Accidents Happen - Part 1
#4 of Scrolls for a Lifetime
Story & Writing (c) me, Assassin
Character Khaliset belongs to me.
This short story ties in to several other small stories, ultimately turning into an event that with change and shape Khaliset's life for all of eternity. Part 1 of many more to come!
Such is life and the daily toll it takes upon our minds.
How ever consumed are the immortal.
With her family in the Duat, Khaliset was restless. Forever tolling away, mindless in her duties. Same thing, day in, day out. How she longed to be closer to the mortal world. To see their ever evolving lives.
The goddess was always drawn to the earthly realm though... something was peculiar this day. The tug was stronger than usual. "I must go." She says quietly, leaving before her family could object. Kebechet could deal with her duties, not like she was ever busy anyway.
Khaliset found herself in a desert, a few houses on the horizon. Why was she drawn here? What was going on that she needed to see? Then, she saw it. She saw him. A small child, stumbling about, falling to play in the sand.
The demigod did not hesitate in her approach. The child was far to young to ever remember seeing her upon adulthood, and even now too young to speak of it or know who she was. Typically, Khaliset was drawn to those near death, though the child looked healthy. She knew now, why her presence was called upon. Though the child was not in immediate harm, the unforgiving desert sun would spare no life, not even that of a babe. She had to lure him back home.
Anubis had always told her to stay out of the way, and let nature take its course. If he had wanted her to will as such, he wouldn't have made her a part of this world. _"I will not allow a child to join us in the Duat. Not if I can help." _Quietly she approached the mortal young, crouching to her knees beside him.
*"Hello." * She whispered, ears pricked at his response. He looked up, round face and dark eyes staring at her canine like snout and neon haze fur. The child let the sand fall from his hands as he reached out a palm to her face. Closing her eyes, she felt his tiny hands gently thump her muzzle with each pat he made. A warm smile covered her; oh how jealous she was of mortal mothers.
Getting up from her knees, she held out her hand to the child. ** "Come with me."** Khaliset beckoned, the boy weary as he stood and put his hand in hers. Together they walked across the desert, hand in hand toward the houses in the distance. It wasn't long before a scream pierced the air. "Rahotep! Where is Rahotep?!"
Kneeling once again, Khaliset began to fix the child's shirt, and wipe the loose sand from his soft arms. ** "It's time for me to go."** She said quietly, ruffling his hair. They weren't far from the houses nearby. "Go to your mother."
With that she phased away, allowing her body to become sand, and transform herself into a black jackal. She watched from nearby, a woman frantically squealing until she laid eyes on her son. Khaliset was satisfied with herself, even if Anubis would scorn her. With the child safe in her arms, the boy seemed less intent on his mother, and more intrigued by something on the horizon. Stepping from the shadows, Khaliset let her now dark fur shine in the sun. The child was quick to spot her, waving goodbye before his mother whisked him away.