lips witch tasted sweet like blue berries. He opened his mouth and I started to lick at the roof of his mouth. he started to play with my tough I tickled his side and he giggled and said stop it so I stopped. turned back to the screen and seen that the movie was just coming on and we watched it for along time. he jumped and grabbed my paw again I couldn't believe how lucky I am to have him to myself. The movie ended he calls his father from my cell and asked if he can stay at my house. he said yes but he will be checking up on us so I drive back to my house. when we get there I told him you can take my bed and I will sleep on the couch in the living room. he said okay with a bit of disappointment in his voice. I sighed and said if you want to do you will have to wait okay I am not ready yet. he said I know I kissed him goodnight and he went to my room. I laid down on the couch and went to sleep. Sometime later I woke to hearing the door being kicked in my dad and little brother was still. asleep up stairs and so I yelled "Dad wake up someone is in the house." I looked and there was the biggest lion I have ever seen I said get out of my house he didn't hear me and started to go up the stairs. so I punched him hard in the back of the head he laughed and turned around and said you remember me punk. I gulped and said oh shit he punched me in the jaw and I was knocked out he keep on hitting me but was stopped by a kick to the face by my little brother. then zed ran back up stairs to have my dad call 911 to be continued.