Week 1 - Nominations+Eviction

Story by houndlover56 on SoFurry

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#2 of Big Brother Furry Edition

Elise was the first Head of Household of the summer, which meant that she got the private bedroom all to herself. As she settled into the king-sized bed, she thought about the competition yesterday. It was clear to her that Fisher was gunning for her and her friends hardcore. After all, he called her out during the game and tried to throw her under the bus. Luckily enough, the last of the men fell and she was able to pull through.

The cougar sat up in bed, brain racing through all of her options; all seven of them. Dimitri and Charlie were very big physical threats; both of them proved that yesterday. Ayden and Jessie were also threats as well, but Elise promised that she wouldn't put up either of them and she had no intention of breaking her word the first week. Mayson was weak as hell. For someone who works construction, he wasn't very good at physical games.

There was a knock on her door. "Come in!" she shouted. Becky the raccoon and Jo the skunk entered the room and once the room was shut, the three of them squealed and hugged each other. They all knew they were safe this week with nothing to worry about.

"I'm so happy for you," Becky said.

"Girl, you were a stone-cold killer up there," Jo commented. Jo said in the DR, "I'm very pleased that Elise won. Now that the girls are in charge, it's time to start making some serious decisions."

"What did I tell you guys?" Elise asked her allies. "I got this." She was stoked that she won the first competition. But very soon, she would have to nominate two people to leave and she needed to get thoughts from her allies beforehand. "So, who do you guys feel needs to go?"

Neither of them had much to say. "I don't know about you," Becky chimed, "but I don't know what the hell Fisher was thinking about there. Does he not know how this game is played?"

"I don't think even he knows what he's doing," Jo said.

It sounded like all three of them were in agreement: Fisher has to go. As for who to put up next to him, Elise was drawing a blank. On one hand, putting Jessie up next to him would pretty much ensure Fisher went home. However, Elise had already promised the fox that he would be safe this week. Her next option was Dimitri. He was a pretty strong player, and perhaps a little too outgoing. If somehow the house flipped on her, she wouldn't mind if Dimitri went home instead. It was a lot to think about.

On the other end of the house, the group of guys that bonded the first day were in the back bedroom, not saying much. Ayden was sharing a bed with Jessie. Mayson opted to stand up, leaning against the doorframe. "I have to ask," Dimitri spoke up. "But why did you stick your neck out for Ayden, little man?"

Jessie shrugged. "I don't know. It was the first name that came to mind. I-I didn't... mean to offend anyone else." Though in his mind, it was a good move. The girls were obviously sticking together, which meant that the guys needed to keep their strongest players together. Dimitri intimidated Jessie a little bit, he wasn't used to someone out there as much as the lion had been. Ayden on the other hand, was a little more reserved and strong.

"Well, I appreciate it," Ayden said. The tiger later said in the DR, "I really have no idea what's going on in Jessie's mind. But that's not important right now. With Elise in charge this week, the guys are going to have to figure out how to stay alive in this game when the week is through. I'm hoping that I can get in a conversation with her later on so see where her head's at."

Fisher was in the shower by himself, thinking of ways that he could get out of the trouble he was in. His plan of sending Elise home was not going to happen right now. His next best option was to implement a new social game to try to get in good with the women in the house. It wasn't going to be easy, but the wolf had to try.

So Fisher waited in the cabana room until he thought for sure that the HoH room was empty. He went up to the door and knocked. Elise let him inside. "Hey," the wolf said, "I was hoping we could talk for a moment."

"Yeah, of course." But Elise knew that he was there for some major butt-kissing. And she was going to sit back and enjoy it.

The cougar hopped onto her bed with Fisher taking a seat in one of the chairs across from her. "I'm not going to take up too much of your time. But I do want to propose something to you." Elise's ears perked up. "Everyone in the house knows that after what happened between you and me, I'm pretty much your number one target right now. However, I went out pretty early in the game. I'm not a very strong player. Trying to take me out now, I believe, would not be the best move for your game."

"Then what would be?" Elise was curious as to where this was going.

"Well, they say that in this type of game, your worst enemy can be your greatest ally. Think about it: no one would suspect the two of us trying to work together." Fisher could see the wheels in her head turning. This was still the first week, so odds are she's still completely vulnerable to any new possibility. And the possibility of a secret alliance like this was mind-boggling.

"I have to say, I'm really considering this," Elise said. She truly was. Most enemies in this game turn on each other and do whatever it takes to send the other home. But if she were to save Fisher this week, he would be loyal to her and that would be another number on her side. She could possibly go into the next week with the house divided 8-5 and she liked those odds.

That night, the house was allowed to have alcohol: four bottles of red wine. Most of them decided to drink outside, thinking it was a decent-looking night. Lola, Lynn, Ayden, and Dimitri were on the couch outside talking. "What's the weirdest thing you guys have ever done?" Dimitri asked.

It was a random question. And while Ayden and Lynn were a little reluctant to answer, Lola didn't even skip a beat. "Oh, easy, the time I flashed all my friends on New Year's Day."

It was the unexpectedness of the answer that got all of their attention. "Wait... what?" Ayden asked. He had no idea if he heard her correctly.

"Tell us what happened!" Lynn urged.

"Okay, okay." The dalmatian sat up, doing her best to sift through the memory while slightly buzzed from the wine in her system. "So, this was a few years back. At the time, I had been through a rough time in my life, especially since I went through a bad breakup. I was invited to this New Year's party; we were going to hang out in the pool and watch the ball drop in New York on television. But... I was not told that it was a pool party so I showed up in a regular dress and when I showed up and saw I was like 'Oh no'.

"I swear, there were about ten people inside that pool and I was the only one there who didn't get in yet. Everyone's in there, urging me to get in, but I didn't want to get my clothes wet." Dimitri knew exactly where this was heading, and was loving every moment of it. It was like he was there, seeing it all for himself. "Why would I? It was a new outfit and I was self-conscious about it. So I took it off and got in the water with just my bra and underwear on." Lola started giggling. "It gets better, I swear.

"When it finally came down to count off the new year, right as we get down to zero, I just..." Lola mimics grabbing the fabric on her chest and pulling it up. She started laughing, and the others joined in.

"Lola, that's terrible," Lynn said, but she was grinning. She couldn't help it, it was funny. Her friend's face turned red with blush.

Dimitri just clapped once the story was done. He thought about what it would be like at that time. Even though she was a little petit, Lola had a nice body. And Dimitri was a sucker for spotted chicks. She's definitely going to get me in trouble in this house, he said to himself.

The next day, Elise and Vivian were outside in their bathing suits, trying to soak up a little sun. Even though they were supposedly on the same side, Elise had no clue where Vivian stood. She wanted to get a good idea of what she would do this week. "I feel like you and I haven't gotten to talk at all," she said.

"Nope," Vivian replied. "After everything, it was pretty clear you wanted to put two guys up next to each other."

"Yeah. But the question is which two to put up?"

The husky turned on her side, letting her tail have room to sway in the wind. "If you ask me, you need to think long-term. If you had the votes to send Fisher home, so be it. But let's say supposedly you didn't and the house flipped. Who would you not mind seeing home besides him?"

Elise had thought about this since her conversation with Fish. "I mean... strategically, putting up someone like Jessie wouldn't be a bad move because he's the next strongest person in the house. You saw him out there, he didn't even move for two whole hours!"

"He's good," Vivian said. To her, it didn't really matter who went up on the block for two reasons: 1) It was still really early in the game and 2) She wasn't even an option right now. "However, if you put Jessie up on the block now, you'd be breaking his word to him. And you want to finish this week with the least amount of blood on your paws. Just something to think about."


Elise came out of the Diary Room with only one thing on her mind: the first set of nominations for the game. The cougar had a lot to think about for the past couple days. On one hand, the easiest decision would be to nominate Fisher and send him home; but there are bigger and stronger targets in the house that she wouldn't mind sending home just in case something, or someone flipped on her.

She walked up to the memory wall and took out all thirteen keys that were in there. She brought them into her private room. Inside, sitting on the table next to her bed was the nomination box. It wasn't very big as there were only two key slots in them. It was Elise's job to place the keys of the Houseguests she was nominating inside of them. But she needed to be careful, once she reached a decision, the nominations couldn't be changed.

Everyone else was waiting the other bedrooms, most of them bearing a look of worry on their faces. Fisher was the most anxious, for obvious reasons. But Elise could also go after people that have paired up already like Ayden and Jessie. Becky was completely confident that she wouldn't be called out, the same goes for Jo and Stephanie. When it came time for the ceremony to start, the whole house gathered at the dining room table.

The memory wall had changed. Instead of there being pictures of everyone in the house, there were two squares with question marks in them. Next to them were the words "Nominations Today" were displayed. Usually in the kitchen, there was a feeling of casuality; now there was simply dread. Elise came out of her room carrying the nomination box, now with two keys inside of them, but no one knew whos they were yet.

She set the box down at the front of the table. "This is the nomination ceremony," she said. "As Head of Household it is my responsibility to nominate two houseguests for eviction. In my nomination box are the keys of the houseguests I am nominating for eviction. I will turn two keys to lock in my nominations and their faces will appear on the memory wall. The first houseguest I have nominated is..." Her tail swished in anticipation. She reached out for the first key and turned it.

A lion's photo took its place at the top of the memory wall. Dimitri sat up in his sat, drumming his fingers on the table in angst.

"The second houseguest I have nominated is..."

It felt like the world stopped for a minute after Elise turned the second key. Fisher really should've seen it coming, but he knew that it was his photo that appeared second. He felt like the biggest idiot in that moment.

Elise cleared her throat. "I have nominated Dimitri and Fisher for eviction. Dimitri... you definitely gave me a run for my money during that challenge. Plus, I feel that you can be a little out there too much." He was a little taken aback by this, but he understood. He said nothing. She then turned to the wolf, who had his hood pulled up. "Fisher... it's kind of obvious why you're up. You called me out during the challenge and after having a conversation with you, I'm not what else you're capable of, so I'm just taking a precaution.

"This nomination ceremony is adjourned."

The house started to get up from their seats and give the two nominees a pity hug, because they knew that at least one of them was going home. Elise explained her decision in the DR. "It was easy for me to put up the strongest guy and the person who I feel would send me home if he won HoH. As for my target, I'm not sure of yet. Even though Fisher can be a pain in my ass, he also proved he sucks at competitions, so we'll have to see."

Dimitri was pissed about the whole entire thing. "Of course I'm upset about being nominated!" he growled when questioned about it. "But my side of the house is assuring me that I'm safe so I'm trying to stay calm about it." He had to take a second to breathe until his claws sunk back into his paws. "It's not that easy."

"At this point," Fisher reacted in the DR, "I need to lie down and... die if I want any chance to stay in this house. I need six votes and ultimately the ladies control everything this week." He let out a long sigh. "It's not looking good for me right now."


Fisher went into his bedroom and lied down, burying his face in his pillow. His strategy was to lie low and hopefully Dimitri will open his mouth too much and cause trouble.

The rest of the guys were in the kitchen, doing their best to make sure the fuming lion didn't explode. Ayden was offering back rubs to him, but it wasn't doing much. Jessie was at his side, trying to get him to do a breathing exercise. "Just... p-pace your breaths, okay?" he asked.

Dimitri closed his eyes, doing his best to calm down. Elise may have put him on the block, but it appears as though he's a paws. Which sucks because pawns tend to go home in this game. As long as he didn't get too angry or cause an argument, he thought he was in the clear. "I'll be okay," Dimitri finally said. "I do want to talk to her about it, if that's alright."

He got up and calmly went over to Elise's room, where she let him inside. "I just wanted to ask about the whole thing," he stated as he took a seat opposite her.

"Okay," Elise said. "Before you get too pissed off at me, I want you to know that you're only a pawn. Everyone in this house knows that Fisher is my true target. If he goes home, I have less to worry about." As she spoke, she tried to sound as genuine as possible. The truth is, she hadn't even decided who she wanted out yet.

"I get it," Dimitri said. "You needed to put someone up next to him and you didn't get a lot of time to think about the decision." The lion sat up, trying to keep his tail from angrily lashing about. "Here's the thing: I'm a bigger physical threat, which at this point everyone would look at me and say that I would be more tempting to send home first."

"If you're that worried about it, I can have a talk with most of the people and convince them otherwise. But right now, I wouldn't sweat it." For now, she was stalling. As long as Dimitri and Fisher don't freak out on her, things will turn out exactly the way she wants them to.

The next day, most of the guys were in the open bedroom. Jessie sat in the corner, tail tucked between his legs, with Ayden by his side. Mayson was leaning up against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. "We can't send Dimitri home," Ayden whispered loud enough for them to hear. "If he leaves, we would all be screwed over."

"How many will it take to save him?" Mayson asked.

"Six," Jessie answered. He counted off on his fingers the people he knew would vote the same way. Himself. Ayden. Mayson. Possibly Lola. Possibly Stephanie. "We have about four... maybe five. L-Let's face it: our only hope is to get some of the girls to flip over to our side."

Mayson grunted. "Yeah. I don't think it's going to be hard to flip Lola. You've seen how those two look at each other." Mayson didn't want Dimitri to go home because he hit it off with him earlier than he did with Fisher. Plus, the wolf got himself into a lot of trouble on the first day. He did it to himself, so it was hard for Mayson to feel any guilt towards him.

At that moment, Jordan came by. "Sorry, gents, just need a change of clothes." The panther disappeared into one of the other rooms.

Jessie turned to the others. "Where does he stand?" the fox mouthed. The others shrugged. "If we want Dimitri to stay, my group needs six people," Jessie calculated in the DR later. "Me, Ayden, Mayson, and Lola are for sure going to vote Fisher out. But we need two more. Right now, we have two options: either we try to pull Jordan and Charlie into the plan, or we can try to get more of the girls to turn on Elise. Neither option is easier than the other."

Elise invited all of the other women in the house into her HoH room later that evening. Herself, Jo, and Becky took up room on the bed. Vivian just stood around with a glass of water in her paw. Stephanie chose to sit on the ground in front of the door. Lola and Lynn sat opposite of each other at the chess table in the corner. "Alright, ladies," Elise began. "Right now, the power lies in this group right here." She indicated the seven of them. "So, we need to decide what works for us going forward: sending Dimitri home or sending Fisher home."

Nobody really wanted to say anything at first until Becky spoke. "I feel like Fisher is annoying. But at the same time, Dimitri is better at winning stuff."

"Fisher certainly is more bendable," Vivian agreed. Inside, however, she wasn't buying into any of this at all. Dimitri made it clear that he's here to fight. But for her game, Vivian wants him to stay because Fisher is a complete wildcard.

"Here's another thing to consider, though," Jo pointed out. "If Dimitri won HoH, who would be sitting on the block? Us. Plus, look at how he looks at some of us in here." Her eyes went straight to Lola. "Eyes some of us as if we're nothing more than eye candy. Perverted, I say. In my mind, he gotta go."

Lola was taken aback by this. And she aired those thoughts later on. "I was shocked by what Jo said," the dalmatian stated. "I know how Dimitri looks at me, and I've never felt violated or threatened by him. To me, that's not fair; we're all very sexual creatures, we all have our interests. Dimitri just so happens to be more open about them. If she's willing to say that kind of stuff about him... then sending Dimitri home is not what's good for me." During the meeting, though, she stayed silent, but she did bare her claws a little to herself.

After the group broke, Vivian and Lola went into the bathroom. Lola washed her hands in the sink; she felt dirty after getting that glare from Jo. Vivian came over and rubbed her back. "Are you doing okay?"

Lola just shook her head. "I felt like that was a bit disrespectful, you know?" she asked. "Like Jo doesn't know anything about him. Yet here she is throwing out judgements like that. And I hang out with them alot, so if she thinks low of them, does that mean I have to worry about her judging me?" She didn't want to think about it, but the thought made her want to cry.

"It'll be okay, girl. Don't worry about it." Vivian just kept petting her between the shoulders. After a while, Lola turned the water off and went to sit down next to the mirror. Her eyes kept flickering towards the hallway into the kitchen, where some of the other ladies were milling about the kitchen. Both of them could hear that they were talking about what to make for dinner.

Lola eventually turned back to the husky, with a notable new fire in her eyes. "What if this week," she whispered so that the others can't hear, only Vivian, "we just..." She twirled her fingers around each other. "... flipped? We send Fish home this week. Dimitri will continue to go after them and vice versa. That's two extra weeks for us, guaranteed." Vivian looked as if she was considering it.

Lola stood up, quickly getting within close range of her. "Please," she begged. "Please, I'm telling you right now, Dimitri will not go after us, he'll work with us."

"Truth? I think Lola is lovestruck over Dimitri," Vivian aired in the DR. "But as long as a bigger target than myself is in the house, it would be best for my game for them to stay. Plus, I've been wanting to bring up the idea of sending Fisher home to somebody. Now that I have this opportunity, I'm not going to waste it."

Vivian hugged her friend and whispered into her ear, "I'm in."

In the morning, Fisher woke up early to eat breakfast by himself. So far, it seemed to him like his plan of staying in the house was working. He hadn't really spoke to anyone since the nomination ceremony and what did Dimitri do afterwards? He started going crazy.

As the wolf was pouring himself a bowl of cereal, Elise come out, looking just as exhausted as he was. "Mornin'," she said, groggy. She didn't get much of a reply, but Fisher did nod at her in acknowledgement. Elise took a seat at the kitchen table and watched him make his breakfast. "You sleep okay?"

"It felt like sleeping on rocks," he answered emotionlessly. He tried to keep his eyes on the table while she was there. As he ate, he became a little annoyed at why she was staring at him. Just when he was about to say something, she reached out and gently patted him on the arm.

"I don't want you to freak out," she said. "But it looks like you're staying this week." The cougar gave him the best smile she could offer.

Fisher's eyes widened. "You're kidding?" he asked with a mouthful of Frosted Flakes. Some milk dripped from his lips.

"Please don't talk with your mouth full, and no I'm not kidding." Fisher sat back with his ears perked, allowing Elise to whisper so only he could hear. "Yesterday, me and the others were talking about who to send home and it sounds like they all agreed to vote Dimitri out." He could hardly believe what she was saying. If what she was saying was true, then he was in the clear. "But here's the thing: next week, if you happen to win HoH, you cannot put up any of my people."

"Mhm." Fisher wiped his muzzle with a napkin. "Absolutely." Of course, he had no intention of wanting to work with Becky or Jo but since he was on his last leg, he would do just about anything to stay in the game another week. If it meant dying a little inside, then so be it.

While everyone else was waking up, Vivian got into bed next to Ayden and Jessie. She had already talked to Stephanie about the plan and even thought she was reluctant, it sounded like she was on board. Now all she needed to do was recruit the men in the house. The two looked over to see who was joining them and before they could ask what was going on, she quickly hushed them. "I don't have much time to talk."

Ayden immediately stopped. He knew that whenever someone said that, what they were about to say was important. "So, are you guys planning on voting Fisher out?" she asked. They were put off guard. Jessie said nothing, so Ayden did all the talking. He nodded. "If Lola and I were to do the same, can you promise that we'll be safe next week?"

Again, another nod.

"I have no idea what happened," Ayden confessed in the DR. "I thought that me and Jessie were going to have to do some serious work in order to garner some more votes, then all of a sudden, two more just plopped right into my lap. Don't get me wrong, though, if the house flips, Elise and her crew... are going to be fucking pissed. And I don't know if I'm ready for that."

Vivian kept talking in a low voice. "At this point, we don't have much to lose. If we don't make this move... you guys will lose your strongest number." At this, she left the bed, giving the boys a lot to think about for this upcoming vote.


It was time. On Day 8, the house came together. Dimitri, in his tuxedo, and Fisher in his hoodie and jeans, sat in the two nomination chairs. By the end of this ceremony, one of the two gentlemen will be the first to leave the house for good. Over by the door, there were two large luggages with their names on it.

The way the voting process worked was this: the two nominees and the HoH were not allowed to vote, everyone else went into the Diary Room and casted their ballot for who should leave the house for good. The nominee with the most votes will then gather their things, and say goodbye to the Big Brother house for good. Each houseguest were given two minutes to think about any last minute changes while they were in the DR before they officially made their vote.

After that process, the votes were tallied, the results of which sit in a golden envelope that rests in Elise's paws. Everyone watched her as she began. "This is the eviction ceremony. As I have nominated Dimitri and Fisher for eviction, one of them will be leaving the house today. I have in my hands the results of the house vote. Before I reveal the vote, each nominee gets the chance to say some final words to say to their housemates. Dimitri, you may go first."

The lion stood up, having already prepared for his final speech. "Well, first I want to say that it's been fun getting to meet you all for the past week. I hope I don't walk about those doors first, because that would suck. But if I do, no hard feelings." He sat back down.

Fisher spoke next. The wolf had already come to terms with the possibility that he would be leaving and so, he had no filter in his speech. "As I stated on Day 1, Elise is coming after every single male in this house and so I hope you voted to keep me in here so I can try to target her and her little rat pack." He sat back down, looking smug. Becky, Jo, and Stephanie just looked shocked, mouths agape.

Elise didn't let his words get to her, though. She assumed he was saying that just to keep up appearances. "Remember," she continued, "when I reveal the vote, the evicted houseguest will only have a few minutes to say goodbye, gather his belongings and walk out the front door."

She flipped the envelope to the other side and started to tear it open. Both gentlemen sat up in their seats, terrified about the results and where the numbers would lie. Jessie huddled his legs up, unable to look at anyone. "By a vote of 7-4..." Dimitri notable reached over and squeezed Fisher's hand for reassurance. He rested his fingers over his eyes, not sure whether he could handle hearing his name. Until... "Fisher, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house."

It was a relief for both of them. Fisher just smiled and stood up. "It's been fun," he said. The wolf stopped to give everybody a hug in the living room, even Elise who told him Good game. He went over to grab his bag with the others watching him. Fisher smiled, wagging a little. There's no reason to be that sad. I still found a family. "Good luck, everyone." With those final words, he opened the front door. The others applauded for him at how well he did and the wolf disappeared into nothingness on the other side.

The door closed.

One down, thirteen to go.

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