TwoKinds: His and Her Predicament Chapter 7

Story by KantaWrites on SoFurry

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#2 of Old Fic Versions

RECAP: Natani talks to Clovis about Zen who had overreacted when he found out about their relationship. This then brought up Keith Keiser, Natani's former fiance who died in the battle at Edinmire. A couple days after things subsided, Zen decides to confirm his suspicions about Clovis and her new body as a woman. This lead to one thing after another and on the sofa with each other tangled up until Natani breaks up their fun.

Clovis decides to follow Natani after he leaves the cabin furious.

(May contain mature situations later on. Natani is referred to as he and Clovis she. Twokinds belongs to Tom Fischbach!)

Clovis looked around the forest close to the cabin where they stayed, trying to find the younger brother as she buttoned up the shirt that covered her chest. She never meant for things to get this crazy between the three of them. It took a few minutes before she realized that Natani stood near a tree by a river that ran through the wooded area, leaning on it with his arms crossed in front of his chest. She made her way over quietly and turned her back to lean on the tree as well, thinking of some way to start this conversation and not make it any worse than it had been. All she could feel was frustration at herself for letting Zen just pounce her on the sofa the way he did, not being able to control her hormones at all.

"What do you want....?" Came Natani's voice from the other side of the tree, hurt and embarrassment showing on his face from what happened back at the cabin. Clovis looked around and over her shoulder, biting her lip softly and thinking how to get the words out to her lover. " I'm sorry Natani...I shouldn't have gone down there when I knew being alone would tempt him to do something stupid like that....I should have warned you beforehand that my cycle was starting up...I only want to make it up to you...."

Natani wouldn't answer except just sigh and look down at the river that flowed by them, disappointment filling him as well as anger. He knew that being violent was no way to go and decided that talking this out may be their best option. " I should have known.....It's my fault as much as yours that I left you alone with my brother. I should know how hard it is to keep a heat cycle under control but I didn't think to make sure that you wanted to come with me for today."

"Natani...There is ....something else I should have explained a couple days ago with the attack in Edinmire.....I was there when it happened....The reason your fiance is gone is because of me.....I was only wanting to get back at you and Zen and I realize now that it should never have happened.." She replied, tears streaking down her blonde fur and her voice broke as she finished off the last bit before leaning back into the tree more with regret eating away at her.

The wolf teared up as well and broke down just as Clovis did, his claws digging into the tree more and small sobs erupting from his throat. The female half breed took hold of Natani's hand and looked back to him then back to the front. "Natani....I'll do anything I can to make up for everything including today. I'll do what I can to make you happy again...." Clovis stood there and thought about how in the past when Zen would make Natani mad like this, knowing how cute it was to see him flustered and being picked on by the older brother. It made her chuckle and Natani stopped sobbing a bit to look back at the half breed, then down to see her hand holding his as gentle as she could. "What's funny..?"

She shook her head and sighed, a smile coming to her lips as she wiped the tears from her face with the other hand. "Nothing. I was just thinking how he used to piss you off so much. You would be so mad at him for butting into our business or him being too over protective. Zen would try to be the father figure instead of the older brother but here it's happening again. Natani he got stupid about being around me but I think before all this he just wanted your happiness. He just wanted you to be safe and protected....You know what I mean?" The wolf held her hand more and nodded, wiping his eyes as well before cracking a small smile too.

"Yea I understand. I thought when Keith was protecting us from the attacks and telling Zen to get me out of there that he was doing this just to see me hurt. But now I realize that Keith and Zen wanted what was best for me and that was to survive." He laughed, turning to face Clovis and pulling her in closer for a hug and kiss to the lips. They stayed like that for a few seconds before puling back for air, staring into each other's eyes and their breath just mingling together while their faces were an inch apart. The female nuzzled her nose against his softly, chuckling at the notion and then nodded for Natani to follow back to the cabin. "I think he just wants you to have the best Tani.~ I remember when we were fooling around in our younger years just after he came to me for help to get your mind back. The night we had a little fun after one small drink and your brother went through your memory. The look on his face was priceless.~"

The wolf smiled and laughed as he walked with Clovis back to the cabin, spotting his older brother inside as he was getting a couple things cooked for dinner. Natani felt he wasn't ready for this talk to happen but he had to do something about this incident. Making up with Zen and talking it out was the only way to get it settled. They entered the house and Natani motioned for Clovis to go help in the kitchen, going up to Zen to pull him into the living room. The female half breed watched carefully, getting some of the dishes set out on the table and the rest of the food fixed in different bowls or plates.

"Zen....I know I overreacted a lot...but what you did with her upset me and I thinkn we can work this out somehow. If I let you well...satisfy her until her heat cycle is over." The older brother couldn't believe what Natani was saying about offering his mate to him as ways of meaning to work this out. "Natani you don't have to let me have my way with her. I overreacted too and I am just at fault as you are. "

"But I can't satisfy her how you can Zen....You know the female heat cycle as well as I do and I think you could possibly help just to get her worked up behavior cleared. We both know I can't just satisfy her by doing what I can." Clovis listened in and continued to work on dinner while setting it out on the plates. She knew Natani was right and hated to admit but it was true. She couldn't be satisfied unless she let Zen give her share of fill till after her cycle. Zen sat back down and thought about the whole situation and then looked over to the half breed who was listening in, "And you would be alright with this?"

She stepped out and moved over to the sofa, standing before them both and cleared her throat while messing with her braid. "I wouldn't mind doing this if it kept you two from fighting all the time. You two hardly fought like this till now...I don't want to see that happen and I didn't want to hurt Natani but this is my fault as well. I'll do it."

To be continued...