Life and Love
A work in progress. This story contains a lot of stuff that I relate to, and perspectives that I find myself viewing the world from. All critique is welcome, as this is an evolving story, and if it would be a better story for someone elses imput, then I'm all ears.
Life and Love
Settling into the stool, Mika waited for the bartender to notice him. The panther was making a line of shots with plenty of show for some giggling squirrels. The fluid grace of the throws and catches of the whirling bottles gave Mika a ping of jealously for the attention that those girls were getting. Mika glanced to either side, seeing the same groupings as every other bar or club he's ever been in. Giving his head a shake, he smiled up at the feline who suddenly appeared in front of him on the other side of the counter. The panthers amber flecked irises were thin rims around the pool of black that was his pupil. "So what'll it be for ya?" the bartender asked with a friendly headtilt. "What all do you have thats diet?" Mika asked with a sheepish grin.
"Cola or water, your choice." The feline nodded at the wolfs request and got the glass, placing it infront of the wolf. "Water on the rocks, house specialty for all DDs, and best of all, no charge." Winking at Mika, he slid further down the bar to service other patrons. Taking his glass, Mika sauntered out into the club, wondering again at why he ever comes to these places. They only ever seem to be host to furs who want to be blasted to oblivion before they can have a good time. It didn't help that he had never had a single intoxicating beverage in his life. So all the drunk people just seemed... stupid to him, and not funny at all. But this was where people were /supposed/ to meet, so he was giving it a try again.
Not to mention that nobody ever actually seemed to take any interest in him. Tho, to take that back, he had been told by several of his friends before moving, that he was just completely oblivious to other furs interest in him... at any level. The most blatant example coming to his mind without much trouble. On a business trip the previous year to a conference, a vixen from another division who he had been in several seminars with, struck up a conversation with him in the hotel bar. After several minutes of laughing about how much they were being paid to come to these things that didn't help at all, she let him know of 'a tough project she had, and would greatly appreciate it if he would come up to her room and help her work on it, tho it may take several hours.' To the chagrin of his friend who had come to the bar with him, Mika responded 'Wouldn't it be easier to just email me the information? I'll gladly look at it once this is over.' It wasn't until the next day on the flight home that it was explained to him that he was being asked up for something other than work.
Sighing deeply, Mika sat down at one of the unoccupied tables, letting his mind drift to the thumping of the music. Moving... so much trouble some times. Granted there were plenty of good reasons to do it, but having always found it hard to establish connections with others, moving definitely put a damper on any sort of social life he may have had. But the new job seemed to be going good so far, no travel, which he was definitely happy about. Sipping at his water, he lets his paw tap to the beat of a remixed song he had actually heard before. Being in his mid 20s, Mika seemed to have nowhere near the drive that so dominated everyone elses brain in his age bracket. Looking over at a smudged mirror across from him, he tried to see what others saw in him. The medium grey of his fur looking almost black in the dim lighting of the club. The golden highlights the only thing countering his muted coloring. So much teasing about that growing up, but he was secretly proud of them, because they set him apart. He let is eyes travel down to his exposed arms, which had definition to them, just not much to his eye, no matter how much effort he put into the gym. But he was starting to get there. Everyone who approached him seemed to make a comment about how they thought he was sexy, or hot, or some other comment which just made him want to scream in their face. Berate them for thinking he was worthy of talking to just because he put effort into his physical appearance. That no matter what someone looked like, it was WHO they were, that is the only thing that mattered. But no, he was not going to do that, he would just settle for giving them a mildly disgusted look, and let them leave.
Finishing up his drink, Mika stood up and headed towards the exit, giving up on another night. Wading his way around another group of furs just standing in a huddle, doing nothing, he stopped. His brain registering something very out of the ordinary that he had almost missed. Turning around and backtracing a few steps, he tilts his head and stares at a pair of busy ears over the top of a book. A... book? In a club... This was definitely a first for him. He strode forward, stopping a few feet away, giving a closer examination. The ears he first noticed being attatched to the head of a skinny raccoon, the giant bush of his tail draped out to the side of the corner bench he was sitting on. A steady light glowing onto his face, seeming to come from inside the book. Angling his walk around to the side of the raccoon, he saw a small book light giving off a low, but definately readable amount of light, onto the pages of the book. Dropping down onto the bench a few seats over from the coon', Mika tries to see the cover of the book during the brief strobe flashes without being too obvious about his interest. Some type of space ship it looked like, but the type didn't stand out enough to make the title or author.
Mika's view became suddenly blocked as a weasel decked out in stereotypical raver gear, sat down next to the raccoon and placed his paw infront of the pages. "I've been looking all over for you" Came the weasels slightly nasaly and overly loud voice over the music, with just enough slur to indicate he had definately been partaking of all the club had to offer. "I'm trying to show you how to have a good time, and the first time I turn around, you're gone! And you have a book! You need to learn to get your nose out of those books and start having some fun." Mika kept watching as the weasel essencially berated the raccoon. Watching as the ears which had been perked so attentively at the book wilted backwards. The raccoons entire body seeming to deflate slightly as he responded, but the words were drowned out by the music before reaching Mika. Though the weasels response made it pretty clear he didn't find it to his liking, for he threw up his paws in exhasperation as he got up, walking away. "Fine, whatever, see if I invite you out again. Was told it was pointless." The last was shouted over the weasels shoulder as he stepped back out onto the dance floor.
Jaw hanging open at the casual cruelty in the words, Mika looked over and saw the raccoon hugging his book tightly. His masked face bowed downards, as glistening drops fell onto his lap. Without even pausing to think, Mika got up and sat in the recently vacated seat. The huddled form next to him paying no mind to his presence. Sudden uncertainty filled him, noticing as his paw was poised over the raccoons shoulder. He didn't know this person, it wasn't his problem. But... he realized, he wanted to. Deciding to err on the side of caution, Mika tapped the raccoon on the shoulder, trying to keep his ears up in a friendy, unthreatening manner. But the only response Mika got as the raccoon didn't even look up was clogged nosed "Go away Jesse." Clearing his throat, Mika grimaced a little, not sure what to do, but wanting to do something, "Um... I'm not Jesse. But if that weasel was Steve, may I say he is a complete ass." The raccoons head shot up as he looked at Mika, a couple of the tears that had been sliding down the wide muzzle splashing onto his shirt.
"Wha... Excuse me? What?" The raccoons uncertain eyes stared up at him, filled with hurt. Mika could see the smaller fur visibly trying to steady himself, obviously not wanting his emotions on display for a complete stranger.
"I heard what he said." Mika motioned towards the dance floor, "And noone deserves to be talked to like that." Scratching behind his ear from a sudden onset of nervousness as the eyes stared up at him, Mika gave the raccoon an encouraging smile. "If it helps at all, I'd never actually seen someone reading in a club, and it piqued my interest to the point of having to come investigate. I hope you don't mind the intrusion, my name is Mika. But if you'd prefer to get back to your book, I'll leave you be." Making as if to stand, Mika waited for a response, oddly hoping for one that would let him at least get to talk more.
After several moments of hesitation, in which Mika had risen up almost to standing, the raccoon blinked as he shook his head lightly, as if awakening from a trance. "No... No. It's OK." The masked face gave a brave attempt at a smile. "I just let my emotions get the better of me for a moment there. I'm fine, really." A quick sniffle and swipe at the eyes with his shirt sleeve helped his appearence.
Mika was glad to see that even while the raccoon was definately lying about being all right, he was able to at least pull himself together and prove to not be a complete emotional wreck. And there was definately not going to be another one of those in his life again. Not. Ever. Again.
The smile stayed on Mika's muzzle, tho it quirked a bit to one side, going into his natural lopsided grin. "Well I certainly won't blame you for your reaction. He came out of nowhere with those comments. What's his problem anyway?" Leaning in Mika gave a wink, his voice lowering in volume consperitorialy. "I personally thing he's trying to compensate for an extremely... small problem." Leaning back, he watched the 'coons brow furrow in confusion as he mouthed the words 'small problem' before his eyes widened slowly, paw raising to his muzzle as he snorted several times.
A twinkle infused the raccoons eyes as his paw lowered, the reminants of a smile still on the masked face. "You're silly. But... thanks."
To be continued...