Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 157
#157 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master
Chapter 157 - A Cause Worth Fighting For!
"So... You said something about expecting me...?" Chris asked as he walked along the second floor of the Temple's main chamber alongside Mother Tsarea, having finished her evening services for those who attended. "It's quite simple really... It's an ability shared throughout our line, you humans have come to call it Future Sight, most of us are capable of using it, though the degrees vary." she confessed. "For instance, while I do have visions, different things are often obscured, hard to make out... I had seen you several times, but the only clear things about you were clothes of white, many crimson tails behind you, and... Some sort of light that shrouded you from above." Tsarea revealed. "Then we began seeing you on TV, and it turned out to be you, imbued with the power of the Ninetales line... That explained your tails in my visions, but the reason for the light remains a mystery to me, though given where we now stand, I could think of where it may be originating." she giggled. "Many have their eyes on you, Mr. Nakazaki, and you house an intimidating power within you as well... For the longest time, it was difficult to determine whether you were a harbinger of disaster, or fortune, though after seeing all your deeds for humans and Pokemon alike up to this point, the line is much more clear, and I'd say you teeter more toward the later." she assured. "Teeter?" Chris smiled nervously. "Well... There are some visions that are cause for alarm... But given the good you've done up to this point, I don't put much thought behind it any more than necessary." she assured. "What you mean visions alarm?" Serenity asked, the girls having been following behind them. "Indeed... If you're spotting trouble ahead, we would like to know." Alicia nodded.
"Well..." Tsarea turned, looking at them. "Is it that bad?" Rose asked, looking up at the regal Gardevoir before them with her face shrouded and Pope-like crown atop her head. "...There are some visions where I see a figure that's neither man, nor' beast. It shifts between the two, shrouded in darkness and fire alike... A wicked creature, and yet somehow..." she paused, turning toward Chris as he blinked in surprise. "Agonized... A petrifying beast, yet pitiable at the same time. It rages, yet suffers... Almost as though tormented by its own fire... Though why I cannot say." she shook her head. "It's a vision that follows the other I've mentioned of you, so that gives me reason to believe it pertains to you in some way." she affirmed, the girls looking at one another before facing Chris themselves. "D-Don't look at me! I'm not a monster!" he panicked, waving his hands, only to pause when he looked at them and think back to his moments of rage and scratch his cheek with a groan. "I-I try not to be..." he added with uncertainty. Seeing this, Alicia sighed and slithered up to him, offering a nudge with her body aginst his side. "Fret not, we know you're no beast." she assured with a smile."I'm sorry... Perhaps that would have been best kept to myself." Tsarea smiled guiltily. "The future can be a blessing, and a curse, likewise this goes for knowledge of it. With the abilities I have, it's difficult to keep from allowing what I see to cloud how I perform my duties, and how I interact with others. I'm trying to work on that..." she added, bowing her head slightly in an apologetic manner. "N-No worries, we did press you to tell us more." Chris assured. "I would still like to think neither you, nor' I have reason to fear." Tsarea assured.
"Visions are just that, glimpses at what could be, nothing is ever set in stone for certain. It's like I said when you revealed yourself to me down on the stage... I knew you were coming, but the way you appeared remained a surprise. Anything can happen, in any way, and for any reason... No vision is ever concrete." she added. "Infinite possibilities and all that?" Chris asked. "Precisely!" Tsarea giggled. "The future has countless paths one can take, a vision is that of but one of endless strings that can be followed. So the odds are extraordinarily against what can be seen more often than not, which is why you being here is that much more of a blessing." she point out. "Well, thanks for that." Chris smirked. "So... You mentioned a desire to help us? Or rather, our Temple here?" Tsarea asked, looking around. "Not to be rude, of course... But I am curious now that you made the offer so assertively." she giggled again, causing Chris to blush and rub his head. "S-Sorry about that... Hope it wasn't too embarrassing." he replied, glancing away. "Oh no... If nothing else it was impressive. It was almost like a proposal." she added. "I-I'd never!! I-I mean, not to a Mother of a place like this!!" Chris assured. "I-I mean... You're pretty, but..." he admit, his voice fading as Serenity grew frustrated. "What you mean pretty?! You have thing for that one?!" Serenity snapped while standing before him. "Th-That one...?" Tsarea asked nervously. "N-No!! I was just saying!!" Chris insisted. "Oh dear... I only meant to tease a bit..." the Mother quietly muttered. "It's alright, she's that way all the time." Rose assured with a wave. "I-I see..." Tsarea smiled, slight sweat on her face. "I suppose we ARE protective over who we choose." she admit, looking at Chris as he shrank before Serenity's looming form.
"I'm sorry, I meant no offense." Tsarea apologized. "Yeah, you just watch self. He already have one!" Serenity affirmed, pointing at herself while continuing to refer to her own kin in a numerical manner, affirming Chris only needed a single Gardevoir in his life. "Don't worry. I suppose in some way I'd still be that way with my own Mas..." Tsarea assured, pausing and correcting herself. "Toward our other Mother, that is..." she smiled. "So... The other lady in charge here, she was your partner too?" Chris asked. "Indeed... I've known her since she was just a little girl, we grew up together, and as time went on, we found ourselves here... She fought long and hard to help me stand on equal footing with her in this Holy place, despite the objections from others and threats to strip her of her position... I owe much to her, and to the Mayor for being the one person with such power in this region willing to aid in our fight." Tsarea reminded. "I still can't believe there was THAT much resistance..." Chris scowled, crossing his arms. "Oh yes... To many, no matter the capabilities of our kind, we are all seen as beasts in some form or another. Mayor Holly is the only person we've known to have such authority that was willing to push aside everything, and everyone, to affirm I deserved the same opportunity as a human. You know of the law which forbids church and state from interfering with one another, correct?" Tsarea asked. "Yeah... I know about it, though only about as much as anyone else." Chris nodded. "Well... When she was willing to override the situation and authorize my position here in the Temple, it created many enemies, both on the religious side, and the political as well... Now both our Temple and the Mayor have enemies we never anticipated." Tsarea sighed.
Thinking about how rebellious Holly was to the standing powers-that-be, Chris couldn't help but show a nervous smile as the recalled how the Mayor shout out about how those alongside her in government were fogey's, something that had her own security sweating. "Yeah... She really isn't the type to pay attention to old ways." Chris laughed with his own sweat showing. "But... If putting that aside gives Pokemon like you a chance... I don't think being against traditions are always so bad..." he added, rubbing his chin. "And it's tradition that got this place torched, wasn't it?" he added. "Yes... I'm sure the sisters have already explained in some form or another, but me being a Mother of the Temple here is seen as blasphemy. We are, essentially, animals to many." Tsarea reminded, something that had Rose sulking while Serenity and Alicia showed their agitation. "Humans pain in ass." Serenity affirmed. "H-Hey! Not in here!" Chris panicked, shushing her and causing Serenity to sneer. "What wrong with you?" she asked, only for him to point toward the colossal statues before them to which Serenity waved her hand with a "bah" and brushed off the issue. "Y-You're gonna get me in all kinds of trouble..." Chris muttered. "I didn't teach her that, just so you know!" he affirmed, looking up warily. "Don't worry, you're fine." Tsarea assured. "Anyway... About what I said..." Chris replied, clearing his throat as Serenity backed away, remaining on guard should they get too close for her comfort. "On the topic of old ways, being traditional and all... That gives me a great idea on how to turn your situation around for the better, maybe in a permanent way too." he assured, making Tsarea's eyes widen out of her own curiosity being peaked.
"I noticed a lot of people who came in are kind of on the aging side... You don't have as many younger folks as I'd expect in a Temple this big." he point out. "A-Ah..." Tsarea replied, glancing away with a nervous smile. "We... Do have our challenges..." she admit. "...I probably said that a bit too bluntly." Chris replied, realizing how much of an issue it was and how aware of it she already was. "Not at all, it's true." she nodded. "Loathe as we are to say so, it's a bit... Complicated... Getting today's youth to join in our teachings." Tsarea confessed. "Well... The sister's told me you do stuff during the Aurora Festival to bring people and donations in... Could you go over the type of stuff you do? Besides the food and all?" Chris asked, causing Tsarea to look up for a moment as she thought over their routine. "Well... At times we reenact various events from throughout the history of our religion... We also perform music..." she added. "What type of music? What songs?" Chris asked. Going over the list of what the sister's sing, while at first Chris was smiling and listening attentively, after a moment his stance began slumping the more Tsarea spoke, a look of fatigue gradually appearing on his face. "H-Hang on..." he finally interrupted, raising his hand. "Yes? Is something wrong?" Tsarea asked, tilting her head. "Don't you do stuff besides that? I mean, sing anything different?" Chris asked. "Not really... The sisters train themselves dutifully throughout the year to master what we have available for visitors to enjoy. They perform quite well, as you saw moments ago." Tsarea smiled proudly. "Y-Yeah but... Even if they perform well, isn't it... Kinda boring...?" Chris asked, causing her eyes to widen. "P-Pardon?" she asked.
"N-No offense!! It's just... While religious songs and plays are great, it kind of goes hand-in-hand about what we were just talking about... Being old and tradition and all..." Chris reminded. "I guess performing classic stuff is fine, but do you ever mix things up?" he asked. "Oh yes! The song you heard me sing was one I created not long ago." Tsarea revealed, once again beaming making it all the harder for Chris to speak against their methods. "I-It was a great song..." he admit before scratching his cheek. "But... Even though it hits you in the heart, it's... Well..." he paused, fighting himself to be honest. "...It was kind of depressing..." he slumped guiltily. "D-Depressing? I've been told it lifts one's spirit many times!" Tsarea assured. "I-It IS lifting!! Really!! But... It's kinda... Dramatic." Chris tried to explain, the girls looking at one another. "In order to get new folks in here, you've gotta do stuff they won't expect. It's great you made a new song! But... It's not all that different when you compare it to other religious stuff they perform in places like this... Different words but the same kind of direction, or... Feeling, if you know what I mean." Chris struggled as Tsarea looked down and thought it over. "I suppose I had taken inspiration from other works we've done..." she confessed. "That's the key! If you wanna draw in new people, you've got to use new inspirations!" Chris grinned. "New...? From where?" Tsarea asked. "...That's the tough part..." Chris admit. "You girls don't have much time left before the festival's over with to put something together, so... I guess it's a little late for that..." he added. "Keep in mind this is a Holy place, there's only so much we can do here." Tsarea reminded. "I know, but... You've gotta evolve to keep surviving." Chris point out.
Hearing this, the girls looked at one another once more before looking themselves over. "He has a point there." Alicia agreed. "We evolve, and do big things after it happen." Serenity smirked. "Can't argue there... It really helped us a lot..." Rose nodded. "Ha ha, not exactly like that, but close." Chris chuckled. "Now... Let me think..." he added before rubbing his chin again. "There's three days left... And there's not much to work with, far as on-hand goes..." he added, walking up to the railing and scanning the chamber around them. "But with some help..." he added, turning his focus to the stage and the sisters dotting the area below. "Yeah... Could work..." he muttered before holding his hands up like a camera. "There... And there..." he went on, talking to himself. "Yeah... Yeah!" he smirked. "We could work with this..." he assured, turning to Tsarea with a nod. "You think the girls down there could learn a few songs in three days?" he asked. "Th-Three? Songs?" the Mother replied out of both wariness and intrigue. "If we're gonna bring new folks in here, you need new material, and I'm the guy who can help!" he explained. "W-Well... What did you have in mind? We're a Temple after all..." Tsarea repeat. "I know... And I promise I'll keep that in mind, but if I'm footing the bill, you've gotta work with me." Chris point out. "We can keep the spirit of the place at the core of everything, yet at the same time twist things in a way that folks can't help but be lured in by." he grinned. "Places like this are about lifting people up, making them feel good, have hope... We can do that way better if we give everything a modern flare... I could really overhaul this place, give the sisters some scripts... Putting together some outfits couldn't hurt..." he began to list.
Growing all the more wary, Tsarea's hesitation was clear as she heard out his ambitions for the Temple, leaving her uncertain of the direction he was offering. "And on top of everything, a lot of the press is still here in the city too... They came to interview me over at the Yule House today and they owe me one after what they've put us through, I bet we can arrange something with them too and help spread word about the Temple through broadcasts!" he suggested. "B-Broadcast?" Tsarea asked. "Yeah... Since they won't leave me alone, might as well put them to use for an actual cause for a change." Chris offered. "You said it yourself, you've been having visions about me, so that's important, right? I'm meant to do this, so can't we give it a shot?" he pushed. "You don't have anything that would be... Distasteful... In mind, do you?" Tsarea questioned warily. "Nah... Exciting maybe, but I wouldn't say anything outright bad." Chris promised. "If you give me a chance, I promise it'll be worth it." he coaxed. "I'm kinda confused..." Rose interrupted, making the two pause and turn her way. "Not make sense to me either." Serenity added, crossing her arms. "It's all well and good that you're ambitious about helping these people, but..." Alicia affirmed. "Why waste money and energy on stuff for big thing? Why not just give money they need to fix place if that what you want to do and be done?" Serenity finished. "Yeah... That would be the simple way, wouldn't it?" Chris agreed, the girls nodding in response. "But how often has the simple way worked for us?" he asked, making them pause. "Did any of you change or evolve by doing things the simple way?" he asked. "No... But... This different?" Serenity answered, unsure of a proper response.
"I'm curious myself... Go on?" Tsarea added. "I'll admit it... I've got the money to just have this place fixed up, but if we do things that way, it's not actually healing the problem, it's just putting a flimsy band-aid over the wound." Chris point out. "This place doesn't have enough people willing to stand up for it, to defend it... There aren't enough who care about it." he affirmed, making Tsarea look down slightly. "I'm sorry but... If it did, if all of you did, that attack wouldn't have been possible." Chris added, bluntly yet earnestly. "Suppose that's what I did, and all that money had the place all spiffy again. Next thing you know, there's another attack, and that money wouldn't have only gone to waste, the next attack could be worse and not only have damage to the building, but the Mother here and the Sisters could be in real danger too... It's like they say, criminals have a habit of returning, and more could show up too... Isn't that how the attacks used to be until Holly stepped in?" Chris asked, getting a somber nod from Tsarea in response. "Now it's starting to happen again, and it'll probably just get worse... If we're really going to help this place, we've gotta get people interested in it, willing to appreciate it, to protect it." he insisted. "As things stand, too many turn a blind eye to this place, either because they don't care, or don't know it exists... I want the people to fix this place, not I alone." he finished. "That... Actually sounded really nice..." Rose smiled. "Convoluted, but then again, most of your ideas are." Alicia added. "Hey..." Chris scowled. "They're convoluted, I didn't say they didn't work." the snake smirked. "Ah... Okay then." Chris nodded. "I think, if anyone would be the most accepting, it'd be the current generation... But to attract them, it's gonna take changes here." he repeat.
"We need more than the youth themselves however." Tsarea insisted. "True, and I'll make sure what we do has an appeal for everyone, in some way or another." Chris assured. "I'm no genius or anything, but I'm not about to waste money fixing something that will just wind up ruined all over again... If we play our cards right, we can not only get the money to fix the temple, but we can really bring in crowds that will work together to make sure it stays fixed too." he smirked. "It's a nice thought, but I'm still concerned about what exactly you would have us do... You're certain it won't be anything to shed a bad light on the Temple...?" Tsarea asked, wanting to keep whatever is done appropriate. "Oh, it'll shed a light, but it won't be bad!" Chris grinned. "Problem is... The way things are we only have two days really to get this place prepared, we'd have to be all set come the last day of the festival..." he reminded, crossing his arms. "This place is so big... We'll need a ton of help..." he added, putting together a general plan in his mind. Looking at the girls, they tilt their heads before he turned to the Mother and offered his hand. "Wadaya say? Will you let me help?" he asked as she blinked at him before focusing on his hand. "Well..." she paused, looking at the statue of God before taking a breath. "Our options are limited..." she added before looking at Chris again and taking his hand in hers. "Hot dog!" Chris grinned excitedly, giving her hand a shake before clapping his together. "Hot... Dog?" Tsarea smiled nervously as he walked back to the railing, his hands rubbing together eagerly. "You won't get carried away?" the Mother asked, to which Serenity placed her hand on her shoulder, shaking her head with a sigh.
"It's kind of his thing to go big." Rose point out with a smile and slight sweat showing. "He's a child at heart. When he does something, he does have a certain flare for spectacle." Alicia added. "You should have seen what he did on the ship we were on. He made another big ship appear out of thin air!" Rose grinned. "S-Ship? Air?" Tsarea replied, blinking in a bewildered manner. "Best not think about." Serenity affirmed. "I'm thinking lights... Monitors... Speakers there, over here..." Chris began to list, going into planning mode as he took out his Pokedex and brought up a blueprint tool to map out his ideas via holograms. "They do say the wealthy are eccentric." Tsarea muttered. "I'd like to think he is, but not so much in a bad way." Alicia chuckled. "Yeah... Yeah! That'll work!" Chris grinned, forming the layout for their event on his maps. "You girls stay here, I'll be back in a few." he instructed before walking off, scanning his surroundings along the way until the spotted him on the first floor, making his way to the stage and examining every inch of it. When one of the Sister's strolled by, the group watched as he made the woman pause, looking her over while having her hold her arms out. Focusing on the lower portion of her robe, Chris squat and rubbed his chin, squinting at the outfit while in thought before nodding and raising, pointing the group out to the Sister making her look at Tsarea and the girls. Turning her attention back to him, the Sister listened to Chris as he made sewing motions with his hands, thought what he was saying the group couldn't make out as he gave a thumbs up. Nodding in response, the Sister made a slight bow before walking off, leaving Chris with a smirk as he turned back to the stage and looked up at the statue looming above.
"Don't mess with that please." he suddenly heard echo in his mind, Mother Tsarea having used her Telepathy to call his attention. "Don't worry! I won't!" he smiled, giving a wave as the girls looked between them. "I asked him not to do anything to the statue." Tsarea explained, poking her forehead to signal she used her mind. "Ah... Right." Alicia nodded. After a moment, they watched him leave the Temple, shouting "Be back in a few!" and waving along his way. Approaching nearby windows, the group watched as he made his way around the building, repeatedly looking up along its sides before they watched him use Ninetales power to launch himself onto its roof, his fire leaving a trail behind him that had Tsarea stumbling back. "You okay?" Rose giggled. "It's... New, to see a human with such abilities." the Mother point out. "You get used to it." Serenity shrugged. "He's working fast though, that's for certain." Alicia point out. "Always does when he put mind to something." Serenity smirked. Looking back out the window, suddenly Chris dropped down just inches from it, floating in place with a loud "Yo!!" that made the entire group fall back with a startled shout. "Gotcha!!" they heard his muffled voice shout before laughing. "Not funny!! Don't do that!!" Serenity snapped. "A child indeed..." Alicia scowled as he flew off once more. "Seems like a handful..." Tsarea giggled as the group raised and straightened. Eventually, once he was finally finished exploring, and likewise mapping the Temple inside and out along with its nearby surroundings, he returned to the group with a satisfied look on his face, tucking his device in his pocket with a sigh. "Alright... With that done all I have to do is add in the details of what we'll set up and where." he smirked.
"From everything I looked over, this place is practically built for a party... With the right tech brought in, this whole Temple could be one big spectacle in of itself." he explained. "Spectacle?" Tsarea asked. "Think about it... With the right lighting, we can turn the whole Temple into one huge show! I've seen it on TV where folks use equipment to make the entire walls of a building look alive... We can do that here!" Chris assured excitedly. "We can have performances here in the main chamber, and if the place gets too full, we can have special effects going on outside... Have some really huge screens hanging off the Temple that show live feed of what's going on inside... I can really make this whole place pop!" he grinned. "I-It sounds lovely, but pulling off such a feat is another story entirely." Tsarea smiled nervously. "Hey, this guy's used to doing the impossible." Chris assured, puffing his chest out proudly. "And needing butt saved in process..." Serenity reminded with a smug smirk, suddenly nudging him in the stomach with her elbow causing his chest to deflate with a hack. "H-Hey!!" he snapped. "You're truly willing to fund all of this?" Tsarea asked. "Oh, it's no problem!" he assured, taking his device back out and bringing up his account details before showing her how much he had causing her eyes to widen. "That's certainly a number of zero's..." she admit. "My old man left this to me, and being honest, I've got no use for it." Chris shrugged. "I just like traveling, getting to see places, meet folks... I prefer using it for stuff like this instead. It's way more fun and feels better." he chuckled. "Ask the girls here." he added, causing them to show a blush to their own degrees as they touched the accessories around their necks.
"You just leave everything to me. I'll get you more folks and funds than you know what to do with by the time this party's over." he assured. "Of course you'll run anything you plan by me first..." Tsarea insisted. "Of course! It's still your place, isn't it?" Chris nodded. "Before we can do anything though I've got calls to make and workers to bring together... I'll focus on that and by the time tomorrow comes I'll have us a crew all set up to give this Temple a makeover!" he added. "You're not going to overexert yourself again are you?" Alicia asked. "Yeah... You kinda have a habit of pushing yourself too hard..." Rose added. "Bah, don't worry." Chris waved, turning only to find Serenity staring him down with her face inches from his. "Not make self sick again..." she insisted, making him shrink back. "R-Relax! I'll be fine!" he insisted, only for Serenity to continue staring him down until finally backing away. "I agree... The help is appreciated but don't sicken yourself in the process." Tsarea added. Letting out a sigh, Chris gave an "alright, alright" in response before hearing complaining below, noticing the children from before being escorted out. "Ah... Already time for them to leave." Tsarea point out, approaching next to him. "They're a big reason I wanna help this place... Them, combined with you and the Mayor, makes me feel like I have to..." Chris explained. "I do have concerns about you helping us... It's the same reason I refused the Mayor's offer to aid us further." Tsarea sighed. "Hey, don't worry about it. If anyone tries to bother us for doing this, we can handle it." Chris assured. "That right. Anybody mess with us, mess with him, they face me." Serenity grunt, patting her arm.
"I don't think anyone would be foolish enough to target the likes of us." Alicia scoffed. "We can take care of each other just fine. I can understand having to turn down the Mayor, especially all the circumstances on her side of things, but us? We answer to nobody and do what we think is right! Ain't that so?" Chris grinned, the girls nodding with smirks of their own. Continuing to go over various ideas for some time, eventually the group finally made their way back to the entrance of the Temple, with Tsarea using her abilities to open the doors for them. "Ohh... So that WAS you!" Chris point out. "Yes, it was only polite to do so." she giggled. "I gotta admit... Kinda spooked us the first time." he confessed with an embarrassed laugh, the girls showing their own embarrassment. "How could I not welcome you? Particularly after what you did for our child." Tsarea reminded. "Child...? You mean...?" Chris asked. "Indeed... I was listening from nearby." the Mother smiled. "Thank you for that..." she added. "N-No problem... happy to help." he replied, scratching his cheek shyly. Seeing this, Serenity scowled once more out of her jealousy, further welling from the fact he was so close to another Gardevoir making her approach and take his arm in hers. "No more of that, we go." she insisted. "H-Hey! Easy!" Chris panicked, stumbling as she gave him a pull making Alicia sigh while Rose merely smiled with slight sweat showing. "W-We'll be back tomorrow like I said. We'll get this place ready for a real party!" Chris grinned before getting pulled a second time by Serenity, with Rose and Alicia giving their farewells as they followed. Giving a wave, Tsarea slowly closed the doors behind them before turning back to the chamber, her focus on the statue on the opposite side.
Approaching it, she looked up at the massive work of art with a look of thought on her face. "What have you in store for us...?" she asked, reflecting once more on her visions of Chris shrouded in light followed by the image of a monster engulfed in flames. "And even more-so... For them...?" she added before turning back to the door, gazing at it in silence as the group outside distanced themselves from the temple...