Flames: Chapter 12
#4 of Flames
A story of a dragon shapeshifter in the middle of a war.
A few days has past since he'd signed the agreement. No one has come since he'd signed it, and no news as well. He checked on the agreement parchment once a day to see if that had any changes written on it, but nope, nothing was different. No changes were made on the agreement, making him wonder if the group of clan members had any idea if he signed it or not. He hoped they knew, as he wasn't one of the more patient ones. Once something was on his mind, he had to have it 'done' or 'abandoned'. It was just how he was. The faster everything was dealt with, the better.
Trying to get his mind off the agreement, he had chosen to get out of his cave and fly around for a bit. He was always obsessed with something that wasn't done, and that always made his mind clutter all over. And Rhy wasn't fond if that feeling. Not at all. So he opted for flying. At least he could get his mind off whatever was on his mind when he was flying. The wind blowing past his face, the sight beneath him, the sky above him... it all helped. He looked up at the vast sky above him, and saw clear blue. Looking down, he saw the stunning sight of miniature buildings and roads passing by. This was why he always flew at this level of height. If he got higher, up to the 3k feet atmosphere, he could see nothing but clouds covering up the sight below him. It wasn't that he didn't not like the sight of the endless clouds, he just liked to see the scenery below him better.
Having flown for a few hours, Rhy decided to land somewhere. After searching for a random landing spot nearby, which had to NOT have any people passing by, Rhy settled on a rocky clearing on a side of a mountain. It was on the opposite side of the nearby town, so it was a good spot for him. Once landing down on one of the bigger rocks, he tested the rigidity of the rock, and found it satisfying enough. It wasn't going to go anywhere anytime soon. 'Damn that was a good flight.' Rhy talked to himself, while reaching for his cigarettes. Yes, he was an addict by now, but he didn't care. Whatever helped him with his nerves, they were good enough to him.
Rhy took a deep drag from the cigarette. Damn it felt good after all that flying! He enjoyed that cigarette until it reached the end and threw it away. Then he sat down, with many thoughts passing through his mind.
'What kind of techniques and what kind of training am I going to have?' I thought. I was both curious and excited about the agreement, but at the same time was deeply worried. 'What if the events at Tuxion happens again?' I worried. Tuxion really didn't give me a good impression, and it'll probably stay like that until something changed, either with my mind or feelings. Maybe that clan of dragons will give me a different impression. I really hoped it would. Else I was going to live under the cave for the rest of my life, away from everyone. 'Whatever. I should get my mind off all this...' I thought, and reached for another cigarette from the pack. I put it in my mouth and was about to light it, when I saw something move in the corner of my eyes. 'Eh. Probably just some animal running around.' I thought, but a thought zoomed past me. It was too fast. No animal should be able to move that fast, even humans. No, it must've been another magic-wielding individual. I turned around, and indeed, something just tried to hide from my view. 'Well, you gotta be faster there, buddy.' I scoffed, and murmured 'Zennince' under my breath. There. Now whoever that was, was not going to go anywhere. At least I hoped it would be the case, as I knew it only worked on individuals whose magic power was weaker than me.
I slowly walked towards the sparse trees around the rocky clearing. I knew I saw the individual, whoever it was, hide somewhere around here. After a bit of searching, I did find someone. It was another dragon. A female, by the looks of it. 'Aennince.' I thought, and the female looked at me with wide eyes. 'Don't... don't hurt me! Please!' She stuttered. I scoffed. 'I won't if you don't have any ill intentions, any business with Tuxion, and answer my questions truthfully. And most importantly, not flare with my temper.' I said, growling. 'ok...' the female said, squirming under my glare. I glared at the female for a few seconds more, intent on making her uncomfortable and nervous. Indeed, it worked. The female tried to evade my glare, but she knew it wouldn't work. After a few more minutes of glaring at her, I reached for my still unlit cigarette and lit it. Taking a drag, I looked at the female. She seemed surprised, to say the least. Maybe smoking in the dragon world wasn't that common? Or maybe because I was underaged? Anyways, I scanned her while she looked surprised. She had green scales, and had two white horns sprouting from the back of her head. About the same size as I am, but was built differently. She had a slimmer build that I, but something told me that she could match my strength if she really wanted to use it. Her wings were almost a perfect match for her. Slim, long, but at the same time, something told me that those wings would have some strength under the looks.
The cigarette was about half way burnt. I looked at the green dragoness in the eyes and opened my mouth. 'State your business.' I commanded. 'I... I overheard there was going to be another dragon joining our clan, and wanted to see who it was before the official introduction. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that.' She said, clearly uncomfortable. My barriers got a bit softer at the apology. At least this female had common sense. After a few seconds of thinking, I opened my mouth again. 'So why didn't you just come up to me like a normal person or dragon would and introduce yourself? Why did you sneak up on me like that?' I asked, in a bit of a softer tone. 'I... I didn't have any idea of how to introduce myself. I was thinking of that, but you saw me first before I had any idea.' She looked at me in the eyes for the first time. They looked true, and apologetic. 'Ok. I believe you. But don't sneak up on me again.' I said, looking into the dark blue eyes. She nodded, looking finally relieved. 'You could get up, you know. I forgive you, as long as you don't have any ill intentions, and the way I see it, you don't.' I said, throwing away the burnt out cigarette and turning around. The female got up, a bit wobbly from being in one position for too long, and followed me.
I walked back to the stone I was sitting on before and sat. The female looked uncertain, but took place beside me. I pulled out another cigarette and lit it. The female looked at me then at the cigarette, then again at me. I noticed this and held out my pack of cigarettes. 'Want one?' I asked her. 'Go ahead if you do. But I'm not forcing you to do anything.' 'No thanks. I was just curious. It's been some time since I saw someone smoke a cigarette. And most of them who smoke them are old, not young like you. Why do you smoke them?' 'In short, addict. But I like them. Helps me concentrate better and relaxes me.' I replied. 'Oh.' The female said, turning and looking at the scene in front of us.
After a bit of silence and a burnt out cigarette, I looked at the green female again. 'What's your name? I can't call you 'green' or 'female' for forever, you know. I'm Rhy Quan.' I introduced myself. 'Keriona.' She answered. 'So you're part of the experiment?' she asked. My guard went up again at that. 'Yeah. Got a problem?' I growled, anger starting to build up again. Keriona looked surprised, and quickly apologized. 'No, no! I don't care about that! Sorry! I was just curious!' She quickly exclaimed. I sighed. 'You really do have a lot of curiosity, don't you?' 'Yup. I get to hear that a lot.' 'Seems like it.' Then a thought came to my mind. 'Are there any other experiments other than me?' I asked. 'Not that I know.' Keriona answered. 'You're the only one successful. After you, the experiment stopped for some reason. That's what I know.' 'Oh.'
'You're not much of a talker, are you?' Keriona asked me. 'Nope.' 'Can I ask you something?' 'What?' 'Are those markings natural?' she asked me, pointing at the red markings all over my body. 'I guess? Why? Is it uncommon?' I asked, curious. 'Never seen one with markings before. Just thought it was kind of cool. The red mane and markings and your black hide matches well, you know.' 'Well, thanks. Your green hide looks good as well with the way your body is built.' 'It's good when I want to camouflage. I bet that you wouldn't have found me if there were more grass around and more trees around!' Keriona joked. 'But you were frozen. I would've found you anyways.' I countered. 'Right. How did you freeze me anyways? I tried to unfreeze myself, but none of the spells worked! Can you tell me?' Keriona looked hopeful. 'Umm... no? I have my own spells, and I don't intend on sharing it.' 'Awwww. Too bad.' 'I don't know. Maybe sometime later?' 'Nah. Keep it a secret if you want to. Maybe I'll get it someday.'
'Where do you live?' Keriona asked me. 'You go first.' I said, not really wanting to reveal my location until I got her location. 'I asked first.' Keriona said, huffing. 'Fair, but I'm not telling you until you tell me.' I said stubbornly. 'Fine. I live with the clan in one of the houses. Now, your turn.' 'In a cave about two and a half hours flight from here to the east.' 'In a cave? Really? What are you? A primitive animal? You must be joking.' 'No.' 'Damn. Isn't it cold?' 'Not when you have some firewood and light them on fire. So what is it like living with the clan?' I asked. 'Nice, I guess. Everyone's kind, and we get along quite well, long as we don't get in a heated argument, which isn't common, but it also isn't uncommon as well. I guess it'll be just like the human society? Hey, I heard that you were going to train with our clan. Does that mean that you're going to come and live with our clan?' 'So they've known. That's good. Anyways, I don't know. Whatever the situation tells me to do, I guess.' 'Well, if you do come live with us, do tell me! I'll give you a tour of our clan's village.' 'I'll make a note of it.' 'Do you like flying?' Keriona asked me. 'Is that even a question?' I asked back, as she was asking a question with the obvious answer. 'Then let's go!'
Keriona jumped in the air and started to beat her wings to gain altitude. I followed, not wanting to be left behind. I pumped my wings hard, intent on catching onto the green dragoness. Just as I was about to catch onto her, she looked back at me, smirked, and put on a burst of speed. 'Oh, it's on!' I growled laughingly, accepting the challenge. I pumped my wings even harder, making me shoot past Keriona. But for some reason, Keriona's smirk even got bigger, making me wonder what was going on in her head. She adjusted her flight so she flew behind me, and started to gain on me. Panicking, I pumped my wings harder, and it did let me go faster, but still, Keriona was gaining on me. 'What?! How in the world is she this fast?' I thought, and still tried harder. 'No freaking way I am losing to this dragoness, no way! My ego won't allow it!' And just when I thought that, Keriona slingshot past me, leaving me in the dust. In the brief second when we looked at each other, I saw Keriona's mocking face. 'You just lost! To a female, no less! And did you even see the look on her face when she past you? Great job, Rhy Quan!' I scolded at myself. I eased down on my wings, and slowly returned to a normal pace.
'Awww, you almost had me! Too bad, Rhy! Maybe better luck next time!' Keriona taunted, and flew lazily beside me. I didn't speak. My ego hurt. 'You hurt, Rhy? Because you lost to a female?' Keriona taunted me again. I didn't reply. I didn't care to reply. My mind was still in a furious swirl of emotions. Sure, Keriona had longer and slimmer wings, and her body was obviously built more aerodynamically, but that didn't mean she could go that fast! Am I that under exercised? I thought I was fast! That shouldn't have happened! At least not with that big of a gap!
Keriona continued to fly lazily beside me, but she stopped taunting me. Apparently the anger on my face made her think that she should stop taunting me. 'You done scolding at yourself?' she finally asked. 'Because I really don't like being with a grumpy dragon.' She added. 'How did you even do that?' 'Skill, of course.' She said simply. 'Meaning that was your actual speed?' I asked, not wanting to believe what I heard. 'Well, I was slipstreaming behind you, to your credit, but I could get up to that speed on my own. It's not that hard.' She answered. 'Plus, I have a longer wingspan that you do. In fact, most of us females have longer wingspans than the males.' 'So that makes you faster?' 'Yup.'
While we were talking and having a flight challenge, we've come a far way. I didn't recognize the sight below us. I hadn't been paying attention to where we were going either. 'Umm...' I was really about to panic now. Where the hell was I?
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I tried to write this as fast as I can while balancing on quality as well. Don't know how it turned out, but I personally like it. My blog is coming up slowly, but if you want to visit, here's the url. www.blueemberwrites.com