Aciec Aeternam (etarnal Battlefield) Chapter Eight

Story by Faukx on SoFurry

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Yeey! New chapter upload,

Chapter Eight,


Carlo AKA Faukx


Chapter Eight: 'An absent Sergeant'

The junior troops were waiting in the theory room of the training complex, most of them had formed small groups by now and were talking to each other. They had been here for half an hour and Sergeant Goodworthy still hadn't shown up.

"Where could he be? He's always on time, you think he forgot about us or something?" Marvin said. He, Agyl, Anouk and Kenneth were standing in one of the corners, Agyl raised her shoulders. "I don't know, maybe Jake's got a unexpected thing to do. You know, he is sort of random sometimes." "So random that he just doesn't show up? And without even telling us? I don't think so, something's up." Anouk said, Kenneth nodded in agreement.

The door opened and a female sergeant entered, the junior troops turned around and saluted. "I'm sorry for the delay, but we had an unexpected situation. I'll be taking over your theory lessons for today, if you would please sit down so we can begin." The sergeant said, the troops quickly took their place. The Sergeant walked to the big screen at the end of the room, she was an American eagle and authority radiated around her. "Mam?" Agyl had risen from her seat and saluted, the sergeant nodded to indicate she could talk. "Where is sergeant Goodworthy? I hope nothing bad has happened to him?" Agyl said, the sergeant raised an eyebrow. "Goodworthy has to run an errand for the Captain, he will return in a few days. Until that time I will oversee the training facility." Agyl saluted and sat down.

She couldn't concentrate on what she was telling them in their lessons, Anouk sometimes glanced at her to see what was wrong, Agyl merely smiled back. After the theory training Agyl, Anouk, Kenneth and Marvin made their way to the cantina on deck twelve. It was not the nearest cantina, but they knew the others from their group would not be there so they could have a nice chat.

The cantina was fairly busy, most tables were full. They quickly sat down at an empty table, Kenneth went into the small line that was waiting to order food or drinks. "Agyl, something is clearly bothering you. What is it?" Anouk asked her, Agyl rubbed her paws in her face, "She was lying, I could feel it." Marvin snickered, "why would she lie to us? It could very well be true right?" Anouk nodded to this, Agyl shacked her head "I don't believe that." Anouk looked to see Kenneth talk to a male black cat. The panther was visibly enjoying the talk with the cat, Kenneth already had the groups drinks in hand. "Hey troops, check that out." She said, Agyl and Marvin also looked at Kenneth. A male husky and a female hyena joined the duo and introduced themselves. "I know that husky! He is with the junior combat engineers." Marvin said, his two female companions were both smiling. "hmm, I do like his figure. And isn't that a cute black cat something for you Agyl?" Anouk said giggling, "Yeah, I'm curious as to know who he is. And I didn't know you liked furs outside your own species Anouk." Agyl said and teased Anouk, "Well, dragonkin are few, and I don't mind a nice snack" She giggled. Marvin rolled his eyes, "Woman."

After a few minutes of gawking and giggling Kenneth and the other three furs walked their way, "I brought some others, hope you don't mind" He said apologetic. It was an odd trio, The male black was clad in a long white lab coat, the male husky wore army pants with tools strapped to them. He wore a army shirt with a belt across his chest, a few more tools were strapped on this. The female hyena wore the same as the husky and a cyber goggle was hanging around her neck and a red bandana kept her hair back. The Black cat offered his hand to Agyl who was nearest to him, "I hope we don't interrupt you. My name is Sam Jungmann, I'm with the junior science team, weapons development." Agyl gave a broad smile, "You don't interrupt anything Sam. Agyl Solanki, nice to meet you." She grabbed his soft paw and shook it. "And these two are with the junior engineers" Sam motioned to Ivan and Affra. "Nice to meet you, Ivan Yevdokia." Ivan shook paws with the other trio, "Affra Zachary, a pleasure." Affra also shook paw with them. "Please join us!" Anouk said, there are still some seats left." She pointed to the empty part of their table.

Kenneth sat down beside Anouk, Ivan and Affra sat down next to Marvin. Sam joined them and sat next to Kenneth, "It's nice to see some more younger furs around here." Sam said, he was glad he could finally talk to the troopers. Marvin nodded, "Not to many of us on this ship, most are twenty-five and up." "And this makes a better introduction than that horrible training Goodworthy gave us last week." Agyl Kenneth said, the rest nodded to this and laughed. "Indeed, it was awkward to meet others like that. I believe you were the one that was hiding, right?" Ivan said and grinned to Kenneth who stuck out his tongue, "Yes, and don't remind me of that please." The rest laughed, Anouk teasingly padded him on the head. "Aww, he did very well last time. As long as you don't throw grenades anymore it will be fine." The rest laughed again and Kenneth crossed his arms in front of his chest and give Anouk a nasty look. "So what happened?" Said Sam curiously, Marvin already started laughing again and Agyl held up a finger to indicate she was about to speak as soon as she had rubbed away a tear from her eye. "He threw a grenade, but it landed just two meters from our ditch. We all saw it happen and took cover, it rained dirt and grass all over the place. Now this was just the start," Kenneth gave Agyl a mean look, "Agyl!" But she continued, "We got distracted for a moment, but luckily so did the enemy. Kenneth started to yell excuses and wanted to throw another one but he absolutely fumbled it and it landed next to him in the ditch, he yelled to take cover and a few of us had to jump out of our ditch to avoid raining guts for the rest of the group. Catharina was a bit late and tried to take cover in the ditch turning her bud to the grenade, the combat suit saved her ass, but her tail was blown off. Kenneth sort of panicked, jumped in the ditch and almost landed on her, the poor thing. She let it rain insults for dear Kenneth here, but she was glad it was just the training." She started to cry from laughing and the rest of them were holding there belly's from laughing, Kenneth did not laugh. Sam padded Kenneth on the shoulder and smiled at him, Kenneth managed to conjure a little smile on his face. "But we still love you dear." Anouk said and ruffled her paw trough Kenneth's hair, Kenneth smiled again and took a gulp from his drink. "I swear I will not use grenades again." He said with a chuckle. Marvin managed to stop laughing, "As long as you use your rifle it will all be okay, you're a good shooter." Kenneth grinned, "Thanks Marv."

"Say, we were planning to go to the club tomorrow evening with the science and engineer juniors, would you like to join us?" Affra asked the troopers, They looked at each other for a moment and nodded. "Sure, that sounds nice. We'll ask if the rest of our group would like to join us all, I imagine we could use the distraction." Agyl said. Sam, Ivan and Affra smiled, "That's great! So do you all have to work tomorrow?" Sam asked. Anouk shacked her head, "No, we've got the weekends off. Some of our group go home for the weekend." "For some of us this is the only home we got" Agyl said absentmindedly. "sorry, what was that?" Ivan asked her, she shook her head and smiled "Oh nothing, just my mind wandering off for a moment." "Oh, that happens to all of us." Sam said, Agyl gave him a smile.

The group talked about their experience on the ship and shared thoughts about officers and other juniors, after that they started to say goodbye's. the group had stood up from the table they sat on, Agyl shook Sam's paw. "It was nice to meet you, so I guess we will see you all at the club tomorrow evening?" Sam nodded, "of course! I really look forward to it"

And with that the two groups parted their way's and left the Cantina.