Kissa's biography

Story by Tyradark86 on SoFurry

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Artwork made by Onixtymime a FA artist


Name: Kissa Gender: Female Species: Delphox Type: Fire / Psychic Birthplace: Igneous forest Current location: Sunny City Personality: Elegant, friendly, friendly, protective, curious, a little cranky and a bit forgetful.

Appearance: Kissa is a relatively high bipedal pokémon that resembles a fox. She's covered with a coat of fur that resembles a tunic. This "tunic" is mainly dark red, with red-orange spots, similar to the flame near her knees, as well as a strand of white hair on her torso, flanked by yellow fur covering up to her shoulders. She has three strands of red-orange hair that protrudes from each ear. Her forearms have long sleeves of red hair, and her hands and feet are dark grey with three claw fingers and toes, respectively. She has a tail covered with yellow fur protruding from her tunic. When her mouth is open, you can see two pointed teeth in her upper jaw. She wears a little staff that she uses as a magic wand; When is in use, the spherical diamond that is embedded, lights up and when she's not wearing it, she hides her little staff in her sleeve, under her coat. Her eyes are green and she has a tattoo of 10 points star on his belly when she awaken her psychic powers. She's the younger sister of her family.

Mini story: After leaving her home with their older siblings, each one went a different way. She was resting near a river when a boy with his mother challenged him to a fight. She defended herself and attacked her rivals with everything she had. She defeated one of them but was captured by the young trainer. Upon arriving at her new home, the Delphox looked very curiously at the place. She was in a small town surrounded by vegetation and the horizon could see the sea. She realized her staff didn't have it and she started looking for it. She found a new staff with a little diamond embedded in it and next to it a "sorry " note. After getting her staff again, she investigated the place and it was full of paintings. His young trainer was from a family of doctors and surgeons who helped many people and Pokémon. She learned many things from Pokémon medicine, calmed patients if they were nervous or sometimes participated in operations as an assistant.


  • Understands human language.
  • Her senses are more developed than normal.


  • The tattoo of her belly hides a secret power that only the Delphox know.
  • She likes to read medicine books in her break time
  • She is always voluntary in Pokémon battles in the Hospital games and she likes to have fun.