Khaliset's Creation

Story by SabertoothAssassin on SoFurry

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#3 of Scrolls for a Lifetime

Story & Writing (c) me, Assassin

Character Khaliset belongs to me.

This story of Khaliset's creation plays a huge part in who she is. It's the reason she's labeled a demigod, which will continue to play a role during her whole life.

Khaliset was not born unto a mother and a father like most. Her title of demigod is not as telling as it may seem, for she has one creator and no mortal blood. Her tale of creation is a wonder filled feature, full of magic and beauty.

The story begins with Anubis, God of the Duat, Lord of the Underworld. Him and his wife, Anput, had one daughter together named Kebechet. The couple agreed they wanted a second child, but one that could walk freely in the land of mortals.

Anubis set out alone, leaving his post and home in the Duat. He reached far and wide into the mortal realm, collecting a pinch of sand from every desert in the Egyptian lands. His collection yielded a mortar bowl full of sand in all colors the eye could see. Taking his gatherings back home to the Duat, Anubis slid a dagger across his darkened palm, his godly blood flowing freely into the bowl of sand. Then with a pestle, he mixed and crushed the blood and sand until it was a delicate paste, and set it inside a fireplace to dry for many days.

Many moons later he returned, fetching the mortar bowl from the fire. Inside was not glass, but a fine silky powder that glistened in even the faintest light. It was time. Leaving the Duat, Anubis set foot in the mortal realm. He chose a barren place atop a sea of dunes, no living creature for miles. This was the first time he had been fully inside the mortal realm in centuries

On the horizon were a few fluffy clouds. The sun was just shrinking below the dunes. Ahead was a black sky, littered with stars. Yet where the sun traveled, there was still a bit of light. Purple, cream, and pink shadows drifted on the far beyond sunset. The shadowy dunes looked to be a torrential storm, waves thrashing every direction. Pouring the glistening powder into his hands, Anubis took a deep breath and blew the mixture far into the sky.

It seemed one distant star twinkled brighter for a moment too short to count. From the sky an object formed, gently floating back to the dunes. A small furred creature was laid down softly onto the Egyptian desert sand. Looking his new daughter over, Anubis noted she had every aspect he had added. Her fur glistened in the remaining light, darker fur with starlit patches like the night sky overhead. Her fur was a mixture of deep purple, cream, orange, and pink, like the setting sun on the horizon. She had large hollow ears like his own, and her fur was soft to the touch like the powdery sand of her creation. Her mane had dark streaks, resembling the cut he had offered across his palm. The inky black fur on her back even seemed to drip, like how his blood had run from his offering hand to the mortar.

Taking the small furred goddess in his arms, he pulled her close to his chest. "** I will always love you, my dear Khaliset."** he whispered to the sleeping beauty. Cradling his new child, Anubis took Khaliset home to the Duat.