Furry High School: Spring Romance: Chapter Fifteen

Story by The Roz Wolf on SoFurry

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#15 of Furry High School: Spring Romance

Notes: I have no clue who owns the rights to the song "Eyes on Me," but I'm guessing it's either Faye Wong (whom sings the song), her recording studio, or the people at Squaresoft. It doesn't belong to me though; I'm just using it because it fits so well.

Chapter Fifteen

Kaipo shuffled his hind paws around his bedroom, adjusting his slacks with one paw while he slipped his other arm through the sleeve of his jacket. Shifting his shoulders, the lion drew the black suit jacket fully on, fiddling a bit with the sleeve cuffs before buttoning up the royal blue shirt underneath. Tucking the shirt down into his black slacks, he glanced behind him, holding his pants while looping his tail out through the hole in the seat of the slacks.

Falling back to his rear on the bed, Kaipo leaned forwards, pulling on each shoes of a black dress pair and lacing them up, popping off the bed and padding to the door, pushing it open before shutting it with a prod of a hind paw.

Stepping down the stairs, the lion was intercepted by his Mother, Phoebe settling her paws to Kaipo's shoulders before lifting one of her paws, licking across her thumb and touching it to her son's cheek, wiping away a smudge to Kaipo's protest "Mom!"

"Just want you to look good for your date." Phoebe dabbed a few more times on his face before taking a step back, smiling softly as she looked over the lion "You look very handsome."

"Aww, Mooooom..." Kaipo rubbed a paw along the back of his head as a bashful look overtook him, finding Suzy peering from around a corner as he averted his gaze.

"You looooook haaaaaaannnnnndsome!" Suzy drew out the words, smirking with the taunt attempt before squealing as Kaipo swooped her up in his arms with a grin "Yep." The lion quipped back, poking the young lioness' nose before setting her down, the whole act getting an amused reaction from their Mother "Are you ready Kaipo? Have everything you'll need?"

"Yep." Kaipo gave a nod as he replied, pushing the door open slightly and glancing out, looking back as Phoebe touched a paw on his shoulder "Are you bringing Robert back to spend the night?"

"Um...yeah Mom." Kaipo's response sounded a little awkward, gaining a smile from the lioness as Phoebe nodded "Will the two of you need a ride home?"

"Nah, we've got one." Came Kaipo's response, peering out to the street through the windows set in the walls along the doorway. Despite his cool exterior, the lion was bouncing underneath, barely able to contain the excitement within.

A sudden tight embrace of his waist squeezed a yelp from Kaipo, his form twitching before glancing down to find his sister clinging at his waist, peering up to him with her eyes pleading along with her voice "Can I please go with Justin n' you n' Justin?"

The question got a flat look from the lion as he stared down and delivered his response after a short pause "...No."

"Moooooooooom!" Suzy whined as she turned her gaze back to Phoebe, the whole short exchange leaving the lioness with a mirthful smirk. Upon her daughter's glance, she reached down, prying the little lioness from Kaipo's waist, despite Suzy's squirming "I don't think Justin wants to spend the whole night with you clinging to him." The response left Suzy with her arms crossed and a little pout set on her face.

A knock on the door interrupted the scene, with Kaipo flinging the door open in his excitement, finding a particularly buff husky standing there with a warm smile. "Hey Kai." A pure white jacket settled onto Robert's shoulders, partially obscuring the gray shirt buttoned up along his chest, tucking down into the husky's white slacks, secured with a black belt and with a hole tailored above his rear in the pants to allow his tail some freedom. A matching pair of white shoes on his hind paws completed the outfit.

"Robbie!" Kaipo almost squealed, bouncing into the husky's arms, firmly embracing his waist as Robert's arms took hold around the lion, letting out a little chuckle at the feline's exuberance while giving him a tender squeeze.

"I take it your ready to go then." Robert murred into the lion's ear before lifting his warm smile between the pair of lionesses behind Kaipo, giving each a nod "Hey Suzy, evening Miss Terrace."

"Hiya Robbieee!" Suzy snuck up beside the pair, giving the husky's waist a hug just beneath her brother's embrace, drawing another chuckle from the canine. Robert slipped one arm from Kaipo to give the little lioness a playful hug.

"Good evening Robert." Phoebe replied with a gentle smile to the husky, accepting her daughter from his grasp with a soft chuckle of her own "Now, don't stay out too late," her gaze shifted between the pair as she spoke "And I expect you both to enjoy yourselves." The lioness nearly teased with an added wink.

As the door closed behind them, the pair of husky and lion were left standing on the pouch together; Kaipo left gazing dreamily into the husky's crystal blue eyes. Slowly, he leaned close, their lips touching, softly at first, before quickly growing in their passions. Kaipo's arms embraced the canine's waist tightly, Robert's embrace nearly squeezing the feline, Kaipo's purr rumbling up within his chest to his throat, Robert's murr sounding in response as the kiss held tight.

"Hey! Stop necking and let's go!" The kiss was interrupted suddenly, leaving the pair standing with their lips still lingering together, glancing down the sidewalk to the street in front of the house, finding the black stretch limo parked out in front of the Terrace household, a skunkette partially appearing out of the rolled back sunroof. The upper portion of a violet dress covered up her rounded up to her armpits, the faintly shimmering material hugging firmly over her ample chest and cutting off their, though managing to offer some modest even with the cut. Her white dreadlocks were worn up this evening, glasses settled well on her muzzle, her pair of golden earrings in the tips of her ears. "Come on you two! We're gonna be late!"

As their embarrassment passed, the pair hurried down the walkway through the yard to the limo, the door opening as they approached, finding a feline smiling out to them "Hey Kaipo." Justin greeted, Robert climbing into the limo first, with Kaipo following after. Each fur within greeted the lion as he got in, getting a smile, nod and "Heya" in return. Each fur was dressed in their best for the dance as Kaipo and Robert settled down in the seat next to Hina, the skunk's violet gown stretching down along her form, its hem carefully trimmed just above her hind paws, covered by a pair of matching violet low-heels.

Beyond the seats in the back of the limo where Robert, Kaipo and Hina were settled, a pair of seats were set onto both walls of the limo next to the doors, Justin sitting next to one door, of course, while Valentine and T.K were seated opposite the feline. Each of the three had on their own suit; Justin's colored a light gray, with a white button-up shirt on, his jacket left on the seat next to him for the moment, and a pair of black shoes fitted snug on his hind paws, with a hole cut in the back of his pants for his tail. Valentine had on a black suit, his jacket also left off for the moment, settled atop Justin's in the other seat. A dark blue shirt was buttoned-up over his chest, tucked into his black pants, a pair of black shoes fitted on his hind paws as well. T.K. had a rather unique outfit on, his suit colored mainly white, save for the black splotches placed randomly in it, leaving the clothing with an appearance the same as his fur. His shirt underneath his jacket was a normal white color though, buttoned up fully, his jacket settled on his shoulders over it. His pants held that same white with black coloration, with a hole set above his rear in the garment to let out his tail, and a pair of white shoes covering up his hind paws.

The final seats were opposite those of Kaipo, Robert and Hina's, seating a rather pink bunny, snuggled up to the panda next to her, with a tall equine sitting beside the pair. Matthew had on a suit built well to his tall, muscular form, the jacket stretching over his broad shoulders, colored a nearly black shade of emerald. A black shirt held the form of his muscular chest underneath, tucked down into his dark emerald slacks, a hole tailored in the back for the strands of his tail to emerge. The legs of his pants reached down to just above his ankles, cutting off to show his hooves.

Ami was trussed up in a rather frilly gown, colored a slightly darker shade of pink than her fur. Frills accompanied each hem of the gown, across the top that covers her breasts but gives the intention view of some of the bunny's cleavage. The bottom hem of her gown was decked with an equal amount of frill, with pink lace sleeves pulled up the length of the rabbit's arms, reaching down to cover her hands in the material while leaving her fingers free, the sleeves themselves not actually connected to the dress. A pair of semi-glossed pink high-heels fit well onto her hind paws. The bunny's lighter pink hair was carefully braided and tucked back into a ponytail behind her, her ears brushed back as well, the usual golden rings of her left ear replaced by white ones, while a pink collar done in the same material and shade of her pink dress held her delicate throat, the collar decked with frills as well.

The panda Ami was cuddled up against had on a deep crimson colored gown, tailored in a shape very close to Ami's, save for the lack of frills. A pair of clear, almost seemingly glass heels fit on the panda's hind paws, which were busy being played with by the hind paws of the bunny next to her. Lilly's rainbow locks were pulled back as well, their ends carefully curled as they dangled behind her. She had an arm around Ami's shoulders, pausing to greet Kaipo before returning to nuzzling the bunny's cheek, whispering to her occasionally, the quiet suggestions drawing embarrassed giggles from Ami.

As Kaipo and Robert settled into their seats, leaving Kaipo leaning just a bit on the husky, Robert wrapping an arm around the lion with a warm smile, Hina climbed forwards in the limo, knocking on the glass behind the seats of the bunny, panda and equine "Ready!"

The mix of laughter and conversations blended with the soft music filling the dance hall as the group of furs passed through the entrance to the dance. Kaipo leaned against Robert's form, lightly holding into his arm, resting his cheek against the husky's shoulder. Ami and Lillian entered in a similar fashion, the bunny holding on the panda's arm, Ami's cheek rested down on Lilly's shoulder. Hina followed the couple of the bunny and panda in, while Justin and Matthew followed behind the husky and lion pair. T.K. and Valentine entered at the front of the group, leading them several steps further into the vast space of the hall "Hey guys!" They all paused with the familiar voice as a golden retriever padded past them, dressed in a pair of tan slacks, with a white shirt-buttoned up over his toned chest. A tan jacket was slung over one shoulder, held there by a paw as Kessel offered a wave with his other paw before it was caught by the slender violet paw of a passing vixen. Her form was coated by the shimmering emerald material of her form-fitting dress, the garment dipping down from her throat to leave just a faint teasing of cleavage open before circling back upwards, stretching out across her arms to reach her wrists, as it's edge reached down to just above her ankles, leaving her slender violet paws fitted in a pair of matching emerald low-heels. Gen gave a nod to the group in passing before glancing back to the canine "Come on Kessel, you promised me a fun time. Let's get started on it." The comment got a nod from the canine, but any response was lost as the vulpine dragged him off into the crowd, leaving the group gathered there each with their own little smirk.

"Come on Ami." Lilly spoke up, leaning her head to give the bunny's cheek a kiss. As they stepped away, Lilly was caught by the arm, glancing back to find Hina there "Okay everyone, we'll all meet at the end of the dance right here, that work?" Each gave their own particular agreement before Hina glanced by to the pair "If you wouldn't mind, Lilly, could I dance with Ami for a bit?" The question seemed to surprise the panda, as it took her a moment to gather a reply "Well, if you'd like to, sure." Hina took Ami gently by a paw, leading the slightly confused bunny off to the dance floor. Paused there a few moments, Lillian glanced back to the group, stepping through them and taking one of Matt's paws in one of hers, her other finding one of Justin's paws "Keep me company, boys?" Her voice asked from a smirk, the question getting a slightly stupid grin from both as they agreed and followed the panda into the crowd. A silent glance between Kaipo and Robert passed before the couple followed into the crowd, leaving T.K. and Val there a moment. The pair joined paws, with the badger drawing the Dalmatian into a light kiss before leading him to the dance floor.

"Are you alright Ami?" The question brought another confused look to the bunny's face as Hina spoke, though her gaze told she was serious in it's asking.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you just seem so subdued and embarrassed around Lilly sometimes, I just want to make sure that she's not hurting you somehow." It took a few moments to sink in before Ami burst into laughter mid-dance, catching odd looks from the couples dancing around them "Is that what this is about?" Ami spoke in a relieved voice "No, it's nothing like that at all. It's...it's basically how we both like are relationship to be."

The skunkette quirked a brow, her own puzzled look showing now "What?"

"She doesn't abuse me, far from that. Everything's totally enjoyed by both her and me." Ami leaned up kissing the skunk's nose "Still as much of a Big Sis as you've always been." She slipped back from Hina's partial embrace, tapping a finger on the skunkette's nose "Go ahead and ask Lilly, she can always explain it a lot better than I can."

Robert and Kaipo had found their way out into the middle of the crowd on the dance floor, their entwined forms swaying gently to the music flowing overhead. Kaipo pressed closed to the husky, their chests brushing together through the garments over them, the lion's arms looped around Robert's waist as the canine's arms held around the feline's shoulders. Resting his cheek against the husky's shoulder, Kaipo nuzzled there softly, his eyes shut, letting him feel the husky against him, the power of his tender embrace, those firm arms holding him close, feeling each beat of the husky's heart mirroring his own, breathing in Robert's distinct, almost peaceful scent all left the lion at near total ease, with all the others around them lost to the single canine tenderly embracing him.

The feel of the smaller lion in his arms left Robert just as contented, watching Kaipo through his warm crystal blue eyes with his tender gaze, that pleased look on the lion's face supplementing the warmth within the husky. His paws stroked lightly along the feline's back, leaning his muzzle down with a gentle nuzzle of the tip through the fur along Kaipo's head and over and ear, through the short, golden honey fur where the lion's mane had yet to be. A slow stroke of his tongue crossed along Kaipo's cheek, drawing a cute little wrinkle from the lion, giving the husky a soft chuckle.

Hina had found Lilly and her two companions, having separated them from the panda and left Ami to dance with the equine and feline pair while they slipped away a few feet from the trio "Now, there's been something I've been wanting to say, Lilly." The skunk spoke as she danced slowly with the panda, nodding to her "And what is that Hina?"

"Ami does seem really happy with you, and you do seem really happy with her," Hina spoke softly, glancing from Lilly to the pink bunny, then back "But if you're doing anything to hurt her, I'll-"

"Hurt her?" Lilly nearly burst into laughter, giving a shake of her head, her rainbow of locks tossing in the movement "Hina, I'd never dream of hurting her. It's likely I'd do worse to anyone who did, then what you were about to threaten me with. After all, that's what you were going to say," Lilly turned her head slightly, cutting her smirk in half with the motion "Wasn't it?"

"Well...sorta." Hina glanced downwards a few seconds as their dance continued, her gaze gradually lifting back to meet Lilly's "Ami is very important to me. For a long time, I've though of her as a sister. I tend to get a little protective of her because of that..."

"Hina, it's alright." Lilly smiled brightly as the skunkette's eyes found her own "I feel just, if not more protective of her as you do. She's my own little princess, and I wouldn't dare hurt her." Reaching up a paw, Lilly's hand gave Hina's cheek a playful little tap "I can explain it more to you later. Right now, I'd like to get back to my princess."

A soft undertone took over the music; with the gentle strands of a harp being plucked several times before a more filling melody took over a few seconds. As it drifted back to the singer's voice, Kaipo's eyes slide open, meeting those crystal blues.

I never sang my songs...on the stage, on my own...

A soft melody overlapped the faint, beautiful voice of the song, kept in its beat by a tambourine.

I never said my words...wishing they would be heard...

A paw touched softly against Kaipo's cheek, Robert stroking his fingers through the fur there as their gazes prolonged, each captivated with the other's.

I saw you smiling at me, was it real or just my fantasy...you'd always be there in the corner, of this tiny little bar.

A violin took the melody, drawing it to a deeper range as the sounds of soft guitar play joined with it, the shift leading Robert's paw through Kaipo's coat, down along his shoulder, the lion's head slowly leaving the comfort of Robert's form, drawing their muzzles closer.

My last night here for you...same old songs, just once more...my last night here with you? Maybe yes, maybe no...

A blink cut off the indigo of Kaipo's gaze a moment from the crystal blues of the husky, their muzzles drawing a bit closer before Kaipo's shied away with faintly bashful smile, the expression drawing out a soft chuckle from Robert, slipping a soft lick across Kaipo's cheek.

I kind of liked it your way...how you shyly placed your eyes on me...did you ever know? That I had mine on you...

As Kaipo rested his cheek back to Robert's shoulder, a soft sigh sounded, gaining an inquiring glance from Valentine as the badger held the Dalmatian in his arms. T.K.'s head rested similarly on Val's shoulder, his gray gaze resting onto the feline and canine as the rhythm of the song built in it's passion, the sound of it's violin returning to accompany the singer.

Darling, so there you are...with that look on your face...as if you're never hurt...as if you're never down...

A gentle paw returned Kaipo's gaze, Robert's warm smile finding the feline's indigo eyes as his fingers played gently along his cheek, the muscular arm giving him a tender squeeze against his chest, bringing out a low purr from the lion's chest, rumbling back to Robert's.

Shall I be the one for you...who pinches you softly but sure...if frown is shown then, I will know that you are no dreamer...

The song melted slowly away, struck up seconds later by a solo flute, leading back the guitar play and the violin, slowly building the music back to it's passion as the couple held their gazes, slowly circling in their dance, Kaipo's embrace growing more firm around Robert's waist as the husky's smile spread to Kaipo's lips.

So let me come to you...close as I wanted to be...close enough for me...to feel your heart beating fast...

Kaipo leaned upwards, touching his lips in a tender kiss to Robert's, breaking momentarily to whisper to the voice singing.

And stay there as I whisper...how I loved your peaceful eyes on me...

They touched in another soft kiss, breaking this time for Robert's muzzle to mirror the voice mingled perfectly to the beautiful melody.

Did you ever know...that I had mine on you...

The music built swiftly in its passion once more as the singer's voice carried with it, her beautiful tone following easily to the quickening tempo, interrupted for a mere moment by a soft voice "Robbie..."

Darling, so share with me,

The husky took a moment before his soft, short reply "Yes Kai?"

Your love if you have enough,

Blinking away the growing tears in his eyes, Kaipo drew in a deep breath to steady himself.

Your tears if you're holding back,

"I love you." He whispered, blinking away a few more tears, following the first down through the fur of his cheeks.

Or pain if that's what it is,

Shifting his paw, Robert stroked his thumb across Kaipo's cheek, wiping away the tears from the golden honey fur as he whispered, "I love you too."

How can I let you know, I'm more than the dress and the voice...Just reach me out then, you will know that you're not dreaming...

The tempo built as the song's passion grew fuller, the singer's voice keeping match to the melody as it permeated the couple, their dance, the crowds, everything lost to them save the other and the music, holding each gaze dearly as their embraces grew tight.

Darling, so there you are...with that look on your face...as if you're never hurt...as if you're never down...

Breaths mixed as their muzzles grew close, any fears had been swept away as each held the other; each protected them firmly in their arms.

Shall I be the one for you...who pinches you softly but sure...if frown is shown then, I will know that you are no dreamer...

Touching softly, the kiss lingered between the pair of muzzles, lips held softly together in the firm hug the pair shared, their gazes never wavering, locked upon each others as both shed their tears from behind the widening smiles the deepening kiss called forth as the song faded back into the plucking harp strands that had begun it.