The Photographers Apprentice - Chapter six: The Final Countdown.

Story by Devon Bearcoon on SoFurry

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#6 of Photographers Apprentice.

Chapter Six: The Final Countdown.


"-WILL BE GIVING A LIVE UPDATE ON HER DEBUT ALBUM AFTER THIS, IT'S BITTERSWEET SYMPHONY BY THE VE-" Quickly smashing a paw down on my Radio Alarm Clock, I squeezed my eyes open. Sure, don't get me wrong - Bittersweet Symphony is a great song, but today I just didn't have the time to lie in bed; regardless of how much a difference it made to the day-in day-out, mundane morning routine.

However there was one thing different that stood out as different; the small fuzzy grey footpaw sticking out of the bottom of my duvet. "Now that does make a difference to the day-in day-out mundane mourning routine!" I said softly, careful not to wake up the sleeping raccoon next to me, pulling the duvet down slightly as to get a glimpse of Todd's face. I gave him a gentle kiss on the nose, before creeping out of the bedroom and downstairs to prepare breakfast.

Even after 4 weeks of waking up to the little snoring ball of fluff next to me - watching him sleep for a few moments each morning never got boring. I didn't usually wake Todd up with breakfast in bed, but today was an important day - his end of term final hand-in. I reminisced back one year ago today, when I was handing in my final projects, and thought how nice it would have been for me to get served breakfast in bed... Unfortunately for me, my previous partner was much less thoughtful than myself.

Pushing thoughts of my miserable previous relationship out of my head, I sneaked silently back into the room, balancing carefully the tray with Todd's favourite cereal, a grapefruit and a glass of orange juice - on the nightstand.

"Phew!" I sighed gently, noticing that I hadn't awoken the Raccoon shaped bundle under the covers; which now seemed to have an additional "erection shaped" package, protruding upwards from underneath the duvet. I gently pushed the little tent that Todd had made in his sleep, giggling as I watched his footpaw shoot back underneath the duvet at my touch. A little gasp escaped from underneath the duvet as the dozy Raccoon started to wake up.

With a crafty grin I silently crept around to the front of the bed; lifting up the covers I crawled up and over the dazed, fuzzy shadow beneath me, feeling his morning wood poke into my tummy as my muzzle came up to meet his. "Boo!" I said, licking the sleepy Raccoon on the nose.

"Ohhhhh, good morning!" Todd yawned, mustering up a smile before giving me a warm kiss. Rolling over to my side of the bed, I asked Todd "Do you remember what we've got to do today?" he was busy rubbing his eyes and trying to disguise his erection under the duvet to answer my question. "Well?" I repeated, "Oh, yes, today? It's.... Thursday?" He answered cheekily, his eyes fixing on the breakfast tray sitting on the nightstand.

"For me!?" He gasped, clearly surprised. "Yeah, I figured you would need a good start to the day since you're handing your work this morning!" I said, "Gee, nobody's ever made me breakfast in bed before!" Todd said, giving me a kiss on the cheek - taking me back to that night that he had first kissed me.

"Well you deserve breakfast in bed! You've worked so hard these last few weeks!" I said as I watched the hungry, grey and black striped ball of fuzz next to me slurping at his cereal. Todd liked to drink the milk first - out of the bowl, it was so cute watching him do it, getting it all in his fur - he was just adorable!

"You think so?" Todd said, gulping a mouthful of cereal. "I don't think I could have done it without you, Arthur. So maybe you should share breakfast with me." He continued, smiling as he started to spoon me some cereal, before feeding it to me.

After we finished breakfast, Todd jumped in the shower whilst I washed the dishes; I could hear him singing from all the way downstairs. It was so nice to finally be living with somebody, someone who cared about me as much as I did them. Hearing him singing in the shower every morning reminds me just how lucky I am.

"Hey, Celine Dion! You've got 5 minutes!" I called to the singing Raccoon as I proceeded back up the stairs. "Okaaaay!" Todd called out, opening the bathroom door I watched as a naked, drenched ball of fluff bolted out of the door and into my bedroom, closing the door behind it.

"Hey, I've seen it all before! Why so shy!?" I giggled as I knocked on the bedroom door. "N-no reason! Ummm, J-just wait!" I heard Todd say, listening with my ear to the door as I heard him fumbling around frantically. What on earth could he have been doing? "Just get dressed!" I said through the door. "Mmmhmm!!".

Finally the door opened, a large grin covering over Todd's face as he shut the door behind him. Grabbing me by the arm, "Come on!" he said as he yanked me down the stairs and out of the front door. "What was all that about, in the bedroom?" I asked him, slightly confused. "Oh you'll find out!" Todd said, giving me a sly wink.

"Okay... You have all your work with you right?!" the thought crossing my mind that he may have left all his work at home in his commotion. "Yes, how could I forget it!?" He said, indicating to his backpack which seemed a little more full than usual. "Good, I was worried that that was your lunch in there!" I exclaimed, laughing as I pinched his butt. Todd flashed me an annoyed look.

Making our way over the field, the University loomed like a dark shadow over the sunny horizon, almost ominous. I heard Todd gulp, putting a paw on his shoulder to reassure him, I said "You'll be fine, trust me, I've been there and got the t-shirt!".

"Yeah... I guess..." Todd replied, looking a little distant as we walked through the sliding doors and through the Foyer into the lecture theatre, where we was greeted simply by a row of desks, each with a dull grey name card in which Todd had to present his work in front of.

"Here's yours, Todd." I said, motioning over to the desk with the name card on that said 'T. LEVON' the reluctant looking Raccoon trudged over, and began neatly placing the work that we had salvaged over the last 4 weeks - onto the table.

I observed each set of photographs that Todd placed out, each reminded me of memories of those days. There was even one of me and Todd, our backs facing the camera - holding hands, a lake in the background with a vivid sunset. I smiled as I bought the memories back up in my mind. "This was a great day." Todd said, placing his paw on top the photograph and then smiling at me.

"5 minutes, Todd and Arthur! You two are the last to show up! Sorry to have to rush you boys." Our Professor, Mr. McGraw - a rather old Irish Wolfhound - with a gruff sounding voice called out, frantically waving his stick at the clock at the front of the room."Here, let me help." I said, giving Todd a hand at neatly presenting the sets of photographs, and books.

"Ok! That's it, I'm done!" Todd exclaimed, placing the final set of prints down on the desk and stepping backwards, a triumphant grin spreading across his muzzle. "Good work, Todd, I'm very interested to see how these all turned out!" Mr. McGraw said, gently patting Todd on the back, "Oh, and Arthur!" he continued, turning to me "That mentoring position - I've seen how well you work with Todd, and I've noticed a significant improvement in his motivation, and with the development and professionalism with his work!"

Oh finally! Finally I was going to get my mentoring position with Todd! Another year at University doing what I loved doing, with the one I loved most! Rubbing my hands excitedly I listened intently to the haggard looking Irish Wolfhound.

"Which is why I've decided to pair you up with one of our less 'bright' students; Peter." Mr. McGraw continued.

My face hit the ground. Did he just say what I thought he said? "What!?" Todd screeched, his face wrought with angst. This couldn't be happening; Mr. McGraw was supposed to be pairing me up with Todd!

"What!?" I parroted, my eyes were wild as our professor continued; "I've seen how well you've inspired and stimulated Todd, and I think it's in the best interests of the course for you to mentor Peter for the next 30 weeks."

I was dumbfounded, not only was Peter - clearly not Todd - but he was also a self proclaimed Homophobe. Before Todd had the chance to burst into tears, I quickly dragged him out of the lecture theatre, turning back to gasp the words "Thanks" back to my tutor, an obvious lie.

I put my arm around the silent Raccoon, who could only look down at the floor as we walked, emitting the occasional sniff and sigh; as I lead him out of the foyer and toward the Photography Department.