Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 155

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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#155 of Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master

Chapter 155 - What Is Your Limit?

"Woof... That was rough..." Chris sighed while rubbing his shoulder, the group having recently finished their time with the media and making their way along the Yule House. "That's how press events are. You feel like you went through the ringer. Even though it's not a physical bout, it leaves you feeling you just got whaled on more often than not. And when it's you against all of them, yeah, drags you down... Try doing it at least once a week or so." Holly point out with a smirk. "Y-Yeah... No thanks... I'm not that strong." Chris smiled nervously. "Oh ho? A hint of compliment there?" Holly chuckled. "If something like that is a test of strength, you've definitely got more of it than I ever will." Chris conceded with a smirk of his own. "You do this sort of stuff all the time... Just once is enough to leave me done with it. You gotta be a hell of a person to deal with the meetings, run a whole city this big, and all the other stuff... Calls all the time and all..." he paused, letting out a groggy sigh. "Makes me drained just thinking about it... I can't say I envy you, it's tough, but you definitely earn my respect." he grinned. Hearing this, Holly nodded before focusing ahead, thinking back on one of the media's questions. "Mr. Nakazaki... You're in a... Relationship... With multiple women... How do you make it work exactly? What are women to you in your eyes, and what do you think your role is to them? As a man, what are your beliefs, your... Views... Revolving genders?" a female reporter asked. "Hrm... I kind of answered that in a way already, though guess the wording is different... Feels kind of loaded at the same time..." Chris replied, looking down to think over how best to word his response. Looking at the girls, they seemed curious as well as they tilt their heads.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - A Man's Purpose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsKSoH_XdYo Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"I suppose... In some ways I'm a bit traditional, and in others, I'm more modern." he began, the crowd murmuring "traditional?" in a suspicious sense before focusing on his answer. "I think, as a man, it is still our responsibility to serve, and to protect." he point out. "We're on this Earth to defend others, and to fight for what's right. We're given the strength we have to stand up for ourselves, and for others when the time comes. We have the power to serve for the cause of good, and to protect everything we hold dear. I'd like to think more of us use our strengths for that purpose than for evil, but... I am an optimist on things like that." Chris laughed nervously. "As we evolve however, there's a new element to being a man I think most are still working on adapting to, that being... The ability to step aside when a better option is available." he affirmed, the girls blinking with their curiosity remaining peaked, Holly listening from the sideline as well. "In our world today, men and women work together in ways never seen before, the lifestyles we have, the careers we take on, everything's changing for all involved, and as part of that change, for many of us, it's learning when to step up for someone..." he paused, looking at the girls. "And... We have to know when to step aside..." he added, looking toward Holly with a smile. "For the greater good of us all." he nodded, causing the Mayor's eyes to widen slightly. "As men, it's our responsibility to know when to fight, and when to observe. For instance, let me direct you to the girls here." he point out. "Time and again I've stood up for them, fought for them, protected them, guided them. I feel like as a man, there's no greater honor, no greater satisfaction than doing all you can for a woman, especially one in need. It just kinda... Makes you feel good inside." he affirmed.

"But at the same time, I've also stood aside just as much. When it's time for them to and show their mettle, they give it their all. And because of that, they've looked out for me just the same. They've fought for me and guided me the same as I have them. Thanks to knowing when to step up, and when to step back, we've been able to learn from each other, inspire each other, reflect on one another, and in the grand scheme, we grow and succeed together." Chris nodded, the girls smirking and doing the same. "Serenity, Alicia, Rose... I might spoil them a bit, and I do confess to being a bit defensive, or... Protective over them. I guess I can be your "typical man" from time to time, a pain in the butt and all, but even with the faults I have, I'd like to think I've done a pretty good job at being a man nonetheless." he smiled nervously. "These girls... I've said stuff along these lines before, but... They're my heroes. And it's because I stepped aside when the time was right that I got to see just how amazing they are, how special they are, and it let me realize just how lucky I am, not just because I'm the one they chose, but because I've been able to be a part of their growth, a part of who and what they are today. We've carried each other along the paths we've traveled, and I hope I can rely on them long into the future." he grinned, getting a bop on his arm from Serenity's fist as she grinned as well, Rose nudging his opposite side while Alicia pat his head with her vine, offering "good boy" in praise. "As far as the rest of the question... I dunno... Far as I see things, I don't really think there's too much one can do that the other can't. The work force of the world today kind of proves that so... Only difference I really see between them are, uh... Well..." Chris paused, clearing his throat with a slight blush.

"Though... I guess nowadays, in some cases even certain things don't make a difference either so... To each their own." he added with a shrug. "The way I define men and women, I don't think it should matter. We all have our own definition, some similar, some different on that subject, I think part of the fun is discovering those differences, kind of gives you limitless perspectives. Subjects like this is a great reason for folks to go out and socialize more often, get out and see what other people are like. For me personally, I do think men are born to be protectors, we're born to fight and... Maybe to have a greedy, or, selfish side to ourselves... We can be assertive and all. Possessive and stuff." he confessed, looking at the girls with another blush. "Th-There's some things in our natures that are hard to resist... Sometimes..." he added, causing them to blush to their own degrees as well. "But... I don't think that's part of what makes men bad or anything, it just makes us who we are. We all have the nature to want things, and to fight for what we want. And for who we want, for that matter. That's what I mean by I'm a bit traditional and modern at the same time." he shrugged. "Just because that's what I think a man is, or should be, doesn't mean anyone has to have the same view. There are men who are like myself, and as you can see, there are women who are attracted to that type." he affirmed, returning focus to the girls. "Then there are men who are totally different, and just as many women are attracted to them." he went on. "In this world, I think the only mistake we can make is trying to fit everyone into some identical mold of what and who we should be, try to make everyone think and feel the same way. I think we all like having variety, having options, you know?" he suggested.

"Live and let live. Be who you are. Be who you want to be, think and feel how you want to. The worst thing you can ever do in life, or one of the worst things, is letting others decide all of that for you, and live your life without letting yourself be your own person. Even if how you feel, or what you think is unpopular... Even if your beliefs go against those of another... At least you're being you, and isn't that all that matters? Isn't that fair? What freedom is all about?" Chris asked, looking at the crowd as they paused while looking back, Holly peeking at the crowd herself as she took in the surprising silence of the press. "Er... I answered that right, didn't I?" Chris laughed nervously as the Mayor's flashback came to an end, a smirk on her face with the group now making their way along the property outside the Yule House toward where the carriage was waiting. "Mr. Nakazaki!" a female voice called out from behind, putting the security around them on defense as they spotted a reporter running up, greeted with an order to "Hold!" by the guards. "I-It's okay." Chris assured, the Mayor motioning for the woman to be let through. Doing as ordered, albeit warily, the staff inched aside and let her into their circle, where the reporter caught her breath and reached out to Chris with a tired smile. "Th-Thank you. I-Interview." she managed to say, causing him to nod surprise. "You ran here just for that?" he asked before showing a smile of his own, albeit with slight sweat showing as he shook her hand. "W-Well then, you're welcome. It was, ah... Fun? Interesting?" he replied. "Sorry if the answers weren't too good. Meetings aren't my thing." he apologized, the reporter shaking her head and assuring it was content both sides of the field could balance and reason with.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Back to the Plaza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLhUFu80uJg&t Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

"Eh...? Field...?" Chris asked, blinking at the reporter. "Politics." Holly point out. "Ah... No thanks. Too much drama." he replied, having no interest in playing sides on the matter. "So you're a centrist then?" the woman asked. "I dunno... Humanitarian sounds better to me. I don't like being on any side in particular. I just do my own thing and let others do theirs. Again, live and let live, like I said during the meeting." Chris reminded, the woman taking a moment to write his affiliation before the security insisted she move along. "Humanitarian, isn't exactly a political position per se'... More... Philosophical." Holly point out with a nervous smile. "Isn't that what politics are though usually?" Chris asked, making the Mayor pause for a moment before waving her finger with a smirk. "Not bad." she conceded as they continued toward the front gates. "You know, now that they have all that content, you're going to be seeing a lot more of yourself on TV for a while. Plenty of people will be taking apart and debating what you had to say." Holly reminded. "Well... I don't watch TV just to watch myself so I don't think we'll pay much attention." Chris replied with a shrug. "I didn't really say anything particularly catchy they could make major headlines out either far as I could tell so if anything it'll probably just come and go." he added. "You'd be surprised." Holly chuckled as they passed the gates. "So what's your plan now?" she asked. "Mm... Well, not much really. With the time we have left of the day, I'd kind of just like to take it easy. As hard as it was for me, I don't think the girls fared much better." Chris point out. "I tired... Eye move from so much talk." Serenity groaned, showing her nervous twitch.

"You spent all that time cramped in a room with so many people. With the cameras and all on top of everything, you really surprised me the way you restrained yourself." Chris smiled nervously. "Considering the rush job to arrive earlier, I do hope we had a descent appearance at least." Alicia chimed in. "THAT what snake worry about?" Serenity asked with a scowl. "Well... You do kinda obsess over your hair yourself." Chris reminded. "You hush." Serenity grumbled. "I'm still seeing flashes." Rose complained, rubbing her eyes and blinking. "Oh, you'll get over that. In a way, you get used to it." Holly laughed. "Man... You really are chill with all this stuff." Chris yawned. "I don't envy you like I said, but major props for how you pull through it all." he repeat. "Bah, it's nothing. Things got a little out of hand this morning, but that aside, nothing out of the norm for most of us here." she shrugged. "Yeah... Sorry again about being late." Chris apologized, the Mayor waving with "No worries" in response. "Just so you know... I really do appreciate all the trouble you went through for us." Chris affirmed, stopping by the side of the carriage. "You point it out yourself... Some stuff we've done, people you work with don't exactly see it in too good a light. You being so open and all, helping us out the way you are and stuff, I know it's probably not earning you any friends." he added. "Oh please, you're far from the only thing I've done that rustled their feathers. The things I do are common sense for those who deserve it." Holly assured, waving her hand at his concern. "I'll be just fine. It's the people who matter, not those who sit on pedestals complaining about life and trying to figure out the next way they can take instead of give. They let others do their dirty work while they hide, I'm more hands on and take care of things myself." the Mayor boldly exclaimed with arms crossed and a proud smirk.

"Boy... You're pretty brave ma'am." Chris laughed warily. "It's not a matter of bravery. It's just doing what's right is all. You've been a little bad here and there maybe, but I'd like to think you've done enough to make up for it. And given how many of our citizens you lot saved, if nothing else we should have you walking on red carpets. This was the least I could do." Holly smiled warmly. "You're a good kid, and the girls here, not a bad bunch. Granted there are some concerns, but as a whole, I think..." Holly paused, looking at Serenity for a moment. "Even that one isn't as bad as reports like to claim. It's as you said, she did well here today." she praised, the Pokemon letting out a "meh" in response and shrugging. "Being honest, the people I work with have tried time and again to impeach me since I took office." Holly revealed, causing Chris's eyes to widen. "Peach-what now?" Serenity asked. "I believe humans use that term for... Someone in power that is removed by force and has said power taken away." Alicia explained. "Precisely! I like you." Holly giggled, getting a smirk and a nod from the snake. "Laughing about that..." Chris replied with slight sweat showing. "Pah, their threats don't worry me. They only try to do so because of what I just said, I'm for the people and work with my own hands. While they're in that building over there stewing in their own melodrama, I'm out there with our citizens, living it up by their sides, being one of them. You should see how casual I dress from time to time. I look good... Whenever I can get away from this lot." Holly point out. "She... Keeps us busy..." one of the female guards chimed in. "Well, you suffocate a person." the Mayor scowled, her arms crossed once more.

"The people of the city stand by the Mayor for those and many reasons. Though she has taken action that has caused some amount of skepticism among various groups. We do our best to support her and make sure no major trouble is caused as a result of her actions." a male guard revealed. "Eh? I don't see her as the type to do anything that would upset folks... Well, maybe besides you fellas." Chris laughed. "Well... There has been a bit of drama but... Fairly isolated." Holly confessed, stiffening slightly. "For the most part though, it's happy faces all around and a city thriving at its peak." she added, relaxing with another smirk. "Well... Anything we could ever do to help, we do kind of owe you one." Chris assured. "Oh no, you've done more than enough, you don't owe a thing." the Mayor waved again. "Just go out there and enjoy yourselves. As you said, take a break and relax." she insisted. "Well... Okay then." Chris nodded before opening the door for Alicia and helping the others up onto the seat. In response to the movement behind him, Rapidash suddenly let out a snort and shot his head up, looking around with a daze in his eyes and drool hanging from his mouth before letting out a yawn. "I'd say come visit anytime, but considering all the processes you have to go through, you probably wouldn't find doing so very convenient." Holly apologized. "No worries. You could always drop by our cabin! That might be a little less intense for all of us." Chris point out while closing the carriage door and climbing into the drivers seat himself. "Hey buddy! How ya been?" he asked, grinning at the stallion before them as he looked back in a sneering "about time..." manner. "Gee, great to see you too." Chris sweat with a scowl. "He was out here all day." Holly reminded.

"You should give him a treat!" she added with a grin, Serenity and Rose immediately snapping back with a loud and collective "NO!!" that made the Mayor jump back in surprise. "S-Sorry! Sorry... Ya see, I kinda gave him a bag of carrots a few nights ago and uh... He ate them all in one setting. The next day..." Chris paused as the two groaned and shuddered by his sides. "Ohh... I heard about that from the entry guards." one of her security men muttered. "Something about catching their hair on fire...?" another muttered back, Holly looking between her guards and the group curiously. "...The horse had gas and almost blew us up the other day." Chris revealed with an embarrassed blush. Looking at them for a moment, Holly turned her attention to the stallion before looking back at them and noticing her guards at the nearby gates snickering from the conversation. "Huh... I missed something good." she muttered before letting out a sigh. "I always do..." she shrugged. "Oh, it was hilarious." Alicia replied from within the carriage. "Shut up snake!" Serenity warned. "Please, it's not my fault. Besides, your look afterwards was a marked improvement." the snake teased, causing her rival to look back in agitation. "Alright, alright, don't want to start anything here." Holly laughed, motioning for the two Pokemon to remain calm. "You may not have press events to deal with, but you certainly have enough work of your own." she added, winking at Chris teasingly. "Nah... They're good girls, for the most part. You just have to learn not to get caught in the middle." he laughed, getting a "Hey!" from Serenity and Alicia while Rose nodded in agreement. "It's like you said, know when to step aside!" Rose reminded with a giggle. "Atta girl!" Chris laughed, rubbing her head.

Growling at him, Serenity gave Chris an elbow in his side that made him jerk and grunt from the sensation, rubbing the spot with a grumble from the treatment. "Well it's true..." he affirmed quietly, the Pokemon sticking her tongue out before facing forward in a somewhat agitated and pouty manner. "Always make look bad..." she muttered. "I do not! I just got done praising you!" Chris reminded. "Perhaps you better go get a bite to eat? That helps me feel better when things are tense." Holly suggested. "Yeah... Thanks again. Guess we should get and put something in us. I think we all kinda get testy when the tank is low." Chris agreed. "When the what now?" Rose asked. "You have a metaphor for everything." Alicia added. "Hey, country guys are just like that." Chris replied. "You do have a bit of southern charm now that you mention it." Holly smiled. "Well thank ye madam." he grinned in a strong accent, acting as though tipping a hat. "...Don't do that." Rose scowled with her ears slumped. "Aw, what's a matta' lil' lady? Ya'll don't like mah' southern drawl?" Chris teased jokingly. "I elbow you again." Serenity warned with her arm at the ready, causing him to jolt with a quick "Okay, okay!" in response. "You know you lose points like that, right?" Alicia added. "I'm just trying to have some fun!" Chris insisted, causing Holly to snicker at the group before laughing. "You really are a family..." she sighed. "When you look past a few things, we're not really any different than anyone else." Chris nodded before looking around. "Guess we'll be off then... See ya Holly." he finished, the Mayor giving a wave and a "see you again!" response as they started pulling away, making their way around the circle that made up the smaller plaza around them.

"We finally go..." Serenity sighed, sitting back and relaxing. "I'm glad. It was stuffy." Rose agreed, leaning against Chris with her eyes shut. "Much as I do enjoy being in the spotlight, one can't deny the fatigue being so popular brings." Alicia nodded. "Oh, it's SO difficult, how DO we do it?" Chris teased sarcastically. "My vines CAN reach you..." the snake warned, extending them as he laughed. "You know I love you." he assured, looking back with a soft smile that made her pause with a slight jolt. "Y-Yes... Well..." she muttered, retracting her vines and glancing away with a blush, only to look back at him and find him making a goofy looking kissing face toward her through the window. "Y-You stop that!!" Alicia snapped, turning all the brighter making Chris laugh happily. Hearing his tone and looking at his expression, flustered as the snake was she couldn't help but soften her stance and sigh, a smile of her own appearing while Rose giggled as well, Serenity showing a slight smirk as she glanced at him herself. "...Being serious, thank you... All of you." Chris nodded. "It nothing. Just get good food and we even." Serenity waved. "It was good for you to get that kind of time with those people. I do feel there was a necessity to it." Alicia added. "Maybe now you don't have to worry about how other humans feel about you." Rose assured. "We can hope. Though... I gotta admit, I do wonder how important that is sometimes." Chris confessed. "I don't think everyone will ever like me but... Maybe what I should work on is overthinking stuff like that." he added, taking a moment to reflect on his outlook as they trot along, giving the Mayor a final wave as they approached and disappeared down the alley leading to the main plaza for the festivities.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - What Defines You https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p4eYKfnAqo Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Once they reached the end of the street, the group found themselves back within the hustle and bustle that was the heart of the Aurora Festival, noticing many of the news crews having set themselves up in the area as well to get coverage of the event before returning to their respective regions. Surprisingly enough, rather than hounding the group for more, whenever they found themselves spotted they were given waves instead of being chased, catching Chris off guard yet appreciating the tame behavior nonetheless while some recorded them passing and took a few extra shots with the cameras they had on hand. Making their way around the outer circle of the expansive plaza, they eventually found themselves reaching the temple which loomed over the location, causing them to look up at its towering structure with eyes full of awe from its scale. "We haven't really bothered to get up close to this thing until now, have we?" Chris asked. "It big... Not know how humans build some stuff like this..." Serenity replied. "I dunno if I'd wanna be that high up..." Rose smiled nervously. "It's ambitious to say the least. When you humans have your mind set on something, you always find a way." Alicia admit. "Well, that's passion for ya... Well, that and a bunch of artsy skill." Chris smiled. "I'm not exactly good at that sort of thing so it does make you envy the people who build this stuff. Best thing I can do far as building goes is fixing up cabins." he added, thinking back on his time growing up in his village. "I'm pretty good at roofing though." he smirked confidently. "Say... What's that about?" Rose asked, pointing toward the base of the structure ahead of them. Letting out an "eh?" in response, Chris slowed the carriage to a halt and looked where the rabbit was pointing.

At the top of the stairs before them, a group of what looked like older kids, either close to or just past their teens, could be seen gathered around another kid that was sitting in a wheelchair of sorts. Seemingly heckling the person in the chair, it could be seen backing closer and closer toward the stairs as the groups expressions changed. "Not like way that look." Serenity muttered. "Me either..." Chris added before letting out a grunt and setting the reins down. Stepping past her, he jumped from the carriage and quickly made his way up to the kids. Seeing the chair inch itself closer to the stairs, he started running up instead as taunting remarks were heard from the hecklers, the mockery mingled with laughter as Chris made his way up to the top of the stairs just as the wheels began rolling into the air. Reaching out, he caught hold of the handles, the sudden jolt to the chair making the kid relying on it quickly attempt to look behind himself, turning out to be a Hispanic boy. Slowly stepping further up and pushing the chair forward away from the steps, Chris's eyes had a furious glow as they exposed their demonic appearance to the kids before him, his aura faintly wafting around him in a warning sense to the group. "You know, it takes some really weak people to do what you're doing to someone like this." he lectured in a stern, albeit calm manner. "You wanna try stepping up to someone and talk big, then you got something you wanna say to me?" he asked as the group of kids eyes widened, inching back warily. "You're big and bad, you've got the numbers... Go ahead, just say whatever you like... You feel like laughing at me?" he asked as they stiffened, quickly shaking their heads. "What if you killed this kid just now? Think you'd still feel badass?" he asked, reminding them of the stairs.

"It says some pretty crappy things about you, and your parents if you're doing stuff like this. Ganging up on a guy you think can't stand up to you... How pathetic can you get?" he lectured. "Then when someone else comes along, you put your tails between your legs and huddle together like rats... Get outta here." he ordered as they remained still. Holding his hand up, Chris formed a ball of fire in his palm, repeating "I said GET!!" more sternly making the group jump and quickly run off, hurrying down the stairs as he watched, his aura fading and eyes turning soft once more. "Honestly... Who the hell raises punks like that?" he scowled, shaking the fire from his hand before moving away from the wheelchair. "You okay kid?" he asked, stepping around the chair only to find the boy averting his gaze. "Hey... Kinda thanks is that?" Chris added, crossing his arms. "I didn't need your help." the kid replied. Blinking at him in surprise, Chris let out another grunt. "Sure you didn't, that's why you were about to make a fool of yourself and roll all the way down those steps." he retorted as the girls approached. "Isn't that kinda harsh?" Rose asked warily. "If you don't want someone else standing up for you, then you should stand up for yourself, show some backbone." Chris lectured, ignoring the rabbit. "You could have killed yourself just now, blindly backing away like that. If you're gonna be a coward, you should at least back away in a direction that isn't worse than the obstacle in front of you." he added. "What do you expect?!" the boy snapped, finally looking at Chris as he sat in his chair, body motionless save his neck up and his hands, one of which was on the control stick for the chair. "I would expect you to do what anyone would do, fight back." Chris nodded.

"Oh yeah... I can throw a real punch..." the boy grumbled, averting his gaze once more. "You shouldn't have bothered." he added. "Would you have rather killed yourself just now?" Chris asked, being met with silence. "Not think talking like that good..." Serenity muttered next to him. "...So what if I had...?" the boy finally answered, the girls eyes widening as Chris looked at the boy in his own silence. "To say that at such an age..." Alicia replied in a hushed manner. "What makes you say that?" Chris asked, maintaining his stance. "What can I do?!" the boy snapped again. "Anything you want. Nothing stopping you." he affirmed. "Are you just making fun of me too?" the boy asked. "No... I'm being serious. There's nothing stopping you from doing plenty of things." Chris shrugged. "I can't move anything." the boy scowled. "You're pretty good at moving your mouth, looks like you can move your hands. What more do you need?" he asked, the boy looking both agitated and bewildered with a sneering look on his face. "Here you are talking back to me. Showing that attitude. Yet you couldn't talk back to those kids? Think about it." Chris point out. "You choose who you back down from, you choose who you let walk all over you." he added. "I think the worst thing a guy can do is go down a coward." he affirmed. "I'm tired of fighting... Tired of everything." the boy sulked. "The more I live, the more people suffer, the more people worry, the more people hurt me." he added. "That's what life is kid." Chris affirmed, his responses surprising the girls as they looked between the two. "Shouldn't you go a little... Easier...?" Rose asked, tugging on his coat, only to be met with silence.

"In this world, people struggle, they struggle for themselves, they struggle for others. They take care of themselves, and they take care of others. It's a give and take reality." Chris went on. "So you're stuck in a chair, so what? You got any idea how many people are in this world? You don't see many of them giving up. I was stuck in one myself at one point, and you'd be surprised what I went through to stand again. Hell, to this day I still have problems." he explained, causing the girls to glance down. "And even then, even if you're in a chair your whole life... So what?" he asked as the boy faced him. "You don't strike me as the type to just quit. That attitude of yours doesn't seem like the one someone at the end of their rope would have. You come off as just sulking to me more than actually serious." Chris shrugged. "You don't even know me! I don't know you for that matter..." the boy replied, his tone fading to a murmur. "Well, guess you have a point there... And since we're strangers, I guess it shouldn't be my concern if you do something to yourself then, should it?" Chris asked, the girls looking all the more surprised. "That's right... So go away." the boy sneered. "First I wanna know something. What did you mean about people suffering and worrying?" Chris questioned, remaining firm in his stance. Looking at him for a moment, the boy turned his chair so his back was to the group, looking down. "I can't move like I said... Yeah my mouth is fine, I can use my neck and hands, but everything has to be done for me. Changing, eating, and... Other things." the boy explained, though too embarrassed to explain certain details. "It's a lot of work for people, and its always been that way." he point out.

"My mama and papa, they do the best they can, but I know it gets to them. They fight all the time." he revealed. "What are the fights about exactly?" Chris asked. "About how people treat me, about letting me go places. My papa wants me to be with other people, my mama wants me to stay home, they always fight over what's best for me, it hurts..." the boy explained. "Okay... So your dad wants you to have a life, and your mom wants you to be in her sight for your safety. Doesn't sound like they complain about taking care of you though, do they?" Chris asked. "You mentioned it's a lot of work, others doing things for you, but does anyone complain about that?" he pressed. "Well... No..." the boy muttered. "I think you feel bad, because it's your fault they have to worry about you having a life of your own, not because they tend to your needs." Chris point out. "Do you ever speak up for yourself? Tell them what you want? How you'd like to do things?" he added. "Based on the way you act, I'd be worried about you too if I was a mother who had a kid who couldn't stand up for himself. Chair or not, you still have a backbone in there. Use it." Chris lectured. "Parents have to see their kids can defend themselves, they have to know they'll be safe in the real world, that they can handle what's thrown at them. If all you do is sulk around, back away from others, pout and complain, how else is a parent supposed to act? Being honest, I'd be like your dad too and try to make you live a little, make you get out there and take on challenges. You never grow up by hiding from the world." Chris shrugged. "I respect your mother for wanting to protect you and nurture you, but unless you make it clear you want to live, it's only going to get worse between them." he warned.

"The worst thing a parent can do is live knowing their kid is a coward, that they can't be independent and take on what life has in store. You're in a chair, but you can still go where you want, say what you want, you have a brain that works perfectly fine, body aside, right?" Chris asked, the boy glancing away. "Let me tell you something... Do you realize how lucky you are to be in your position?" he point out. "Lucky?!" the boy snapped, focusing on Chris once more. "Yeah, DAMN lucky!" Chris snapped back, slightly surprising the boy. "E-Easy now..." Alicia coaxed. "Do you realize some of the greatest people ever born in this world had problems like you face?! And despite those problems, they became greater than anyone people think are supposedly normal!" Chris went on. "There was the composer, Ludwig van Beethoven, you know him, right?" he began to list. "Y-Yeah..." the boy nodded. "DEAF! Couldn't hear a thing most of his life. And guess what? Even though he couldn't hear, he made the best music known to the world to this day! Hundreds of years later, he's as famous as ever!" Chris affirmed. "And then, there's Stephen William Hawking, you got any idea how mad smart he was? That dudes IQ was literally beyond the stars!" he went on. "He was in a chair like you, and heck, his condition was WAY worse I think. He was so smart, he won award after award, knew more about the world and beyond than almost anyone who ever lived... And did his problems stop him? NO! They PUSHED him! To keep learning! To keep working! Because he knew each day wasn't another day to suffer, to worry about stuff, it was another day that was a gift to live, to learn! To advance himself and let everyone know not a single day he was on this Earth was wasted!" Chris emphasized.

"For you to sit there at such a young age and talk about being better off dead is spitting in the face of all those like you, and much worse off, who were still able to see their lives through to the very end, long, full lives with all the successes and fame anyone can have if they want it enough." he went on. "Then there's Helen Adams Keller, born blind and deaf combined. And you know what? They say she had a drive for life that would put even Hawking to shame!" Chris smirked. "You complain about people helping you... Well, she did too. She hated it at first, it got on her nerves, she wanted to be left alone, and she might have even thought like you do, but as she gave life a chance to work its magic, she came to realize... Being helped wasn't a burden she had to bear, nor' was it one that those helping her bore. Instead of spending her life being controlled, told how to live, instead of pushing others away out of being guilty or annoyed, she embraced those that wanted to help her, and used them to carry herself to heights barely anyone can reach!" he continued. "And better yet... She not only fought to live with her problems, she fought to help others with similar, and much worse." Chris revealed as the girls listened, the boy doing the same, albeit while glancing away on occasion. "She worked so hard in life, she was able to meet Mayors, Presidents, she traveled to over 40 regions... And keep in mind, blind and deaf!" he affirmed. "She inspired people all over the world, gave speech after speech for the sake of those like her, and even made several books! Granted she had a little help, but it's like I said, she used that help to her advantage, and everyone who worked with her was proud to have been a part of her life, of her growth!" Chris insisted.

"I guarantee you that's how it is with your parents. And if you would just accept their help, be grateful instead of guilty, and use it to your advantage, you can go places too." he point out. "Use your mothers compassion, her sympathy, and use your fathers encouragement, his persistence, combine it all to help you step into a new day, knowing you're supported, cared for, and use that as your reason to live, to let them and everyone know it wasn't a waste, that you're not a waste." Chris explained. "People like those kids, they'll show up to hustle you, to try and knock you down. Folks might gang up now and then, but you know what? It won't matter. A man would rather go down fighting, with his head high and knowing his back was never turned, than go down a coward, letting himself be no better than the rats that are nothing more than pests in the grand scheme." he compared. "If someone throws a punch at you... Grin it off. If someone knocks you out of your chair, give a hearty laugh, because people like that will be weaker, more pathetic than you will ever be." Chris went on, stepping up to the boy as the girls eyes widened much more. "Legs don't make a man, what his body can or can't do doesn't define him. It's his character, his drive, his passion and will! If you believe in yourself, if you have faith in who you are, what you're capable of, even with your limitations, then there isn't anyone, man or beast that can take you down, that can stop you from being greater than everyone, especially those who try and belittle you just so they can feed an ego within themselves that's so small they have to come after a guy like you just to feel a little stronger. Think about how much it exposes how weak they really are, how pathetic they are when they resort to abusing you." Chris nodded.

"That's why, laugh. All you need to do, is laugh at them, laugh at their weakness, laugh at their desperation, and if they keep pushing you..." he paused, looking at his chair. "Be creative, and if you get pushed down after fighting back, you just keep a smile on your face, and think to yourself... Weak, this person, these people, are so, so weak. They're so sad and so desperate, I pity these people... And that's all." Chris finished, looking down at the boy with his arms crossed again. "I only say the truth. And if you think it's not, if you still think you're better off gone, if you think my words, your parents, and whoever else who has helped you is a waste of time, that you're a waste for existing..." he paused, looking toward the stairs. "Well... There they are... There's your exit kid." he motioned, the boy and the girls combined looking at the steps before them. "It's a long way down... And compared to that, life is a long climb up." Chris explained. "Would you rather give up and fall, with all the misery and pain that comes with it, or do you have what it takes to turn the other direction, and climb to the top? To fight for a future where you and everyone who was, and is a part of you, can be proud, honored to have played a role in where you reach one day?" he asked, watching the boy steer himself toward the steps and look down. "There's a plaza full of people who will see you take the weak way out as well. If you choose to live and fight, nobody will notice right now. But in the future, you can be a man everyone can't help but notice." Chris smirked, walking up to his side. "That crowd full of people you don't know out there, can one day be gathered just so they can see you, to listen to you." he added, letting the boy look out at the hustle and bustle below and picture the scenario.

"If you wheel yourself down these stairs, yeah... You'll be noticed right away. And everyone here will pity you, they'll feel sad for you..." Chris admit. "You'll get plenty of attention here and now... And it will because everyone who looks at you will think you truly were a waste." he went on. "And not because of your condition, but because of the life, the future and potential you just threw away." he clarified as the boy continued looking around. "Suicide is always pathetic, no matter the reason... Life is a battle, and only the best can obtain the honor it has to offer for all those who see it through to the very end. And if you're able to see it through, even with what limits you might have, you'll be a man with more honor than any other. Instead of dying in misery, you can live with pride, ambition, and respect. In yourself, and from all those who see you." Chris grinned as the girls felt a familiar thumping in their chests. "You're just a few inches away kid... What will it be?" he asked, looking down at the boy. Letting a moment of silence build between them, after a moment he finally put his chair in reverse, backing away from the stairs and turning it so his back was to his demise. Their eyes wide again, the girls watch him wheel himself past in silence, leaving Chris as he turned and watched as well with a nod and a smirk. "There we go..." he chuckled, taking a breath of relief before hearing Rose call his name. "Yes?" he asked. "That was..." Serenity muttered. "What if he'd gone forward...?" Alicia added. "Well..." Chris paused, looking at the boy again. "That's a good question." he admit. "Y-You would've stopped him, right?" Rose panicked, causing him to look at her. "Yes... But the damage to himself would have been much greater than if I'd allowed him to fall, so the result would have been the same even if I did." he explained.

"I pushed him to live, and I pushed him to give up. He was already going through a test, and you could say I gave him the final question... He passed, and that's all that matters now." Chris grinned again. "But... To do that to a child..." Alicia reminded, causing him to look at her. "It's because he's a kid I was so harsh. I treated him as though he were a man, talked to him as though he was on level ground with me. No boundaries, no limits. No cushions or anything. Just a talk from one man to another... And because of that, I think the impact from this will be all the greater in the long run. He probably hasn't had much of that treatment so... He has something powerful, and positive for that matter, to reflect on now." he nodded. "Do you really think any other method would have worked to the same degree?" he asked, looking at the girls as they debated. "Not... Know..." Serenity replied. "Perhaps... But... Maybe there's no particular right way to go about something like that..." Alicia admit. "I still feel bad for him though." Rose groaned, causing Chris to look at her with a raised eyebrow. "I didn't know you could insult people so easily." he replied, causing her to jolt. "I-I'm not!" she panicked. "You just said you feel bad for him. Even after he chose to keep trying. It's pretty insulting to look at him that way after the choice he made. Don't you think?" he asked, causing her to sulk and nod. "Y-You're right... I-I think?" she admit, still trying to figure out how to process the situation. Showing a smile, Chris rubbed her head reassuringly. "Don't worry about it... Just try to look up to him for his choice." he instructed, getting an "okay" in response as they watched the boy proceed toward the entrance to the temple before them.

Suddenly stopping however, the group blinked in surprise as he turned slightly and looked back at them. "...M-My name is...!!" he began, only to be cut off by the entrance flying open and a panicked "ALONSO!!" coming from a feminine voice, turning out to be one of the sisters of the temple. "Honestly child, you shouldn't stray like that. You had us in such a worry." the sister lectured, checking the boy over. "I-I'm fine." he assured as she took a breath of relief. "You're supposed to stay with the other children. How did you get out here?" she asked. "The door was left open... I just wanted to be outside for a minute." he explained, the sister about to say more only to notice the group. "O-Oh, hello there... Are you here for services?" she asked. "Ah... N-No. We just, ah..." Chris paused, looking at the boy. "Came up here to... Admire the view is all. We were just keeping each other company and watching the festival get set up." he assured. "I see... Well... Feel free to enter nonetheless. Mother Tsarea will begin her services soon. It's a wonderful experience!" the sister assured with a warm smile. "Now as for you young man, we must get back inside. The others have already started decorating!" she insisted, making the boy glance toward the group for a moment before the two returned inside. "Those clothes she had on..." Rose muttered. "Yes?" Chris asked. "Didn't those humans from the other night have the same thing on?" she point out. "Oh yeah..." he muttered. "You didn't forget, did you?" Alicia asked. "Er... A lot HAS happened." Chris laughed nervously. "This place where tree you buy go to?" Serenity chimed in. "I think so... I did say we'd stop by, didn't I?" Chris nodded. "Well... We ARE here... A moments visit couldn't hurt." Alicia affirmed.

"Guess not... I am curious to see what the inside of this thing is like. Can't deny it makes me a little excited." Chris smirked, facing the entrance. "We've gotten the invite twice now... Guess we better take em' up on it!" he exclaimed, looking back and assuring Rapidash they'd be back, causing the stallion to show an "again?!" type of expression from being left so soon. Giving an apology, Chris assured he'd make up for all the waiting before the group turned their attention to the towering doors before them, nodding at one another and making their way along...