Violet in love IV - A Gray Muzzle story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Violet in love IV- A Gray Muzzle story

(as before, Koji, the character is the property of Koji Haeos, and is used with his permission)

Koji woke up slowly. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, the wolf/malamute hybrid took inventory. Since he had received two weeks off from work, he had spent most of it with Violet, his new girlfriend, a Poodle hybrid dyed a shocking deep purple. After her tantrum of last week, Marcia, the housemother had grounded her, and she was on kitchen duty for a week.

Violet lay next to Koji, a cute smile on her face. She wore a short nightshirt, with kittens on it, pushed up around her waist, exposing her shapely bottom, and her new tattoo. Koji smiled, too. She looked so cute he decided not to wake her. Instead, he left a note, explaining that he would take her kitchen duty. Koji got up, ran a brush over his fur, and threw on a shirt and shorts. Then he headed downstairs.

Taking inventory in the fridge, Koji decided to make bacon and eggs. There was wheat bread for toast, and orange juice. Koji buttered the iron skillet, then turned to make coffee, when he heard someone come in.

"Good. I'm dying for something to eat...."

Koji turned to reply. Marcia was wearing a full skirt that buttoned up the front. Except it wasn't. The thin ivory shell she wore on top draped over her large erect nipples. Marci leaned back against the kitchen counter, letting her skirt fall open, her sex, pink against white fur, fully exposed. It was then that Koji saw Violet walk in...

"Violet! You're up! Come help with breakfast!"

Marcia spun around and left, giving Violet an eyeful in the process.

"I'm glad you came." Koji said, relieved "I don't know what was going on there...."

"She's in heat." Violet said in a matter of fact way "She gets that way."

"I guess that explains yesterday."

"Yesterday?" Violet asked

"Yes. I was in the workout room yesterday morning. She stripped right in front of me, before she went in the steam room."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. I pretended like I didn't see."

It was clear Violet was upset.

"I just can't DEAL with this anymore!" Violet stepped out onto the deck, and lit a cigarette.

Koji followed, bringing her a cup of coffee.

"It's alright, hon, we'll get through it...."

Violet sipped the coffee, then took a long drag on her smoke.

"It's not just that. It's the whole thing here. I'm a godamn adult, and it's like I'm living at home with my sisters! And a mom who wants to fuck my boyfriend....

"It's alright" Koji soothed.

"No, it is NOT!"

Violet turned towards Koji.

"I've got to get out of here."

"You could move in with me...."

Violet turned toward Koji. She touched his face

"Dear, dear, Koji! There's nothing I'd love more than to wake up with you each morning, to go to bed with you each night. But I grow up. If I moved in with you, I'd just be trading one caretaker for another. I need to be on my own. Hold a job. Learn to drive. Look after myself."

Koji looked sad to hear this. She took his face in her paws.

"It's not like we'll stop dating....You need to understand, when we met, I saw myself as Gay. I was content to spend my life loving other women. So much has changed in the last month! I just need time, time to sort this out. Can you understand?

'Koji nodded.

"Are you...still girls?"

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. It's been a part of me to long. You....You've shown me a side of men I never knew. Certainly not when I grew up in Alaska. I don't want to give that up. I'm OK wanting you....I just don't want to NEED you, if that makes any sense."

"Yeah, it kinda does. Hey, we better get on with breakfast; the girls are gonna be pissed."

Following breakfast, after they'd cleaned up the dishes, Violet called her cousin.

"Tina? It's cousin Violet. Can I come over and talk ? I....I just need to talk

It was about three when Koji dropped Violet off at Tina's cottage. Tine met her cousin at the door.

"Cousin Tina!' Violet gave her a big hug

"Violet! How nice! Let me look at you...the last time I saw you, you were...tiny!...And...not purple!"

"Yeah." Violet smiled "It's been a long time."

Tina showed her cousin outside. Tina had set a table, with coffee, and a plate of cupcakes. The two sat down, Tina pouring coffee.

"So, Violet, you wanted to talk...."

Violet was slowly and carefully peeling the pleated paper off a cupcake.

"Tina, I don't know where my life is going...."

"Well, tell me where it is......"

Violet began to talk. She told Tina, who had never heard it before, about being shipped to Alaska, and about life there. About her master, and what she had gone through.

Tina went over and gave Violet a big hug.

"Poor dear, I had no idea...."

"Well, Peteena's House helped me a lot. Got my head straight. Got me to where I could function again."

"It sounds like it. So, what's the problem?"

Violet thought for a while.

"I guess I'm ready for the next step. I need to grow up; to be on my own."

Tina nodded.

"It's hard to argue the everyone should be able to stand on their own two feet." Tina observed "But, why now?"

Violet smiled

"There's this guy....."

"Koji?" Tina asked "I heard from Colleen"

Violet blushed.

"Uh huh. For a long time. I saw myself as a gay person. I went out with girls. Human girls. Hybrid girls. I had some relationships. I slept with some. But there was always something missing...."

"Something you found with Koji?" she asked

"Uh huh." Violet nodded "But, I'm still confused. I saw Marcia, with her....girl parts exposed this morning. I got excited. Not emotionally, but just..."

"Sexually" Tina offered

"Yes. I'm just all confused inside. I don't want to live at the house anymore. I don't feel like I can sort things out while I'm living there.."

Tina sat back and sipped her coffee.

"What would you like, dear?" Tina asked

'What do you mean"

"What do you want to do, what do you see as the next step?"

Violet thought.

"I need to leave the house. If I do that, I guess I'll need a job I'd need a place to stay. When I think of everything I need to do, I just get overwhelmed, and I feel like giving up again..."

Tina went to comfort her cousin.

"I.....think I might have an idea. There's someone you probably out to meet." Tina said with a smile

A few days later, Koji took Violet to a small white house in the city. When she knocked at the door, she was greeted by a Poodle hybrid.

"Violet! It's good to see you! Let me get my husband...."

The Poodle left Violet standing in the entryway of the modest house. Looking around, she saw a fishing pole. She picked it up.

"Like it?" a man's voice asked

"Very much" Violet replied "Nice custom rod. Modular. A Zack Murray. Shakespere 1010 reel. You don't see these every day.

"It was a gift from the guys. 25 years at the job. You know fishing gear. I'm your Uncle Stan. You've already met your Aunt Georgette.....

"Been a long time" Violet admitted

"Georgette has a pot roast on, why don't we go into the kitchen?"

So they walked to the kitchen

"Almost ready" Georgette greeted "Just making the gravy"

"You use Graveymaster" Violet observed "That's the best!"

"Always have. It's how my mother taught me."

Soon, they sat down to diner. Georgette, Stan and Violet talked like old friends. As Georgette brought out the Red Velvet cake for dessert, Stan made coffee.

"Tina tells me you're looking for a place to stay."

Violet nodded

"Well, we have a spare bedroom. You could stay here, in return for helping us a little. I'm not as young as I used to be, and sometime Tina's babies can be a handful. Stan's just had a bad heart attack, and Doctor says he shouldn't do heavy things anymore."

"What does HE know!" Stan snuffed

'Enough to bring you back from the dead!" Georgette corrected.

"I could do that..." Violet replied "If it's OK...."

Georgette hugged her

"Of COURSE it's OK, child...You're family!"

Koji came by to take her back to the house.

"How did it go?"

Violet smiled

"They're the nicest people! My Aunt is a wonderful cook and my Uncle fishes!

When Violet suddenly stopped talking, Koji looked over. There were tears streaming down Violet's face. Koji pulled to the curb.

"What's the matter? You were so happy..."

Violet corrected

"I AM so happy" she replied, drying her eyes. "Unless you've been adopted, you wouldn't understand. My whole life, I've been like a visitor everywhere I went. Tonight I felt like I'm part of a family....."

Violet started crying again. Koji slid over and held her.

"Everything is going to be alright." He offered.

"Uh huh. I know it is." She replied, smiling through her tears.

Tina's story- Chapter 79- I Don't Know How to Love Him- A Gray Muzzle story

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Tina's story Chapter 78 Fire and Rain A Gray Muzzle story

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