Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 11
#13 of Crossroads
And thus, we enter part 2 of Crossroads. New friends, new enemies and who knows what else?
Remember to check out Lupine Catastrophe for Zack's side.
Crossroads--Chapter 11--A New Week
Monday dawned with a cloudless, sunny sky and when Chance arrived at school, he found himself in a slightly better mood than usual. Sunday had passed with no mention--positive or negative--of his date with Zack, though Chance was glad to see that his father wasn't condemning it...yet. As David had said it, he was "postponing judgment". Even now, as the car stopped in front of the school, David was maintaining a blasé attitude.
"Have a good day," David said.
"Thanks, Dad. You too," Chance said. His paw touched the door handle but he paused. He took a deep breath.
"What's wrong?"
"It's nothing," Chance said. "I'm just... thinking."
"About that jackal?"
Chance hesitated before answering. He couldn't tell by his father's tone if it was loathing or indifference. "Kind of..."
"I see."
Chance bit his lip, unsure of what to say to that. His father's expression was emotionless and his voice monotone. "Dad, are you still mad at me?"
"Are you still mad at Zack?"
"You should get going," David said. "Don't want to be late."
I'll take that as a yes, Chance thought sadly as he got out of the car. "I'll see you later. Three o'clock?"
"Three o'clock."
Chance nodded, going into the building.
There was something different about the school when Chance walked inside. It had taken him a moment to fully notice, but there was no denying it when he glanced around him. The students he passed, most of them anyway, whispered to themselves as he passed and he caught a handful of words.
"Zack's boyfriend!"
"That's the wolf!"
"He's Zack's boyfriend!"
By the time he got to his locker, the whispers seemed to have died down but he had only just closed the door when a cat had approached him, so rapidly that he seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Chance jumped back and suppressed his shout of fear as the cat looked over him. It took Chance a moment to recognize the face, but a name soon popped into his head.
"Hey, Charlie," Jamie Grady said. "What's up?"
Chance rolled his eyes. "Please don't call me 'Charlie'. Nobody calls me that."
"Nobody but Zack Bailey."
Chance hesitated. "How'd you know that?"
"Pretty much everyone knows you and he are a thing," Jamie answered. "Rumor has it that you two went out for ice cream on Saturday and he kissed your cheek."
"How'd you know that?" Chance repeated manically.
"I'm friends with that raccoon who works there," Jamie said. "Look, I'm not trying to harass you. Just wanted to see if it was true. If it is--"
"If it is, then what?" a strong voice said. At once, Jamie flinched and turned around, holding up his paws defensively as he stepped back. Zack stood there, arms crossed and eyes narrowed as Jamie hid behind Chance.
"Call him off," Jamie whispered. "I don't wanna die."
"He's not going to hurt you," Chance said, pulling away. "Right, Zack?"
"Right," Zack grumbled. "Mind getting lost, cat? I wanna speak to him alone."
"Ah, a lover's quarrel... I better--" Zack cracked his neck and Jamie jumped. "Bye! See you in gym!" And he was gone.
Chance sighed. "Did you have to scare him?"
"My neck was stiff," Zack answered lackadaisically. "Besides, I wanted to spend some time with you before class started." He got closer, putting his paw under Chance's chin. Chance looked upward into those blue eyes, smiling. "Had a lot of fun Saturday."
"Me too."
"Do I get a good morning kiss?"
"But we're in public," Chance said, blushing as he looked down.
"Just one?"
"I don't know," Chance said, pulling away. "I'd rather not let people know I'm"--he dropped his voice to a whisper--"gay."
Chance looked down, embarrassed. He could tell that Zack was disappointed, but when Zack spoke once more, he was calm and kind.
"It's alright," Zack said. "We'll take it slow."
"Okay. I'm sorry."
"Hey, no worries," Zack assured him. The bell rang suddenly. "Gotta get to class. But I'll see you in gym. Save a seat for lunch with me."
Chance had cringed when Coach Salt had announced it as a "fun break" from the fitness test practice. The class had split up evenly, with the coach setting the red rubber balls in the middle of the gymnasium. Chance kept close to Zack, who looked weirdly excited.
"Looking forward to this?" Chance asked him.
"I like dodgeball," Zack replied, cracking his knuckles. "Just don't get hit."
"I'll try my best."
"Don't worry," Zack assured him. "Just stick with me."
Four minutes into the game and Chance had managed to avoid getting hit. Few balls had even come his way and he felt strangely excited as the teams were whittled down to the more athletic students.
Then a ball hit his stomach. He doubled over and coughed and looked up just in time to see the flash of anger on Zack's face. Eyes narrowed and face scowling, Zack picked up the ball that had rolled to his feet, throwing it with so much force that the tiger it hit had been knocked over.
"Bailey! That's overkill!" Coach Salt bellowed. "You're out!"
Zack said nothing as he turned and looked at Chance. "You okay?" Zack asked kindly.
"Yeah, I'll be alright," Chance said, starting to walk over to the other students with Zack. That was... freaky...
Chance looked over, pausing just as he was about to take of his gym shirt at the end of class. Jamie was standing by his locker, shirtless and smiling.
"Hi," Chance said awkwardly.
"So, I noticed you and Zack couldn't keep your eyes off each other," Jamie was saying, eyebrow lifted in a knowing expression. "And I bet you liked it when he helped you with your sit-ups."
"What's your point?" Chance questioned uncomfortably.
"The whole school's buzzing about how a certain wolf turned that bad boy into a good boy."
"So what?" Chance asked.
Jamie stepped forward, putting an arm around Chance's shoulder. Chance suppressed a cringe of dislike as Jamie spoke again. "So, it's true, right?"
"So what if it is?" Chance asked.
"So, maybe you two lovebirds want to sit with me and my buds for lunch?" Jamie asked.
"Why would you want us to sit with you at lunch?"
"Could use a cool badass like Zack to boost my rep, you know?" Jamie remarked. "I--eep!" A heavy paw pulled Jamie away from Chance. Zack pulled Jamie away, eyes narrowed and face pulled into a scowl. Compared to Zack, Jamie looked positively puny, a cowering mess of nervous laughter. "Hi... Zack..."
"Any reason you keep harassing my friend?" Zack growled.
"I wasn't trying to harass him," Jamie said defensively. "I just invited him and you to have lunch with me and my friends, you know?"
"Hey, what if I want to?" Chance questioned.
"Do you want to?" Zack asked, eyebrow raised in interest.
"Maybe," Chance said. "Could be fun..."
"Right, just find us in the lunchroom," Jamie said and he went back to his locker.
"Do you really want to have lunch with that cat?" Zack wondered.
Chance shrugged, taking off his shirt. "I don't see why not... Zack, you might wanna calm down a bit. I think you scare people." He slid his regular shirt over his head.
"I'm going to let you get changed," Zack remarked.
"Hi," Chance greeted as he and Zack approached Jamie's table. Chance took his seat with Zack seated on his right and Jamie on his left. Zack immediately began to eat, scowling darkly as he looked around the table. Chance glanced around the table: a chubby lion was devouring a sandwich and a sleepy-looking jaguar was watching them intently.
"Hey, glad you guys could make it," Jamie said. He looked ecstatic. "These are my friends, Brandon"--the jaguar waved--"and Lonny." The chubby lion stopped eating to give a smile and wave, despite a shred of lettuce stuck in his teeth.
"Hi," Chance greeted. "I'm Chance. And this is--"
"We know who he is," Brandon interrupted. "Everyone knows who Zack Bailey is."
"Why'd you invite us?" Zack asked bitterly.
Chance sighed. He knew that Zack had been hoping to have a private lunch with him. "Please, Zack, be nice?"
Zack rolled his eyes and took a large bite of his apple.
Jamie shifted nervously in his seat and exchanged nervous looks with Brandon. "I just figured it'd be pretty cool to hang out with you guys, you know. I mean, you guys are the talk of the town. Well, school, but that's beside the point. And everyone knows what a badass cool guy Zack is!"
"Get to the point, cat," Zack ordered.
Chance nudged Zack. "Thanks for the invitation."
"Are you gonna eat that?" asked the chubby lion to Zack's right. Chance looked where he was pointing.
"You can have it," Chance said, handing over his orange. "I'm not really hungry. So..." Chance said awkwardly. "Do anything interesting this weekend?"
"Not really," Jamie said. "Been trying to write my column for the school newspaper. Which reminds me..." He reached into his backpack and withdrew a notepad. "Mind giving a few words?"
"About?" Chance asked hesitantly.
"Your opinions on Briarwood," Jamie said. "You're the newest student here. I figured it'd be a good story for the newspaper."
"Hey, if you're going to give an interview, I ought to get a pic," said the jaguar. He pulled out his phone. "You mind?"
"Yes," Zack said at the same time Chance said, "No."
"Okay...?" the Brandon murmured. "Should I take a photo or not?"
"Yes," Chance said at the same time Zack said, "No."
"How about we get the interview first and then take a pic?" Jamie suggested kindly. "I mean you'll still get your picture."
Brandon rolled his eyes and huffed. "Fine," he said petulantly.
"So," Jamie began, "Mind if I just ask a few questions? Won't take long."
"Sure," Chance said.
Jamie took a short breath and rushed into a series of questions. "How does it compare to your last school? What was your last school? What things do you like? What do you dislike? Who's your favorite teacher? What's your favorite subject? And are you looking forward to--?"
"Stop!" Zack ordered. "Just wait a minute."
Jamie fell silent and took a close look at Chance, who was momentarily overwhelmed and stunned by the barrage of questions. He rubbed his head, trying to force himself to stay calm. He felt a paw brush against his own; Zack looked down at him worriedly, but said nothing. "Um... just... one question at a time please?" Chance asked hopefully.
"Sure. So, what're your opinions on Briarwood compared to your old school? And what was your old school called?" Jamie said, talking slowly.
"Well, it's okay, I suppose," Chance said. "I mean, I wasn't exactly popular or anything at my last school. I was an average guy. All in all, I would say that Briarwood isn't too different."
"What was your old school called?"
"Southfield," Chance answered.
"What's your favorite class?" Jamie continued.
"I don't really have a favorite," Chance admitted. "Wasn't able to get into any art classes this semester. But I have to say I'm starting to enjoy gym a bit more. And biology, even if it stinks in the classroom."
"I see," Jamie said with a knowing smirk. "Is that because you have your hunky bodyguard to watch out for you?" Chance blushed and hurriedly took a long drink from his milk, although he drank a bit too fast. He started to cough and sputter and Zack quickly began to pat his back worriedly. "You okay, Chance?"
"I'll be fine," Chance managed to say. "I'm actually enjoying gym because I'm starting to get better at it. I used to suck at gym, but now I'm doing better."
"Isn't that because you're training him, Zack?"
Zack didn't speak. Jamie swallowed thickly. He leaned closer to Chance, whispering to him. "Does he hate me?"
"I don't know," Chance answered. "I think he's just upset."
"I'm not upset," Zack grumbled, leaning back in his chair.
"Well, Zack, do you have anything you'd like to say for the school paper?" Jamie asked.
"Not really," Zack said.
Chance sighed and stood. "Can you give us a minute?" He took hold of Zack's wrist, pulling him up and leading him into the hallway outside the cafeteria, eyes narrowed and jaw pulled into a frown. "Why're you acting like this?"
"Like what?" Zack asked nonchalantly.
"You're being kind of rude to Jamie," Chance noted.
"Not really," Zack replied. "I'm acting like I always do. If you hadn't noticed, I prefer to eat lunch alone." He smirked. "Or with just you."
"Well, why not with some new friends?"
Zack rolled his eyes.
"Zack, come on, please? At least try?" Chance asked hopefully.
Zack glanced at Chance and quickly glanced away, sighing heavily. "Alright, fine. I'll give it a shot. But you owe me a kiss for this."
"Can it wait until we're alone?" Chance asked.
Zack glanced up and down the hallway. "We're alone now."
Chance took one quick look around and hurriedly pressed his lips to Zack's. He pulled back after only a brief second. Face warming, he started to walk back into the cafeteria when Zack pulled him back for one more quick peck.
"Promise you'll at least be nice?"
Zack grinned smugly. "Sure."
"Hey, Chance."
Chance looked up from his locker. Sylvia had approached, smiling weakly.
"Hey, Sylvia," Chance greeted, giving a genuine smile. "How're you? How was your weekend?"
"It was okay," Sylvia murmured. "But can I ask you something personal?"
"How personal?"
"There's been rumors going around the school," Sylvia said. "Apparently, Zack Bailey's been dating a wolf."
Chance grinned and let out a small chortle. "Really?"
"Yeah," Sylvia remarked. "They say that it's a skinny white wolf that went out with him on Saturday. Sound familiar?"
"You're asking if it's me?"
"I'm asking if this 'Zoe' is actually 'Zackery'," Sylvia remarked. Chance sighed as he closed his locker, smiling fading. "Chance, are you... gay?"
Chance considered lying. It would be so easy to deny, but the look on her face made him hesitate. She didn't look angry, simply intrigued. Maybe slightly confused. "Is that bad?" Chance asked nervously.
"Well, no," she said defensively. "I just..." She sighed and Chance looked downward. "Well, congrats on finding a new boyfriend."
"We're still friends, right?" Chance asked.
"Yeah, of course," she assured him, playfully jabbing his arm. She was smiling again, though Chance wasn't sure if the smile was genuine. "Although, I have to know... What's Zack really like? Is he actually a cuddly little puppy under all that angst?"
Chance chuckled. "He's sweet when he wants to be."
"You really like him, don't you?" Sylvia wondered.
Chance nodded. "Yeah, I think I do... You still willing to tutor me? I could use some help with my algebra."
She giggled. "Really? Still?"
"Hey, I'm slow," Chance remarked. "So, tutoring?"
She smiled. "Sure. Get here tomorrow morning and I'll even look over your homework for you."
"Anytime, Chance. Anytime."
Dinnertime was quiet and almost uncomfortably so. Even as Chance started to eat his food (a nice lasagna), he felt strangely awkward, glancing from David to Michelle, then back down to his food. Perhaps Michelle felt uncomfortable too, for she soon spoke in a cheery, upbeat tone.
"So, gentlemen, how were your days?" Michelle asked. "Davey? Chance?"
"Good," David grumbled. "Wonderful lasagna, by the way. Just needs a little bit more salt."
Michelle rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. "I'll remember that for later," she giggled, sliding the salt shaker over. David took it and smiled at her, shaking just a touch of salt onto his food. She looked over at Chance. "So, how was your day? Anything good happen at school?"
Chance shrugged. "Not particularly. It was school," Chance answered.
"Did you see that jackal?" David questioned darkly.
Chance looked downward. "Yes. We have gym together," Chance explained and he noticed his father's paw lower, his eyes focused intently on his son. "And we ate lunch together too," Chance continued.
"I see..."
"I'm sorry..."
"It's fine," David remarked, though he still sounded detached. He took another bite of his lasagna.
"So, what's your jackal friend like?" Michelle wondered.
Chance looked up at her, and took a quick glance at his father's blank expression before speaking. "He's nice. He's a bit of a loner sometimes but he's really nice when he wants to be." Chance smiled, but the smile vanished when he saw his father's scowl.
"He seemed pretty nice when I saw him," Michelle continued. "So, are you guys official yet?"
David set his fork down on his half-eaten plate and looked intently at his son, waiting for an answer. Chance bit his lip before speaking.
"I don't know," he decided to say.
Michelle shrugged. "You know, I was thinking. Maybe we should invite his family over for dinner one night. Get to know them a bit."
"Really?" Chance asked.
"Of course," Michelle answered. "If you guys are going to be dating, we ought to get to know them, right, Davey?"
David shrugged. "Perhaps."
"Well, his parents went out of town for their jobs," Chance explained. "I don't know when they'll be back."
David's eyes narrowed. "They just left their kids without supervision?"
Chance winced, unsure of how to reply. "Well, their job keeps them traveling. Zack's responsible enough to look after his brothers."
"Hmm," David grumbled. "That still seems irresponsible."
Chance swallowed. He could feel his heart starting to beat a touch faster as he started to get nervous.
"I still think we should invite Zack and his brothers at least," Michelle suggested. "I think it'd be nice to get to know them a bit better. I can make a nice dinner and maybe we can put on a movie or something in the living room? What do you say, Davey?"
David's frown didn't vanish completely, but he looked a bit calmer. "We'll see. Maybe next week."
Chance nodded. After you decide if you're okay with me being gay... or is it Zack you don't like?