Tina's story Chapter 78 Fire and Rain A Gray Muzzle story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Tina's Story Chapter 78 Fire and Rain A Gray Muzzle story

Oh, I've seen fire, and I've seen rain.

I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end.

I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend

But I'd always thought that I'd see you, baby, one more time again.

Fire and Rain

James Taylor

Nina helped Gray with his shirt.

"If you'd stop squirming a minute, I could button this for you"

Nina finally got his shirt buttoned. A few days earlier, Nina had taken Gray shopping at Wal-Mart. She bought him a pair of black dress pants, and a new white shirt. She even got him a necktie, and leather shoes. She insisted he get a belt as well.

"But I've got one!" Gray insisted

"Belts with your name on them are not for dress up." Nina declared.

Today was their court date. This day would determine if Gray and Nina get their baby back. There had been many court dates, of course. The case over Grayson had been going for months. There was the appointment of a guardian, setting visitation, endless trips to the family relations office. Today was the day for which they waited. Today a judge would decide if they get their son back.

Gray drove the minivan to the heart of downtown. Normally very frugal, on any other day Gray would search for a free parking space on the street. Today, however, they parked in the pay lot. Nina and Gray didn't want to chance being late.

Going through the metal detector, it finally hit them- this is it. The court house was a big, imposing place. There were cold, marble floors, and great, tall ceilings. There were uniformed marshals everywhere. There were so many people rushing everwhere.....

"We had better look to see where we need to be" Gray observed

So they went to the information desk, and the attendant directed them to the proper courtroom. As they entered the elevator, Gray took Nina's hand.

"Are you scared?" he asked

Nina nodded

"Don't be scared." He offered

"When it's this important, it's hard NOT to be scared."

This time, it was Gray that nodded. He understood that everything that mattered would happen today. Entering the hall on the right floor, they looked for their lawyer. Because they had no money, Gray and Nina had a volunteer lawyer appointer to their case. She was a human, but she was very nice, and did a good job for them.

"Look, there she is!"

There was Attorney Julie Landry. Julie was a fixture around the Trento family court. In practice ten years, she easily looked ten years younger than her age. Attorney Landry stood out for her stunning good looks. She was tall and blonde; pretty in a Barbieish kind of way. She was although wealthy, due to family, marriage, and her own hard work. Not needing to work for a living, she could take the cases she wanted.

"Nina!" the attorney gave Nina a warm hug. Then she gave Gray one, too. It was just Julie's way.

"Are you ready?"

Gray and Tina nodded, although that might not have been the whole truth.

Julie put her arms around them.

"It'll be FINE!"

They didn't necessarily believe her.

"Come on now" Julie glanced at her watch "It's almost time."

Julie, Gray and Nina took their place at counsel table. Sitting at the other table were Nina's parents, and their lawyer. Neither side looked at each other, but each felt the presence of the other. Slowly, the minutes ticked by. After what seemed like an eternity, the Judge came onto the bench. Judge Stu Halloran was an imposing figure. Six foot four, three hundred pounds, and completely bald, his presence ruled the courtroom. He was known as stern and demanding, but fair and honest. He was not a man to she from tough decisions. The bailiff called the court to order., and Judge Halloran addressed the lawyers.

"Does either side have any further evidence or testimony for the court/"

"Just the family relations report, your honor." Julie added.

""Do the parties agree that this may be taken as a full exhibit?"

Both lawyers agreed.

"Then, I'd like to read the report, then I will issue my decision. Recess!"

"The court is now in recess!" the bailiff bellowed.

Nina squirmed in her seat.

"I'm so nervous..Can I...go to the bathroom? I gotta go.."

Julie smiled, and patted her hand.

"Of course dear. It'll be a few minutes."

Gray stayed behind.

"Do you think it will be alright?" Gray asked.

"I don't know. But I think we'll be fine" she assured

After a time, Nina returned. Minutes creeped by. At Eleven, Judge Halloran took the bench.

"I'm ready to rule. I've heard a great deal of testimony in the instant matter. Some very strong feelings on both sides. And I've heard from the parties; the parents and the grandparents. Now I have a decision.

The grandparents are to be commended for the care they gave their grandson. There was no evidence that the physical care they offered was in any way wanting. But there's more to a child's life than food and shelter. And that is where the grandparents fell short. Instead of keeping the mother in the child's life, they did the opposite. I'm convinced that they entered into a concerted cause of action to alienate and separate this child from his parents, going as far as changing his name. They denied the child the love and support of the two most important people in his life. This court cannot permit that.

I've also looked at the parents. Not perfect, but the law does not require perfect. Considering that she was eighteen at the time of the child's birth, she did an admirable job. She has a responsible job. She has fought hard to get the child back. Even in the depths of her despair, she never stopped visiting her son, even though they could not speak. Now, there were mistakes. The mother should have told the father. But, to their credit, when the father learned he had a child, he dropped everything, and joined her. He supported her efforts to regain their son. They married, and are expecting another child. They have a new apartment that will house their family. They visits ordered by the court have gone well. It is reported that there is a warm and loving bond between both parents and Grayson.

I have heard from the child's guardian, who supports reunification. So does the Family relations unit, after a thorough study. Therefore, it is the order of this court that custody of the child Grayson McCain be, and is vested in the biologic parents Gray and Nina McCain. Grayson is to be delivered to the office of the guardian by two pm today, and the parents can pick him up then.

Now, the claim of the grandparents. Normally. It is normally the position of this court that a child's interests are best served by an intact family. Here, however, the facts do not support it. Clearly, the grandparents do not support the parents. Every act has been in the opposite direction. It is the courts belief that they will continue to undermine the parents. It is therefore with sadness that I rule that there is to be no visitation granted the grandparents, such visits not being in the interests of the child. Each party to pay their own costs. Good luck."

Nina cried. Gray cried. Julie hugged them They both thanked Julie for her tireless work. They left the courtroom in a fog.

Gray and Nina made their way to a diner. They ordered lunch, but neither ate much. As the shock wore off, they began to anticipate the reunion. At the appointed hour, they went to the guardian's office, where Grayson was turned over. They took him to the van, and placed him it the child seat for the ride home. Home now was a three bedroom apartment in a newer highrise. They had put together a bedroom just for Grayson. There was a new bed, and curtains, and lots of toys. When they got home, they walked Grayson through his new home.

"Well, Grayson, what do you think?" Nina asked

"My name's Greg"

Gray scooped his son up.

"Then Greg it is. Maybe Mom can get us a snack"

When Nina went to the kitchen, Gray lay on the floor with his son. As Greg sat there in his little overalls and striped shirt, Gray gave him a playful tussle.

"I Hate my ears."

Gray looked ito his son's eyes.

"I want you to listen. Listen really, really hard. What do you hear?" Gray asked

Greg listened.


Gray beamed.

'Yes! A mouse! Thoise ears of yours can hear things no one else can hear. That's YOUR special gift. That's how your ancestors survived in the desert for thousands of years."

Greg smiled. He touched Gray's ears.

"Let's go see what Mommy got us...."

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