My Story Ch4

Story by ShadowFist18 on SoFurry

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#4 of My story

NOTICE: Jake and Adrian are my mine, so are the others even though they aren't that important they are still mine.

So, Adrian and I tried out ot the football team, we both made it. Our team made it to state and we won. So months after the fight Alan left Adrian alone. It seems when things are looking good for somthing messes it up. While out with Adrian, Derek, and I run into Alan's older brother Steve, who is a six eight huskey with red brown fur. When I saw him I clung to Adrian.

Hey Jake, haven't seen you in while. Congrats on winning the big game. Steve said

Thanks. Do you need somthing because we're kind of in a hurry. I said as we started walking, then Steve pushed me

Hey now, I just wanna talk. Steve said

Not today, we have to go, see ya. I said, we tried to leave agian but agian he shoved me.

Okay, the boy is trying to be cool with you now let us go. Derek said

Who are you? Steve asked

Derek, who are you? Derek asked

Steve, nice to meet you. Now Jake we need to talk. Steve said as he tried to pull me away from Adrian. Derek stopped him by getting in between me and Steve.

Leave him alone, we have to go. Derek said

At least my parents excepted my brother. Steve said. Now that really set Adrian off.

Fuck off budy before I knock your fucking head off your shoulders. Adrain said up to Steve's face

Oh, we do talk. Steve said

Steve, get lost befor we kick your ass. I said

Like that could ever happen.Fine, but next your big brother won't be with you. Steve said then he left.

I really hate that guy. I said

It'll be okay, if that guy ever mess with you guys agian let me know. Derek said

No bro, we don't you getting in trouble because of us. Adrain said

Yeah, we pretty much have the whole school behind us, so if we get in trouble we'll have help. I said

Alright, but if one of you stays home from school you both stay home. Derek said

Okay bro, we better get home befor mom and dad get mad.

So, Jake where did you get thoose gutiars? Derek asked

Random subject change. The SG was a gift from my uncle, the G-400 Goth I bought with my own money. I said

Nice, bro do you still have your old drum set? Derek asked

No we got rid off it. Adrian said

Oh, that really sucks. Derek said

Not really we got a brand new one, its a lot bigger than my older one. Adrian said

Yeah, we just need a base player, we have a singer, drummer, and two guitar players. We just need a bassist. I said

Well, I know some one who has a little brother who can play a bass. Derek said

Who, we might know him? Arian asked

He's a fox named Camron. Derek said

HA!! We do know him, he's dateing one of my bestfriends. I said

WOW! This is a small world. Derek said

Yeah it is. Adrian said. So when we got home Adrian went sraight to the weight room we had set

Where's he going? Derek asked

A mini gym he set up, he usually only goes there when he's really pissed. I said

Ah, so do you guys have anything writen yet? Derek asked

Yeah, sort of, its called Your Final judgement. Its about not excepting what will really happen in the end. I said

Ah, so can I hear it? Derek asked

No, we only have the words writen. I said

Oh, that sucks. Derek said

Yeah. I wish I knew what was up with Alan? He used to be cool and not an ass. I said

Well either he's just being a bitch or is jelous. Adrain said out of breath, his knuckles were bleeding

Other than Adrian what does he have to be jelous of? Derek asked I stared thinking Then it dawned on me.

We both dated Mark. I met Mark though Alan. They used to date. When I met Mark and we started to hang out, Mark left Alan for me so we things with Mark didn't work. Me and Alan dated. It was out of revenge, he better not live at the same house cause if he does I'm going to kick his fucking ass. I said

The End

Hope you liked it more to come. This may be the cleanest chapter in this series other than the cussing