ruby rain
This is the story of a fur named Davis, he lives together with his lover and partner James.
Davis is a Coyote, dark brown fur and shortish hair.
Ruby Rain
Hot water flows from the shower nozzle to splash against my fur. Mist fills the bathroom as the cooler air from the shower mixes with the hot moist spray from the nozzle. The strong smell of spicy smelling soap fills the room as I scrub the day's dirt and sweat off with long slow luxuriating strokes.
For the first time in my life I am truly happy.
James was to be home within the next few hours but he is always late unless there was food involved, I chuckle slightly and warm water slides past my parted teeth to fill my mouth. I turn my head into the stream and feel the water sweep over me to pool at my hind paws. The silence from the rest of the apartment would have been eerie before. But now I love the small times when I am alone and free of all thought and obligation.
I have a few friends but none are what I would call really close. James has been my only friend for so long I have lost touch with the others. That must have hurt them, but I am so happy with my life now, I doubt I can feel dismayed if I tried.
The lather from the shampoo melts away and the hot water is slowly turning cool. With some sense of regret I turn the nozzles and stop the water's flow. With an indulgent sigh I slide the shower curtain to the side and step down from the marble walled alcove.
Naked but unwilling to blush I move to the mirror to inspect myself. A quick swipe and the condensed fog on the glass makes beads of water which is forced aside. My dark hair and fur looks black with water and my pale skin appears even softer than it is. My green-brown eyes gaze into themselves and the soft colors mix in ways I have always found beautiful.
A sound from outside the bathroom makes me jump. Then a smile creeps onto my face as I turn to the door still nude, I pose waiting for James to enter.
But he doesn't.
The next louder sound could be heard from the living room, which is down the hall from the bathroom. Wood shrieks against metal as nails and screws are strained and broken. Someone is forcing the door open!
With hurried steps I move to the door.
The door opens with oiled ease and I turn off the light to reduce shadows. A smile breaks across my lips as I remember a certain movie and the alien who had done something similar. But the little alien was left broken and bloody for his choice. A shiver runs through me and I grasp the door jamb to steady myself.
James' gun is locked in a small safe under our bed inside our room. If I can make it there I should be fine...
With quiet steps I head down the hall for our room. I hug the walls and crouch as I have seen in innumerable movies with slinking villains in the night. But I am the noble hero and they the evil usurpers come to rob me of my throne... _No this isn't a fucking story!
Get a fucking grip, and don't get killed!_
The door looms before me before I realize I have walked the entire length of the hall. Heavy footfalls from the main living room resonate down the hall and to my ears. There are many of them, whoever they are. I touch the door, push it open.
My mind freezes when I see it. The window is blocked from the outside as someone watches for the intruders. Without thought I dive under the bed where the gun is. There is a shout from nearby and thunderous footfalls fill the house with sound.
The door is forced aside and it rebounds to catch the first man through it in the shoulder with bruising force. More men enter but I turn back to the safe, it's mere inches from my finger tips. But it's too late.
Rough hands seize my ankles and I am pulled out from under the edge of the bed. In seconds I am pinned roughly to the floor. Strong callused paws grab soft flesh and someone's knee digs into my kidney as another of them wrenchs my arm behind me.
With my face ground into the carpet I pause for a moment and shrug off terror and thank James' need for perfectly clean carpets. I breath in clean air from the rug and try and think but my mind is fogged with fear and confusion.
_ Who the hell are these people, what do they want?_
Before I can grasp anything else they pull me into a standing position. Their eyes scrape over every part of me, I feel embarrassment war with fear as I realize I am still horrifically and utterly nude. The first clear look I get at them makes my knees weaken.
Dark ski masks hide everything but their eyes, and I wish they'd have hidden those too. The mean looking orbs stare at me with anger in every second of their intent gaze. One of them moves forward; before I can do anything to protect myself a meaty fist is driven into my midriff.
The air explodes from my lungs and lights dance in my eyes. Pain radiates through my center as if a giant fist has seized all my organs in a crushing grip. When I have gotten air back in my lungs I try and cover myself as more blows fall on me. But one of them is still standing behind me with my arm pinioned in some strange hold.
Tears begin in my eyes and not only from the pain. James...
One of them smashes something heavy into my skull and I fall.
Feeling returns first. Pain in my head, and almost every other part of me throbs with each beat of my heart. Then a rushing sound fills my ears. I can feel carpet grinding into my skin and burning my face with friction where my fur has already been stripped away. I cannot smell anything but that may be because my nose is swollen and closed with blood. But I can taste it, copper and iron. Blood coats my tongue and teeth and I am missing one or two, this fascinates my stunned mind. I open my eyes slowly and realize I am still in our home. Our home...
Eight wonderful months. Flowers spread on the floor at Valentine's day. Mornings in bed with James with his horrific dragon breath. Wonderful meals all cooked by me; James has always been hopeless in the kitchen.
My mind snaps back as my legs fall unto the carpet. We are in the living room now. The door has been pushed into place.
Someone grabs a fistful of my hair and I am lifted to stare into an unmasked face. What I had thought of as anger before I know see as open and blind rage. But there is also pain and hurt.
With injured and watery muscles my paw reaches out slowly and strokes the fur's cheek. I am more surprised by my own hand than by the quick movement and flash of silver that makes everything blur in my eyes. I am released and without the support of the hand in my hair I fall to the carpet.
I stare fuzzily as ruby rain fills the air and coats the wall nearest me. I smile, James would love this; red is his favorite color. Things begin to grow more dim as I think of James.
Beautiful James, the furof my dreams. Blond and grey eyed. He stands four inches taller than my six feet.
My love and my heart.
Eyes are heavy and I am growing cold, far too cold for the summer night.
I lose focus and drift into waiting darkness.