Fifth Text: The reasons of love.

Story by Yuls on SoFurry

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"The heart has reasons, that reason cannot understand"

-Blaise Pascal.

Part 5: The reasons of love

She just did not care about the drops falling harshly on her fur. Maybe the cold water would make her forget everything that was running around her mind. No, it was not working; this feeling... this feeling is very strong to ignore it with a little cold. 'What the hell is happening to me?' She sat next to the chow tower letting all her fur getting wet.

Angel closed her eyes, and could hear the sound of the drops falling on the grass. The song of nature relaxed her chaotic mind for a while. She knew deep inside of her what was happening, but she just could not accept it as true. Her heart was supposed to be taken, her soul was supposed to be attached to the one she loved. 'But... Who's the one I love?' The question put her mind blank. That little question was the key, but she was stuck between her recent feelings about Lucky, and all the dreams she shared next to Scamp.

"Hey pup!" What are you...?" The voice stopped talking suddenly, Angel turned to see who was talking to her "A... Angel?"

"Who are you?" A slim figure approached to her, covered with a large leaf of a tree.

"My name is Spot; I was going to look to a friend." The chicken hastened to cover the already soaked pup. "What the hell are you doing out here?"

"Nothing... just taking a walk" Spot took the pup somewhere else, to protect her from inclement rain. They reached to a broken wagon; both of them got covered under it.

"I thought you'd be with Lucky right now." Angel opened her eyes wide, she could at last remember, Spot was one of the closest friends of Lucky.

"Uh... I was... but I..." She looked at her paw, she got up scared, and started to look side to side, desperate.

"What's wrong?" The chicken asked.

"My bracelet, I lost my bracelet" Angel continued looking around, watching carefully everything outside that wagon, no signal of the bracelet. "Oh...No!" She almost yelled very upset. "I can't believe I lost that..."

"A bracelet? Was it the bracelet that Lucky gave to you?" Angel almost blushed; Did Lucky told Spot everything that was happening?

"Um... it was a Christmas present..."

"Don't worry, Lucky got that thing to give it to you, and I saw you with that thing a couple of times."

"Well... I need to find it." Spot smiled looking ahead; the rain was falling harder than before.

"You don't want to get out now, let's wait until this rain stops, and I'll help you look for it."

"Thanks... but, I'd like to look for it now"

"Does that present means so much to you?" Angel just sat blushing again.

"Uh... It is... a very expensive present." Spot giggled.

"Oh pup; I have a case just like yours" the chicken pointed a wing in the direction of the Hiccup Hole. "Just now, my friend is trying to find her feelings about someone too. She's doing exactly the same... she's lying to herself." Now Angel looked to the point that Spot said.

"Lying... to herself?" Was she really doing it? Just avoiding what was supposed to be the truth? 'Am I really in love about him?'

"Yes, I just don't get it, why do you hide what you feel?" Angel sighed, looking to the ground.

"I do have someone, but... I don't know how to feel about all this stuff, these days have confused me a lot. I'm supposed to love someone else Spot."

"But you're not sure about that... right?" Angel kept silence again, she was right, she was not even sure if she was still loving Scamp with all that devotion. But she would leave soon, she cannot love someone she will not ever see again.

"I can't I just can't, I will just suffer." The rains was stopping, the sound of the drops was slower and quieter. Spot got out of under the wagon.

"Sorry if I can't help you find that bracelet, but I still have something to do" Angel understood, she was looking for her friend.

"It's ok, just take care, it was nice talking to you" Angel walked next to her while some drops were still falling on their bodies.

"Stop thinking so much with your head, and think a little with your heart" Angel smiled to her very thankful of her help.

"I need my head to stay in earth." Spot started walking away in the direction of the Hiccup Hole.

"A human said once: that the heart has reasons... that the reason cannot understand." Spot turned to give a soft smile to Angel, while she was looking at her impressed by her wisdom. Spot started to walk again, lifting a wing to wave to her. "Bye" She just said.

Spot was happy that she could make that confused pup to think a while. 'Maybe now she will take a decision'. Now she was worrying about Rebecca, maybe she got a terrible cold because of that rain. 'Now I'll have to take care of her'. She appreciated Rebecca a lot; she could understand all her suffering, because she could remember the entire story she had.

Angel was sat a long time on that wet ground. Her mind finally calmed, her heart, finally beating at one rate at last. She had her eyes closed, ignoring her mind, ignoring the reason. She just wanted to hear her soul, that deep place that has all the answers about us.

Heart has reasons, that the reason cannot understand. That phrase sounded so wonderful. She was now trying to find her heart, ignoring what could happen after the decision she would take. 'Now fresh wind... bring me the truth... about what I feel'. And the wind came, giving to her a nice smell, she could recognize it, it was unmistakable. She realized just that second, her heart had finally spoken. She found the truth under a cloudy sky, under a cold weather, but feeling a nice warm inside herself.

'I do love him' she finally decided. Smiling to the sky; thanking it for the big revelation that the clouds brought to her. 'We are what we are, we feel what we feel' she thought. And finally her ears caught that heavenly voice, the voice that she loved, that voice that could make her heart beat really fast.

"Hey!" She smiled and got up, blushing and knowing who was coming. And full of joy, she looked into his eyes, watching that wonderful pup running directly to her. 'Come here Lucky' She thought, being at that time, the happiest pup on earth. 'Come here... my love'.