Secrets Ch. 20

Story by Wolf Seeker on SoFurry

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#20 of Secrets

Chapter 20

For several long moments Chase just sits there staring at me with a slack jaw. As the seconds creep by my fear begins to build that I have just destroyed what could have been the most precious thing to ever happen in my life. Lowering my eyes I take a deep breath and open my mouth to speak, "I can understand if your opinion of me changes at this. Frankly I wouldn't blame you in the slightest. Who would ever want to be with someone who killed their own mother."

His gaze feels like it is burning holes into me as he studies me before asking, "What happened?"

Swallowing hard on the lump in my throat I think about the single most painful memory of my life for the first time in many years. Letting out a long slow breath I begin recounting the story, "Well like I said when a demon hybrid turns fifty their true demonic side fully manifests or unlocks for them. Sometimes its a simple as them throwing the demonic version of a temper tantrum, rather easy to contain. Other times it is more like a natural disaster being unleashed. Mine was the second, I've heard it compared to being about as safe as a volcano erupting.

"The day before my birthday I remember feeling ill and my father had told me that my manifestation was starting. So he and my mother had taken me somewhere safe just in case I got violent. Things went faster than they expected though and I blacked out before they could get mom far enough away. The next thing I remember is running through a forest at night tearing trees out of my way in a blind panic.

"I don't know how long I had been running but I do know I was being chased because I could hear hounds howling behind me and voices calling out my name. Then the smell of blood hit my nose and I looked down and saw the red blood that soaked my claws nearly to the elbow. Without looking I knew it must have been all over my body as well.

"At first I didn't know who's blood it was then the smell registered in my mind and I knew without any doubt that it was my mothers blood. The realization of that sent me even deeper into fear and panic and without thinking or even realizing I was in my demonic form I spread my wings and took flight."

Looking down at the floor at my feet I feel a single tear slide from my eye and fall to the carpet, "I have been running ever since and the only member of my family I have had any contact with is Agerex, and he has made it pretty clear how my family feels about me."

I feel him shift slightly beside me as I hear his slow and steady breathing. I feel like I can almost read his mind as he thinks over what I have just revealed. Then he asks me a question I would never have expected, "How do you know you did it?"

His words cause my mind to temporarily freeze as I try and process what he just asked. Slowly I look up first to the mirror reflecting my demonic side, who appears just as confused as I am, then slowly towards Chase. Looking him in the eyes I see they still have the hard and calculating look in them as I ask, "What do you mean?"

He takes a deep breath before explaining, "You said that when your demonic side... manifested... that it was unusually violent and you blacked out for it. Does that mean you don't have any memories of what happened, what you did before coming to in the forest?"

I look at him for a moment before dropping my gaze and shaking my head, "No, neither of us remembers the moment of his awakening. Only what we remember after the fact to go on."

Chase goes rigid next to me and utters one word filled with confusion and suspicion, "We?"

Kicking myself at my slip up and realizing I can't undo the mistake I release a growling sigh, "My demonic heritage manifesting was so strong and violent that I became one of the rare cases where another personality was created."

He nodded, "You mentioned that before, where hybrids have a separate personality they can either embrace or chain up or something. Like people have a dark side to their personality that they keep hidden from normal people right?"

I give him a humorless grin, "That... is basically true though some cases go beyond that though, way beyond. In my case the manifestation was so powerful it became a full on awakening. My demonic side not only fully emerged it created its own separate entity. In essence we are two beings in one body. We share all the same memories and experiences of course, but he is... well the more intense and much more powerful demonically of the two of use. I though am able to keep control because it was my body first and through shear force of will. Not that he hasn't been able to get out before either intentionally or through some other reason."

Chase immediately gets up and paces around the room his agitation clear in his movements, "You mean to tell me you have a whole other person inside your head? One who you have just admitted is more powerful than you and, if I remember your story about your scars right, has killed hundreds of people many of whom were innocent?"

I open my mouth to speak but no words come out. Closing my jaws shut I just nod meekly.

He runs his paw through his head fur and turns to look at me with fire in his eyes, "Ebony... I don't know what to say. You promised me, PROMISED ME, nothing you kept secret would harm my pack and now you tell me there is a whole other being inside of you who not only has the power to destroy everything I care about and protect but that it seems to have little to no conscience about causing death and destruction when it gets out? How can I possibly trust you after you lied about that?"

I feel my own anger begin to rise as I jump to my feet and start to say, "I NEVER..."

My words are cut off from a voice from the mirror, "Let me talk to him"

I feel my neck pop as I whip my head around to look at my demonic side in the mirror, "Excuse me? Do you really think that is a good idea now?"

He looks back at me with a determined stare, "If you want to keep his trust he will need to hear it from me, you know the spell that will let me talk to him through this mirror."

Growling I try and come up with an excuse to try and avoid it when Chase interrupts my thoughts, "Who are you talking to?"

I look back to Chase and growl again at my continuing stupidity. Closing my eyes and waving a hand at the mirror I explain, "I can talk to my demonic side using mirrors. He is wanting me to use a spell that will allow you to see and hear him as well, to give you his side of things I suppose."

Chase looks at me for a long moment then says, "Then do it."

I look at him in surprise as he continues, "Ebony I am trying very hard right now to come up with a reason not to kick you out of this house and frankly the only thing keeping me from doing it is the fact your grandfather already knows where you are and may come looking for you. If and I emphasize IF I were to decide to let you stay I would very much like to know what dangers you would pose."

Staring into his burning amber eyes I can feel the intensity of the anger barely contained behind them. Seeing that level of anger and hurt being directed towards me by him causes any anger I had left to wither and die. Lowering my gaze I turn to the mirror and say softly, "Ok."

I raise my right paw palm up in front of me then use my left thumb claw to pierce my right index finger pad till blood begins to well up from the hole. Once a large enough flow has started I begin to trace the ink black blood onto the top edge of the mirror into a series of runes that stretches the full width of the mirror. As soon as the final rune is finished the mirror stops reflecting the room as it is.

With a wavering haze like heat waves in the summer the image changes from the semi orderly room to one that has been much less neatly cared for. The furniture is shifted and upturned, there are bars on the windows, the bed is so messed as to be more of a nest than a bed. The biggest change however is the hulking form of my demonic side crouched in the middle of the room.

His over all form is similar to my transformed state complete with the scales, wings, and horns. Unlike my form though his has red runes glowing like burning embers traced up and down his arms and legs, his wings start out black along the top edges but shift to red flame like patterns nearer the bottom edges. His horns likewise shift from black at the base to bright glowing red at the points. But perhaps the biggest difference comes from the eyes. Where my eyes are always jet black his are burning red orbs of flame coming from the sockets.

I had forgotten how much he altered his true form when he spoke to me in mirrors. Why he had always chosen to do sons something I have never asked about. Beside me I hear the sharp intake of breath and can detect the sudden, unmistakable sent of fear come from Chase. If he thought my demon form was horrific before, seeing what my demon half really looked like had probably terrified him even more.

Before either of us could speak my demonic side took the opportunity to break the silence in his gravely yet smooth voice, one filled with promises of power, that I could never match, "Hello Chase, nice to finally get to speak to you face to face." He shrugs slightly, "So to speak."

Chase looks from the mirror to me and says, "Part of me was wishing you were just lying about that, refusing to take responsibility for your own actions."

Before I can answer my other side replies, "Chase I assure you that our dear Eb here has never once lied to you about anything that would have affected your pack that he or I knew about. Granted he kept certain... details secret. But be honest, would have done any different had you been in his shoes, knowing how he has been treated in the past for his heritage."

Chase remains silent for a long moment then grudgingly says, "No I can't say that I would have. But it does not change the fact that he kept you secret from me knowing full well what a danger you pose to my pack. Hell I don't even know what to call you."

My demonic form glances at me for a brief moment then turns back to Chase, "As for what you can call me...." He thinks for a moment then says, "You can call me Daemonium Flamma, or just Dae for short. Though my true name is much to hard and dangerous for you to pronounce let alone know or even hear."

Chase looks at me and asks, "What does 'Dae' mean by that?"

Letting out a sigh I try and explain, "His... Our true demonic name is in itself a spell or incantation that gives who ever knows it complete control over us should they have the strength of will to use it. Basically if someone were to know and use it neither Dae or I could resist. We would be truly and totally enslaved in both body and mind."

Chases eyes go wide at the realization of my words, "How many people know it?"

Dae answers that quickly, "Only Ebony and myself know our true name and no one else in existence for obvious reasons." He crosses his arms in the mirror and I notice for the first time that even his claws have red tips to them that almost seem to be dripping a blood like substance from them as he moves them.

With a small snort he continues, "As for your other concern about me Chase you can rest assured I pose no danger to your pack."

Chase lets out a small bark of laughter, "And just why should I believe that?"

Dae rolls his eyes causing even me to shiver at the unnatural look it gives, "You should believe it for three reasons." He raises his right claws up and lifts a digit with each count, "First, Ebony made you a promise he would never do anything to harm your pack if he could help it, as I am technically part of him I too am bound by that same promise. Second, I am kept contained in this..." He looks around the room he is in, "Area, for lack of a better word, until some very specific circumstances take place that would allow me out."

Snorting I say, "You mean until I let you out of your prison."

His eyes narrow at me as he growls, "That is the easiest way out, yes."

With a cough drawing attention back to himself Chase asks, "What is the third reason?"

Dae looks at him with a smile on his scaled muzzle revealing his full set of razor sharp ivory teeth, "The third reason my dear wolf is because I find myself rather fascinated by both you and your pack. You could even say that I like you. Probably not as much as Ebony here likes you, though he won't admit to it, but enough that I very much do not want to see any harm come to you."

Chase stares at him in silence for a moment before finally saying, "I still don't see that I can trust you..." His gaze turns to me, "Either of you for that matter after having hid this from me."

Letting out a loud snort Dae says, "Well you shouldn't ever trust any demon as a rule. Our race is notorious for causing trouble. What you should trust though is that any bargain, deal, or promise we make we will uphold to the letter. As for weather or not you trust Ebony.... Well believe me or not, with as many things as we have done over the years he has never intentionally caused harm to anyone, despite my urging at times."

With a snort Chase looks at me then back to the mirror, "Good intentions or not he still lied about what threat you pose to my pack. How can I justify keeping something as destructive as you around and not be putting my pack, my family, in danger?"

Dae uncrosses his arms and lowers them to his side as he steps closer to the mirror till only his head and chest are visible, causing Chase to take half a step back, before saying, "You can justify it by the simple fact that there are threats out there the likes of which your pack has never before seen and the only one with a hope of keeping you safe is the one standing next to you. Ebony is not the strongest demon around, but he is smart, clever, and experienced enough to at least give you a fighting chance."

This time its my turn to give a snort of derision, "Yes cause that has helped me so much when Agerex came around. Are you forgetting that he would have killed us this last time if not for Chase?"

Dae grins at me then at Chase, "I had forgotten that detail, there is another mark in favor of you trusting us Chase. We both owe you a life debt, that enters into realms of magic even older than demons. Weather you intended it or not when you saved our lives you created a bond between us that will prevent us from ever betraying you."

Chase studies both of us for a bit then says, "This is a lot for me to think about. First you tell me that your being summoned by one of the most powerful demon lords in existence, then you tell me that not only is he your grandfather but that you killed his daughter-in-law, your mother, and now you reveal you have a whole other...." He waves a paw at the mirror, "Person inside of you that I honestly can't tell if he is evil or not."

He shakes his head then turns to the door, "This is honestly to much to handle at one time, I need to be alone for a bit to think."

As he puts a hand on the door he pauses then turns back to me, "I will keep this quiet for now but only until after we have dealt with your summons from your grandfather after that...."

His words trail off into silence and he just shakes his head before opening the door and stepping out into the hall pulling the door shut behind him.

With the sounds of his footsteps growing quieter as he goes down the hall towards his own room I turn back to the mirror and look at Dae, "Was that really necessary?"

Shrugging he replies, "He needed the truth and you know it. Now it is up to him as to trust us or not. You know he would have found out most of this if not all of it when he went with us to see grandfather."

Letting out an exhausted sigh I sit on the end of the bed rest my arms on my knees, "I know. I just wish it could have been done differently."

Dae shakes his head before sayin, "Eb you should know by now there is no easy way to tell someone the truth. Especially when you care deeply for that someone."

I turn to glare at him growling, "I do not...."

He cuts me off with a wave, "Don't even try to lie to me on that one. I know you better than you know yourself. You care more for that wolf and his pack than you have ever cared for anyone else..... Except for mom of course."

When he mentions our mother I look up at him and for the first time I can ever remember I see genuine sorrow on his face. For a moment I let the silence spread out between us before asking him again the same question I have asked him hundreds of times in the past, "Are you sure you don't remember what happened?"

He shakes his head sadly, "My memory starts the same as yours does after my awakening. With us running through that forest being chased by demons with moms blood on our claws."

With that he looks down at his claws where the red dripping was coming from and for the first time I realize that the blood on them was not supposed to be his blood but the blood from our mother. Possibly the first life we ever took with those claws. He has chosen to wear that not as a way to instill fear in others but as a way to remind himself of what his birth into my world cost us both. What we both regret most. The one thing neither of us know the truth about and may never know.

For a long time we sit in silence before he takes a deep breath and says, "Well now all our secrets are out aren't they."

His words were a statement not a question but I answer just the same, "I suppose so. Guess all thats left now is to get ready to make the portal to the demon realm and see what we are being called in for."

Dae looks at me with a tilted head, "What do you think he wants with us? I mean I really don't think he waited all this time for no reason there has to be something that has changed to make him reach out like this."

I nod my head slowly, "Yeah something has changed thats for sure and I doubt that his making contact so soon after we were attacked by Agerex is just a coincidence. There is something going on that we don't know about and with our family what we don't know..."

We look each other in the eyes before Dae finishes in a hard cold tone, "...Can kill us."

With that the runes along the top of the mirror burst into flames and burn away without leaving a mark on the mirrored surface as the reflection returns to normal and Dae pulls away leaving only my reflection starting back at me. I place a paw on the mirror and study my reflection for a moment before turning and hunting down my own clothes and getting dressed.

Once I am presentable I gather up all my belongings and sort them fully into my pack, placing my rune block and the journal in last, for the first time in weeks. Better to be prepared for never returning just in case things go bad. Slinging my pack over my shoulder I grab my sword then head out of my room heading upstairs to the second room across from the library.

I chose to go there because it is rarely visited by the pack and will make a good area to form the portal. It will be out of the way, less likely for me to be walked in on, and provides enough room to make a portal large enough to be comfortable to pass through.

Entering the lab like room I notice right away that it has been cleaned. The dust and cobwebs which had covered the room before are gone, along with almost all of the old glass jars. The tables have been moved and stack against one wall saving me the trouble of doing it myself. Placing my pack and sword down by the door I move over to one of the cabinets and start looking through the drawers in the vain hope of finding something useful.

In the third drawer I hit the jackpot. Rolling around inside of it are several pieces of white chalk. Grinning I grab one of the larger sticks and move to the largest cleared space of the room and begin marking the outlines of the rune circle on the floor. After about twenty minutes I have a circle about fifteen feet across with all the necessary runes traced around the outer edge.

Standing up I return the chalk to its drawer and begin dusting my hands off as I look over the circle again making sure I have everything right. Tracing the runes with my eyes I double and triple check to make sure each one is perfect. With this particular series of runes the tiniest mistake can be disastrous and it has been a very long time since I used it.

On my third trip around the circle with my back to the door I hear it open then close followed by the soft paw steps of someone moving into the room. Turning around I see Chase setting a clay bowl and a brush down on one of the tables before he turns and leans against it, his arms folded across his chest watching me.

His face is set in a stern look as his gaze flows from me to my pack and back. Though he doesn't say anything I can feel his question in the air. As I move towards him and pick up the bowl and brush to examine them I say, "Just in case I have to stay long term or.... something else comes up."

He snorts in an tone that shows he is still upset but unwilling to talk. Moving over to my pack I dig out my spice box and place a few pinches of salt into the bowl before replacing it and grabbing my sword and heading back to the table where Chase is standing. His eyes never leaving me for a moment as I set the bowl down and begin drawing my blade.

Taking a deep breath steeling my nerves against the pain I place the sharp edge of my sword against my left paw. Before I can make the cut however Chase grabs my wrist and pulls my hand away growling, "What the hell are you doing?"

I look at him with an annoyed glance, "I told you I have to use my blood to make the portal work, or did you forget that already?"

For a moment he stares into my eyes before letting go of my wrist, "Fine, but don't expect me to spend time nursing you back if something goes wrong."

I give him a half smile then place the blade back against my paw. Taking a quick breath I pull the blade quickly across the flesh. As though it is passing through butter my sword quickly parts the skin of my paw leaving behind a diagonal gash which quickly begins gushing black blood.

For a second there is no pain as the blade is sharp enough to not feel at first. Then the fire begins racing up my arm causing me to hiss at the pain. Moving my now bleeding wound over the bowl I watch as the flow of blood quickly fills it to the brim.

Once it is full I clench my paw tight to try as staunch the bleeding as I realize I forgot something rather useful and necessary at the moment. Looking around in a slight irritated hurry for something to wrap the cut in Chase lets out a sigh and holds out a strip of cloth bandage he had held concealed in one paw.

I look at him for a second before muttering a quick thanks and reach to take the bandage. With a snort he pushes my right paw away and grabs my left pulling it towards him muttering, "Figures you would forget about needing a bandage. Stubborn and bull headed you are."

Raising an eyebrow at his words he glances up at me before tying the bandage off as I say, "Thanks, but I'm not the only stubborn one here."

With a snort of diminishing irritation he leans back against the table as I pick up the brush and bowl carefully and move to set it down beside the edge of the circle. Getting down on my knees I turn back towards Chase, "This will take a little while to do correctly, after that we will have to talk about your marking as well."

His fur bristles as he asks, "What marking?"

Sighing I say, "Its optional but I recommend it to increase your safety while over there. But like I said, we will discuss it after I finish the circle."

Letting out a growl he mutters something I can't catch under his breath before relaxing against the table again. Taking the hint I turn back to the chalk circle and set to work painting the runes that will form the portal.

For nearly an hour I painstakingly paint every rune perfectly careful not to make a single mistake. Once I am finished I carefully step away from the edge of the circle as all the runes begin to flash a dark red in sequence until the entire circle is lit up. Nodding in satisfaction I turn back to Chase, "All thats left now is to activate it and we can go. Now to talk about the mark."

He glares at me and asks, "Is this another secret Ebony?"

I shake my head, "No nothing like that. Think of it as a visitors pass, only in this case it would mark you as being under my protection and off limits to other demons."

For a moment he studies me then asks, "How effective to you think it would be?"

I take a moment to really think about how to answer him before saying, "Honestly.... I don't know. I have been away for a long time and considering I didn't leave under the best of circumstances it may not carry much weight. Though I am counting on the fact that my grandfather has personally summoned me to help."

Silently he judges me through a calculating gaze before letting out a long slow sigh of resignation, "Very well, what do I need to do?"

Dipping the brush back into the bowl to refill the bristles I respond, "Just hold still, you wont feel anything. Though I cant promise there wont be some temporary staining of your fur."

He growls for a second at that but doesn't move as I quickly paint a single rune just above his eyes of two outward facing crescents connected by a loop. Once I finish it flashes red once then fades to barely be visible.

With all the preparations I can think of complete I move back to my pack and begin to take off my clothes and stuff them in the pack while pulling out a long strip of black cloth. From behind me I hear Chase take a deep breath as he asks, "What are you doing now?"

Looking back over at him I smirk as I will myself to transform into my demonic form complete with scars becoming visible as I drop the illusion around myself to normally keep them hidden. Wrapping the cloth around me in a toga style being careful of my spikes I say, "It is considered extremely rude to appear before my grandfather in any form of disguise."

He shakes his head muttering, "A little warning would have been nice."

Gathering up my pack and sword I move over to the circle as I fold my wings so that they drape over my shoulders like a cloak before muttering a series of demonic words. When the last word passes my lips the runes in the circle all burst into flames which quickly move inwards to the center of the circle before shooting into the air. Above the circle what looks like a rip in the air begins to pull open wreathed in dancing flames. Within the opening is what looks like a black tunnel leading to a red light in the distance.

Chase steps up next to me and with a gasp almost jumps back as the red light suddenly shoots forward filling the whole rip in crimson glow very reminiscent of a blood moon before forming into what looks like iron gates. As we watch the gates swing open silently leaving a gaping hole of what looks like the entrance of a cave. Had it not been hovering in mid air you would swear it lead deep underground.

I hear Chase swallow hard beside me before he asks, "Do we just step through?"

I look down at him and nod, "Yeah we do."

Before he has the chance to ask anything else I put my bandaged left claw on his back and gently push him along as we both step into the opening and feel our feet leave the ground as the darkness engulfs us.