Room MATES (unfinished stories #1)
#2 of unfinished stories
This story is about a female fox named Kim and a female Skunk named Stephanie.
They are both going to collage and are roommates.
Stephanie woke up one day, she was feeling a little off, at first she thought she might be sick, but as she stood up she noticed her own sent and dampness, she has gone into heat. She looked over to her roommate, Kim who was sound asleep still. Stephanie took another sniff and noticed Kim's smell was in the air too and realized that at least shes not alone in this.
Stephanie started getting ready for her early class, trying not to wake Kim.
When she was all dressed, she sat on the edge of Kim's bed, Kim didn't notice. Stephanie didn't really know what she was doing, but she could hardly take her eyes off the sleeping fox, she took one last sniff of Kim, her smell was much stronger than her own and started getting her wetter than she already was. She had to get up and go to class.
Todays classes where as usual, a little boring, but her slightly swollen and sensitive folds kept her distracted. She could see that everyone could smell her, only the male lynx sitting next to her narrowed it down that it was her. Fortunately class ended just as he did and she was able to slip away into the crowd.
One thing Stephanie always liked was that people always gave her room when she wanted it, a little afraid of getting sprayed, so she could get through a crowd easily, however it had its downsides, she has to convince everyone that she won't spray them, so far she's only convinced Kim.
Stephanie returned to her room to find Kim talking on the phone.
"So can you come over?" she would question before questioning "you cant? what are you doing?" she listened for a moment before saying "Well have fun... bye" and hung up. She sighed.
Stephanie sat on her own bed, looking over to Kim "whats wrong?"
Kim looked over to Stephanie and replied "well, normally I'd have my boyfriend come visit every now and again, but his friend is visiting and they have plans so he can't come"
Stephanie nodded "other than that, how has your day been?"
Kim shrugged "it's been fine..." she replied before finally noticing the smell of Stephanie's heat "I mean all the guys are being bigger creeps than normal... And your day?"
"pretty much normal" she replied "so good"
Kim was surprised, even being in heat the poor skunk hardly gets any attention "I don't know how you don't mind being left alone, I gotta have friends"
"I like friends... I have you, but I don't have many and I don't have people crushing on me, unlike you, but it's the kind of thing you get used to" Stephanie explained, feeling her eyes growing a little moist.
Kim smiled, at this point she has stood and came to join Stephanie on her bed "I think your a wonderful friend, everyone just has to give you a chance"
Stephanie smiled back and gave Kim a little hug "thanks, your a great friend too"
Kim chuckled a little "I personally think skunks are pretty cute, and I almost never hear of anyone getting sprayed, you should have lots of friends"
Stephanie's heart skipped a beat "r-really, you think I'm cute?"
Kim nodded "well, I said skunks as a whole are pretty cute, but I think your especially cute"
Stephanie gave Kim a very tight hug "t-thanks, I think your very cute too"
Kim happily hugged back, one arm holding tight, the other slowly reached down and playfully grabbed Stephanie's butt, making her blush brightly "I have to ask, is this just your heat making you do this?" Stephanie questioned.
Kim shook her head "no, I've felt for you like this for a long time, my heat and my boyfriend not being able to make it again pushed me to just go ahead and tell you"
Stephanie smiled and kissed Kim deeply, trying to push her onto her back.
Note from the writer: When i was writing this I was intending to write a spin-off of Kim's boyfriend cheating on her a lot.