Out Of Time - Book 2: The Element - Chapter 2: The Distraction

Story by DamianGray on SoFurry

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#8 of Out Of Time

The panda put on a grin as he turned from the office and walked through the halls till he was outside once again. He lifts his right arm and begins putting in some coordinates the time frame his brother Damian had been sent to.

Slowly, his body began to spark. Black colored electrical sparks flung from him and shocked the ground around him in a small circle. Over a small amount the sparks increased in both intensity and speed. "I hate this part." The panda grumbles to himself. His body begins to rip apart, binding with the sparks of black electrical energy.

In another time, sparks would begin at the ground near the feet of a feline with black fur. The cat jumped back a few feet as the process of the panda's form of time travel happens in reverse. The sparks slowly piece the panda back together. The panda growling deeply once the process was finished.

"Wow. You actually left the house today." The feline jested as he pat his older looking brother on the back.

Maldavious let off a low grunt and let off a small spark to his brother's paw, not really meaning to. "Yeah, and with good reason." He gave his brother an apologetic smile.

Damian shook his left paw out and nodded an ok, not holding anything against his brother. "If you came to me, then it must be serious. What's up?" The feline raised his brow in confusion.

Maldavious gave a sigh and shook his head. He wasn't quite sure of how to break it to him. "Look at your timeline. Tell me what's wrong." He raised a brow, hoping the feline would figure it out.

The feline switched which brow was raised as his curiosity was now peaked. It wasn't often he was asked to examine the fate of his world. He closed his left eye, his right goes white. "It would help to know what I'm lookin.............. Oh! Well that's not good." His eye goes back to normal. "My timeline ends when I next return home. And that scares me, What was changed?"

Maldavious sighs. "Meaning Father changed more then I thought." The panda grumbled. "After you left, father assigned SoL to the age of the Gods. So I went to speak with the director about this..."

"Father was the director." Damian finished, placing his left paw to his Chen and rubbing it softly in thought. "Have you figured out what he changed to get this upgrade?" He asked, looking to his brother with a raised brow.

Before the panda could answer, the sounds of Greek police officers shouting at them in their native tongue. The held up guns and where motioning them to get on the ground. Maldavious chuckles softly and looked to his brother. "Friends of yours?"

Damian shook his head as he pulled out a pair of dagger handles that looked more like brass knuckles. The blades to these weapons seemed to be made of solidified shadow. "Don't kill them, their just doing their nod. And thank to your little interruption, my job is now over."

The panda couldn't deny that. Damian was supposed to break into a bank to find some files for something or another. The panda wasn't always good at details that didn't involve his own missions. "No worries, and put those away. I will make it so they don't get hurt." He smiles as he raised his left arm to aim for the officer, not being more then three at the moment.

The bulk of his left arm turned from black fur to black electrical energy and burst out into the officers, launching them a few feet back safely as well as knocking the out. That energy then returns to the panda to reform into his back furred left arm.

After, the panda flexed his arm and paw, regaining the feeling in the nerves. "Man, I'm so glad I'm not the combative one. That freaking hurts." He grumbles. "Speaking of. Your method of travel is so less painful. Mind helping your brother out?"

The feline laughs as he puts his weapons away and nods. "Yeah. That already changes my fate a bit. Just let me see if it will change anything. Last thing we need is both of us being killed an the return." He smiles as he looks at his timeline once more and purrs. "Not what I want, but at least we live." The feline begins putting in the time zone for home. The panel on his left arm projects an image of their home. The feline growls as he looks over the 'new' sign and shakes his head. "I think I know what he did, but I would need to talk to him first to be sure." He motions the panda to go first and smiles. "The only way we live is you going first."

The panda laughs. "Fine. But I didn't see anything bad when I left. At least nothing lethal." The panda began walking towards the portal but stopped as a large tail thumped the ground on the other side. "And that's new." He shook his head and jumped through the image.

Almost immediately, Maldavious found himself doting the swipe of a large claw, one that belonged to a real as life feral dragon. His steps let off a few sparks he planted into the ground, getting a little smaller in each step. These sparks would wait till the large beast would step on or brush against to explode then return to the panda.

He knew he wasn't doing enough damage, but, he still accomplished his role, luring the dragon away from the portal so the feline can pass through and close it. He kept watch for this before his luring stopped, and he was now just ducking and dodging for his life.

With ample space to pass through and close the portal, the feline took out his weapons and let out a rather loud hiss. He dropped to all fours and rushed at the page beast. Once the gap was closed, he laughed himself into the air and drove the blades into the dragons back. The blades did no damage to the scales and flesh of the beast, yet still drew blood as they bit into the soft meat underneath. "I can't believe I get to fight a dragon." He grunts as he gets to his feet and ripped his blades free, ripping up both flesh and scale from the beast's insides out. "THIS IS EPIC!" The feline yelled out in a battle cry that got the dragon's attention.

Maldavious couldn't help but laugh at this as he got to his feet and began launching his own counter attack. "His own attacks did little more then tickle the beast for the protection of it's scales, but once the feline began ripping the dragon up in small chucks, which gave the panda a nice wet opening.

The battle seemed to be going in the favor of the brother's, but that was only till the dragon caught on to the tactics the two where using and sought to end it. The tail of the dragon came down on the ground where the panda was standing, the attempt to crush the panda below it. This would have worked for most opponents, but the panda was called the Element for a reason.

Maldavious saw the attack coming and quickly shifts his form. When the tail slammed down, he was flung away instead of crushed. His body reforming back to normal only a few feet away. He wasn't able to hold his energy form for long, and it left him in pain as he felt all his nerves as they fired back up. The dragon quickly caught on to that and with another sail of his tail the panda was flung across the field only to be slammed against the building.

The last thing he saw before blacking our was his brother laughing madly as he laughed himself at the dragon and a flash of shiny metal. After his world went dark and he fell unconscious