Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 3)
#4 of Righting Your Wrongs
Unwelcome ** Visitor**
I sat in silence for the rest of our short trip to my new home. I had managed to hold back most of the tears I wanted to release but I didn't want to become compromised over a mistake. I had moved on, at least at the emotional level anyway.
Syne hadn't said anything more. After I had ignored his first attempt to try and talk to me or to try and find out why I had turned silent he had done the same. Remained silent for the rest of the journey. I didn't know if he was talking to Saria or just thinking. The only thing that mattered was that he'd forgotten about me. So I wouldn't come under fire from his constant questioning, despite the fact that I had initiated most of the questions on the walk home I didn't want to talk anymore. While he was more than happy to comply with my unspoken request.
Saria carried me onwards over the bridge and into a building that looked exactly the same as the one Draye had lead me into so long ago. The only difference this time around was that when I was brought into the building, there wasn't a shrill scream verbalising my species. That I only assumed was because I was hidden from the world. To find out what was inside the carrier a person would either need a very strong sense of sight, or to be told by their pokémon. But as I scanned what I could of the building I couldn't help but have a sense of déjà vu. But then again, to me, all of the buildings looked the same. That, and, I wasn't in Jubilife city, so there was virtually no chance of running into my old trainer.
As we all entered the metal doors to the elevator they closed behind us as once more I was taken skyward. I took the moment of silence to think about what my home would look like. Would it be the same as the one I was subjected to before? Or would it be bigger than Draye's because of all the other pokémon liv-
Just so you know, I suggest not saying anything._Once more I heard Syne's voice emerge from within my mind. _At least until you can walk anyway. I didn't even give his supposed warning a thought. If I was asked about something then I would answer it, even if it was advised against. You'll understand me when you see the others. I'll tell you about them once you've seen who they are.
Again, I shrugged off the comment. What was the worst that could happen?
As the elevator stopped, I placed my head down on the cushion I laid upon, awaiting the suspected chaos from what Syne had described to me. But as the doors opened, I saw no pokémon. No movement. There were five exits in total from the expansive room. Two on both my left and right, the other I was standing in. Although the furthest exit on my right was much larger than the other four, it didn't bother me at the time. The far wall was one huge window from edge to edge and in between the two exits on each side was an indented bay that looked like it was used by the humans. In the centre of the room there was a slight depression, but within the circle the entire area was covered in cushions. I could tell immediately that it was where the other pokémon would've spent quite a bit of their time.
As Saria walked out of the elevator she turned into the first hallway on her left. As she walked down the corridor I wondered when the warning Syne had given me. At the end of the hallway was a door which Saria immediately opened upon arrival.
"Well, Luyo. This is where you will be spending most of your time. I don't know where Taine, Liun and the others are right now. But they don't know that I have a new pokémon yet. So, it gives me time to talk to them before you get surrounded by the others and I get bombarded by questions." Saria placed my carrier on the bed in the centre of the room and opened the door. I got myself up with greater difficulty than before, but managed to hobble out of the carrier and onto the much softer bed. "You just lay there for the moment, let me get a potion out to help you out for the moment." Saria turned away from me taking the carrier into the second exit of what was her, Syne's, and my room. Returning shortly after with an all too familiar spray-type bottle. "This should only take a moment."
I contemplated fighting her off and avoiding treatment, but I didn't want to be hindered by injury if I was to be swarmed by the other pokémon I was to be living with. Saria carefully lifted each of my hind legs individually and applied the potion. And not a moment later the strange numbing sensation reached me once more.
"There. Now, you will have to sleep up here tonight, unless you want to be alone in the centre of the common room. But even then, I couldn't guarantee that you would be alone for the night." Saria turned away and headed back into the second room to put away the potion.
I looked towards Syne who'd lay down on what I assumed to be his cushion against the side wall. "What exactly am I to be living with?"
There are four other pokémon living here along with two trainers. Each trainer has two pokémon. Taine has a Charizard and a Marowak. While Liun has a Gallade and a Masquerain.
"Is that all?"
Yes. Sometimes it's not the best group to live with. But we get along well enough to be able to work together when we have to.
"I don't suppose you would know when they're getting back?"
Not exactly. Zica told me that Liun was planning on a training session with her and Kein. But I don't know about Taine and his pokémon. I can only assume that he went with her.
Sorry, Zica is the Masquerain, and the Gallade is named Kein.
"What about the others?"
The Charizard is called Kurath, and Marowak is Rathe. It's not exactly what you'd call the most like-typed pokémon. Then again, because it is this way no-one of us is the strongest of us all.
"So that one of you becomes dominant over the others." I turned my head around examining the room, the walls were plain white with nothing on any of them. There was one mirror that stood against the far wall covering a semi-opened wardrobe, but otherwise, the room was bare.
Exactly. Although it has been a while since any of us have fought against ea-
I returned my attention to Syne as he had stopped speaking to me. He was still laying on his clean brown cushion staring just above where I was sitting. His head tilted slightly as if he was thinking about something.
Well well. A voice chimed in my mind. What do we have here? I considered speaking, but figured it to be a waste as I couldn't see who, or what, was actually speaking to me. It has been a while since Saria has brought home a new pokémon.
I looked towards Syne who had regained his normal look. "Can I assume that to be Kein?" He nodded slightly, but remained silent.
I am interested in what stories you have of your 'life in the wilderness', but here, you have nothing but us to talk to. I couldn't help myself but feel annoyed by his voice. It sounded more condescending than anything else, as if he seemed superior to me in some way. If I hadn't have been injured I would've eagerly put Kein away. There hasn't been a pokémon to date I'd fought that I hadn't defeated. Although I would've been cautious at first, once I knew his power it would've been easy.So if I were you, I wouldn't spend so much time pretending that you don't like it here.
I waited for him to say more, but nothing came. All I could hear was silence as I looked straight towards the door out of the room. It was several minutes before Saria returned to the room, and by the time that happened she heard the others in the first room, immediately forgetting about me and going outside to talk to the others. I glanced towards Syne who was as I'd seen him many times before, despite how short the time was that I've known him. But, his eyes were fixed directly on me. I shrugged it off as I usually did. It was exactly what Nion had done after I'd stopped trying to kill him. Or at least that was the first time I started to notice anyway. I calmly stood up, ignoring every painful message my mind received, and jumped to the ground. I faltered slightly, but didn't leave my feet.
"What are you doing?" Syne actually spoke, the only difference was that instead of his voice echoing in my mind, it just came as normal sound. Much more comforting to know that he is actually talking instead of telling.
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm going out there and seeing what else I have to live with."
"And your condition doesn't mean anything to you? I don't even know how you're walking considering you almost broke both your legs." I turned to face the door and took one step forward, finding it easier than I expected to move. "Do you want to prolong your injury?"
I stopped moving and turned my head back to face Syne. "No, I don't. I don't care if I almost broke my legs. I don't care if I will stay like this for another day if I spend one doing absolutely nothing. I don't care if you care for my health or wellbeing. If this happened to me back home would I be able to just do nothing all day until I recovered?"
Syne took a second to think about the situation. "You could, if given the right circumstance."
"Since when does anything go right?" I turned my head back to face the door. "I'm going out there, and there is nothing you can do to stop me." I took another half-step forward before looking back at him. I opened my mouth to speak, but thought against it for a moment. A shred of indecision flickered through me, contemplating whether or not to speak to him again. Syne just stared back at me, with his usual abnormal level of interest. In the end I took the lesser of two evils for the situation. "But I do thank you for your concern."
Syne's ears pricked up from my comment, but he didn't say anything about it. I accepted his silence as a form of recognition, as if saying something else would've done more harm than good. But I returned my focus back to the door and slowly made my way down the short corridor towards the main room.
"- -ssed our best battle! It was Rathe and Zica fighting against a Raichu and a Ninetails. I can't believe we won too! The Raichu sent a thunderbolt towards Zica but Rathe threw her bone in the way. Zica stunned the Ninetails which gave Rathe enough time to make an Earthquake, knocking them both out immediately! You should've been there." I heard a female voice speak.
"Hey, wait. Why weren't you there Saria? You told us you had something to do but left before you actually said anything." A male voice responded. "I mean, it's ok if you don't want us to know, but you have to be there when I challenge the gym."
"I'll tell you both tomorrow. And you know I wouldn't miss you-"
"Wak! Maro- Marowak!"
I searched the room finding each of the humans sitting at the far-end table and three of the other four pokémon I was to be living with sitting in the depressed circle in the centre of the room. That was, until one of them saw me.
The Marowak had seen me almost the moment I'd entered the room. And it wasted no time in alerting the others too. I took a defensive stance in preparation for the onslaught that was sure to follow. I heard Saria shout at the pokémon not to attack. But the other trainers were still oblivious to my arrival into the house.
"What are you doing here? How did you get inside?" The Charizard spoke.
I looked up at the towering orange figure. "I'll assume you to be Kurath." I said calmly, not wanting to provoke any of them, yet didn't want to let up my position.
"You didn't answer my questions. Why are you here?"
"Because I was let in. I was carried inside like you would've had to. Believe it or not, I am one of you now. Saria brought me here and so I'd prefer it if you didn't believe me to be a trespasser."
All three gathered pokémon turned around to look at Saria and their trainers, who had gotten up from their seat and stood a few feet away from the other three pokémon. I looked back through the corridor I'd just walked down then back towards the three pokémon. If it was to be a battle of pure size I was surely on the wrong end. I might've been larger than the Masquerain, but it had a height advantage which rendered what little size difference I had. While Rathe stood over me with little effort and Kurath didn't even require a mention.
"Then where's Syne?"
And as if on cue, Syne opened the door at the end of the corridor and walked to my side. "I think that answers your question." I replied. "Since this hasn't exactly gone as smoothly as I had planned, I-"
"Everyone, this is Luyo. I found her after the avalanche on route 211." Saria paused for a moment after walking around the other three pokémon and coming to my side opposite Syne. "Although you're not meant to be walking around just yet, I guess it doesn't matter how quickly you recover. Although I would like to see you fully mobile by mid next-week."
The three pokémon before me almost reluctantly turned away and moved back into the circle. I looked at Syne who had a slight smirk on his face, who turned to look back at me almost immediately after.
"I think that went well." Syne said quietly towards me.
"Compared to what?"
"Compared to them trying to tear you in half."
"Compared to me slicing through each one of them."
* * *
Ok... for those of you who can't keep track of who is who..... this is the guide of it all...
Trainer (of Charizard/Marowak) (m): Taine
Charizard (f): Kurath
Marowak (f): Rathe
Trainer (of Gallade/Masquerain) (f): Liun
Gallade (m): Kein
Masquerain (f): Zica
obviously the (m) and (f) indicate their sex....
I know it's been a long time since I've updated this story... but, give me a break... I had to make up 6 names in this chapter... and anyone who has had to do the same thing before understands how hard it is to make up good ones...
The next one shouldn't take as long... it depends on if I can stop playing Bioshock 2 / Mirror's Edge / Soul Silver / Dark Sector / countless other games I play..... lol