Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#7 of My Life

My Life VII

The Next Day

The next day after the meeting at the bar I had a hangover from hell; it was just a pain in my ass. Then I put my arms on both sides of me and I discovered that Evelyn was in my bed. What the hell is going on here she has her own bed in her room. She wakes up and offers me a sandwich, I had felt an odd coincidence was behind that, but I couldn't think. I tried to stand up but when I did I had jelly legs. It was more than usual at this point. So I walked downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey John what's your middle name," she asked innocently.

"Allen," I replied simply.

"Well here's your sandwich J.A.M.," she said while handing me a plate.

"Ah, thanks," I said.

"You know what's funny," she asked, while leaning her breasts on the counter.

"What," I asked.

"History seems to repeat itself from time to time. Oh, also you almost ruined your relationship last night by telling her to 'Fuck off'," she said.

"Holy shit, I better call her and apologize," I said while reaching for my cell.

"Not to mention the fact that I promised her I would make it up to her personally and that she would definitely enjoy it. If you like, and if you could convince her, I could make sure you both enjoy it," she said a mischievous grin on her face.

I snap the phone shut and ask, "Oh god, what did you tell her, oh god, what did we do!"

She ran out of the room and upstairs and I just sat there in my birthday suit on that bar stool. I think my relationship is over with Cathleen and I have got myself stuck with the girl I used to have sex with. I feel at the moment that I have fucked my life, well at least I have Evelyn, and this whole thing might not be ruined after all. Then I figured that was just wishful thinking. I went upstairs and into my room and closed my door and locked it I crossed over to the window and closed the blinds. This is my day to stay home, and think over my life.

A knock rapped on the door, "Hey Al, are you going to stay home and think, I really don't mind. I just would like to know." Evelyn asked gently.

"Well I may have just fucked up my life, so yeah," I replied.

"Alright, just do us a favor and don't hurt yourself," she replied with a hint of hurt, "I'm going to grab some stuff for dinner, anything special you want?'

"Surprise me," I said guiltily.

I then heard her walk off and start her car. I felt bad about how I handled that I could have been better about it. It's not like she did anything wrong it isn't her fault. God I am going to ruin my life if I continue like this. I thought about it for several hours till about eleven thirty, and then I got out into my truck and drove out to the store. I came on in and stood there in the door way thinking about what I was doing.

"If you feel like crap as much as I think you do you probably shouldn't see me considering I'm the cause," she said in a rather bland, but slightly hurt still, tone.

"Look, I didn't mean it. I have always been affectionate towards you. It's just we haven't done that in five years and I was blackout drunk. And someone who is drunk tends to be more honest, what I'm trying to say," I said while walking towards her leaning over the counter and licking her at the base of her neck to her lips and kissed her deeply, "is I'm sorry."

Noticing a customer she said "Apology accepted, I'm going to make one of my favorite dishes tonight, you like Italian right," she asked absolutely ecstatic.

"I love Italian," I replied, "say help that customer out and let's go get some lunch."

"No, not some Chef, I've got something specific I want to make for you," she said before hopping the counter and asking the customer what they want.

After the customer made his purchase and left I walked over to the sign and switched it to closed, "And I'm sure with anything you do it will be absolutely perfect," I said in a loving tone.

Grabbing shoulder she pulled me down and said into my ear "How about tacos for lunch, they just reopened a taco bell down the street, I've got some special sauce back home that I left in my room, what do you say?" she let me go with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Ooh, you naughty girl you," I said in a playful growl.

She came out from behind the counter and walked towards the door, I noticed her shirt didn't cover her entire body so saw the three spots above her ass it kinda looked like some little kit watching or daring you to do her. I then followed after her my legs were still slightly bothering me but I didn't care too much. My tail and back however did occasionally act up plus the stitches I got after surgery were starting to itch, also my paw was feeling better although I still had to have it on for a long time.

We decided to take my truck because it was three quarters full. So we went and got some "tacos". Then after that I made us both a pimento cheese bologna sandwich and listened to the radio. AC/DC's Back in Black was playing. Then the DJ came on and started talking about some escapee that happened a couple of weeks ago. Around here that's like Michal Jackson dying. I turned it off at that point, that shit just worries people.

"Hey I was listening to that, and don't you want some background music for later," Evelyn asked mischievously.

"No I think it's about time we get back to work," I said.

"Oh, you're no fun," she said exasperated.

"That's not what you were saying a few minutes ago," I teased.

"Oh shut up,' she said.

We got back into the truck and drove to work yet again. On the way there I remembered I need to pick up a .45 caliber pistol I paid for and had to wait three days for. Of course I may act like I'm not worried but it sounds just like that little prick Jeff. On foot it would be a few weeks to get here, if Jeff stole a vehicle then probably only a few hours. I am hoping he's taking his time and gets caught... but never hurts to be prepared.

I pulled into the parking lot and killed the motor. I walked to the door and unlocked it. I went to go check because the truck with our purchased items is coming in today and it's about three so it should be here soon. As I got into the back the guy was pulling up. A big grizzly bear got out of the truck with his clipboard and asked me to sign. I signed it and noticed his particularly nasty scar on his face. He then helped me unload the shipment and dove off.

The prototype for the new game system was one of the things in this week's shipment. It was supposed to be a revolution in video gaming as we know it. It literally takes the persons thought patterns and actions put out through different parts of the body. I was looking forward to using this system and getting a good bit of revenue.

After closing I had Evelyn go home, I needed to set up the display and get the thing set up. It only took me a couple of minutes but I also tested it out for half an hour. Then I got in my truck and drove to Ray's gun shop. The owner Ray handled all of the transactions, I felt safe going there because it was all discrete but of course all of the things were tested and put into the officer's database in case any of the guns were used in a crime. I showed Ray the receipt to prove that I paid for it when I ordered it three days ago.

I got home an hour later than usual I then walked upstairs with the hand gun and put it in my nightstand the only other thing in there was a Holy Bible and Lord knows I've never read that. I didn't think it was pointless I just never felt I had to read it. I think I'm going to hell anyway because of my ideas. Hell in this faith you can't think maybe there is more to it. Heard Evelyn call my name, I closed the nightstand drawer and went down stairs. Something smells fucking awesome.

"Where were you? I know you set that thing up but it shouldn't have taken you that long," Evelyn said.

"Nothing you need to worry about," I replied.

"Whatever, god my shoulders are killing me" she said in a tired tone.

"Well let's get some dinner and I'll give you a massage," I offered.

"Ooh that sounds so good. You know how to do that," she asked excitedly.

"Yes, it was my part time job while I went to college," I replied, "What is this it looks and smells good."

"Manicotti, it's really good," she replied.

We went into the log hose cabin themed fireplace room, and had a nice meal in front of the fire. It was a nice romantic kind of night. We just started talking about a few random things here and there. We finished off the entire thing and by that time the fire was down to a bunch of embers. So I got up and put another log on the fire, and walked over to Evelyn. I put my paws on top of her shoulders and started rubbing her shoulders.

"Ooh that feels good," she said in a relaxed tone.

"I try but I think I'd be able to get a bit more of your back if you were lying down," I offered.

"Ooh that sounds great," she said enthusiastically.

So we went upstairs to my room and I had her lay on her stomach, she had already stripped on the way up the stairs. I then began to massage her back once again. This time I was able to work on her lower back as well. It took me several hours and then I finished on her feet. After all of that she looked like she was at peace. Then she sat up and looked at me the covers falling down past her breasts.

"Now it's your turn," she said excitedly with a kind of unrestrained glee.

She pulled me down to the bed and ripped open my shirt. I pulled off my pants and we continued our romp. It wasn't ever like we were past our animal instincts; it was more instinctual than anything I've felt in my life. I see how those furs feel who pure animal instinct. I love this whole aspect of it yet at the same time I think I might be ruining my relationship with Cathleen. We did it three times that night and then we fell asleep in each other's arms.

2 AM the Next Morning...

I hear noise downstairs something doesn't feel right. Evelyn's dead asleep; I got out from her as softly as I could. I then opened the nightstand and grabbed the gun. I walked down the stairs and almost as soon as I had walked into the living room I heard a shot and saw a flash. Then just seconds later I felt the pain of the bullet ripping into my shoulder.

Now I know Evelyn had to have heard that, damn it I just want this between me and him. The gun isn't too far away I can reach it with my uninjured arm. Just then Evelyn pounced on him and knocked his gun away from him and it didn't look like either of them would give out in upper body strength. So it came down to a contest of who could get to the neck first. Honestly even I wouldn't be able to do that and this guy is weaker than I am so he has to be coked out of his fucking mind, and have a lot of adrenalin pumping through him as well as sheer vengeance.

Evelyn got to his neck first she wasn't digging her teeth deep into the flesh much; just enough to show that he was screwed. I think he knew it as well, I finally managed to grab my gun and pointed it at him but I just couldn't bring myself to fire there was a chance I might shoot Evelyn. I can't keep this damn gun straight I can't risk it. So I let my arm drop and Kyle bursts in and grabs Evelyn and pulls her off of Jeff who Kyle then put his foot on to keep him pinned.

Watching through pain I saw Jeff grab Kyle's leg and pull up, toppling Kyle over and dropping the gun next to Jeff's right hand. As he's reaching over to grab it I see a blur in the corner of my eye and watch as Evelyn bites through his throat this time as she latches on, the blood is pooling on the floor as she just holds on while Kyle gets up too late to do anything.

Kyle then decided to go outside and call the cops and wait outside for them to arrive. I got up and walked up the stairs to the linen closet and got out a blanket to cover Evelyn up. She wouldn't even think about it. When I came down she was in a standing in a corner, looking at Jeff's body, not responding to anything, she was still waiting for him to move again. I turned the light on to get a better look to see if it really was Jeff like I thought it was. It was, his eyes may have been glazed over but that didn't change them look in them, I saw his bloodlust, and revenge. He was very determined; you had to give him that. The blood on the floor was still pooling, but not as fast as it was before, I went and put on some shorts and went outside to talk to Kyle.

"Hey, how's it going," I asked.

"Just a bit shaken up is all. Haven't seen anything like that since I got out of the Marines," he said.

"Yeah it must be tough getting over that kind of thing," I said.

"Believe me it is. So what happened between you and Evelyn," he asked.

"Well, what do you want me to say that I didn't sleep with her or that I haven't lately? I can't say that because it isn't the truth," I said.

"She seems to love you man, why are with you Cathleen," he asked.

"Look I don't know if it's going to work out between Cathleen and I. Evelyn has always been there, physically and somewhat emotionally, even when Cathleen is here she's there for me sure not in a physical way but still in that emotional sense she was," I replied.

"So who was that guy in there, friend of yours," he asked jokingly.

"I guess, he was there to kill me, probably would have had Evelyn not been there," I admitted.

"Oh, that's the one who got the beat down on you," he said.

It took the police another ten minutes to get there and when they did they asked what happened. We explained that the escaped convict was an ex-boyfriend of my girlfriend. Then they insisted that they call Cathleen and they asked if I wanted her to know I was injured. I told the officer I certainly did not want her worrying about me so I told him to tell her I was fine.

I took Evelyn upstairs to her room and let her go to sleep the investigators took some snapshots of the living room and removed the body and the paramedics insisted that they patch me up. I let them and then they left I said goodnight to Kyle and went back inside. I lay there trying to go to sleep hating myself for getting hurt again. I fell asleep around four and then at around ten in the morning I woke up. I got a call from Cathleen.

"Hello," I said groggily.

"Hey John it's me, I got a call saying that Jeff was killed last night," she said, I could hear the worry in her voice.

"Look everything is fine I am ok just don't worry about me," I said.

"I haven't heard from you in a couple of days since you were drunk," she said.

"Look I am dearly sorry about that. I didn't mean it it's just you call every day, and I love you but I need my space," I said apologetically.

"I love you too," she said.

We then talked about how her job was going out there and how mine was out here. I also talked about what Evelyn meant and told her she would definitely enjoy it and also said id like to be there as well. We got off the phone and I walked outside there was a note on my door. Evelyn told me she would see me at work, so I got dressed and drove on out to the store. On the way I couldn't help but think about how I loved each of them the same and for different reasons...