For a friend
Kenny's story
Its was a late night for Acrum, looking at the right corner of his PC at the time its said 12:40am he just grinned sliding his hair back from his face, a message popped up on his massager shortly after that he resaved a message from his friend, It was Mischa just saying hello like she did and it always brought a smile to him muzzle.
"Whatcha doin tomorrow?"
"It's my Day off tomorrow; I have to head to the bank and stuff"
He didn't know she was a room away from him; she was in his other brother's room hiding out and giggling. The night went along and they both fell asleep in their rooms
She was awoken by the genital rocking from Mullet telling her to get up... so sitting up and rubbing her eyes, Mullet put out his paw helping and leading her to Acrum's room.
"Now, when I whisper to you come in and lay down ok? He whispers softly to Mischa been still mostly asleep, he moved the covers over a little just enough she could slide in. "c'mon Mischa over here" he hushed guiding her to the bed side tucking her in.
"Nightie night mulli" she said before drifting off to sleep her tail curled around her leg as she cuddled up...
Mullet just grinned and lefted the room closing the door carefully is hide him.
The morning sun shone throw the curtains in to there eyes waking Acrum up first, sitting up the bear looked down at Mischa thinking it was a dream, he lent down to brush the hair away from her face when she moved her ear twitching and folding back as she curled up in a ball... Acrum just sat there; he couldn't get out with out waking her up so he curled up and hugged her till Mullet walk in, Boxers and socks...
"Acrum, are you awake? Come on Mom wants you" she knocked on the door slowly turning the handle to see Mischa fast asleep and Acrum sitting there brushing her hair back. "Yeah come on" he said again tapping his foot...
"Is this a dream?" Acrum asked with a slight yawn
Mullet just laughed... "Get up and she real too... She wouldn't give me back my bed last night so I took her in here" he rolled his eyes walking over ripping the covers off them both.
"Acrum got up slowly not to wake the sleeping kitty girl, placing the blanket over her again watching her curl back up. The two brothers walked out talking and she slept a bit more.
Mischa awoke with a start... looking around everything was different, the room was not hers and the day light looked different as well... she got out of the bed making her way throw the room to the door sneaking out to the bathroom. She made it without anyone knowing but on the way back she ran into Acrum that picked her up in a mass cuddle.
"Eeek!" was all she could say with a purr
"Mooring Mischa how were ya sleeping?" she said with a grin.
Mischa looked at him and down the hall way "shit... I have school"... She wiggled her way out of his grip and into mullet's room where her stuff was, then back out with a school bag and her old uni form from back home. Acrum just sat and watch her run to one side to the other picking up school stuff as she went.
He couldn't help but laugh at her, "Mischa 1. You don't have a uniform" she chuckled at her.
She stood wide eyed at him and looked at what she had on... turning around she headed back to the room picking her bag up on the way, returning back out with everything and a smile. "Morning Acrum" she giggled at him slightly blushing looking at his big grin.
A voice called out from the lounge room "Mischa time for school" it said echoing along the walls, she just smiled and skipped away to the front door where Mullet had her back and pushed her out the door, he spoke the driver to make sure she gets on and of fine. The bus started up slowly driving away as Mischa waved to the boys with a smile.
She put her paw on the glass feeling its coldness her ear's drooping a little taking a deep breath in and closing her eyes she took out her Ipod and turned it on, the music raced throw her head with the continues drum beat drilling faster and faster making the sound of her heart beat start to thunder away. A fur in from of her turned around looking into her hypnotizing eyes trying to talk to her, Mischa just steered aimlessly that him until the bus stop she stood up and got off, looking at the building she will ca; hell for the next few months, suddenly she wanted t real cuddle... like the one she missed this morning.
The day went past and she almost fell into tears, the school was just as bad as the ones back home and she didn't like it... checking the time table quickly she shuffled off fast to a Drama class, walking in to a room mostly full of guy she swallowed her fear to only walk in., the day was long and painful boring and all she could think about was her Acrum. The bell rang suddenly and all the furs raised from their desks and headed off with a "whoa"
Pushed and shoved looking down the road for her bus in the swarm of furs that covered the bus bay, spotting the purpled stripped bus from the top she headed down pushing her own way throw to get to the door and up to the stairs where the bus driver smiled.
"Hello young one how was the first day go?" he looked cheerful, a bit too happy for Mischa likes but she smiled back
"Fresh meat is always on the menu huh? She said rolling her eyes just a bit.
"Yeah I guess so, I'd be better tomorrow" and that was her que to walk to the back and sit, walking down the Iles looking at the other fur's, she sat down and breathed out plugging her Ipod in and sitting back till her stop where Acrum was there waiting for her return.
She got off thanking the driver then to only embrace a hug from Acrum making her shit ass day not so bad now; his hug warmed her up lifting her off the ground a little leaving her with a small squeak and the sound of her vertebrae cracking and crunching down her spine.
"Hey cutie, how was school?" she said arm around her wanting to take her bag
She stared blamelessly into his blue eyes making him feel cold for a moment, she stormed off opening the door straight to his room where she jumped on the bed and rested her head, Acrum followed closely behind her airmailing the view for a sec then focusing on her anger once again.
"Oh Mischa it could be too bad could it?" he sat down next to her rubbing her back, till he could hear her sweet purr throw the pillow her head was berried under.
Rolling on her back she looked at him with warm eyes and I smile sitting up a bit, her tail curling around the bear's wrist. "I hated school back home... you don't think I'll hate here too?"... She asked giving him another blank look for a moment then smiled.
"I never understood why but..." she stopped jumping behind him rubbing his shoulders.
Acrum rolled his eyes and moaned softly, he could feel his back moving and loosing
Each time her paws would move.
With a slight giggle she busted out saying "nom" and biting down on him neck, from a bite to a soft nibble she came up with a smile.
"Ah~ Mischa ya don't want to do that" he said adjusting his pants a little.
"but-but its fun and I want to" she squeaked into his ear making it flicker, but his word didn't stop her doing it again, this time she did it longer and harder, running her nose and along his neck to his cheek and giving it a light kiss, she smiled jumping off the bed to the computer chair.
Acrum dropped his head his cheeks lighting up like a Christmas tree, he steaded him self walking over with a grin, holding Mischa still for a moment and kissing her on the lips to get back at her, leaving with a scratch under the chine he stood up with a big grin.
Mischa was surprised her face also red a Christmas tree on a lightless night, still shocked she smiled her tail whipped in front of her face to hide it, "ah~... you win" was all she could say, Acrum feeling pretty chuff himself smiled.
"Told ya Mischa" he ruffled her hair hugging her and to only to return the "nom" on the neck
She twitched her tail trying to hold back the moan in the back of her throat; she rolled her eyes as her body went limp as he side his hands around to hold her close so she didn't fall.
"Nyaaa!" she squeaked trying to push away from him, yet still purring as each bite got harder and harder his warm breath warming her neck followed by a tiny lick.
"Nyaaa, Stop it"... he wills was to strong jumping on the head of the bed hugging a pillow close. He just Laughed and sat at his computer chair crossing his arms looking very proud of him self.
"Whats the matter Cutie, too much for ya to take?" he snicked under his breathe just loud enough so Mischa could hear him.
"Your mean"... She softly said before burring her head in the pillow hiding from him.
He spun around just as there was a knock at the door; it was Mullet looking in to see what was going on.
"Acrum what are you do... where's Mischa?" he looked around the room looking for the Kitty girl, her ear's kinda gave it away.
"What do you want Mullet and she's on my bed, I think you scared her" he giggled with a grin looking over at him brother not looking impressed.
"I'm here" she mumbled from the pillow look up slowly glancing at Acrum then to Mullet. "Hey Mulli whatcha up to?" she said taking the pillow away from her face with a smile.
"Nothing just been bored, you want to go for a walk?" he sat down on the end of Acrum's bed tapping Mischa's foot playfully
"Yeah ok, C'mon Acrum lets goooo!" she jumped up her skirt lifting up at little, both boy's kinda look with a grin, she ran her paws down her skirt striating it up.
Acrum smiled standing "ok Mischa lets ALL go" he stared at mullet with an evil grin as if to say "she's mine back off"
They all walked out of the house, Mischa running ahead doing cartwheels on the road
Playing around the two boys walked behind still liking the view as they talked to each other.
They reacher a park with a huge tree, Mischa stood wide eye enchanted in how big it was, Mullet walk putting his arm around her.
"Whatcha looking at?" he asked bring her closer to him as Acrum walked up.
Her leg started to shake a little, out of no where shoving her phone and Ipod into Mullets hands she took off up the tree regardless of her wearing a skirt, like a rocket her climbed up and up hight and higher.
Mullet turned to Acrum shaking his head "look, she's hot but she a bit nuts" he chucked to him self mocking Acrum.
"She's just playful like a kitten is" he chuckled him self looking at the red head climbing "Mischa come down now, where leaving" he called out from the ground.
She looked down at Acrum waving his paws at her and Mullet not so eager for her to come down slowly walking away, Mischa kinda sadden when she looked down but her had to go back down there for dinner anyway, so paw by paw she climbed down till she reacher the last branch where Acrum was waiting under looking up to see mullet half way home.
"Did I do something wrong by him" she asked jumping down and into Acrum's arms hugging him close happy to be back on the ground.
He smiled and gently put her down "nah he's just hungry, C'mon I'm hungry too" he hushed her away back to the house where they ate.
Mischa didn't sleep very well the home sickness started to kick in, she thought about her dog, the way he would be at the front steps every arvo waiting for her and her mum been close by just to as how her day was, and just the little things like that made her stomach turn, making her cry silently as everyone slept.
"this is not gonna work" she thought to herself getting up and walking out side with her Laptop in paws taking a blanket even if she didn't need it, laying back and relaxing on the floor chattin the her sister back in Auss, she glanced at the time on the laptop, it said 6:23am "shit I need to get back inside" she thought to her self, picking up her stuff and heading back to Acrum's room curling up on the floor having an hr's sleep for the mean time.
Mischa spent all day doodling and writing little things in her book, the consided of Science, Art, Drama, Computers study, Bio and finally P.E witch took the most out of her, running the oval 3 times then doing a fitness thing really made her feel like home but her wasn't going to give up. The bell rang for the end of school and she headed to the buses when Acrum waved her over making her get in the car.
"So how way your day?" he asked with a warm grin.
She didn't say anything just put her headphone in blocking everything else out till she got home. Acrum looked over and rolled his eye "that good huh" he mumbled knowing she couldn't hear him. They got home Mischa heading strait up to the shower to was off the P.E lesson coming out sneaking into the room, she thought everything would be fine, quick change then hug Acrum but he was already there Playing games on the computer. A cold shiver went down her spin that made her fur stand on end.
"Ummm"... she didn't know what to do standing there her hair dripping wet still she started to shiver "A-A-Acrum... can you not turn around please" she muttered loud enough for him to listen, he popped his head to the music then turned around to just see the towel drop to the floor.
Mischa's face glowed red for a moment and saw the wide grin on Acrum's face and laughed picking up her cloths from the ground.
"You ok there Mis?" he asked his paw covering his grin looking at the wet and steamy kitty in front of him,
"Yeah I'm fine, having a good look?" she giggled standing up straight in a pose been silly like she was.
"You don't know what going throw my head right now" his face slowly turning a bright red blush, sitting back enjoying the view.
"oh really" she gave him a sly grin "well come tell the kitty" she walked over sitting on his lap with that dervish look in her eyes that always meant something more then she gave on, she ran her finger up his chest and pouted with a sweet smile.
"Oh now come on" laughed "you know what going to happen so why bother"
"Well I'll deal with the mistake if there is one"
"It's not going to happen"
"Not even a little?"
"Then let the raping begin" she finally said pulling him off the chair then pushing him on the bed with a smile
Acrum just went with it holding her close for a sweet kiss then rolling her to the side kissing her more.
"Thought you said nothing gonna happen" she giggles looking into his loving blue eyes that said everything but nothing all the same time.
"Well I changed my mind" he grinned kissing her again, running his hand gently down her side making shivers go down your spin again making her swirm a little, he chuckled rubbing noses.
"Oh is that right" she kissed back holding back the moans but purring just as softly with the touch.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door, Acrum chucked the blanket over Mischa making her look like she was asleep all cosy, They knocked again but harder this time, Acrum got up opening the door and closeting it behind him.
"She's asleep leave her alone" he said looking at Mullet again
"Oh I just was going to ask" he didn't finish the sentence looking back at him Brother with a smile; he turned around and walked away with out saying another word.
Acrum slid back into him room where Mischa was all dressed and still under the covers.
"Anything important?" she asked looking at his puzzled face.
"no nothing, he was just stirring" and with that he climb back into bed with her running his hand once again down her side "aww you have cloths on... oh I mean" he could think of anything else to say but that.
"Yeah I was cold" she smiled nuzzling him with a kiss before settling down and closing hr eyes.
He did the same and they both fell asleep till late that night, Acrum woke up feeling a little hungry for missing dinner he got up to get some.
Mischa rolled over to find she had the bed to her self and starting purring loudly to her self scrolling out, "ah long time since I've done this" she thought
Shortly after Acrum walked back in with his Pepsi and a snack sitting at his Pc, Mischa sat up looking at him.
"Ah Hun?" she said with a small giggle "what ya doin?"