this is just a draft of me showing my Tru Form

Story by KyTheKrazKyuubi on SoFurry


stands still as he goes back into his mind to -that day- as he look at his memories he starts to growl and as he looking on his mind he screams and falls to the ground as his skin starts to fall off, as he screams he stand up with his skin falling off his body as a pool of his own blood starts to form under there feet his eyes starts turning black as the mid day sky starts to change as well from a bight blue day to a dark and evil feeling in the air as a Black furr starts to grow on his body as his tails loose all there fluffy and starts to become more bone like as his hands become claws as his spine starts to perice thro his back and at that moment he roars into the air as it could be heard thro out the whole land

as it seems to be all over his back starts to pulseate as two huge red and black wings Open up and spread out

Roars up to the sky making the whole ground shake