Zoootopia: First Salvo Chapter 5

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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#43 of Zootopia fictions

Jackson Wilde prepares for an important part of Navy training....and schemes to steal a flag.

FIRST SALVO A Zootopia fan fiction by Dan

Rated M+

(c) Zootopia 2016 by Disney Animated Studios (Artist ownership) Ayden Gull from BRO GULLS by Anti_Dev (Artist ownership) "I Will survive" by William Borba 2017 (Artist ownership) Will and Alex Gray, Sheath and Knife by Harmarist (Artist ownership) Anubis and the buried bone by Harmarist (Artist ownership) The K'zin by Lary Niven. (Artist ownership) Don Carnage Disney's TAIL SPIN

Chapter 5 Recruit Training part 3

September 15, 2039 9am Executive Building, Downtown Zootopia Situation Meeting of the Mayor's Security Council


Cesar Leo Ritt: (White Barbary Lion) Mayor of Zootopia.

Fred Maludi: (Dark Gray/white mane lion) Secretary of State/Vice Mayor

Baghira (Black Panther) Secretary of Defense

Admiral Don Carnage (Wolf) Naval Operations Chief

General Blunt ( Angus Bull ) Marine Commandant

Rheana Lundgrin ( Honey Badger) Chief of Inteligence

Mandeemus (Orangatang) Doctor Emeritus, Zootopia University

"Welcome all of you." Cesar said as he stood at the head of the meeting table. Gesturing a paw towards the old orangutan, Cesar gave him the slightest of respectful nods. "I also want to thank the most distinguished Doctor Emeritus of our University for coming by request. You are most welcome dear Sir." Cesar said. He then turned to Admiral Don Carnage. "Admiral? Will you give us the latest?""

Don Carnage stood up and walked to the large map that was set up next to the table..."The exact particulars of events are still being investigated. The exact location of the Pacesetter when she was pounced upon is unclear because the vessel was lost and the recovered harbor seals are still very weak and unable to help us at present...save the one who told us he saw a fox being "skewered" alive on a pike....for.....for as gentle a phrase I can use to describe that. We of course can not verify that happened. We don't even know if any of the crew are still alive. At this moment the destroyers Zootopia, Savanna and Growler are on patrol ten miles east of the designated safe zone and we have put drones up around 20,000 feet over the Western Sea."

Cesar turned to Maludi..."Fred? No luck with diplomatic efforts?

"They're not replying, not offering and not talking." Fred said as he tapped a paw finger. "They're also not being aggressive in their post incident behavior; which makes estimations and predictions worthless."

"They don't telegraph their intentions." General Blunt snorted. They'd be excellent spade card players, that you "can" be assured of."

Cesar turned to Baghira..."I can tell you've had conniptions over the past few hours "Baggy"."

"If you want to be a comedian Mister Mayor? You're flubbing it." Baghira replied. "Our current posture at the moment is our best reply."

"Perhaps the families of the crew would take extreme displeasure with how you phrase that Mister Secretary?" Don Carnage said as he tapped a paw finger on the map. "I believe stronger measures of response are needed. Send some drones to skirt their so called "sovereign line", parade the fleet and dare them to be stupid but if we keep sitting down while the Kzinti continue to poke us? We just might have to shoot when they're a mile off shore lobbing shells into Sahara Square."

Mandeemus raised a hand. "Gentle-Mammals...if the Kzinti had any intention of doing more, they most certainly would have years ago and most certainly now after this incident, which I must remind you all is shrouded in a cloud of conjecture and rumor among our citizens, at the moment there is no legal justification for any action which might invite a retaliation strike. Any mistake or mis-step by any side could bring us all into a terrible conflict that may have been easily avoided. It could be that the Pacesetter made the same mistake as the first Zootopian fishing boat when it came into contact with the Kzinti. Someone could have said something which the Kzini took as a provocation. My advice mister Mayor is to curtail any outward behavior that could precipitate a response we would regret. Continue to seek dialog for our missing citizens."

The Commandant raised a hoof..."There is no mistaking that they are real predators Doctor, Am I correct in saying that? They are real meat eating killers?"

"That has been an established fact. They are isolationist and have been for most of their known history and these little "demonstrations" off our coast every so often might be just out of a curiosity beside being a little warning for us not to be overly adventuresome as that pertains to the Kzinti. They have proven that they will treat any violation of their declared state and waters as an act to be pounced upon. We must not go looking for a fight we may regret."

Cesar turned to his Chief of Inteligence. "And besides drones? We have nothing else to try and find out more about K'Zin?"

"It would be difficult to try." Rheana replied. "They have a well organized internal security force and being a unisis society of one species you can't just send in a fox or an unobtrusive mammal....we know they quickly kill foreigners, the commercial island off the coast is the only place foreigners are allowed. And sending drones past the declared border line would be a dangerous provocation. So far....the Kzinti haven't sent their own drones, if they have them they are probably worried about losing the technology."

Cesar thought...."For now then it appears that the best course of action we have is to continue our defensive patrol posture and keep our fishing fleets closer to home. Keep the Kzinti fleet under surveilance and keep drones above our coast line out to the declared warning line. We must have another meeting to set the parameters where we would have no other options, which is why I have asked Doctor Mandeemus to study the situation and give his best recommendations. This meeting should also include our civilian leaders....police, emergency response, leaders of our industries. We will have this meeting in about two weeks. Until then? Let us hope we can get our citizens back regardless of the history involved. Rheana? I want you to continue to try and monitor their internal communications round the clock, break their codes, decypher their language, I know that's been difficult but every day we don't have some sort of useful information is a day things get more peraless. I know you're doing what you can....keep on it."

"Yes Mister Mayor." Rheana replied.

"That's all for now gentle-mammals....thank you for coming." Cesar said as all of them stood up and he walked out of the meeting room.

September 27, 2039 3am The grassy field beyond the Butter Cup Trainer.

The five training companies sat in the lighted grass field next to the enormous trainer watching a female Bengal tiger pace back and forth in desert tan colored coveralls.....


"TWO FIVE SIX!" She screamed.....

"RAOWL!" came the answer.

"TWO FIVE SEVEN!" She screamed.....

"RAOWL!" came the answer.

"TWO FIVE EIGHT!" She screamed.....

"RAOWL!" came the answer.

"TWO FIVE NINE!" She screamed.....

"RAOWL!" came the answer.

"TWO SIX ZULU!" She screamed.....

"RAOWL!" came the answer.

"I am Lieutenant Commander Saltlickter...If I hear one wise crack about my name from any of you piss poor excuses for Salamader Sludge? I will personally snit kick you across the base and...."

The tiger suddenly bounded over to company 256 and kicked a young mule deer out of his sleep...."GET UP! GET UP YOU LITTLE SNOT! WHAT'S YOUR DAMN NAME RECRUIT?!"

"Sir! My name is Rono Sir!" The deer replied.


Saltlickter pounced on another deer. "WHAT'S FUNNY THERE YOU DIP SNOT!" WHAT'S YOUR DAMN NAME?"

"Bambi.....mam..." That deer replied but a little more meekly.


"24 hours mammals!" She continued. "You will stay awake for 24 hours or you will fail! Welcome to the Buttercup! And don't let the name fool you because Buttercup isn't gentle....if you screw up on this ship? You could knock out a tooth, break a leg, crack your head open or drown! This is your baptism of fire, this is where recruits become Sailors or they wash out! Buttercup sits in a ten foot deep tank that inclines at the bottom to 12 feet! If Buttercup touches the bottom? You fail! If she rolls over? You fail! Here you will face fire, flood...all the chaos you can expect in actual combat at sea! The goal is simple! Stay afloat and live. Sink and you die!"

"You will experience two evolutions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The company with the less amount of water in the Buttercup at the end of this week will win the DC flag! You MUST WORK TOGETHER! AM I CLEAR ON THAT OR DO YOU TODDLERS NEED YOUR BAW BAWS AND TEDDY BEARS?!"

No one replied....


"RAOWL!" Replied the recruits.

"Now!" Saltlickter snarled. "When I call the company number...I want you to muster up before the gate in squad order. You will reach into the bucket on the table and draw a card. This card will tell you your watch station, your General Quarters station and.....most importantly.....if you live or if you become a casualty or a fatality and your lumpy butt carcus becomes your Company's dead weight. At the end of the first cycle....you will draw cards again for the second cycle. 256 is the first company up. I urge and advise the rest of you to do two things before your turn comes up....

"Number 1? Drink water! No Coffee, no fruity drinks, no soda....waaaa....ter. Stay hydrated. If you start dehydrating? You will become seriously tired. We do not want you passing out from exhaustion do we? You can't swim in a flooding compartment if you can't stay awake."

"Number 2? take what time you have to prepare yourselves and each other. WORK....TOGETHER! STUDY.....TOGETHER! Otherwise? Just lay down like a trapped fox and chew your legs off because you'll be done. This is for all the meat and potatoes gentle mammals. From here? Bootcamp for you winds down to graduation. Stick together as Companies and tame Buttercup here or she will beat your snot into the dirt...trust me."


Company 256 let out a loud and proud reply.


"NO!" 256 replied as one.

"March towards the gate Two Five Six! All remaining companies? Be on your way! Good luck to every one of you! Dismissed."

September 27, 2039 6pm 259 Company Bay

Turk held a stop watch in his hand and pointed down to the end of the bay..."Ready! Set! GO!" And dropped his arm to signal Double Dutch to come tearing down the length of the room as fast as he could run to the pile of fire fighting gear paid out on foor! His fellows screaming, barking and growling encouragement as the fox threw on his protective ninja like hood, the fire retardent pants, the jacket, the boots, the cumbersome SCOT pack scuba unit, the breathing mask, the helmet and the gloves...."BOOM!" He snapped and stomped a foot. "Well?" he asked the Rhino.

Turk smiled...."Four minutes. But you can do faster than that? The sweet spot is three minutes and you don't have to fully dawn the breathing gear until a report of fire is made." Turk turned to another fox, a gray Sable. You're next Sho Sho."

Manny and Jackson were with a group of bears, Tigers, Rhinos, Lions and other large body mammals who's job it would be to attack and seal as best possible the expected holes in the body of the Buttercup...

"At five feet? How many gallons will come through a hole around one foot in diameter in the vertical wall of the hull?" Manny asked the group.

"676 Gallons per minute, 40 thousand in one hour." A young lion named Hoteph answered.

"Can two 250 pumps working together keep up?" Manny asked.

"Only if we reduce the flow to 192 gallons per minute." Hoteph replied.

"What do we use to patch a one foot hole?" Manny asked.

"A one foot plug of wood with cloth wrap or a one and a half bucket tong extention patch with a speed wrench." Hoteph replied.

Jackson sat on the floor taking notes. "Our investigators are going to have to be quick. We have to act within the four minutes...."

Manny smiled. "You're doing bunny math aren't you?"

59,000 gallons. That's the estimated capacity if you filled all three spaces in the Buttercup. Just a wild guess actually if you look at the size of the thing and know there's a single large compartment and two smaller ones. If we're taking in an average of oh....1,400 gallons from battle damage per minute we will reach full compartment flooding in....forty two minutes. We have to half the amount of loss rate within 13 minutes and get both 250 pumps up and working within 8 minutes."

One of the Grenola bears chuckled. "Never let it be said that bunnies can not do math well."

Jackson giggled. "That's how my mom snagged my father. She figured out he owed a ton of back taxes."

"What fox doesn't owe back taxes?" A Rhino named Leopold said with a gesture. "So? I'm handling the 250 pumps right? The rodents are going to run the inside of the hoses and check for wound cuts and holes and we need the pumps up within eight minutes. Shaky but doable....unless they kill off every Rhino on the get go?"

"That's why we have to have redundancy." Jackson said. "Every large mammal is being cross trained to handle different tasks and we're chosing leaders to step in should Manny, Turk, myself or the DC leaders get whacked. Everyone has to step up, form up the teams, get the wounded out of the way and attack this thing aggressively. We have to reverse the tide in eight minutes to where more water is going out than in. Eight minutes....that's our goal."

"But are we sure we want the bunnies as investigators?" A tiger named Sharpie asked. "I men...the water could be flowing in like crazy by the time we get into action. Not saying the bunnies aren't capable of navigating a flooding compartment and I'm not putting them down but their size in such a situation could become a hindrance?"

Jackson smirked. "Bunnies are capable swimmers. But otters would also be good back up just in case."

The whole company was doing something be it going through First Aid or figurng out ways to use those tie ropes they had to carry on their belts since the start of boot camp. Those one-eight thick pieces of line had multiple uses, as the rats were showing by tying pillows to the rack frames to simulate plugging water pipe breaks. The recruits were left to use old fashioned ingenuity and figure the uses out for themselves...

Manny gestured to the improvised drawing of the Buttercup interior. "Anyone want to make a bet they kill off the whole repair locker down here on the first get go?"

Burgundy (a Liger) nodded in agreement. "They kill of the locker, there goes our firefighters because they'll probably be all suited up and ready to go. Then what do you do?"

Jackson grabbed a piece of paper and started scribbling away. "No choice then....if we can go after it from the top? We poke in a sprinkler hose and flood the compartment. I don't know if they'll have us using foam but we would pour foam into the compartment then throw the hatch down and the foam will smother the fire by taking the oxygen away. At best if the compartment does flood? We brace the door and hope it holds all that water.....depending on the size."

"How did you get so good at math?" Manny asked Jackson.

"My Dad." Jackson replied. "He spent a lot of time with me...actually he probably hustled me because I was the only one who'd take care of his tail. He made math fun....so did my Mom. I was doing the family taxes by 14."

"Now...for a moment....to our other subjects?" Manny asked. "Sports Day and the Goat Flag."

"I've read the recruit regulations and the boot camp regulations." Jackson replied. "Anyone up for some creative daring?"

"You've had something in the works, haven't you?" Manny snickered.

"I'm.....a fox-box-ular-bunny-fox......thing....it's in the denna." Jackson snickered. "I had too....ask a favor of my godfather. I don't see anything that says we can't do this? Just that we should not get caught...doing it."

Anubis came into the bay and stood off to the side just watching the Company go about their debates and training when a pair of lions carrying a gazelle like a game kill on a big broom handle caused him to snap.....

"AH-TEN,SHUN!" Anubis screamed and all the mammals jumped to their feet! He walked up to the two lions shaking his head. "What? The hell? Are you two doing?"

"Sir! Removing the dead. Sir!" One of the young lions shouted.

The Gazzelle named Mindy joked...."Sir? I am sooooo dead.....ugh....."

There were a few chuckles but Anubis buried his snoot in his paw..."Please? Put her down right now? If you mammals do this during the exam? I will never hear the end of it."

Manny gestured. "Sir? They're just practicing clearing the dead Sir?"

Anubis sighed...."Can some one tell me what's wrong with this picture?"

One of the zebra replied...."It looks really messed up. Two lions carrying a prey animal like a kill? Yeah?......not very PC sensitive."

Anubis nodded...."All of you come close." He ordered. "Will you two please put her down?! And untie her legs!"

Waiting for a moment for the Company to cluster around him, Anubis grabbed up a chair and sat with the back to his chest...."Take a moment and look at each other? Come on.....look really hard at the faces....the eyes....trust me this is important."

The company looked at each other...."We're almost through boot camp my friends. You've all gotten to know each other, worked with each other, helped each other....how do you all feel about each other?"

The members of the company answered with a general sound of approval. Some with shoulder shakes or friendly gestures showing how they indeed had grown to trust each other and value each other.

Anubis gestured to a female otter...."Recruit Sicily? Come here?"

Sicily came up and turned around to face her fellows as Anubis held her shoulders. "All of you like Recruit Sicily?" He said. He watched their reactions. "Well....Sicily has just been in a compartment when it got hit. You find her with her tail severed....her stomach torn open....she's coughing up blood....she's crying for her parents....she's begging you not to leave her alone."

Anubis gave Sicily a shake. "Go sit down..."

"That would be horrible wouldn't it?" Anubis said. "Sicily could be your best friend. She's screaming, she's crying, she's scared yet the compartment is a burning inferno. You don't put that fire out? You let it spread? You're going to see more than just Recruit Sicily suffering. You might have to leave her on the floor. The compartment might get over run with flames and if she survives long enough? She might burn to death."

Sicily raised a paw. "Sir?"

Anubis replied. "Yes recruit Sicily."

"You just hate my slippery butt don't you?" The otter snickered, which got a good laugh going.

Anubis shook his head. "In addition....the air conditioner unit above poor Sicily just detached from its' mounting bolts and now.....she's an otter pancake."

(Laughter) "My but your day sucks." Double Dutch said smiling.

"Quiet!" Anubis ordered with a paw wave...."I'm being serious here. Allow me to impart a tip to you concerning your turn in the Buttercup. The wound cards are going to range from "ow...I have a boo boo waaaah." to "Half the head is missing but some how he or she can walk....you're going to have to make the choice between your friend's entrails flowing all over the floor or you swimming. I'm going to impart to all of you a personal story....

"I was a year into being with the fleet aboard the Destroyer Tundra. My best friend was a Cheetah from Savanna named Leeko. We're on a three month patrol when the forward gun magazine got a hot bulkhead warning light which indicated a fire in a storage locker on the opposite side. Turns out we had a fuel pipe running next to a steam pipe in this space and the steam pipe ruptured and broke the fuel line open as well. The result was a trapped inferno and on the other side of the bulkhead was the forward eight inch gun imagine that's in danger of going critical."

"Leeko was on the first fire team to enter the space and tried to put the fire out. The moment they cracked the door to the storage room? The fire got fresh oxygen and it cooked off...there went team number one."

"Team number two was coming up behind number one just as the door cracked. Only one member of team two escaped...a wolf....and he didn't live long. The fire was out of control, the magazine temperature was screaming towards critical so... the only thing we could do...was flood the space and lock the hatches above it. A rhino named Dimetri and I opened the sea valves to rapidly flood that space with water and we were dropping the hatches when we heard screaming...

"It was Leeko....what I could figure was him because he was.....he was horribly burned, trying to tread in that rapidly filling compartment. I lost sight of him as the water reached the lip of the hatch....so we slammed it shut and speed tightened the nuts...."

Anubis took a moment...."Look at each other....go on...look! You're going to have to make hard choices and at the end of the simulation you'll be asked to explain why you left Sicily.....or Turk......Or Wilde.....or any of you to possibly die. Why did you leave your best friend to die? It is the ship or you will swim, that is the bitter reality of our purpose my friends and if you feel you can not meet the challenge of this purpose then the office is open for you to request an exit, we do not want mammals who don't understand, who can't take it. The fleet is not a joke and war is not something whimsical mammals. This is not a place for cry babies and social justice harpies. You are here understanding the risk you are involved in or you're just trying to hang on and skate to graduation...don't.......be......fooled, you won't get pass the Buttercup, I assure you."

Anubis stood up. "Think hard over the next few days but keep your attention on what you're doing. Be as ready as you can be....brains and emotions." As if for emphasis....Anubis dropped a picture from his wallet on a small table of him and Leeko in happier times...probably a party from the look of the shot.

The first to crack was a bunny named "Hipscott" who came up to Manny requesting to see the Company Commander. No one said anything, no one jeered him for wanting out, no one tried to tell him he was wrong or begged him to change his mind but he didn't go without a lot of hugs.

Once of the foxes followed, then an ox, then a pair of rats, two nice, the last a Ram at mid-night. Leaving the company down to 183 mammals; not crippling but a little empty non the less.

September 28, 2039 9am 259 Company Bay

What started out as "2 by 4's and wedges" at one end of the bay ended up as "Cheese Wiz and Snickers" by the time Turk got a slip of paper in his hand...

"Are you serious?" He snorted. "Cheese Wiz and Snickers" now how in hell do you get "Cheese Wiz and Snickers" from "2 by 4's and wedges"? The rhino asked as he walked down the line of mammals. "Who in the line came up with this?"

The drill was a child's game in elementary school. You formed a single line and started with a small sentence at one end and passed it down to the other end. More often than not it went from "Bricks and shanties" to "Mommy has nice panties." or some other corruption. The lesson was meant to teach attention to detail and accuracy if the communication system aboard a ship died and you only had relay runners to bring information...

Turk passed a Badger named "Nicky Whips" who gave a slight smirk. "I did. I...I was sort of distracted my assistant RPOC."

"Well you can "sort of" pump out 30 push ups then?" Turk commanded. "We'll do this little drill until we get things right."

In the meantime...Jackson wasn't taking part. He was sitting by a window looking across the open court yard towards sister company's squad bay...

"Care to tell me exactly what you've planned?" Manny asked as he leaned over Jackson's shoulder...

"Miff! Don't make it so obvious!" Jackson snorted. "Be patient......and? Poof!"

A series of flashes raced across the empty company bay ceiling and culminated with the television blowing it's tube in a shower of sparks! At the moment... Company 260 was off working fire hose drills at the school house and the only occupant was the lone duty watch who was fumbling with the phone in a panic...

Manny looked at Jackson with a snicker. "Where did you get the props for that?"

"What?" Jackson replied. "Obviously they have a little.....rodent problem I guess? They really need to stop coating the electrical wires with peanut oil based chemicals. (Yes.....they really do that in the real world and you wonder why Squirrels, raccoon and bats love to eat your electrical wires?)

As if to make sure there were no suspicions....the same thing happened to 259's Company Bay..."Sheesh! Did you have to hit us too?" Manny yelped as the fire alarm went off!

"Elaborate schemes need convincing cover stories." Jackson replied as he walked with Manny and the company out of the barracks building as the fire department rolled up.

September 28, 2039 10am Energizer Electrical Services Savanna Central

The phone on the desk rang and a polar bear jumped from making his morning breakfast to grab it. "Yo? Energizer Survives here, if you ain't smile-in? You'z a spark-in, can I help you?" The polar bear asked as he grabbed a pad of paper. "Building number 13, Division 13, two Company bays are out and you had electrical shorts. I don't have electrical shorts. Just trying to make your day a little brighter there Sir, I'll send two of my best boys out to fix your problem, no worries."

Putting down the phone, the Polar Bear walked into the coffee break room. "Yo Kevin? Where's yer partner in criminal activity?"

Kevin replied. "Out having a fish n Danish, what's you got Fredo?" Kevin asked as he stood up from chewing on a meat stick.

"Take Raymond and go to the 13th Division on the training base, two of their company bay's have a voltage condition and a bunch of broken lights." Fredo replied with a hand gesture.

Kevin found Raymond finishing up his Danish while checking his Furbook and tapped him on the head..."Yo? We got work to do. It's our cue time from the boss so we have to go over to the recruiting base, put the phone away and put your brain on the business."

"Since when did we become electricians?" Raymond asked Kevin as he followed him to the work truck.

"Since we needed to supplement our incomes during the off soccer season ok? You know our traditional employment goes slow around this time, stop complaining. Besides, it's family ok?" Kevin snorted. "You know what to do right? But no funny stuff....no tail groping....no trying to slip tongue and teeth and no getting numbers."

Raymond buckled his seat belt. "Just shut up and let's go? We ain't got a freeking day for this. Put on some of that Caroline Hendershrew music. And if you go to far? so help me Kevin....I'm gonna bite your tail off and shove it so far up your rump...."

"Enough of the snit Ray? Just go by the plan?" Kevin snorted as he drove the truck out of the company yard.

September 28, 2039 10:45am Barracks facility, 13th Division.

Darla walked up to Jackson outside the front of the building and pouted..."What happened?"

"I dunno." Jackson replied. "It started in your bay and came over to ours. Blew out all the power. You hear anything about 256 and how they're doing?"

"Nope." Darla replied. "We were marched wide around the Buttercup so we couldn't see anything. We've spent the morning doing fire fighting drills. You guys were practicing hard I bet?"

"Practicing in kicking your tail." Jackson huffed. "You'll need all the luck you can find Darla."

Darla smiled at her boyfriend. "We'll just see huh? Maybe we could talk to our company commanders and allow you and me to put on a demonstration of our talents on the log roll so I can show everyone your superior skills at sucking?"

Jackson bent down and touched his nose to Darla's...."I love your slimy self confidence."

"Being good is not "self-confidence"....see you around Jackie." Darla turned around and wiggled her behind at him as she walked away...

Manny walked up and snickered into Jackson's ear. "The electricians just showed up? So far...they haven't gone in to take the flags off the storage rack. The Goat is still there."

Jackson snickered back. "Still only a single watch in the bay right?"

"Right now....yes." Manny replied. "Is this it?"

Jackson nodded. "It's going to be fun to watch....cept we can't."

September 28, 2039 11am Barracks facility, 13th Division. 260 Company bay

Raymond and Kevin walked into the bay and up to the lone watch, a female rabbit named "Huxberry" who stood at guard position with her arms extended and the rifle resting on the tip of the butt angled at 45 degrees in front of her body. When Raymond came through the door, she popped to attention, brought the rifle up across her chest and boomed out....

"Identify yourselves please Sirs!"

"Good morning." Kevin said with a nod. "I'm Kevin, this is Raymond and we're here to fix your problem with the electricity. Here's the work order." Kevin showed the paper to Huxberry who resumed her post and gestured...."Carry on Sirs."

Raymond stopped and pointed to the ceiling. "Were you here when this happened?"

"Yes sir. I was on watch sir." Huxberry asked.

"Tell me what you saw? The description will kinda help us out." Raymond asked.

"Sir....it started from the far end of the bay. It blew out every overhead light and then it blew the television Sir." Huxberry described.

"I am impressed." Raymond said. "All you Sailors have such excellent manors. So it sounds like a power surge. Probably from feral rodents chewing on the cables, you never think in this day and age we'd still have wild rodents. Well? We'll get this fixed real quick for you guys."

"We won't get it fixed at all if you keep flapping you fish gums there Ray. Come on and start taking down the tiles and stop makin with the flappy flip." Kevin snarled.

"Hey!" Raymond replied. "I was just giving the Sailor a compliment! I don't think you guys hear enough....I mean....everyone's proud of you guys steppin up to protect the herd. That takes real guts you know? Betch your family thinks a lot of you don't they?"

Huxberry replied. "Sir? I'm really not supposed to talk on duty."

Raymond waved his paws..."Sure...I wouldn't want you to get in trouble but... look at you? You look awesome in the uniform, you stand so strong and dignified. Your parents have to be proud. A bunny for one and their daughter. You look spectacular young lady. I for one is very proud to have you defending my big dufus bear hide. You really make me look small."

Huxberry was melting...you compliment a bunny that much to make them feel ten feet tall and you got em hooked....which suddenly drew Kevin's ire....

"What are you doing Ray?" Kevin asked as he stomped up to Raymond.

"I was just giving the bunny a compliment?" Raymone replied.

"Oh right...I see what youz was doin Raymond. What did I tell you about trying to sneak some tail you inappropriate bastard? Huh? You stupid ganoosh?" Kevin snarled. "You're a piece of work you stupid fish stinking moron, now get to work."

"I'm getting real tired of your snit Kevin." Raymond snarled.

Kevin pushed Raymond...."Oh yeah? How would like to have no job you stupid fur rug?"

Raymond pushed Kevin back. " Don't push me Kevin?"

Kevin gave Raymond a stiff paw slap in the snoot.....

And the fight was on.

September 28, 2039 11:10 am Barracks facility, 13th Division.


Manny and Turk backed up with Jackson as the recruits where were around the building began to back away as MP vehicles came screaming down the street! "Oh what the hell did you start Jackie?" Turk asked.

"Me? Why the hell are you blaming me?" Jackson asked as he thumped his chest.

"Oh like your wicked little smile doesn't telegraph snit." Turk snorted.

"Some polar bear must have insulted another polar bears mother or something?" Jackson said with a shrug. Inside the 260 bay...Kevin and Raymond were trashing the place....at least that was where Jackson hoped all the attention was going since no one could really see what was going down.

September 28, 2039 11:30am Barracks facility, 13th Division.

Kevin and Raymond were slammed into an MP cruiser by a pair of polar bear MP's who held them while two wolves muzzled and collared them...

"This is YOUR fault Ray you son of a bitch!" Kevin snapped.

"You're always a dumb butt Kevin!" Raymond replied.

"Both of you idiots shut up!" One of the Military Police polar bears snapped. "Do you two morons realize how much you're going to pay to fix all the damage you just did? Lucky there's an empty bay for that company to move too..."

Jackson heard that and gritted his teeth. "Snit pellets! I didn't think they'd destroy the bay?! Ugh....they're gonna move their flags too...damn it!"

Manny leaned over and elbow bumped Jackson. "You just had to get two guys with no restraint? Sheesh they must have done thousands of bucks in damage in there."

"Well?" Jackson sighed. "Sometimes the best laid plans usually involve a cost over run.....ugh"

September 28, 2039 noon The Wilde house

"Ow!...ouch....ouch.....ouch.....grrrrr....." Nick took some of his bed sheets in his teeth and grimaced as Yax worked over his bad back and "tweak'd" him from tail to head....

"Hey? How you feelin Nick?" Yax asked as he gently stroked Nick's head.

"Ugh....like I've been run through an old wash wringer." Nick replied as he rolled onto his back and let Yax pull on his arms and legs....

"Has my treatments been helping you any?" Yax asked as he took hold of a leg and gave it a few sharp "tweaks" "Give me some resistance mammal."

"Well.....they help somewhat." Nick replied.

"You sure you don't want my cannabis spray rub for the morning? You won't get high off it dude, it's a local topical...way better than the stuff the "farm-ee" (Pharmakia) make dude that will totally turn you into a junkie. Mayor Caesar should shut those creeps down."

"Trust me." Nick replied. "My wife makes me eat these small berry cakes before I go to sleep?"

"Hehehehe....dude, those aren't berries. Those are my edibles mammal. I thought you being so smart Nick? You'd catch them by now." Yax giggled.

"What?!" Nick replied as he tried to sit up then fell back as his back shot him with pain..."Ugh....She knows how I feel about cannabis..."

Yax stopped his therapy and leaned down..."She also loves you very much mammal....which is why you and I have to talk about your condition. To be honest with you Nick? You're barely holding mammal...your spine is going to get worse."

Nick sighed. "I know that....what do I do Yax? I don't want to become a burden on Judy....worse? My son might give up everything in his life just for me, I don't want that..."

Yax waved a hoof hand..."Dude....we are not going anywhere with euthanasia mammal....no way in hell dude."

"I wasn't thinking of that." Nick replied. "You're obviously saying that eventually I won't be able to walk. How much time do you think I have?"

"Can't say Mammal." Yax replied. "Could be a few years or a few months depending on how you take care of yourself. My advice dude is to come spend more time with us at the Mystic; it's time for you to hang up the gun belt and retire. Kid's out of the home and it's just you two? Come on....come back to your natural self and chill with us mammal?"

Nick sighed..."Judy? Retire? I don't think so....at least not now. Let me think on it some more and talk to her ok?"

Yax replied. "Of course, your decision mammal. At least if you'd move there Nick? It might give you more time and you'd be safe from getting hurt a lot worse mammal. That cane can only get you around so much, one wrong trip and you could be permanently broken mammal. A lot of us love you dude and we don't want to see that happen to you."

Nick teared up and wrapped his arms around Yax's shoulders. "Thanks a lot Yax. And keep praying for my kid will you?"

"You know it Mammal." Yax said as he patted Nick's back. "Now lets finish this session with some acupuncture torture. Here's a nice picture book of sweet vixens to take your mind of the little pricks."

September 28, 2039 noon ZPD First Precinct..."First Prinky"

"Chief?" Benjamin Clawhauser called over the intercom. "Can I come up and see you if you're not busy?"

"I'm never busy where you're concerned Benjamin." Judy said as she replied. A few moments later, the big cheetah came through the office door with a blue folder in his paws and presented it...

"I would like you to review this Chief." Benjamin said as he stood with his paws folded over his rolly polly frame and a smile on his face....

The look on Judy's face as she looked at the paperwork was obvious..."No.... Benji? You don't have too...."

"Yes I do Judy." Ben replied. "It's time I moved on to other things. There's a lot I want to do and I've reached my time."

Judy slipped off her chair, walked up to the big cat and couldn't get her arms wide enough to even get a wrap around him. She sobbed as she rubbed her face over him...

"Oh come on Chief! Sheesh, don't go to pieces over it? Judy? Stop it." Benjamin picked Judy up and snuggled her with his soft cheek..."Can I say it at last and you won't get offended?"

"You're permitted to say it all you want." Judy said as she gripped Clawhauser's face..."Ben? We're going to miss the hell out of you."

"That coming from the cutest officer in all the ZPD touches my big old heart right here Chief. All the old gang are almost gone, I can't hang around forever you know?"

"What will you do?" Judy asked as Benjamin set her down on her desk.

"I dunno?" Benjamin replied. "Maybe still follow Gazelle around as a groupie on her "Re-fueled Safari" tour? Maybe buy a cabin cruiser and sail around the Southern islands for a couple of years? Maybe just kick back and eat pastry and drink coffee till I get more plump."

Judy sighed..."Don't know who could possibly replace you. I mean...you're just a bright face everyone loves in the morning. I'm sure the whole Prinky will think you not being here is.....well....it will kind of suck you know."

"Don't worry." Benjamin said as he gestured to the door. "I think the new girl down there will fit just great."

Judy walked out her office door and allowed Clawhauser to put her on the railing so she could look down at the young female Cheetah standing behind the reception desk....

"Who's that?" Judy asked.

"That little sparkle is my niece Paige. She graduated from the academy last week and she's an ace at administration and public relations. She could do field work but the Department spokes-mammal spot has been empty since Miss cute took on the stars....hence? I need not worry and you shouldn't." Ben said as he rested his fat chin on his paws....

"You want me to sign that paper...don't you?" Judy asked.

"If you refuse, I'll go feral and get a mental waver." Benjamin snickered.

Judy stood with a light smile then put her arms out. "I need another comfort snuggle."

"My pleasure Chief." Clawhauser said as he bent down and let Judy snuggle him..."But? Officer Clawhauser....you are NOT going anywhere until we all go to Buckies and throw you a proper retirement party, you got that mister?"

"I'm not going to try and argue that Chief....not at all." Clawhauser said as he gave the papers for Judy to sign.

September 29, 2039 3am 259 Company Bay

"BANG! BANG! BANG!" Anubis came into the bay banging on the lid of a trash can with a cut piece of board! "UP AND ON THE LINE! UP AND ON THE LINE! GET UP! GET UP!"

The Company flew to their places in front of their bunks as the lights came on and Anubis and Arch walked up and down the rows slapping their paws off still sleepy faces. "Come on mammals! Up and chipper...Up and chipper! Who are you Mammals?!"

"SIR! THE FIGHTING 259TH SIR!" The Company snapped back.


"SIR! THE FIGHTING 259TH SIR!" The Company snapped back.


"RAOWL!RAOWL!RAOWL!RAOWL!" The company replied loudly as they stomped their feet hard on the floor.


"RAOWL!RAOWL!RAOWL!RAOWL!" The company replied loudly as they stomped their feet hard on the floor.

Anubis waved a paw around. "Johnny spot on me recruits! Now!"

The recruits surrounded Anubis with some climbing atop racks while others laid on the floor..."Don't any of you ladies go to sleep on me or so help me you'll be real sore when we get to the Buttercup tomorrow...you understand?" Anubis said which got nods back.

"Alright....so far? One company has completely failed. Number 257 lost control. They lost control because they just weren't ready to recover from loses, they started to panic, they made mistakes, they got confused and the Buttercup went all the way to the bottom of the tank. Now I suspect, I think, I hope that this Company is ready because you all have surely been busting your rumps the last few days. Tell me if I'm wrong?" Anubis looked around the faces....

"Recruit Wilde? Am I wrong?" Anubis asked.

"Sir! No Sir!" Jackson yelped back. "We're ready!"

Anubis stood up. "Then there's no more to say....remember what you've been told. There will be short times to catch naps but for the next 24 hours we're going to work the hell out of all of you. This is do or die, you make it as a Company or you fail as a company. Don't fail me or the Chief on this...259? Let's go kick some snit!"




Jackson's letter to his parents....

"It's here at last Mom and Dad....hell day. 24 hours of strait stress and strain leading up to our turn in the simulator. To see if we crack or not under all the marching, the obstacle courses, the required drills with rifles, uniform inspections, answering questions from who's in the Chain of Command to history to rope tying. This is it...here we fly or flub. We all came as separate mammals four weeks ago, now we're all together throwing and pulling each other over walls, carrying each other across rivers or picking each other up off the mud.

"Like you always told me, the strength of a team lies not with the strongest member but the one who doesn't carry their weight, well for sure the whole Company is carrying. I feel I have a second family, 176 brothers and sisters who refuse to let each other lag behind. It's something to see Mom and Dad, we feel like we could move a mountain on all the faith we have in each other."

"Took me a while but I know what I am now..."I'm my mother's Son because I have her will to never quit, the bold bull headedness of a Hopps. I am my father's son because of all the caring and love he's shown me that's now rubbing off on every paw I snatch and every rabbit, rat and mouse I sling and carry over the obstacles. I'm not a fox or bunny anything...I'm a Wilde and Wilde's don't stop at walls....we rip em apart and tear them down."

"I feel so alive, so full of energy and so full of wanting to get it done. I came in here to succeed and I will succeed because I know my parents are on my back and in my heart. I'm not a hybrid....I'm a mammal with some damn strong genes. It's one hour until we go through the gate and onto the Buttercup. Wish me luck Mom and Dad....no....to hell with wishing...We're going to beat the other Companies and set a record. See you on the other side.


End of Chapter 5