
Story by Domus Vocis on SoFurry

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This was for a writing challenge in a Telegram group I joined (link here if you're interested: In under a thousand words, we would write a short story fitting a chosen theme. 'I didn't expect that reaction' was this week's theme.

After some debate, I decided to make a sequel to "Cherry" from last week. It can be read here:

I entered Cherry, causing him to squeal in approving pleasure.

Moans escaped my throat while his warmth enveloped my pulsing cock. I thrusted once, careful as can be, then pounded deeper. We were in my bedroom apartment, the lithe ocelot gripping the sheets. His whimpers boomed with my grunts throughout the empty penthouse, as well as the distinct sound of Cherry's sweet whimpering. A police siren blared down below on the street, but neither of us cared if the cops broke through the door.

It'd been several weeks since I hired the ocelot's services after the terrible job. And days since I became a regular one of his clients. Usually I didn't hired a hooker, especially one as young as Cherry. My focus always remained on work, but some invisible force propelled me to continue hiring him between jobs. I didn't mind, since a fine piece of ass was the perfect way to unwind after contracted murder.

"Oh God, oh God!" he whined. The ocelot's wincing, pleasured expressions barely camouflaged how much he was relishing this moment. "Yes, oh...fuck yes!"

"Mfh, that's it!" I grunted, panting and snarling. "Good bitch."

My left paw lowered until it started caressing his bare stomach, my right paw cupping and spreading his pert cheek each time he clenched harder on the wolf dick pounding him. In past 'conversations', Cherry mentioned once taking a stallion, but I couldn't tell based on how tightly this twink felt around my slick shaft.

I was close. In aching desire, I bit down on his trembling neck without drawing blood. He gasped, arching his torso into my chiseled, black-furred stomach. My knot soon throbbed against the loosened ring, until it finally tied itself under Cherry's wild tail. His cries and my moans united in an orchestra of lust. Growling and lost in pleasure, I thrust my hips into him one final time, collapsing beside the small feline.

My nose savored in the smell of our afterglow.

"...are you hurt?" I lowly murmured.

"Mmm, nope," Cherry giggled, "but it is cute you care."

I scoffed at his smirk, murring at the sensation of being tied.

We lay there for what felt like blissful eternity, until Cherry needed to use the bathroom to clean up. By then my cock had gone flaccid enough for him to wiggle free.

"Mmm, see you soon, big guy!" he patted my thigh. "I'll be right back."

I watched the ocelot waddle inside as cum dripped down the back of his legs. He looked spent from the way his glazed eyes turned to me, smiling nonstop all the while. Once the door closed, I shifted onto my back and stared listlessly at the chipped ceiling. This penthouse once belonged to a retired porn star before he hocked it to me years ago. Sitting in this bed, glancing to the visible locked door of a nearby room of weaponry, two thoughts crossed my mind.

Where will this place be after I'm gone? Where will I be?

_ _ I shook them away as I heard a running shower from the bathroom. Sighing, I stood off the bed and walked out onto the nearby balcony. Overlooking downtown, the cool air didn't bother me while it lightly brushed against my naked body. The highways were concrete veins throughout the urban sprawl, bringing life to this decaying body. Cars and people moved around like ants in formation, while above them the full moon shone bright over this metropolis of sin.

Two tan-furred arms wrapped themselves around me, followed by a cold nose that buried itself into my musky back. "Mmm, what's on your mind?" Cherry asked. "And can you please give me an answer that isn't a grunt?"

I smirked, placing my paw atop his on my midriff. "Maybe. It depends on how complex."

He giggled, then stepped to my right beside me to watch the evening view.

"Wow. I've never seen the city from this height before," he murmured, drying tail swaying against my legs. "I mean, I've been inside my fair share of hotel rooms and the like, but none of my clients ever had a view like this..."

"Hmmm," I grunted, shivering slightly as a gust of cold wind blew against the side of the apartment complex. "The view is wonderful."

Cherry shivered. "Ugh, frigging freezing! Let me get my clothes back on," he scampered back into the penthouse. I remained on the balcony, deep in thought when a loud ringtone echoed from the bedroom. "I'll get it!"

That's when I realized-- "Wait!"

I whirled around and bolted to grab the phone from Cherry's paw, the caller on the other end already on speaker. "H-Hello? Is this Iron Phantom?"

Both our eyes widened, Cherry's in apologetic embarrassment (and uncertainty) while mine remained darkened. His ears were folded in complete fear. Snarling, I yanked the phone from the ocelot and turned the speaker off. No point in hanging up now.

"What is the passcode?" I held it closer to my ear. "Correct. Send the details of the target to this email address." Minutes later, I had another contract ready for this week and hung up.

I sighed, "Listen, I...I'm sorry. If you want, you can just go."

Hesitantly, my entire body turned to find Cherry still standing in my apartment. Wearing his clothes again, the trademark denim shorts and too-small-for-him t-shirt, I was more surprised to see him softly smiling.

"Heh, you should see your face," he chuckled. "If it makes you feel better, I have a secret: I've suspected for a while, ever since one of the pimps warned me to stay away from you."

My eyes probably transformed into saucers. "You're...You're not afraid."

The ocelot laughed lightly. "I'm a hooker, babe. I know real danger, and you're not it," he sat on the bed. "At least...not to me."

We sat on the bed in awkward silence for what felt like another eternity.

"Do you...want to quit hiring me?"

I carefully considered it for a moment. "No, I don't."


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