Mesozoic Park (Part 17)

Story by nitro_wolf on SoFurry

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#19 of Mesozoic Park

The voice broke trough the static "The Emergency escape team is on route!"

"Thanks!" I called back to the voice.

The voice asked "Haven't we had a Indominus escape before? What makes this one that much worst?"

"This is a adult" I said "The last one was over two years ago, with the runt"

"Understood" Said the voice "Dispatch out!" and the static ended.

I couldn't have been over 15 minuets for the Emergency escape team to arrive but it felt like an eternity. We had no good plan, we could only hope to drive him away from the park and throw everything at it, we are using live ammunition...

We where too late to put the makeshift plan into action, we got into the park and found that he has broken everything out, every last enclosure has at least one wall broken out, and there are blood stains and body parts implying the death of many times more guests than than any park would ever allow.

I felt sick and tried not to look, but I thought of every guest as a bit of a friend, so it was very hard to not look and not take it personally. Before leaving the main street, I turned to face it again with a tear in my eye "I'm so sorry everyone" I mumbled.

We where able to track the rogue Indominus Rex. I fired the first shot, followed by many more as he turned and roared as he charged. The bullets of even large caliber rifles did nothing to him as he grabbed, ripped and ate away at my team, forcing me to run away. He didn't chase me, he just watched and growled softly.

"Get off the Island!" and "we are in grave danger!" is what I shouted as I ran trough the remainder of the park. I ran into the lab and explained the situation to everyone... I than ran to Gena, I said "a Indominus Rex has escaped!"

"What!?" She asked

"Take Matt and get off the Island... I have to stop him!" I said

She was shocked, she exclaimed "you cant just leave us!" she pulled me close and hugged me "You'll die out there!"

"even if I do" I said "I'll stall her, maybe just long enough to let you two get away"

That just broke Gena, I've never seen her cry... But there is a first time for everything and she cried on my shoulder until I was forced to make her move.

The three of us ran, I said "this is where I say good bye, my love"

she said "Be careful, Jake" and kissed me.

I started running the other way and said "I will... See you on the main land!"

This time, I had time to think, I ran back to the Indominus enclosure and quickly explained to the runt whats happening as I tried to open the door to the enclosure before remembering the power was out.

A voice came through my radio, it was distorted so I couldn't tell who it was, the voice said "Jake, you'll never get this park open again"

"I don't need to" I exclaimed "I just need to save as many people as I can"

"Not if I can help it" the voice came back.

I shut my radio off "Runt, can you get out of here"

"I could for a long time, I just didn't" she replied.