Past Life Ch 3

Story by Louis Timberwolf on SoFurry

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"Dean! What's the matter with you!?"

Jeremiah and Dean faced each other in the cottage. Dean was sitting on an oak chair close to the table while Jeremiah stood by the doorway, crossing his arms. The kitchen and dining room is simple. An oak table stood on the center while being surrounded by four oak chairs, plenty enough for a person who lives on his own, like Dean. The black wolf just gazed back to the orange fox.

"What do you care about it?" he said harshly.

"Dean," Jeremiah sighed, "ever since five years ago, you've been holding this grudge to John. What did he ever do to you to deserve this?"

"That bastard went away for killing my parents, that's what!" Dean yelled as he stood up to the fox.

"He didn't kill them!!" Jeremiah yelled back. "Can't you get it through your thick skull!?"

"Have you lost your mind!?"

"No! You did! You can't accept the fact that the fiend killed them and you're blaming it all up on him!!"

"Jeremiah, listen!!"

"No, you listen!! I'm tired of all this fighting!! All you did was yelling at him how he killed your parents, even though the fiend appeared uncontrollably!! He was with me at that time!!"


"Shut up!!" Jeremiah stopped him. "He was helping me on buying your present!! Can't you get it in there by now!? I've already said it like a thousand times already!!"

Dean fell silent as Jermiah panted for air after yelling on top of his lungs. Dean has never seen this part of the fox before, so it really shook him up. Dean folded back his ears and hung his head.

"Sorry..." he sighed.

"What are you talking about?" Jeremiah said with a growl in his voice. "I'm not the one who's been accused of murder all the time. You should be apologizing to John."

"I know, but I'm also sorry for being an ass back there. I- I couldn't control my hatred. I always thought that he was the reason my parents are dead."

"He's trying his best," Jeremy said as he padded towards the wolf. He strokes his back as he continues to speak. "He can't be in all places at once, right? He also can't exactly detect where the fiends appear in the first place, right?"

"You're right," Dean sighed. "You sure took the loss of my parents easily."

"Hey, I lost mine when I was five," Jeremiah patted his back. "I know how you must've felt. I really can't blame you for hating him."

He turned his head to the fox and gave him an apologetic look. "You're right. Sorry for reminding you about that."

"It's no big deal," Jeremiah smiled.

"But..." Dean smiled. "Thanks for clearing this up for me."

Jeremiah blushed and pulled his paw away.

"W-well, I- I'm your best friend," he stammered. "I always try to help you, even when you're an ass."

"Aww... Thanks bud," Dean smiled. He pulled the fox and gave him a big hug. Jeremiah gasped slightly before enjoying tit. He murred silently as he felt the wolf's toned body on him. His scent reached the vulpine's nose and gave him a slight arousal. Jeremiah quickly broke the hug and stepped away slightly before the wolf noticed. Dean looked at the fox before pondering for a moment.

"Oh... Sorry for making you uncomfortable," Dean sighed.

"No! No! It's totally okay," Jeremiah said. "It just surprises me that you actually do that to me."

"Well, we are close friends, right?" Dean smiled.

"Yeah. Close," Jeremiah smiled back.

'God! I wish we could be closer,' he sighed in his head. A knock on the door stopped his train of thoughts. The two turned their heads towards the door and Dean opened it. A slim white rabbit stood in front of it with a blue light dress and hairbow. Her blue eyes gleamed as she saw the black wolf.

"Dean! Are you okay?" she said as she cuddled the wolf.

"I'm fine, Miranda," Dean repiled as he held the rabbit. "I got a little help from someone." Miranda peered inside to see Jeremiah sitting on the oak chair, watching their every move. Jeremiah felt a little jelousy rising inside him, wishing that he replaced the bunny.

"Thanks for helping him, Jerry," Miranda smiled.

"It's Jeremiah," he replied in a flat tone. "And no problem."

Miranda giggled and pulled the wolf close to her to give him a kiss. Jeremiah felt something inside of him broke and he choked up his tears. He slowly stood up and walked towards the front door.

"Hey," Dean called. "Where're you going?"

"Out," Jeremiah replied plainly as he close the door behind him. As he padded down the grassy fields, his ears were pressed on his skull, his tail drooped between his legs, and his eyes began to water. His ears perked up as he heard the front door of the cabin opened.

"Are you okay?" Dean called from behind him.

'No...' he said inside his mind. He just left the wolf without a word. He sighed and wiped his tears before turning his head to him.

"I'll be fine," he smiled softly. Dean just nodded and reentered his home. Jeremiah could hear the rabbit's giggles from where he stood. He felt his whole world crumbles as he continued to walk away from the wooden building.

'He's my best friend,' he sighed. 'How could I say it to him? He's straight. He probably won't like me anyways. We'll only end up as best friends. Nothing more...'

Jeremiah continued to walk with his blue eyes to the ground. The tears on his eyes dropped like a little April shower. He accidentally bumped into something and fell to the ground. As he was about to apologize, he noticed that it was only a steel fence. The steel fence of his home. He didn't notice that he was already home. He sighed and walked towards the front door. He entered the estate and ran upstairs. Terrance was on the stairs as Jeremiah passed the lion. Ter could see a glint of tear falling as the orange fox ran past him. He turned to the vulpine and looked at him as he continues to run towards his room.

"Jeremiah?" he said.

The fox continued to cry down on his pillow as his broken heart continues to shatter into tinier pieces. He heard a knock on his door and stopped crying. He sat up on the bed and took a deep breath.

"C-come in," he stammered. The door was opened and a white wolf entered the room. His blue and green eyes looked at the fox with concern. His ears were flat and his tail drooped to the ground. He closed the door silently and sat on the bed beside him.

"Hey..." he whispered.

"Hey..." Jeremiah whispered back.

"How are you feeling?"

"I feel miserable. What do you think?" Jeremiah replied bluntly.

"Sorry..." John looked away.

"Not your fault," he sighed. "How's your nose?"

"It'll heal..."


The two of them sat silently on the bed, looking away from each other.

"Uh... listen," John said. "If you want to, you can tell me about all your problems."

"No thanks," Jeremiah declined.

"I understand," John nodded. "Just remember, I'm here if you wanna talk, okay?"

"Okay..." Jeremiah smiled slightly.

"Come on. Smile some more," John said as he started to tickle the fox's ticklish spots, sending him into a long lasting laughing fit. The young vulpine dropped to the bed and squirmed, but the older wolf continued to tickle him without mercy.

"S-stop!!" he begged as he tried to catch his breath.

"Only if you smile," John chuckled.

"Okay! Okay! I give! I give!"

John stopped tickling him. Jeremiah panted and gasped for the air that left him for the last fifteen minutes. Jeremiah smiled as he sat back up. He quickly pounced to the white wolf, but John cartwheeled away to the side, avoiding the catch. Jeremiah was surprised and hit his head on the floor. Even though a rug covered it, it still hurts. He rolled into a ball and whimpered, holding his head. John noticed this and stepped closer.

"Jeremiah! Are you okay?" he shook the fox. He stopped when he saw the fox's sly grin. He was pounced once more and fell to the ground. Jeremiah was pinning him on the floor.

"My turn," Jeremiah smiled. He quickly tickled the wolf on the side, causing him to laugh uncontrollably.

"Je-Jeremiah!" John yelled as he tried to squirm. Jeremiah didn't care as he continues to tickle the arctic wolf. John quickly tossed and turned until he was on his stomach. As he giggled, he pressed the carpet. A magic circle appeared beneath the two and a water geyser emerged for a few seconds. Jeremiah yipped in surprise as the current brought him with John. As the geyser subsides, the whole room became very messy and wet. The two canines lay on the damp floor, panting for air.

"I'm not cleaning this up," a deep voice appeared from the doorway. The two picked up their heads to see Terrance standing on the doorway. His arms are crossed in front of his chest. As his emerald eyes scanned the drenched room. "It looks like a tsunami hits this place."

"A geyser, to be precise," John corrected as he picked himself and Jeremiah up.

"Well, clean it up," Ter smiled. "I'm gonna heat up lunch." He stood up and walked away from the room. The two canines looked at each other and smiled.

"Feeling better?" John asked.

"Yeah," Jeremiah smiled back. "Thanks... mom."

John stopped picking up the dropped furniture and spun around.

"What did you just call me?" he raised an eyebrow.

"M-mom," the fox blushed. "Y-you don't like it?"

"Why on earth do you want to call me that? I mean, I'm a male wolf."

"Yeah, but you're the feminine one of the couple, right?"

"T-that's true," John looked away, blushing under his fur.

"Plus, you always like to be called Joy, right?" Jeremiah grinned.

"O-only by Ter!" John stammered. "H-hey! Where are you getting at!?"

"Nothing..." Jeremiah turned away, holding his laughter. "So, you're okay if I call you mom?"

John only smiled and padded to the fox. He held him from behind and rested his head on his neck. Jeremiah froze in place of the sudden embrace.

"Jer, I'm honored to be called your mom," John whispered. "A little wierd, but honored."

Jeremiah smiled and turned his nody to hug him back.

"Jer, I know that I can't replace Gabriella's place, but I'll do my best to be come your parent," John said.

"Thanks mom," Jeremiah smiled.

"If you're calling him mom, does that make me your dad?" Terrance's voice rang from the door. The canines turned to see the lion standing there once more, except he's wearing an apron this time.

"Of course, dad," Jeremiah smiled as he stepped closer and gave the lion a hug. The apron smelled like roasted pork with gravy to the vulpine's nose. Terrance replied the hug with another.

"Now," Ter said, "as my first order as a parent, clean up your room."

"Aww..." Jer smiled as he released the hug. "Do you have to ruin the mood?"

"If I don't, we won't be eating lunch as a real family now," Ter smiled back. "Now clean it up. You too hun."

"Fine," John smiled. He raises his hand to the air and cast a spell. The glyph beneath him is light green and the symbols resemble the wind element. A gust of hot air surrounded the wolf and dispersed to several directions. All the fallen objects went back to its place and the water evaporated as the air pass through. Their furs are now dried up from acces of water and a little fluffed on the sidelines.

"Hun," Terrance stepped closer to the white wolf. "What did I say about using magic to clean up the room?"

"Well," John smiled, "the magic geyser was the cause of the mess. Magic being cleaned up by magic, right?"

"True," Jeremiah nodded.

"Besides, if we clean it up on our own, we won't be tasting your tasty pork and gravy," John said to the lion.

"Sounds like a plan," Terrance grinned. The two of them embraced into a kiss that lasted for a while. Jeremiah sighed and stared at the romance between the two. He daydreamed that the couple was him and Dean.

'But... that will never happen...' he sighed.

"Jer. Is something wrong?" John asked.

The fox looked up and shook his head.

"Nothing, mom," he smiled softly. "Just a little hungry, that's all."

"A little?" Terrance cocked an eyebrow. Jeremiah was about to ask when he heard his stomach rumbled loudly, creating an echo through the empty halls. Jeremiah blushed deeply as Terrance and John chuckled.

"Come on," Ter smiled. "Let's eat."

"Yeah!" Jeremiah wagged his tail. The two walked away from the room towards the dining room. John stood there and smiled. He stared out the window and stared at the sky. The same sky they used to watch everyday. He smiled softly and reminiced for a while.

'Hey! Do you remember what we talked about yesterday?' Gerald's voice rang in his thoughts. The vision of the orange fox began to clear up in his mind.

'You mean about when we're on our own solo missions?' John's arctic image asked. Gerald just nodded and gazed at the clear blue sky. 'What's on your mind?'

'Well, i was just thinking... whenever we're apart, all we have to do is just look up to the sky. We'll always be under the same sky. That way, we won't be alone, would we?'

John chuckled smiled softly at the sky. He turned around and followed the other two, not as close friends, but as one whole family.